Lecture 7: Chemical shift, one-pulse experiment General strategy 1. Define p at t = 0 2. Describe evolution of p using the relevant Hamiltonians usually several steps 3. Calculate the expectation value of the measured quantity (magnetization components in the x,y plane) as (M+) = (Mx + \My) =AfTr{p M+) The procedure requires knowledge of 1. relation(s) describing the initial state of the system (p(0)) 2. all Hamiltonians (^f7) 3. the operator representing the measurable quantity (M_|_) The procedure requires knowledge of 1. the operator representing the measurable quantity (M_|_) 2. all Hamiltonians (^f7) 3. relation(s) describing the initial state of the system (p(0)) The procedure requires knowledge of 1. the operator representing the measurable quantity (M_|_) 2. all Hamiltonians (jr) 3. relation(s) describing the initial state of the system (p(0)) Operator of measured quantity M+ = MX + \My M+ =Ni(tx + Uy) = A/V+ The procedure requires knowledge of 1. the operator representing the measurable quantity (M_|_) 2. all Hamiltonians (^f7) 3. relation(s) describing the initial state of the system (p(0)) Hamiltonian of static field Bq Ad,lab — -1bqIz Hamiltonian of the radio-frequency field Bi Phase = 0 (x): ^l,rot =(—7^0 — ^rot)^ — jBiIx = Q.IZ + w\Ix Phase = tt/2 (y): #l,rot — (—7^0 — ^rot)^ — l^lly — + u\Iy Chemical shift Hamiltonian Hg — —j(lxBe,x + IyBe,y + IzBe,z) — —7( Ix ly Iz ) °xx $xy °xz ( B0,x ^ 7( Ix ly Tz ) fiyx Syz B0,y = -7J y $zx Szy &zz j (Bo,z) H — ^0,lab + Hs,\ + Hs,a + ^S,r Chemical shift Hamiltonian Isotropic component (independent of orientation) Anisotropic (axially symmetric) component (depends on Be much faster oscillations than precession about Be,x, Be,y effectively average to zero on timescale longer than 1/(7^0) (~ ns) Terms with Be,xTx and Be,yTy can be neglected on timescales > ns y \ Be,x + \Be,y -(B0 + Be,z) \ J Averaging in isotropic solvent No orientation of the molecule is preferred all values of x are equally probable and independent of # cos 2x = 0 Zx = sintfcosc/? Zy = sin t9sin cp Z7 = costf Zl + Zl + = 1 Z2 + + z| = 1 3Z| - 1 = (3 cos2# - 1) = 0 Secular approximation Isotropic component: Hs,\ = -7B0S\(TZ) Anisotropic (axially symmetric) component: Hfta = —7^o^a(3 sin # cos# cos cpTx+3 sin # cos# sin (ply+(3 cos2 l)fz) Rhombic (asymmetric) component: H$r = —7^o^r( (— cos 2x sin tfcostfcosc/? + sin 2% sin # cos# sin ip)Tx + (— cos 2x sin # cos # sin ip — sin 2% sin # cos79 cos c^)7y + ((cos 2X sin2 79)^) Averaging in isotropic solvent Isotropic component: Hs,\ = -7B0S\(TZ) Anisotropic (axially symmetric) component: Hfta = — 7#o£a(3 sin # cos# cos cpTx+3 sin # cos# sin (ply+(3 cos2 tf—l)fz) Rhombic (asymmetric) component: H$r = — 7#o^r( (— cos 2x sin tfcostfcosc/? + sin 2\ sin 79 cos# sin c/?)fx + (— cos2xsin # cos # sin

0)) « R0 + Same equations as derived classically One pulse experiment HOMEWORK: Sections 7.8 and 7.9 Conclusions Density matrix evolves as p(t) oc (^xcos(Qt + 0) + ^sin(Qt + 0) + terms orthogonal to Magnetization rotates during signal acquisition as (M+) = |M+|e_jR2teiQt = |M+|e_jR2tei(^ (cos(Qt) + i sin(Qt)) unimportant phase shift which is empirically corrected Fourier transform gives a complex signal proportional to M-f2h2B0 R2 \ — I 4kBT \R% + (uo- Q)2 R\ + (u - Q)2; Signal p(t) oc (^xcos(Qt + 0) + ^sin(Qt + 0) + terms orthogonal to cosine modulation of Jx = real component of signal sine modulation of Jy = imaginary component of signal CO t CO t M |e-i?2£ei0(cos(Qt) + j sin(Qt)) Spectrum After Fourier transformation: Signal-to-noise ratio Signal/noise = K h2N\j\5/2B%/2 ,3/2 3/2 A B ^sample 1 _ 9—^2^2,max o ,1/2 il2 62,max Relaxation Relaxation: ~ l/i?2 f°r lon9 acquisition time t2,max l/i?2 ~ 6Drot/62 for large rigid spherical molecules 6Drot = 3fcBT 47rr3r/(T) 1/&2 = 7_2jBq 25^2 for chemical shift anisotropy, but chemical shift anisotropy is usually not dominant High field/high 7 usually advantageous (exception: 13C=)