Environmen degradation as a culprit of social issues „Na začátku arabského jara v Egyptě lidé vyšli do ulic mimo jiné kvůli nedostatku chleba. Ten vznikl, když Číňané vykoupili všechnu pšenici. A Číňané vykoupili pšenici, neboť Čína za sebou měla neobvykle suché léto roku 2010. Stejně tak v Sýrii ve městech protestovali farmáři, kteří sem emigrovali ze severozápadu země. Emigrovali, protože je globální oteplování připravilo o obživu. HN: A v Turecku? V Turecku nynější politická krize vznikla z toho, jak naložit s imigranty a jak se postavit ke kolapsu Sýrie. Obojí souvisí s proměnami životního prostředí.“ 2015 - 2030 Sustainable development goals (SDG) - Continuation of successfull 8MDG - set 17 goals with 169 sub-goals !!! 2015 - 2030 Sustainable development goals (SDG) - Continuation of successfull 8MDG - set 17 goals with 169 sub-goals !!! „many priorities = no priority“ How to prioritize the „best“goals? Smarter Global Targets to 2030 ??? Can the 1.7 m tall man change the Earth in 128∙1012 m2 ??? 0.37 Santa Cruz, Bolívia Al'Isawiyah, Saudi Arabia Almeria, Spain Brief history of the Earth Anthropocene - Geological term popularized by Paul Crutzen - From industrial revolution / WW2 (½ 18. cent or ½ 20. cent) - Period, when man become the most dominant force changing „the Earth systém“ Earth system – integrated biophysico-soci-economic processes and interactions among hydro-, cryo-, bio-,geo- a antroposphere in spatial (from local to global) and time scale, determining the state of the Earth in the space. Why should we care? A safe operating space for humanity (Rockström et al., 2009) 1a) In which geological period, and when human civilization arise and thrive? 1b) Why the development of our civilization was possible in this period? 1c) What can jeopardize a continuity of our development in the future? A safe operating space for humanity (Rockström et al., 2009) 2a) What are the “Planetary boundaries” about? 2b) Which Earth-system processes were identified (9)? I. Biosphere integrity – genetic x functional Biodiversity loss - 6. great species extinction in the Earth history - For the first time as a consequence of human activities - Threatened with extinction 13 % birds species, 23 % mammals species, 25 % conifers, 41 % amphibians - Insect? Biodiversity loss ? - Not enough data for insect - Loss of some species (e.g. butterflies, dragonflies…) - Some others are not changed, mainly pests (eg. aphids) - Some are more abundant - Species homogenization - Functional diversity is kept Importance of biodiversity Functional biodiversity ? Significance of biodiversity Functional biodiversity • providing and sustaining of ecosystem services • maintaining of the resistence and resilience of the ecosystems • even more important in the changing environment (climate, pH, eutrophication, etc.) Genetic (species) biodiversity • each species = unique surviving strategy • pool of know-how for the pharmaceutical, chemical, etc. industries (50% of drugs are of plants‘ origin) • source of an aesthetic joy • value of life itself 0 40 80 0 40 80 0 40 80 Percentage Species Affected Mammals Amphibians Birds Habitat Loss Over-exploitation Invasive Species Human Disturbance Pollution Natural Disasters Species Dynamics Incidental Mortality Disease Persecution Causes of the biodiversity loss = solutions? Evolutions traps – a case study - People are creating such environments where instinctive behaviour of animals (or populations) can be deadly for them „ Do you prefer the thing that's worse for you?“ III a IV. Biogeochemické toky P a N