May 17, 2021 Masarykova Univerzita, Brno, CZ, Astronomický seminář Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics Heavy metals in hot white dwarf stars Klaus Werner Contents Introduction: Astrophysical significance of element abundance measurements in stars Stellar evolution: neutron-capture nucleosynthesis Measured element abundances; comparison with predictions of stellar evolution models Atomic spectroscopy of laboratory plasmas Summary Introduction Chemical evolution of the Universe is driven by nucleosynthesis of chemical elements in stars Evolved stars return a significant fraction of their mass (up to 95%) to the interstellar matter (stellar winds, supernova explosions) This material is enriched with heavy elements produced in the stellar interior and dredged up to the surface by convective motions For quantitative modeling of Galactic chemical evolution we must know: The stellar yields of chemical elements, i.e., how much elements are produced by which stars? Metal yields are computed with stellar evolution models, but uncertainties in numerical modeling Biggest problem: Mixing processes (convection) and some nuclear reaction rates Only solution: Compare surface abundances, predicted by evolution models, with observations, i.e.: Quantitative spectroscopy is the only possibility to “calibrate“ stellar models wikipedia The “standard“: element abundances in the Sun wikipedia light metals | heavy metals → The “standard“: element abundances in the Sun wikipedia light metals | heavy metals → Fe group (Sc-Ni) trans-Fe elements → The “standard“: element abundances in the Sun Red giant star: interior structure +CO core material (dredged up) from Lattanzio (2003), modified All stars < 8 solar masses end their life with cessation of H and He burning, becoming white dwarfs. wikipedia Heavy elements in stars produced by • nuclear fusion (up to iron) • neutron-captures on heavy nuclei n-captures in red giants: “s-process” s = slow, i.e., time between n-captures long compared to half-life for beta-decay nuclide map detail Ag-Sb protons neutrons s-process in red giants Main neutron source is reaction starting from 12C nuclei (from He-burning shell): 12C(p,)13N(β+ν)13C(α,n)16O protons mixed down from H envelope depth H-burning He-burning Lattanzio 1998 Products of s-process nucleosynthesis in intershell region are not directly observable; hidden below massive, convective hydrogen-rich stellar envelope Dredge-up (convection) of s-processed material to the surface of red giants; spectroscopically detectable But: difficult interpretation, because additional burning and mixing processes in the convective H envelope blurr the picture Fortunately: Nature, in some cases, allows a direct view onto the processed material: hydrogen-deficient (pre-) white dwarfs have lost their hydrogen-envelope Hydrogen-deficient (pre-) white dwarfs Ca. 20% of all (pre-) white dwarfs are free of hydrogen Atmospheres dominated by He=60%, C=30%, O=10% (mass fractions) = chemistry of material between H and He burning shells in red giants (intershell abundances) Origin: these stars were already white dwarfs, but re-ignite He-fusion, “helium-shell flash”, “born-again” stars Consequence: flash-induced envelope convection H is ingested and burned, He-rich intershell material lifted up Measurement of element abundances by quantitative spectroscopic analysis Abundances of main atmospheric constituents (He, C, O) can be determined from optical spectra Heavy elements only accessible with ultraviolet spectroscopy (Hubble and FUSE Space Telescopes) Model atmospheres: plane-parallel, hydrostatic, radiative equilibrium, non-local thermodynamic equilibrium Fluorine (19F) Interesting element, origin is unclear: formed by nucleosynthesis in red giants stars or massive stars? Or by neutrino spallation of 20Ne in supernovae? Interesting to know intershell abundance of F, use H-deficient stars as “probes” Discovery of F V and F VI lines fluorine overabundant by factor 200! (Werner et al. 2005) Trans-iron elements Low-mass stars have produced ~50% of all elements heavier than iron in our Galaxy. Produced by neutron captures (s process) Large overabundances expected in hydrogen-deficient (pre-) white dwarfs Would be interesting to find these elements, and to compare their abundances with nucleosynthesis models Since 2012: discovery of 18 trans-iron elements in the heliumdominated white dwarf RE 0503-289 • FUSE space telescope observed UV spectra in 2000/2001 -- Large number of unidentified spectral lines; not seen in any other white dwarf star -- Problem unsolved for a decade Identification of krypton und xenon • 20 lines detected from Kr VI - VII and Xe VI - VII • Abundance determination possible, because atomic data available (energy levels, f-values [oscillator strengths]) • For atomic models: all f-values required (not only those for observed lines) Werner, Rauch, Ringat, Kruk (2012) Arsenic! In a dead star!! Identification of 18 heavy metals, highly ionised 21 | K. Werner EUROWD14 Montréal Trans-Fe elements in RE0503-289 Relevant ionisation stages: V – VII Problem: lack of atomic data. The luckier cases are ions, for which energy levels are known: can compute line positions and f-values One of these lucky cases: zinc > 2000 f-values computed (relativistic Hartree-Fock approach; Cowan 1981) → (almost) all the >100 Zn lines in RE 0503 can be matched Rauch, Werner, Quinet, Kruk (2014) Similar work was done for copper, gallium, germanium, selenium, krypton, strontium, zirconium, molybdenum, tellurium, iodine, xenon, and barium (Rauch et al. 2014-20) Abundance analysis of trans – Fe elements 2014 strongest zinc lines in RE0503-289 Trans-iron element abundances in RE 0503-289: current state • For other species (Cd, Ir, …): even energy levels unavailable • Badly needed: laboratory measurements of line positions → level energies mass fractions ~10-5 – 10-3 up to 100,000 times solar Open question: • Why are trans-iron elements so abundant? Could be result of: • either s-process nucleosynthesis in red-giant phase • or radiative pressure (“metal clouds“) • or both 26 | K. Werner EUROWD14 Montréal Trans-Fe elements in RE0503-289 s-process path through 99Tc From: Norbert Langer “Leben und Sterben der Sterne” Search for technetium in RE0503-289 • Tc is a key element to decide whether s-process played an important role to shape the abundance pattern • Only unstable isotopes, hence, any Tc in the WD must have been produced during previous red giant phase (a milestone: discovery of Tc in red giants, Merrill 1952) • Half-live of 99Tc is 210,000 yrs • Post-red giant age of RE0503 is 650,000 yrs, i.e. ~ 3 half-lives • Tc could still be present in the atmosphere • Problem: Atomic data completely lacking for Tc III and higher ions Search for technetium • 1st step: Quantum mechanical computation of energy levels and f-values Line positions uncertain, no identification possible, but: we can check, at what abundance level Tc has detectable lines • 2nd step: Observe laboratory spectra of Tc and derive energy levels Example: computed atomic data for Tc V Werner, Rauch, Kučas, Kruk (2015) level energies line positions and gf-values Tc VI lines in RE0503 model (Tc = 10-4 mass fraction) In preparation: Laboratory spectroscopy of technetium • Electron Beam Ion Traps (EBIT) facility at MPI for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg to produce Tc plasma (only minute quantities of Tc required, some 10-12 g; radioactive!) • 3m UV spectrograph attached (lent from BESSY, Berlin) • MCP detector from Tübingen (flight spare of ORFEUS space telescope) • Measurements ongoing Electron Beam Ion Trap (EBIT) Summary: Element abundances in hot H-deficient white dwarfs Stellar atmospheres mainly composed of He,C,O: Ashes of H- and He-burning, mixed up by final He-shell ignition We indeed see the direct outcome of nucleosynthesis that was at work in previous phases of stellar evolution (red giant). The observed element abundances are hard tests for stellar models and predicted metal yields. Light metals (up to iron): Abundances in accordance with models Heavy metals (trans-iron elements): new territory. Atomic data lacking. Laboratory plasma spectroscopy in preparation. May 17, 2021 Masarykova Univerzita, Brno, CZ, Astronomický seminář Heavy metals (trans-iron elements): new territory. Atomic data lacking. Laboratory plasma spectroscopy in preparation. Díky za pozornost ! May 17, 2021 Masarykova Univerzita, Brno, CZ, Astronomický seminář