Infrared reflectivity and lattice fundamentals in anatase TiO2 R. J. Gonzalez* and R. Zallen Department of Physics, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061 H. Berger Institut de Physique Appliquee, Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne, Switzerland CH-1015 ͑Received 9 July 1996; revised manuscript received 21 October 1996͒ Polarization-dependent far-infrared reflectivity measurements were carried out on single crystals of anatase TiO2 . The results were analyzed to yield the dielectric dispersion properties of anatase in the lattice fundamentals regime. The frequencies ͑in cmϪ1 ͒ of the transverse optical ͑TO͒ and longitudinal optical ͑LO͒ zone-center phonons were determined to be 367͑755͒ for the TO ͑LO͒ of the A2u mode, 262͑366͒ and 435͑876͒ for the Eu modes. The large TO-LO splittings were used to estimate effective charges. ͓S0163-1829͑97͒02009-2͔ I. INTRODUCTION The crystal forms of titanium dioxide ͑titania͒ are rutile, anatase, and brookite. They are wide-bandgap semiconductors, transparent in the visible, with high refractive indices. Rutile is the stable phase at high temperature and is by far the most-studied and best-understood phase. Because large single crystals of rutile have long been long available, the lattice dynamics of rutile TiO2 in the lattice-fundamentals regime has been studied by polarization-dependent farinfrared reflectivity measurements1,2 and by neutronscattering measurements as well.3 To our knowledge, no similar work has yet been reported for anatase TiO2, although there have been studies of the Raman-active lattice fundamentals.4 The near-bandgap optical absorption edge of anatase has recently been measured.5 In this paper, we present the results of far-infrared reflectivity measurements on anatase single crystals. The polarization-dependent single-crystal results are analyzed to yield the zone-center transverse-optical ͑TO͒ and longitudinal-optical ͑LO͒ phonon frequencies, effective charges, and polariton dispersion curves of anatase. II. EXPERIMENT Anatase crystals were grown by chemical transport reactions.6 As-grown single crystals were up to 5 mm in size, with an octahedral shape limited by ͑101͒ natural faces. Two crystals were used in this study. There were cut and polished; one to yield a surface containing the tetragonal c axis, the other to yield a surface perpendicular to the c axis. Alumina powder was used for polishing, the final grit size being 0.1 ␮m. The area of the optical surface was about 8 mm2 for the parallel-to-c surface and about 9 mm2 for the perpendicularto-c surface. The infrared measurements were performed with a BOMEM DA-3 FTIR spectrometer. A pyroelectric detector was used to cover the wave-number region from 50 to 700 cmϪ1 ; a HgCdTe detector was used from 600 to 5000 cmϪ1 . Spectra were collected with a 1-cmϪ1 resolution. At least 400 interferometer sweeps were added for each spectrum. For measurements with light polarized parallel to the crystal c axis, a wire-grid polarizer was used. ͑The low-frequency cutoff, determined by the polarizer substrate, was 200 cmϪ1 .͒ Reflectivity was measured at an angle of incidence of 11°, and was determined by comparison to an aluminum mirror standard. III. INFRARED-ACTIVE MODES OF ANATASE Anatase is tetragonal, with two TiO2 formula units ͑six atoms͒ per primitive cell. The space group is D4h 19 ͑I4/amd), number 141 in the standard listing. The structure is shown on the left side of Fig. 1. The c-axis is vertical, small circles denote Ti atoms, large circles denote O atoms. Oxygen atoms labeled with the same number are equivalent. The octahedral coordination of the titanium atoms is seen to be significantly distorted. The 18-dimensional reducible representation generated by the atomic displacements contains the zone-center ͑kϭ0͒ modes: 3 acoustic modes and 15 optical modes. The irreducible representations corresponding to the 15 optical modes FIG. 1. The structure of the anatase primitive cell is shown at the left. The c axis is vertical, small circles denote Ti atoms, large circles denote O atoms. Oxygen atoms labeled with the same number are equivalent. The center figure shows ͑ϩ͒ the position of the inversion center and the vibrational eigenvector for the A2u mode. Symmetry coordinates for the Eu modes are shown at the right. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 15 MARCH 1997-IVOLUME 55, NUMBER 11 550163-1829/97/55͑11͒/7014͑4͒/$10.00 7014 © 1997 The American Physical Society are4 1A1gϩ1A2uϩ2B1gϩ1B2uϩ3Egϩ2Eu . Three modes are infrared active, the A2u mode and the two Eu modes. ͑The B2u mode is silent.͒ The A2u mode is active for light polarized parallel to the c axis (Eʈc); the Eu modes are active for light polarized perpendicular to the c axis (EЌc). The vibrational eigenvector for the A2u is symmetrydetermined; it is shown in Fig. 1. Symmetry coordinates for the Eu modes are also shown. The actual Eu eigenvectors are mutually orthogonal combinations of these. IV. POLARIZATION-DEPENDENT REFLECTIVITY, DIELECTRIC FUNCTION, AND POLARITON DISPERSION Figure 2 presents our results for the far-infrared reflectivity of single-crystal anatase, for Eʈc and EЌc. ͑The frequency or photon-energy scale used throughout this paper is in terms of wave number, ␯¯ϭ␭Ϫ1 .) The Eʈc results, obtained for a surface containing the c axis, required the use of a polarizer which cut off below 200 cmϪ1 . The incident light was polarized perpendicular to the plane of incidence. The EЌc results, obtained for a surface normal to the c axis, required no polarizer and extended down to 50 cmϪ1 . ͑The 50–100 cmϪ1 range, not shown in Fig. 2, contained no discernible structure.͒ The theoretical curves included in Fig. 2 are based on the factorized form of the dielectric function:2,7–9 ␧͑␯͒ϭ␧1͑␯͒Ϫi␧2͑␯͒ϭ␧ϱ͟n ␯LOn 2 Ϫ␯2 ϩi␥LOn␯ ␯TOn 2 Ϫ␯2 ϩi␥TOn␯ . ͑1͒ The factorized form is more elegant than the classicaloscillator form,7,8 and it is especially appropriate to highly ionic crystals ͑such as anatase͒ which have large TO-LO splittings. When ␯LO is much larger than ␯TO , a single damping parameter ␥ ͑as is used in oscillator analysis͒ is inadequate and the factorized-form analysis is more successful.2,9 We carried out both oscillator and factorizedform analyses of the data shown in Fig. 2. Both methods give good fits ͑and essentially identical results for ␯TO and ␯LO) for Eʈc. But for EЌc, only the factorized form gives a good fit to the measured reflectivity spectrum. Table I lists the TO and LO frequencies corresponding to the fitted curves shown in Fig. 2. Also included in the table are the corresponding damping parameters and two sets of published calculations for the TO and LO frequencies using rigid-ion10 and GF-matrix4 models. The calculations tend to overestimate the vibrational frequencies and underestimate the TO-LO splittings ͑oscillator strengths͒. In the EЌc results of Fig. 2, it can be seen that the measured reflectivity shows a small dip ͑relative to the theoretical curve͒ near 750 cmϪ1 . It is not an accident that this dip occurs near the LO frequency for the other (Eʈc) polarizaFIG. 2. The polarization-dependent far-infrared reflectivity of single-crystal anatase. The Eʈc results, obtained for a surface containing the c axis, required the use of a polarizer which cut off below 200 cmϪ1 . The EЌc results, obtained for a surface normal to the c axis, required no polarizer and extended down to 50 cmϪ1 . ͑The 50–100 cmϪ1 range, not shown, contained no discernible structure.͒ The continuous curves included in this figure are fits based on the factorized form of the dielectric function ͓Eq. ͑1͔͒. TABLE I. TO and LO phonon frequencies of anatase TiO2 . Dielectric function fit to R͑␯¯͒ Published calculations Rigid ion GF matrix Frequency Damping ͑Ref. 12͒ ͑Ref. 4͒ Mode ␯¯ ͑cmϪ1 ͒ ␥ ͑cmϪ1 ͒ ␯¯ ͑cmϪ1 ͒ ␯¯ ͑cmϪ1 ͒ Eʈc axis TO 367 68 566 654 (A2u) LO 755 79 844 EЌc axis TO 262 36 329 169 (Eu) LO 366 4.1 428 TO 435 32 644 643 LO 876 33 855 ␧ϱ(Eʈc)ϭ5.41 ␧0(Eʈc)ϭ22.7 ␧ϱ(EЌc)ϭ5.82 ␧0(EЌc)ϭ45.1 55 7015INFRARED LATTICE FUNDAMENTALS IN TiO2 . . . tion. The dip is a consequence of the experimental geometry, the 11° deviation from normal incidence. The effects of offnormal incidence, for optically uniaxial crystals ͑two independent polarizations, Eʈc and EЌc), have been experimentally established and theoretically analyzed by several authors.11–13 With the c axis normal to the surface and the incident beam polarized in the plane of incidence, an Eʈc LO mode that is situated in frequency between a pair of EЌc TO and LO modes will produce a dip in the EЌc high-reflectivity plateau at the position of the Eʈc LO mode.11 Our measurements for EЌc were obtained on a normal-to-c surface using unpolarized light, which includes a component contributing such ‘‘leakage’’ ͑structure arising from the unintended Eʈc infrared response function͒. This off-normal-incidence leakage effect accounts for the 750-cmϪ1 dip observed in the measured EЌc spectrum of Fig. 2. There is a similar off-normal-incidence leakage effect for the Eʈc reflectivity when it is measured with the c axis and the light polarization in the plane of incidence.12,13 Since our measurements were carried out with the c axis and the light polarization perpendicular to the plane of incidence, this effect is absent here. The structure in the Eʈc spectrum near 640 cmϪ1 is not attributable to off-normal incidence. There is a Raman-active mode in anatase at 639 cmϪ1 ͑Ref. 4͒, but anatase is centrosymmetric so that Raman-active modes are infrared-forbidden and do not contribute to the infrared response. ͑Such modes are not turned on, in infrared reflectivity, by oblique incidence.͒ The weak 640-cmϪ1 feature in Fig. 2, if real, remains unexplained. The ␧ϱ values in Table I, for frequencies well above the lattice-fundamental regime, correspond to ␧’s at frequencies below the electronic interband regime. Using ␧ϭn2 where n is the refractive index, our ␧ϱ values correspond to refractive indices of 2.33 (Eʈc) and 2.41 (EЌc). Reported values of n in the visible region are14 2.49 (Eʈc) and 2.56 (EЌc), indicating that our n values are about 6% low. This does not affect our results for the TO and LO frequencies, which are predominantly determined by the shape of the reflectivity spectrum. We estimate the probable error in our frequency values to be no more than Ϯ3 cmϪ1 for the TO and Eʈc LO frequencies, and Ϯ5 cmϪ1 for the EЌc LO frequencies. From the experimental values given in Table I and the ␧͑␯͒ expression of Eq. ͑1͒, it is straightforward to determine the following spectroscopic quantities in the far infrared: the real and imaginary parts of the dielectric function ␧, the real and imaginary parts of the complex refractive index nc , the optical absorption coefficient, and the polariton dispersion curves ␯(q1), where q1 is the real part of the complex propagation vector describing the coupled photon-phonon wave in the crystal.15 We limit our discussion of spectroscopic quantities to the dielectric function and the polariton dispersion. Figure 3 shows the results derived for the Eʈc and EЌc dielectric functions for anatase, in the far infrared. The shaded bars highlight the TO-LO splittings, which are large. Polariton dispersion curves are shown in Fig. 4. The steps from ␧͑␯¯͒ to ␯¯(q1) are15 nc (␯¯)ϭͱ␧(␯¯), qc (␯¯) ϭ2␲␯¯nc (␯¯), q1(␯¯)ϭRe͓qc (␯¯)͔. The solid curves correspond to the experimental factorized-form parameters of Table I. The dashed curves results from setting the damping parameters equal to zero; they display the classical coupledwave from with qϭ0 intercepts at LO frequencies and q→ϱ asymptotes at TO frequencies.16 The light lines show the asymptotic slopes, which are inversely proportional to the optical refractive index ͑long line͒ and static refractive index ͑short line͒. FIG. 3. The dielectric functions of anatase TiO2 . These curves correspond to the fits obtained with the factorized form of the dielectric function. The shaded bars highlight the TO-LO splittings. FIG. 4. Polariton dispersion curves for anatase TiO2 . The solid curves correspond to the experimental parameters of Table I. The dashed curves result from setting the damping parameters equal to zero. The light lines show the asymptotic slopes, which are inversely proportional to the optical refractive index ͑long line͒ and static refractive index ͑short line͒. 7016 55R. J. GONZALEZ, R. ZALLEN, AND H. BERGER V. EFFECTIVE CHARGES The vibrational eigenvector of the lone A2u optical mode in anatase is fully determined by symmetry: the atomic displacements xTi and xO are parallel to the c axis and (xTi /xO)ϭϪ0.67. ͓The mass ratio (mTi /mO) is 2.994.͔ This presents us with an opportunity to estimate effective charges, using the approach of Kurosawa.7 Since TiO2 is highly ionic, we assign static charges (eTi* and eO*) to the ions and assume these charges move with the ions. This is a rigid-ion model, with dynamic charge17 neglected. The Eʈc dielectric function can then be written7 ␧͑␻͒ϭ␧ϱϩ4␲VϪ1 ͚ͫi ei*xiͬ2 ͚ͫi mixi 2 ͬϪ1 ͑␻TO 2 Ϫ␻2 ͒Ϫ1 , ͑2͒ where ␻ϭ2␲␯ is the angular frequency. V is the volume per TiO2 unit, xi is the displacement of ion i, ei* is the ion’s charge, and mi is its mass. From Eq. ͑2͒ and (xTi /xO)ϭ Ϫ0.67 and (eTi*/eO*)ϭϪ2 ͑crystal neutrality͒ and (mTi /mO)ϭ2.994, it follows that ␧0Ϫ␧ϱϭ4␲VϪ1 ͑eO*͒2 ͑0.30mO͒Ϫ1 ␻TO Ϫ2 . ͑3͒ Every quantity in Eq. ͑3͒ is known except for eO* , which is thus determined: eO*ϭϪ2.8e, where e is the magnitude of the electron charge and the negative sign is chosen for the oxygen ion. The result is reasonable, but somewhat large; we do not expect the oxygen ion to be more highly charged than OϪϪ , and any contribution from dynamic charge would be expected to reduce the size of the observed effective charge.18 Szigeti’s introduction of the local-field correction in the case of a cubic crystal19 reduces the effective charge by the factor 3/(␧ϱϩ2). TiO2 is not cubic, but the TO-LO splittings of Fig. 3 are larger than the anisotropy shifts so neglecting anisotropy may not be a terrible approximation. Doing this yields a Szigeti effective charge, for the oxygen ion, of Ϫ1.1e. VI. SUMMARY Single crystals of anatase, grown by transport reactions, were studied by far-infrared reflectivity. Clean polarizationdependent spectra were observed ͑Fig. 2͒, and the results were analyzed to yield the dielectric dispersion properties in the lattice fundamentals regime ͑Figs. 3 and 4͒. The TO ͑ and LO͒ frequencies of the zone-center phonons were determined to be ͑in units of cmϪ1 ͒: 367͑755͒ for the A2u mode; 262͑366͒ and 435͑876͒ for the Eu modes. The large TO-LO splitting was analyzed in terms of effective charges for the A2u mode, whose vibrational eigenvector is symmetry deter- mined. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are grateful to A. Gaynor and R. M. Davis of the Chemical Engineering Department at Virginia Tech for many discussions about titania, to B. Kutz of the Department of Geological Sciences for her help in orienting, cutting, and polishing the anatase crystals, and to G. Margaritondo of EPFL for his support and encouragement. Work at EPFL was supported in part by the Fonds Nationale Suisse de la Recherche Scientifique. *Present address: Sienna Biotech, Inc., Columbia, MD. 1 W. G. Spitzer, R. C. Miller, D. A. Kleinman, and L. E. Howarth, Phys. Rev. 126, 1710 ͑1962͒. 2 F. Gervais and B. Piriou, J. Phys. C 7, 2374 ͑1974͒. 3 J. G. Traylor, H. G. Smith, R. M. Nicklow, and M. K. Wilkinson, Phys. Rev. B 3, 3457 ͑1971͒. 4 T. Ohsaka, F. Izumi, and Y. Fujiki, J. Raman Spectrosc. 7, 321 ͑1978͒. 5 H. Tang, F. Levy, H. Berger, and P. E. Schmid, Phys. Rev. B 52, 7771 ͑1995͒. 6 H. Berger, H. Tang, and F. Levy, J. Crystal Growth 130, 108 ͑1993͒. 7 T. Kurosawa, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 16, 1298 ͑1961͒. Setting ␯ϭ0 in the factorized form yields the Lyddane-Sachs-Teller relation. 8 D. W. Berreman and F. C. Unterwald, Phys. Rev. 174, 791 ͑1968͒. 9 F. Gervais and B. Piriou, Phys. Rev. B 10, 1642 ͑1974͒; J. F. Baumard and F. Gervais, ibid. 15, 2316 ͑1977͒. 10 N. Krishnamurthy and T. M. Haridasan, Indian J. Pure Appl. 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