nating the kinetics of water release and mobility helping to reduce the energetic costs of correlated, local, side-chain movements (1). In effect, the proposed mechanisms ofantigen-antibov union show striking similarities to the induced fit mechanisms often implied in enzyme-substrate (15, 20) and DNA-protein interactions (24). REFERENCES AND NOTES 1. H. M. Geysen et al., Science, 235, 1185 (1987). 2. D. C. Wiley, I. A. Wilson, J. J. Skehel, Nature (London) 289, 373 (1981); H. A. Alexander et a., ibid. 306, 697 (1983). 3. A. G. Amit, R. A. Mariuzza, S. E. V. Phillips, R. J. Poljak, Sacenc 233, 747 (1986). 4. D. C. Benjamin at al., Annu. Rev. Immundo. 2, 67 (1984). 5. T. M. Fieser, unpublished results. 6. B. Schecter, I. Schecter, J. Ramachandran, A. Conway-Jacobs, M. Sela, Eur. J. Biocbem. 20, 301 (1971); B. Schecter, A. Conway-Jacobs, M. Sela, ibid., p. 321; A. Yaron, E. Katchalski, A. Berger Biopdymes 10, 1107 (1971); V. J. Hruby, in Pcrspectives in Peptide Chemic9y, A. Eberkc, R. 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Affinity measurements were performed by overnight incubation of serially diluted '25I-MHr with antibodies to MHr (anti-MHr) purified over Sepharosepeptide columns. Purified MHr (100 Iqg) was labeed with 125I by the chloramine T method and dialyzed ovemight to remove unbound 125I. The specific activity ofthe labeld MHr was calculated to be 14.2 Ci/mmol on the basis ofprecipitation by 10 percent trichloroacetic acid. The MHr antisera were affinity-purified over peptides conjugated to Sepharose beads by cyanogen bromide. Purified antibies were cluted by an abrupt change ofpH (diethylamine,pH 11.0), neutralized immediately, and concentrated by dialysis ayainst polyethylene glycol. After overnight incubation of serially diluted 125Ilabeled MHr with purified anti-MHr, the antigenantibody complexes were precipitated with 40 pA of Staphylococcs aureus, washed once with phosphatebuffered saline (10 w sodiumo hcosphate, O.15M NaCl, pH 7.2) and twice with 500 mM LiCl and 100 mM tris, pH 8.0, and the radioactivity was counted. Dilutions of MHr ranged from 3 x 10-' to 3 x 10-9M. Each concentratnon point was done in triplicate and the background values for the "preimmune" serum were subtracted for each point. Affinity constants were derived by Scatchard analysis, with the ratio of the bound to the unbound plotted as a function of the bound, and were expressed as dissociation constants [J. A. Bcrzofsky and I. J. Berkower, in FundamentalImmunotog,W. E. Paul, Ed. (Raven, New York, 1984), p. 600]. 14. F. Karush, in Comprehemi Immunotogy, G. W. Lintan and R. A. Good, Eds. (Plenum, New York, 1978), p. 85. 15. T. E. 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Warren, S. J. Oatley, J. Kraut, Scince231, 1123 (1986); R. Bott at al., Am. Chem. Soc. Symp. Ser., in press. 23. E. Westhof at al., Nature (London) 311, 123 (1984); J. A. Tainer at al., ibid. 312, 127 (1984). R. J. P. Williams and G. R. Moore, Trends Biochm. Sci. 10 (1985); J. Novotn~a al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.SA. 83, 226 (1986); J. M. Thornton, M. S. Edwards, W. R. Taylor, D. J. Barlow, EMBOJ. 5, 409 (1986). 24. J. A. McClarin at al., Sciecew 234, 1526 (1986). RCECENTLY HIGH-TEMPERATURE SUperconductivity has been observed in a number of doped lanthanum copper oxides near a metal-insulator transition (1), a pattern exhibited previously by (Ba,Pb)BiO3 (2). The crystal structure suggests that the Cu2' is in an S = 1/2, orbitally nondegenerate state, strongly hybridized with the surrounding oxygen p-levels, and this is in agreement with high-temperature magnetic data (3) on the stoichiometric, insulating compound La2CuO4. The appropriate model seems to be the basic nearly half-filled Hubbard model (4) with moderately large repulsion energy U and antiferromagnetic exchange constant I = t2/U where t is the site-hopping matrix element. The K2NiF4 structure is a wellknown case in which the magnetic layers are relatively weakly interacting, and in the temperature range 30 to 70 K we can assume magnetic two-dimensionality. This led me Departnent ofPhysics, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544. 25. H. M. Geysen, R. H. Meloen, S. J. Barteling, Proc. Nati. Acad. Sci. USA. 81, 3998 (1984); H. M. Geysen, S. J. Barteling, R. H. Meloen, ibid. 82, 178 (1985); S. J. Rodda, H. M. Geysen, T. J. Mason, P. G. Schoofs, Md. Immunod. 23, 603 (1986). 26. W. A. Hendrickson, G. L. Klippenstein, K. B. Ward, Proc. Nad. Acad. Sci. USA. 72, 2160 (1975); S. Sheriff, W. A. Hendrickson, R. E. Stenkamp, L. C. Sieker, L. H. Jensen, ibid. 82, 1104 (1985); S. Sherff, W. A. Hendrickson, J. A. Smith, J. Md. Bio., im press. 27. M. L. Connolly, Scienc 221, 709 (1983); J. Mo. Graphic 3, 19 (1985). 28. E. D. Gtzoffand J. A. Tainer, unpublished method. 29. We thank S. Sheriff and W. A. hendrickson for use of their MHr coordinates and temperature factors corrected for crystal contacts; R. Bott, D. R. Davics, W. A. Hendrickson, W. P. Jcncks, N. Klinman, A. J. Olson, E. Padlan, Y. Paterson, M. E. Pique, J. Sayre, S. Sheriff, and A. Tramontano, among others, for helpful discussions regarding the manuscript. Supported in part by grants from the National Institutes of Health (E.D.GUand R.A.L.). 11 July 1986; accepted 31 December 1986 to reexamine the idea of the "resonating valence-bond" (RVB) state (5). Early doubts about the nature of the ground state of the antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Hamiltonian = J2si (1) of Hulthen (6) and Marshall (7) (where ij is the spin at site i and innjindicates summation over nearest neighbors i andj) seemed to have been laid to rest by arguments from quantum fluctuations of spin waves in the NMl state (8) in >1 cdimension, and by experimental observations of antiferromagnetism. In 1973, however, Anderson (5) proposed that, at least in the triangular twodimensional antiferromagnet for S = 1/2, and perhaps in other cases, the ground state might be the analog of the precise singlet in the Bethe solution of the linear antiferromagnetic chain (6). In both cases, the zeroth order energy of a state consisting purely of nearest neighbor singlet pairs is more nearly realistic than that of the Neel state, and I SCIENCE, VOL. 235 The Resonating Valence Bond State in La2CuO4 and Superconductivity P. W. ANDERSON The oxide superconductors, particularly those recently discovered that are based on La2CuO4, have a set ofpeculiarities that suggest a common, unique mehanism: they tend in every case to occur near a metal-insulator transition into an odd-electron insulator with peculiar magnetic properties. This insulating phase is proposed to be the long-sought "resonating-valence-bond" state or "quantum spin liquid" hypothesized in 1973. This insulating magnetic phase is favored by low spin, low dimensionality, and magnetic frustration. The preeistig magnetic singlet pairs ofthe insulating state become charged superconducting pairs when the insulator is doped sufficiently strongly. The mechanism for superconductivity is hence predominantly electronic and magnetic, although weak phonon interactions may favor the state. Many unusual properties are predicted, especiafly of the insulating state. 1196 onJune10,2021 proposed that higher order corrections, allowing the singlet pairs to move or "resonate" a la Pauling, might make this insulating singlet or RVB state more stable. This state is quite dearly distinct from two other locally stable possibilities, the NMl state and the 'spin-Peierls" state of a self-trapped, localized array ofsinglet pairs. Each ofthese other states has a broken symmetry relative to the high-temperature paramagnetic state, and would exhibit a phase transition with temperature. Fazekas and Anderson (9) improved on my numerical stability estimates, and Hirakawa et al. (10) have proposed application of the RVB state to specific compounds. The triangular lattice is not the only possible candidate: the two-dimensional square lattice, for instance, will undoubtedly exhibit an RVB state if either or both of two possibilities occurs: a next nearest neighbor antiferromagnetic interaction strong enough to frustrate the Neel state, or virtual phonon interactions short of being strong enough to allow a spin-Peierls instability. [Hirsch (11) has shown numerically that the simple square lattice probably retains a magnetization but that finite U may favor the RVB state.] It is our hypothesis that pure La2CuO4 is in an RVB state; this proposal is supported to some extent by the magnetic susceptibility data ofGanguly and Rao (3). It is not easy to calculate with RVB states or to represent them. I want to give here a representation in terms of Gutzwiller-type projections ofmobile-electron states, which is probably not particularly useful computationally but is suggestive. This representation was in turn suggested by Rice and Joynt's remarks (12) on the Gutzwiller approximation to the Bethe solution. A single pair of electrons in a mobile valence bond along a lattice vector T may be written b+r to== (xCj Cj+l)l =0 (2) where b+ is the electron-pair creation operator, cj+ is the single-electron creation operator, and N is the total number of sites. A linear combination of all nearest neighbor bonds may be written bnn= LbT+ T=(XX) where nn indicates summation over nearest neighbors, or in general, ifwe want a distribution of bond lengths, the linear combination may be written as b = Ia(k) cktT c+A4 (3) A E N n B _ n N Fig. 1. Total energy E as a function of average occupation number n. (A) Insulating case. (B, Metallic case. N is the total number oflattice sites. with the condition on the expansion coeffi- cients 2 a(k) = 0 k (4) ifwe do not allow double occupancy. Unfortunately, if we now try to make a Bose condensation ofN electrons in mobile valence bond states by forming = (b+)N/2 to (5) this state contains large numbers of empty and doubly occupied sites. To make up a genuine RVB state we may try one of two roughly equivalent projection techniques. The simplest is the straightforward Gutzwiller method: form the projection operator Pd =U ( - ntnil) (6) where ni is the occupation number, and 'RVB = Pd(b )N2'Po (7) is our trial wave function. We may also use quasifermion operators with the double occupancy projected out (13), for example, = c4 (1 - n) and write b = a(k)c4kt c-A (8) k in Eq. 5. At this point we resort to the Dyson transformation between product states and Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) states. As shown by Dyson (14), if we note that (b,k)2 = 0 (with bkT = Ck1 CA4), 1 + akbk = exp(akbk) hence PBCS = fI(V'1- hk + Vbkbk)*0 exp [ k kb+]'PO (9) 6 MARCH I987 where hk is the variational parameter in the standard BCS treatment. Ifwe project TBCS on the state with just N12 pairs, we obtain PN/2'PBCS = [ [V k ]bkJ or, in other words, Eq. 5 is just a projected BCS function. These transformations are not singular as they are for conventional BCS. Thus our approximate TRVB is also related to the appropriate projection of a BCS function: I A1RVB = PN/2PdH[vvTN ak 4t+% + V1+aaCk C 0 (11) [1or =PN/iS2J [1a + ak C ] V1+ k In the insulating state every site i is filled once so that lakl might as well be constant, ak = + 1, and the wave function contains a "pseudo-Fermi surface" at which ak changes sign. There is no reason why this surface should coincide with the Fermi surface of any energy in the system, since the pseudoFermi surface is controlled by the condition that it divide k-space into equal halves and by the choice of T values for the valence bonds. The existence of a pseudo-Fermi surface, I believe, is real and the spin excitations may resemble those of a real Fermi liquid. This would explain the experimental observation of a Fermi-like susceptibility. On the other hand, considered as a solution to the Hubbard model, there is a gap for any charged excitation. By assumption, U is so large that adding the (N + 1)th electron costs an extra -Uin energy, relative to adding theNth, and the Fermi energy lies in this gap for the stoichiometric compound. There is a cusp in total energy as a function of occupation number at n = N (Fig. 1A). In this case the PN/2 projection operator may not be omitted. One may represent PNI2 explicitly by giving ak a phase e' and writing TRVB = Pdf doe-iN120 Ts I H'+ ] Thus in this insulating state there is no meaning to the phase ofak; a wave function with fixed phase contains states ofnecessarily widely different energy. Now let us consider the state obtained if we dope the system in order to remove the REPORTS II97 / Ck t C-A4 expi (k' T) APOk onJune10,2021 "half-filled" criterion and make it into a metal. From a "mean field" point ofview, as soon as the system is metallized it becomes a superconductor, since the pairing already exists in the RVB state, and an energy -J is required to break a valence-bonded pair. As shown in Fig. IB, as soon as the occupancy leaves N, there is no cusp in the energy, the compressibility becomes finite, and by the standard arguments the state can acquire a fixed 0 rather than n. As a practical matter, the effective mass of quasiparticles will be of order m* = WB, where 8 is the fractional doping n = N (1 - 8). Correspondingly, the coherence length to will be oforder kFto = EF 1 where kF and EF are the Fermi wave vector and energy, respectively, A is the energy gap, and the kinetic energy is of order tb. Thus the transition temperature TF will at first be dominated by phase fluctuations. (In actual physical fact, at first the dopant ions will be screened out by bound quasiparticles, and it will take a finite dopant concentration to metallize the sample.) The maximum Tc, oforder or less than t2/U = J, will occur when t/U -8 and kinetic and pairbinding energies match. Pressure will increase t and, within limits, increase T, as well. From a theoretical point ofview, the most exotic feature of these experimental results (1) is that they confirm the existence of a new liquid, only conjectured previously (3, 5, 10). This liquid is insulating only by virtue of a "commensurability gap," and therefore resembles the Laughlin state in the fractional quantum Hall effect (15). Both of these states may be described as "Mott liquids" since the basic physics is that of the "Mott transition" (16), and their key feature is that there is no symmetry breaking vis-avis the high-temperature state. There are several experimental consequences of the above. The key point is the observation of the RVB state in the stoichiometric La2CuO4, which should be easy with neutrons, especially ifthere is a pseudoFermi surface. Second, the pseudo-Fermi surface may or may not cross the real Fermi surface, defining lines of zeroes of the gap function. The occurrence of lines of zeroes and of antiferromagnetic correlations in some heavy fermion superconductors suggests a family resemblance to the RVB state, although the parameter values are totally different. Finally, I would call attention to the numerous unreproducible reports of hightemperature superconductivity in special samples of CuCl. In every case it is reason- II98 able to imagine a surface layer ofCu2+ with or without the appropriate degree ofoxidation; such reports should sharpen the search for still more RVB superconductors. It is also noteworthy that the first oxide superconductor, Li2TiO4 (17), dosely resembles NaTiO2, the only other likely RVB material. REFERENCES AND NOTES 1. J. G. Bednorz and K. A.Miller, Z. Phys. B 64, 189 (1986); J. G. Bednorz, M. Takashige, K. A. Muller, Europhys. Lett., in press; S. Uchida, H. Takagi, K. Kitazawa, S. Tanaka,Jpn.J.Appl. Phys., in press; H. Takagi, S. Uchida, K. Kitazawa, S. Tanaka, ibid., in press; R. Cava, R. B. van Dover, B. Batlogg, E. A. tietman, Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, 408 (1987); C. W. Chu et al., ibid., p. 405; C. W. Chu et al., Science 235, 567 (1987); Z. Zhongxian et al., Kexue Tong-bao (Beijing), in press. 2. A. W. Sleight, J. L. Gillson, F. E. Bierstedt, Solid State Commun. 17, 27 (1975). 3. P. Gangy and C. N. R. Rao,J. Solid State Chem. 53,19 (1984). See also K. K. Singh, thesis, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (1983); C. N. R. Rao, K. J. Rao, J. Gopalakrishnan, Ann. Rep. Prog. Chem. Sect. C 233, 193 (1985). 4. P. W. Anderson, Phys. Rev. 115, 2 (1959). 5. ___ Mater. Res. Bull. 8, 153 (1973). 6. L. Hulthen, Ark. Mat. Astmn. Fys. 26A, 1 (1938); H. A. Bethe, Z. Phys. 71, 205 (1931). 7. W. Marshall, Proc. R. Soc. London Ser. A 232, 48 (1955). of ocean. IDAL CURRENTS FLOWING OFF THE continental shelf or across reefs or banks produce large internal waves (1, 2). Those waves formed at the shelf break propagate onshore (3). Surface currents over the waves produce alternating zones of convergence and divergence. Flotsam swept into the convergence, if buoyant enough, will be trapped there and carried onshore. Some types of larval invertebrates and fish migrate onshore by this mechanism (4, 5). Most oils float on water and potentially could be carried onshore by internal waves. This study shows that floating oil (spilled asphalt) was swept up by currents over a set ofinternal waves, concentrated in the convergence zones over the waves, and transported onshore. To my knowledge, this is the first time that onshore transport of an oil spill by internal waves has been observed 8. P. W. Anderson, Phys. Rev. 86, 694 (1952). 9. P. Fazekas and P. W. Anderson, Philos. Ag. 30, 432 (1974). 10. K. Hirakawa, H. Kadowaki, K. Ubikoshi, J. Phys. Soc.Jpn. 54, 3526 (1985); I. Yamada, K. Ubikoshi, K. Hirakawa, ibid., p. 3571. 11. J. E. Hirsch, Phys. Rev. B 31, 4403 (1985); Phys. Rev. Lest. 54, 1317 (1985). Hirsch's simulations in these references are very sugestive confirmation of the RVB model of superconductivity. 12. T. M. Rice and R. Joynt, paper presented at the International Conference on Valence Fluctuations, Bangalore, 1987. 13. I am indebted for this suggestion to B. S. Shastry and T. V. Ramakrishnan. 14. F. J. Dyson, personal communication. 15. R. B. Laughlin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 50, 1395 (1983). 16. N. F. Mott, Proc. Phys. Soc. London Scct. A 62, 416 (1949). 17. D. C. Johnson, H. Prakash, W. H. Zachariasen, R. Viswanathan, Mater. Res. BuU. 8, 777 (1973). 18. I would like to acknowledge the hospitability ofthe Council for Scientific and Industrial Research and the Tata Institute at Bombay, in hosting my visit to Bangalore, where the key parts of this work were done. Discussions with many people there were helpful, especially T. V. Ramakrishnan, B. S. Shastry, C. M. Varma, J. Hirsch, and T. M. Rice. Also I would like to acknowledge discussions with I. Affleck and T. H. Geballe, and that my faith in the RVB state was sustained for many years by P. Fazekas. The manuscnrpt was prepared while P.W.A. was a Fairchild Scholar at the Califomia Institute of Technology. This work was partially supported by NSF grant DMR 851-8163. 23 January 1987; accepted 3 February 1987 and recognized, although it might be expected from the known properties of internal waves (6). On 21 June 1985 a large (about 1.5 x 106 liters) tank ofliquid asphalt burst at the Morehead City port in North Carolina (7505'N, 3504'W) (Fig. 1). Some of this asphalt spilled into the Beaufort Inlet and was carried out to sea by the tide. Three days later surface plankton samples (from the top 26 cm of the water column) were collected with a Manta net (7) (26 by 96 cm, mouth opening; 0.333 mm, net mesh) from the waters around a set of internal waves (8). The set ofinternal waves was about 4 km offshore (Fig. 1). Replicate (n = 3) 5-minute tows (>50 m3 of water filtered) were made in front of and behind Institute ofMarine Sciences, University ofNorth Carolina at Chapel Hill, Morehead City, NC 28557. SCIENCE, VOL. 235 The Onshore Transport of an Oil Spill by Internal Waves ALAN L. SHANKS Internal waves generated by tidal currents concentrated and transported an oil spill (liquid asphalt) onshore. Plankton net samples were collected in front ofand behind a set ofinternal waves as well as in the convergence and divergence zones over the waves. Tar "balls" were most abundant (greater than 30-fold) in the samples from the convergence zone. Comparison ofthe abundance oftar balls in front ofand behind the set of waves suggests that the internal waves "caught" about 68% of the asphalt encountered and concentrated and swept shoreward tar balls from almost 8 kilometers onJune10,2021 and Superconductivity4CuO2The Resonating Valence Bond State in La P. W. ANDERSON DOI: 10.1126/science.235.4793.1196 (4793), 1196-1198.235Science ARTICLE TOOLS REFERENCES This article cites 22 articles, 1 of which you can access for free PERMISSIONS Terms of ServiceUse of this article is subject to the is a registered trademark of AAAS.ScienceScience, 1200 New York Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20005. The title (print ISSN 0036-8075; online ISSN 1095-9203) is published by the American Association for the Advancement ofScience 1987 by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. onJune10,2021