Angličtina pro fyziky IV

10 JAF04 Conference Chapter I.

Conference programme - Chapter I.

Symposium of aspiring physicists of MUNI 

5 May 2021, 12 p.m. MS Teams

Opening speech: Dominik

1 Jan  - Raman spectroscopy                                                                              chair Dominik

2 František - Inkjet printed magnetic devices                                                  chair Pavol

3 Míša - Impact of data sampling and quality on the precision                    chair Katka

               of exoplanetary transit parameters 

4 Tomáš - Cell-free protein production for biophysical measurements       chair Ema

5 Pavol -  Design of the microstructure of the coatings                                  chair František

                  and its influence on mechanical properties

6 Martina - Protein structure determination by cryo-electron microscopy   chair Tomáš