Nepřímé odvození průtoku pomocí Manningovy rovnice Stanoveni drsnostniho soucinitele n (Cow a114956) nb=2i base value of n for a straight, uniform, smooth channel in natural materials, , nl =a correction factor for the effect of surface irregularities, n2— a value for variations in shape and size of the channel cross section, n3 =a value for obstructions, n4~a value for vegetation and flow conditions, and m — a correction factor for meandering of the channel. Manningova rovnice n Původní tvar rovnice pro imperiálni jednotky: n e Hodnota nb Base n value Median size of Smooth matenal (in millimeters) ™«<™ channel' channel Stable channels and flood plains Concrete............... — 0.012-0.018 0.011 Rock cut............... — — .025 Firm soil............... - 0.025-0.032 .020 Coarse sand............ 1-2 0.026-0.035 Fine gravel............. — — .024 Gravel................. 2-64 0.O2&-O.O35 — Coarse gravel........... — — .026 Cobble................. 64-256 0.030-0.050 — Boulder................ >256 0.040-0.070 — Hodnota n1 Channel conditions n value adjustment1 Example Degree of irregularity Smooth Minor Moderate Severe 0.000 0.001-0.005 0.006-0.010 0.011-0.020 Compares to the smoothest channel attainable in a given bed material. Compares to carefully dredged channels in good condition but having slightly eroded or scoured side slopes. Compares to dredged channels having moderate to considerable bed roughness and moderately sloughed or eroded side slopes. Badly sloughed or scalloped banks of natural streams; badly eroded or sloughed sides of canals or drainage channels; unshaped, jagged, and irregular surfaces of channels in rock. Hodnota n2 Channel conditions n value adjustment1 Example Variation in channel cross section («2) Gradual Alternating occasionally Alternating frequently 0.000 0.001-0.005 0.010-0.015 Size and shape of channel cross sections change gradually. Large and small cross sections alternate occasionally, or the main flow occasionally shifts from side to side owing to changes in cross-sectional shape. Large and small cross sections alternate frequently, or the main flow frequently shifts from side to side owing to changes in cross-sectional shape. Hodnota n3 Channel conditions n value adjustment1 Example Negligible Minor Effect of obstruction Appreciable Severe 0.000-0.004 0.005-0.015 0.020-0.030 0.040-0.050 A few scattered obstructions, which include debris deposits, stumps, exposed roots, logs, piers, or isolated boulders, that occupy less than 5 percent of the cross-sectional area. Obstructions occupy less than 15 percent of the cross-sectional area, and the spacing between obstructions is such that the sphere of influence around one obstruction does not extend to the sphere of influence around another obstruction. Smaller adjustments are used for curved smooth-surfaced objects than are used for sharp-edged angular objects. Obstructions occupy from 15 to 50 percent of the cross-sectional area, or the space between obstructions is small enough to cause the effects of several obstructions to be additive, thereby blocking an equivalent part of a cross section. Obstructions occupy more than 50 percent of the cross-sectional area, or the space between obstructions is small enough to cause turbulence across most of the cross section. Hodnota n4 Channel conditions n value adjustment1 Example Small 0.002-0.010 Medium 0.010-0.025 Amount of vegetation Large 0.025-0.050 Very large 0.050-0.100 Dense growths of flexible turf grass, such as Bermuda, or weeds growing where the average depth of flow is at least two times the height of the vegetation; supple tree seedlings such as willow, cotton wood, arrow weed, or saltcedar growing where the average depth of flow is at least three times the height of the vegetation. Turf grass growing where the average depth of flow is from one to two times the height of the vegetation; moderately dense stemmy grass, weeds, or tree seedlings growing where the average depth of flow is from two to three times the height of the vegetation; brushy, moderately dense vegetation, similar to 1- to 2-year-old willow trees in the dormant season, growing along the banks, and no significant vegetation is evident along the channel bottoms where the hydraulic radius exceeds 2 ft. Turf grass growing where the average depth of flow is about equal to the height of the vegetation; 8- to 10-year-old willow or cottonwood trees intergrown with some weeds and brush (none of the vegetation in foliage) where the hydraulic radius exceeds 2 ft; bushy willows about 1 year old intergrown with some weeds along side slopes (all vegetation in full foliage), and no significant vegetation exists along channel bottoms where the hydraulic radius is greater than 2 ft. Turf grass growing where the average depth of flow is less than half the height of the vegetation; bushy willow trees about 1 year old intergrown with weeds along side slopes (all vegetation in full foliage), or dense cattails growing along channel bottom; trees intergrown with weeds and brush (all vegetation in full foliage). Hodnota m Channel conditions n value adjustment1 Example Degree of meandering2 (m) Minor Appreciable Severe 1.00 1.15 1.30 Ratio of the channel length to valley length is 1.0 to 1.2. Ratio of the channel length to valley length is 1.2 to 1.5. Ratio of the channel length to valley length is greater than 1.5.