Výsledek obrázku pro micropropagation 05_Mikropropagace Množení in vitro Mgr. Hana Cempírková, Ph.D. Rostlinné explantáty Micropropagation is a method to produce genetically identical plantlets by using tissue culture techniques Micropropagation is an advanced vegetative propagation technology for producing a large number of genetically superior and pathogen-free transplants in a limited time and space. Typy mikropropagace •1) meristémové množení (apikální nebo axilární meristémy) •2) tvorba adventivních prýtů (z již diferencovaných orgánů, např. listy, internodia, listy cibulových hlíz, květenství, dělohy… - přes kalus nebo přímo) •3) kalusové, suspenzní a protoplastové kultury •4) somatická embrya a umělá semena • • IV. • Illustration showing and describing components of all four stages of micropropagation. Stage I, Establishment of Explants. Explant Source - soft wood shoots. Shoots are established in culture 2-3 months. Cycle 1 Development of small clusters of shoots. Stage II, Shoot Multiplication. Cycle 2 Small clumps of shoots increase 2 months. Cycle 3 - n Normal increase 2 months. Stage III, Rooting. In-vitro rooted in culture 1 month. Ex-vitro rooted directly in soil 1-2 months. Stage IV, Acclimatization. Plants established in individual cells. 3-4 weeks under mist. Total growth period in cells = 3 months. Plant in cell transferred to 1 gal. cans. Plant grows till it becomes a saleable plant. http://irrecenvhort.ifas.ufl.edu/plant-prop-glossary/09-tissue-culture/01-types/04-tctypes-micropro pagation.html Rejuvenace dřevin •Methods Mol Biol. 2013;11013:383-95. doi: 10.1007/978-1-62703-074-8_30. •In vitro rejuvenation of woody species. •Read PE1, Bavougian CM. •Author information •Abstract •Juvenility and phase change in woody plant species exert profound impacts on plant morphology and the ability of explants to be successfully propagated in vitro. Morphological characteristics such as leaf shape modifications, thorniness, and the inability to initiate flowers are associated with juvenility. Physiological maturity, that is the ability to reproduce sexually, is reached by many woody species only after many years of juvenile growth. As a result, micropropagation of woody species has historically been difficult with many plant species proving to be exceedingly recalcitrant. The importance of juvenility and its impact on successful vegetative reproduction in vitro has therefore received much research attention. In vitro technologies that have been demonstrated to induce rejuvenation include meristem culture, chemical treatments, pruning and hedging, forcing new growth, and taking advantage of epicormic buds, grafting and micrografting, and somatic embryogenesis. Applications of these technologies are discussed in this chapter. • Kultura pokračuje ve vývoji i přes nepřítomnost auxinů nebo cytokininů (hyperhydratace) – převodnění pletiv https://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S0304423806000689-gr4.jpg http://www.micronesialandgrant.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/1-In-vitro-cultures-of-pineapple.jpg mikropropagace ananasu http://www.micronesialandgrant.org/in-vitro-mass-scale-disease-free-pineapple-seedling-production-r esearch-and-multiple-demonstrations-on-sustainable-climate-smart-and-organic-commercial-cultivation / Fotoautotrofní mikropropagace • bez dodání exogenních organických látek (cukry, vitamíny…) https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yulan_Xiao2/publication/285928569/figure/fig1/AS:3227865905111 04@1453969728345/A-schematic-diagram-of-the-forced-ventilation-unit-for-supplying-CO-2-enriched_W64 0.jpg A schematic diagram of the forced ventilation unit for supplying CO 2 -enriched, humidified, and cooled air for photoautotrophic micropropagation. Growth promotion of Gerbera plantlets in large vessels by using photoautotrophic micropropagation system with forced ventilation, PROPAGATION OF ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 5(4):179-185 Komerční mikropropagace •http://www.micropropagation-services.co.uk/ •http://bestcarnivorousplants.com/dionaea/ •http://www.monfori.com/ • Výsledek obrázku pro micropropagation Innovative techniques of micropropagation (= in vitro propagation) •http://www.ivalsa.cnr.it/en/research/innovative-techniques-of-micropropagation-in-vitro-propagatio n.html •almost 25 millions the plants produced by micropropagation •many fruit species, but also ornamental plants and some vegetables • the optimization of specific microproagation protocols in semi-solid media, and the development of innovative tissue culture systems, such as somatic embryogenesis, the production and regeneration of encapsulated explants (synthetic seeds), the liquid culture in temporary immersion system (TIS) • Despite the many advantages, high production costs, labor-intensive process, requirement of sophisticated facilities and skills and the vulnerability of progeny plants to infections are among major limitation in the use of micropropagation. Unavailability of immediate market for the produced crops and the high cost of export and transportation are among other limitations while considering investment in the sector. Experts believe micropropagation is not economically feasible when practiced in small areas, suggesting the establishment of large-scale micropropagation plants for generating reasonable profits. • http://www.fao.org/3/ae574e/AE574E06.htm Commercial Production of Ornamental Tropical Foliage Plants: Micropropagation •https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/ep520 https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/LyraEDISServlet?command=getScreenImage&oid=7375783 https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/LyraEDISServlet?command=getScreenImage&oid=3820741 https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/LyraEDISServlet?command=getScreenImage&oid=13296039 •https://www.succulent-tissue-culture.com/EN/home Výsledek obrázku pro micropropagation cactus In vitro propagation of endangered Mammillaria genus (Cactaceae) species and genetic stability assessment using SSR markers, In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant October 2018, Volume 54, Issue 5, pp 518–529 • •http://zahradaweb.cz/rozmnozovani-okrasnych-drevin-mikropropagaci/ •http://www.janholub.cz • •http://www.profiplants.cz/kategorie/akvarijni-rostliny • •http://www.lesaktualne.cz/vyzkum/vedci-prispivaji-k-udrzeni-biologicke-rozmanitosti-drevin • •http://www.agris.cz/clanek/190191 • •Plant culture is used commercially •Culturing plants in the laboratory has become common practice, and this technique is used commercially to produce plants for the agricultural and horticultural industries. You may be surprised to learn that most of our native carnivorous plants that can be purchased legally are the products of tissue culture. It is illegal to collect most species in the wild, so producers pay for licenses to collect a limited number of specimens that they then use to establish tissue culture lines. Periodically, some of the descendent cultures from a line are subjected to growth regulators which cause them to develop into young plants that can be sold. • • Příklady využití in vitro rostlin v ČR Plant culture is used commercially Culturing plants in the laboratory has become common practice, and this technique is used commercially to produce plants for the agricultural and horticultural industries. You may be surprised to learn that most of our native carnivorous plants that can be purchased legally are the products of tissue culture. It is illegal to collect most species in the wild, so producers pay for licenses to collect a limited number of specimens that they then use to establish tissue culture lines. Periodically, some of the descendent cultures from a line are subjected to growth regulators which cause them to develop into young plants that can be sold. https://img.yumpu.com/22766639/1/500x640/micropropagation-universitac-de-liage.jpg https://www.amazon.com/Microclone-Tissue-Culture-Starter-Kit/dp/B01M7NDE10 Smajlík – Wikipedie