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background image for the introduction." } ] }, { "name": "backgroundImage", "type": "image", "label": "Background image", "importance": "low", "optional": true, "description": "An optional background image for the Question set." }, { "name": "progressType", "type": "select", "label": "Progress indicator", "importance": "low", "description": "Question set progress indicator style.", "options": [ { "value": "textual", "label": "Textual" }, { "value": "dots", "label": "Dots" } ], "default": "dots" }, { "name": "passPercentage", "type": "number", "label": "Pass percentage", "importance": "low", "description": "Percentage of Total score required for passing the quiz.", "min": 0, "max": 100, "step": 1, "default": 50 }, { "name": "questions", "label": "Questions", "importance": "high", "type": "list", "widgets": [ { "name": "VerticalTabs", "label": "Default" }, { "name": "QuestionSetTextualEditor", "label": "Textual" } ], "min": 1, "entity": "question", "field": { "name": "question", "type": 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the end screen", "default": "You got @finals out of @totals points" }, { "name": "overallFeedback", "type": "group", "label": "Overall Feedback", "importance": "low", "expanded": true, "fields": [ { "name": "overallFeedback", "type": "list", "widgets": [ { "name": "RangeList", "label": "Default" } ], "importance": "high", "label": "Define custom feedback for any score range", "description": "Click the \"Add range\" button to add as many ranges as you need. 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