25 Problem R-12N. Analyze the 1H decoupled 32.4 MHz 31P NMR spectra of a palladium-phosphine complex shown on the next page (Bartsch, R.; Carmichael, D.; Hitchcock, P. B.; Meidine, M. F.; Nixon, J. F.; Sillett, G. J. D. J. Chem. Soc, Chem. Commun. 1988, 1615). (a) Identify all signals in the low temperature spectrum (-75 °C), and report approximate coupling constants using the form: 8 _, xJi_2 -_Hz. Use the numberings shown on the structure. For each signal briefly give your reasoning for the assignment. This is the P closest to the two PEt3 groups, so expect triplet splitting. Me3C 2 P4Et The dtd (J = 502, 49, 22 Hz) at 8-17 is the only signal that shows a *\r>^* ' p3cy i triplet, so this must be P1, which should also be coupled to both P2 And I 3O.p PP c' P3, as observed. ^( p5F P3Et, 8 -17, 1JP1„p2 = 502 Hz, 2JP1„p4/5 = 49 Hz, 2JP1_P3 = 20 Hz Me3C P2 should also show the large 1J to P1, so it must be the dd (J = 500, 45 Hz) at 8 18. P1 and P2 form an ABXY2 system, would need to do an AB quartet calculation to get accurate chemical shifts C22H28CIP5Pd 8 18, 1JP1_P2 = 500 Hz, 2JP1_P3 = 40 Hz P3 is coupled to both P1 and P2 (dd, J = 46, 25 Hz), so it has to be the 8 112 signal 8 112, 2JP3_p2 = 40 Hz, 2JP3_P1 = 20 Hz This is the signal with double area at 8 -122, d, J = 48 Hz p4 p5 8 -122, %m_P1 = 46 Hz 8 (b) Identify the process which is responsible for the changes in the NMR spectrum at the higher temperatures (-30 °C and +50 °C). The signal at -122 ppm in the +50 °C spectrum is a triplet. Draw a structure or an equation. The Pd migrates back and forth between P1 and P2, so their chemical shifts are averaged, and both P3 and P4/P5 become triplets, equally coupled to both. Since the two coupling constants are fairly close (expect the P4/P5 coupling to be (49+0)/2 = 25, and P3 coupling to be (40+20)/2 = 30 Hz in size, the pVp2 signal becomes an approximate quartet. The exchange is intramolecular, since the coupling between pVp2 and P4/P5 is maintained in the high temperature spectrum Me3C Me3C \ \ Pd(PEt3)2CI />p _ /Xp Pd(PEt3)2CI Me3C Me3C (c) What is the proton frequency (MHz) of the spectrometer which was used for these spectra? 32.4x(100/40.49) = 80 MHz 3 Problem R-12N. 32.4 MHz ^P-^H} NMR spectra Solvent toluene-d (Source: Chem. Commun. 1988, 1615) +50 °C ppm