PyMOL Open the pdb-file • PyMOL -> File -> Open (*.pdb/*.cif/*.pse) • fetch pdbID (for example: fetch 1k1g) Interface A => actions S => show (representation) H => hide (representation) L => label C => coloring Mouse mode => 3-Button Viewing/Editing (PyMOL -> Mouse …. options for mouse modes) State => assembly 1/20 (NMR structures) 1/1 (crystall structures) F => full screen mode S => show sequence (PyMOL -> Display -> SequenceMode) NMR vs crystal structure NMR -> hydrogen atom • set all_states, on • intra_fit name • split_states Crystal structure -> no hydrogen atoms PyMOL -> Actions -> add hydrogens • hide (solvent) • remove what Representation • split_chains Rename chain/selection • set_name old name, new name (set_name 1k1g_A,protein) (set_name 1k1g_B, RNA) Hide PyMOL -> Hide (H) -> lines/sticks/cartoon/ribbon/labels/… • hide what (hide lines) Show PyMOL -> Show (S) -> lines/sticks/cartoon/ribbon/labels/… • show what (show cartoon) • dss (defines secondary structure based on backbone geometry and hydrogen bonding patterns) Color PyMOL -> Color (C) -> by element/chain/side chain/representation/ Label PyMOL -> Label (L) -> residues/chains/atom names Label appearance: PyMOL -> Settings -> Label -> Size/Font • set label_color, color • set label_size, 10 (points, default is 14) To move label: PyMOL -> Mouse -> 3-Button Editing => ctrl + left mouse button Clear label: PyMOL -> Label (L) -> clear Selection • select name (select RNA) Residue: (resn, r. or i. ) • select resn res (select resn arg) or select r. residue • select resn res+res+res (select resn arg+lys ) or select r. res+res+res • select resi 156-162 Atom type: • select name atom type (select name ca) or select n. atom type Complex characterisation Distance measurements: PyMOL -> Wizard -> Measurement pick first atom => pick second atom units: angstroms (Å) • distance 1. residue number/atom type, 2. residue number/atom type (distance 177/O, 511/H62) measurement editing -> A, S, H, L, C options Electrostatics: PyMOL -> Actions (A) -> generate -> vacuum electrostatics Find polar contacts: PyMOL -> Actions (A) -> find-> polar contacts Save Save session: PyMOL -> File-> save session (save session as) ( name.pse ) Save molecule: save molecule/ selection as pdb/cif file (coordinates) PyMOL -> File-> Save Molecule (whole molecule/selection) Save image: PyMOL -> File-> Save Image -> PNG Image PyMOL -> Display -> background/shadows/colors/grid/quality/reflection/… PyMOL -> Settings -> Label/Cartoon/Surface/Transparency/…. Rendering PyMOL -> Settings -> Shadows/…. Ray button