C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -1Petr Kulhánek kulhanek@chemi.muni.cz National Centre for Biomolecular Research, Faculty of Science Masaryk University, Kamenice 5, CZ-62500 Brno JS/2022 Present Form of Teaching: Rev3 Lesson 4 Phenomenological thermodynamics (spontaneity of processes) C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling TSM Modelling Molecular Structures C9087 Computational Chemistry for Structural Biology C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -2- Overview C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -3- Thermodynamics Or what you should already know…. C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -4The system and its environment system environment system - the part of space and its material contents, which is the subject of thermodynamic consideration the system is separated from the environment by real or fictional walls System types Description isolated system walls protects exchange of matter and energy with the environment closed system walls protects exchange of matter to the environment, but it can exchange energy with it open system it can exchange matter and energy with the environment C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -5System state and its properties System state can be described by properties (mass, volume, temperature, pressure, etc.), which are needed for the full state description. Thermodynamic properties are state functions. The state functions ​​do not depend on the way how the system got into the given state. Heat and work are NOT state functions. Thermodynamic properties can be divided into two groups: Extensive properties: depend on the mass of the system and are additive. The value of the extensive property is equal to the sum of individual parts of which the system is composed. Examples are weight, energy, volume. Intensive properties: do not depend on the size or mass of the system and are therefore non-additive. Examples are temperature, pressure, concentration. C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -6Thermodynamic process and equilibrium Thermodynamic process corresponds to system state change. It can represent a change in volume, temperature, pressure, or change in composition as a result of chemical reaction. Thermodynamic equilibrium is a state in which no state function changes over time. (Chemical or other transformations may still take place in the system. However, these must take place in conjunction so that they do not affect the state of the system as a result.) Thermodynamic laws: ➢ 0th law about thermodynamic equilibrium of multiple systems ➢ 1st law energy conservation law ➢ 2nd law about the spontaneity of events ➢ 3rd law about absolute entropy C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -7The first law WdQddU += change of internal energy of the system heat exchanged with the environment (form of energy) work done (form of energy) It is a generalization of the energy conservation law to dissipative systems, i.e., such systems that exchange heat and work with their surroundings. It postulates internal energy as a state variable, which is sum of other energy forms: Sign convention for energy change: + (positive) - the system receives energy - (negative) - the system releases energy complete differential (U is a function of system properties, a state function) d incomplete differential (Q and W are not state functions) d C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -8The second law It postulates the entropy as a state function: T dQ dS rev = T Qd dS  reversible action irreversible action (spontaneous) The most important postulate of thermodynamics. It speaks about time flow direction (time arrow). The direction of time is determined by the irreversible events. For an isolated system, the direction of time is the same as the increase in entropy. Spontaneous events are accompanied by an increase in entropy. In an isolated system, the entropy increases until equilibrium is reached. At equilibrium, the value of entropy is maximal and constant in time. C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -9- Spontaneous process Or what you should already know…. C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -10Entropy and spontaneity 𝑑𝑆 > 0 In an isolated system, the entropy increases until equilibrium is reached. At equilibrium, the value of entropy is maximal and constant in time. . int ext intS Entropy change of the internal system (int, system of interest) is not sufficient to assess spontaneity of the process. It is necessary to assess the entropy change of the system including with its surroundings. irreversible action (spontaneous process) C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -11Free energy and spontaneity int ext Is there a property of the internal system, which can describe the entropy change of the entire system (int+ext)? Δ𝑆 𝑒𝑥𝑡 + Δ𝑆int > 0 Spontaneous process: ? we can measure for given process (int change) C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -12Free energy and spontaneity int ext Δ𝑆 𝑒𝑥𝑡 = 𝑄 𝑟𝑒𝑣 𝑇 for the isothermal process Spontaneous process: Q What is Q equal to? Is there a property of the internal system, which can describe the entropy change of the entire system (int+ext)? we can measure for given process (int change) we can estimate from heat exchange between int and ext Δ𝑆 𝑒𝑥𝑡 + Δ𝑆int > 0 C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -13Free energy and spontaneity int ext T H T Q S rev ext int− == for the isothermal and isobaric process Spontaneous process: int and ext are in thermal equilibrium • for reversible process, it is the lowest estimate • for irreversible process, the change will be higher Is there a property of the internal system, which can describe the entropy change of the entire system (int+ext)? we can measure for given process (int change) Δ𝑆 𝑒𝑥𝑡 + Δ𝑆int > 0 Q C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -14Free energy and spontaneity int ext For an isolated system (second law): Q int and ext are in thermal equilibrium Δ𝑆 𝑎𝑙𝑙 = Δ𝑆 𝑒𝑥𝑡 + Δ𝑆int > 0 Δ𝐺𝑖𝑛𝑡 = Δ𝐻𝑖𝑛𝑡 − 𝑇Δ𝑆𝑖𝑛𝑡 = −𝑇Δ𝑆 𝑎𝑙𝑙 < 0 − Δ𝐻𝑖𝑛𝑡 𝑇 + Δ𝑆𝑖𝑛𝑡 > 0 reorganization C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -15- Summary 0−= STHG 0=−= STHG 0−= STHG spontaneous process non-spontaneous process the system is in equilibrium The change in Gibbs free energy indicates whether the process can occur spontaneously. However, it does not determine in what time the actual transformation will take place. for process at constant temperature and pressure Free energy and spontaneity C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -16Recommended Literature • Atkins, P. W. Physical Chemistry, 5. ed., repr. (with correct.).; Oxford Univ. Press: Oxford, 1994. • Bokshteĭn, B. S.; Mendelev, M. I.; Srolovitz, D. J. Thermodynamics and Kinetics in Materials Science: A Short Course; Oxford University Press: New York, 2005. • Dill, K. A.; Bromberg, S. Molecular Driving Forces: Statistical Thermodynamics in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Nanoscience, 2nd ed.; Garland Science: London ; New York, 2011.