C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -1Lesson 7 Quantum Mechanics I Petr Kulhánek kulhanek@chemi.muni.cz National Centre for Biomolecular Research, Faculty of Science Masaryk University, Kamenice 5, CZ-62500 Brno JS/2022 Present Form of Teaching: Rev1 C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling TSM Modelling Molecular Structures C9087 Computational Chemistry for Structural Biology C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -2- Context t 𝐸(𝑡) Time average: Ensemble average: 𝐸𝑖 Thermodynamic properties: H, S, G, … Mechanical properties: Ei equilibrium (binding affinities) kinetics Molecular modelling How to describe interactions? Phenomenological thermodynamics Statistical thermodynamics Monte Carlo simulations Molecular Dynamics C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -3Quantum mechanics C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -4Chemical system molecule atom electrons chemistry physics nuclei protons, neutronswave character electron nucleus macrosystem In chemistry, a nucleus is considered to be a mass object with a positive charge equal to a proton number. Thus, nuclear structure is not taken into account. C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -5Complication in description 2 2 0 1 c v vm h p h −== Elementary particles and objects composed of them (nuclei) do not obey classical physics laws. Particles exhibits a dual character. A particle with a momentum p also behaves like a wave with the wavelength . de Broglie hypothesis Confirmed by numerous experiments, such as the passage of electrons through single/double slits. diffraction on one slit passage of electrons through two slits. 1923 C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -6Foundation of Quantum Mechanics Wave character of particles require special approaches to describe their behaviors. Schrödinger equation (SR) is a foundation of quantum mechanics (QM). t t itH   = ),( ),(ˆ r r    time-dependent Schrödinger equation Hamiltonian (operator) (it defines the system, i.e., the number of particles and how they interact with each other, or how they interact with their surroundings) wave function (it defines a state of the system) Legend: r - position vector of particles, t - time i - imaginary unit, h - Planck constant, ħ - reduced Planck constant 2 h = C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -7- Hamiltonian VTH i i  +=  ˆˆ potential energy operator kinetic energy operator for particle i Hamiltonian (operator of the total energy): 2 2 2 ˆ −= m T  Kinetic energy operator: (particle movement) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 zyx   +   +   = Laplacian in Cartesian coordinates Potential energy operator: (interaction between particles) ),( tVV r=  potential energy itself It describes particle motions and interactions. C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -8Wave function ➢ it describe a state of the system ➢ it can be a complex function ➢ physical interpretation is difficult ➢ square value of the wave function is related to probability density  dkk )()(* rr the probability to find the system in the configuration r in a volume element d 1)()(* =Ω rr  dkk The probability that we will find particles in the entire space is 100 %. probability density probability C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -9Interpretation of QM 4.1 Classification adopted by Einstein 4.2 The Copenhagen interpretation (Copenhagen Convention) 4.3 Many worlds 4.4 Consistent histories 4.5 Ensemble interpretation, or statistical interpretation 4.6 de Broglie–Bohm theory 4.7 Relational quantum mechanics 4.8 Transactional interpretation 4.9 Stochastic mechanics 4.10 Objective collapse theories 4.11 von Neumann / Wigner interpretation: consciousness causes the collapse 4.12 Many minds 4.13 Quantum logic 4.14 Quantum information theories 4.15 Modal interpretations of quantum theory 4.16 Time-symmetric theories 4.17 Branching space-time theories 4.18 Other interpretations www.wikipedia.com C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -10Interpretation of QM 4.1 Classification adopted by Einstein 4.2 The Copenhagen interpretation (Copenhagen Convention) 4.3 Many worlds 4.4 Consistent histories 4.5 Ensemble interpretation, or statistical interpretation 4.6 de Broglie–Bohm theory 4.7 Relational quantum mechanics 4.8 Transactional interpretation 4.9 Stochastic mechanics 4.10 Objective collapse theories www.wikipedia.com Copenhagen interpretation* is an interpretation of quantum mechanics that is most prevalent among physicists. According to this interpretation, probabilistic nature of quantum mechanical predictions cannot be explained in some other way, such as unknown (hidden) deterministic theory. Quantum mechanics provides probabilistic results because the universe itself is probabilistic rather than deterministic. *mainly due to theoretical physics Niels Bohr C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -11Interpretation of QM 4.1 Classification adopted by Einstein 4.2 The Copenhagen interpretation (Copenhagen Convention) 4.3 Many worlds 4.4 Consistent histories 4.5 Ensemble interpretation, or statistical interpretation 4.6 de Broglie–Bohm theory 4.7 Relational quantum mechanics 4.8 Transactional interpretation 4.9 Stochastic mechanics 4.10 Objective collapse theories Fundamental problems: ➢ Is it apparatus of quantum mechanics (particles) also applicable to macrosystems? ➢ Paradoxes: ➢ Schrödinger's cat ➢ Wigner's friend Castelvecchi, D. Reimagining of Schrödinger's Cat Breaks Quantum Mechanics and Stumps Physicists. Nature 2018, 561 (7724), 446–447. C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -12Uncertainty principle Heisenberg's uncertainty principle (also uncertainty relation) is a mathematical property of two complementary quantities. Heisenberg's principle says that the more accurately we determine one of the complementary properties, the less accurately we can determine the other - no matter how accurate instruments are. 2   px The most common relations: uncertainty in particle positioning uncertainty in determining the momentum (velocity) of a particle 2   tE uncertainty in determining the energy of the system uncertainty in determining time at which we measured the energy position/momentum energy/time C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -13Uncertainty principle Heisenberg's uncertainty principle (also uncertainty relation) is a mathematical property of two complementary quantities. Heisenberg's principle says that the more accurately we determine one of the complementary properties, the less accurately we can determine the other - no matter how accurate instruments are. 2   px The most common relations: uncertainty in particle positioning uncertainty in determining the momentum (velocity) of a particle 2   tE uncertainty in determining the energy of the system uncertainty in determining time at which we measured the energy Heisenberg is stopped by the traffic police. The policeman asks him, "Do you know how fast you drove?" Heisenberg replies, "No, but I know where I am." position/momentum energy/time C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -14System energy Ensemble average: 𝐸𝑖 Thermodynamic properties: H, S, G, … Mechanical properties: Ei Statistical thermodynamics Monte Carlo simulations C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -15System energy 2   tE t t itH   = ),( ),(ˆ r r    time-dependent Schrödinger equation Heisenberg's uncertainty principle the system state described by the wave function is known at the exact moment in time energy of the system cannot be determined ? C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -16Schrödinger equation t t itH   = ),( ),(ˆ r r    time-dependent Schrödinger equation )()(ˆ rr kkk EH  = time separation time independent Schrödinger equation )()(),( tft rr  = time (t) and configuration (r) are set independent of each other )( )( tEf dt tdf i = C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -17Time independence )()(),( tft rr  = Time (t) and particle configuration (r) are considered as independent variables. Consequently, the state description is also independent to time and configuration. )()()( BPAPBAP = The following applies to independent events: the join probability of A and B events probability of event A probability of event B A similar approximation is used for: • Born-Oppenheimer approximation • separation of translational, rotational, and vibrational movements • one-electron approximations (Hartree-Fock method) C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -18Schrödinger equation )()(ˆ rr kkk EH  = time independent Schrödinger equation Hamiltonian (operator) (it defines a system, i.e., number of particles and how they interact with each other) wave function (it defines a state k) energy of state k Solutions to the SR equation are pairs: k and Ek. Each pair represent possible realization of the system (a microstate) and its energy. + C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -19System vs State (inaccurate example) ! Very rough comparison not taking into account the probabilistic behavior of quantum systems ! geomagSystem definition: The Hamiltonian indicates the number of spheres and connectors (particles) and their mutual interaction. System status: Determined by the wave function, which indicates the actual arrangement of balls and connectors in space. state A state B http://www.magnetickysvet.cz C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -20- Summary ➢ Molecules are composed from atoms. Atoms are composed from electrons and nuclei. ➢ Electrons, nuclei, and atoms (and molecules) are small and exhibit dual character (wave/particle). ➢ Behavior of particles and their assemblies can be described by time-independent Schrodinger equation. ➢ Solution of Schrödinger equation provides all possible microstates and their energies. )()(ˆ rr kkk EH  = C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -21- Summary ➢ Molecules are composed from atoms. Atoms are composed from electrons and nuclei. ➢ Electrons, nuclei, and atoms (and molecules) are small and exhibit dual character (wave/particle). ➢ Behavior of particles and their assemblies can be described by time-independent Schrodinger equation. ➢ Solution of Schrödinger equation are all possible microstates and their energies. )()(ˆ rr kkk EH  = ? ➢ Probabilistic description of the structure in the given state ➢ Unsolvable for microstates of macrosystems (> 1023 atoms) ➢ Practically impossible to solve even for small chemical systems (hydrogen molecule)