Ecology What do you imagine when you hear word "Ecology"? Top Start the presentation to see live content. For screen share software, share the entire screen. Get help at Ecological basics of the environmentalism • Ecology - • Environmental studies - • Environmentalism - env. activism - Ecological basics of the environmentalism • Ecology - the science of the relationships between organisms and their environment in which they live and organisms with each other - non-evaluative, exclusively descriptive - sometimes are environmental studies called ecology (in general) • Environmental studies - addresses the humans' relationship to the environment - includes both descriptive and normative components - takes evaluation opinions (good X bad) • Environmentalism - env. activism - social movement (ideology) which aims to promote the conclusions of environmental studies in society Ecosystem • dynamic circulation system of living organisms and their environment, where an exchange of matter, energy and information takes place • Ecosystems represent the quality from which human society arose and on which it is existentially dependent • human - an integral part of many ecosystems humans influence ecosystems or its components? 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Get help at Ecosystem • dynamic circulation system of living organisms and their environment, where an exchange of matter, energy and information takes place • Ecosystems represent the quality from which human society arose and on which it is existentially dependent • human - an integral part of many ecosystems • humans influence ecosystems and vice versa HEAT J[>olar * Energy HEAT HEAT carnivores , Stratospheric ozone depletion Desertification and land degradation UV exposure Human health Lass of biodiversity and ecosystem function Populaiion displacement Altered Decline in several ecosystem services t * Water quality gnd safety Ecological stability • the ability of an ecosystem to compensate the changes caused by external factors and to preserve its natural functions and properties • the greater the diversity of the ecosystem = the greater the stability - e.g. monoculture X mixed culture (forest) - pests (e.g. bark beetle) • resistence - • resilience - Ecological stability • the ability of an ecosystem to compensate the changes caused by external factors and to preserve its natural functions and properties • the greater the diversity of the ecosystem = the greater the stability - e.g. monoculture X mixed culture (forest) - pests (e.g. bark beetle) • resistence - the ability of the ecosystem to resist to disruptions • resilience - the ability of the ecosystem to return to its original state after a disruption • both properties act more/less together, but their capacities are limited 1e) Volavka popelavá (Ardea cinerea) - počty obsazených hnízd v Anglii a Walesu za 42 let obvykle kolísají . . M okolo 4 až 4,5 tisíc hnízdních párů. Početnost populace, odkázané na lov rybek if) Sleď severní - třicetiletá časová řada úlovků. V polovině šedesátých let výrazný pokles stavu v důsledku v nezamrzajicích vodách, výrazně klesá po krutých zimách a pak stoupá na původní úroveň. nových technik neregulovaného průmyslového lovu. nl i i i i i i i i i i i l i i_l_i_i_i_[_i_L_l 1952 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 1974 Homeostasis • state of a dynamic functional balance —► from individuals to the biosphere • the basic premise of the effort of all organisms —> to perform life functions as long as possible The principle of feedbacks • positive x negative feedback Homeostasis • state of a dynamic functional balance —► from individuals to the biosphere • the basic premise of the effort of all organisms -> to perform life functions as long as possible The principle of feedbacks • positive x negative feedback D X > • a prerequisite for homeostasis are sets of functional negative feedbacks that keep the system in a steady state feedbacks in ecosystems or society A negative feedback • compensatory homeostatic mechanism - at all levels of the ecosystem (individuals, populations, food chains, ecosystems) E.g: Stabilization of predator and prey populations Do you know any example of negative feedback in human body or society? 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Get help at Feedbacks in ecosystems or society A negative feedback • compensatory homeostatic mechanism - at all levels of the ecosystem (individuals, populations, food chains, ecosystems) E.g: Stabilization of predator and prey populations - Maintaining a stable blood sugar level (enzyme activity, blood pressure, etc.) (a) Negative feedback - In society: Economical sanctions for pollution, punishments in general =eedbacks in ecosystems HOW WOLVES CHANICÉ RIVERS JAK VLCI MENI REKY fd7849a7bf?search=river Feedbacks in ecosystems or society Positive feedback - mostly fatal in ecosystems - but! creation of a new eco-system E.g: Extinction of plant and animal species (reduction of biodiversity) - causes instability in the number of more resistant species - temperature fluctuations (extinction of plants) and environmental degradation, etc. Do you know any example of a positive feedback from the human body or society? Start the presentation to see live content. For screen share software, share the entire screen. Feedbacks in ecosystems or society Positive feedback - mostly fatal in ecosystems - but! creation of a new eco-system E.g: Extinction of plant and animal species (reduction of biodiversity) - causes instability in the number of more resistant species - temperature fluctuations (extinction of plants) and environmental degradation, etc. tecnnoiociies: 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 E.g.: Green Revolution - technol. innovation —> increas in agric. production —> increase in population —> increase in number of potential investors —> more technol. innovation —> increase in agri. production —> increase in population ... E.g: The relationship of the human population, food production and E.g: Rewards and compliments Positive feedback - mostly fatal in ecosystems Feedbacks in ecosystems or society - but! creation of a new eco-system ___ E.g: Extinction of plant and animal species (reduction of biodiversity) - causes instability in the number of more resistant species - temperature fluctuations (extinction of plants) and environmental degradation, etc. », ,.. ■ E.g.: Green Revolution - technol. innovation —> increas in agric. production —> increase in population —> increase in number of potential investors —> more technol. innovation —> increase in agri. production —> increase in population ... E.g: The relationship of the human population, food production and technologies: E.g: Rewards and compliments Carrying capacity, growth curves of populations • CC - a property of the environment indicating how large a population can live in this environment in the long term without disturbing it Exponential vs Logistic Growth vs Fluctuating Population Si» 0 5 1D 15 3D 25 3D 35 4u 45 5u 55 3D 95 TD T5 3D YesnfQeneration E>j»rwrtigl Growth-Logistic Growth Fluctuating sh jm -Fluctuating Size #2 Carrying capacity, growth curves of populations • CC - a property of the environment indicating how large a population can live in this environment in the long term without disturbing it GC type S - logistic growth - population growth and stabilization at the CC - negative feedback between population and environment characteristics • limiting factors: eg. population density, availability of resources, predators • establishing a dynamic balance Ex. population of predators and prey, number of trees in a certain area, etc IľOQ Exponential vs Logistic Growth ve Fluctuating Population Size 0 5 10 15 3D 25 3D 35 40 45 EQ 55 80 95 7D 75 30 Year/Generation EJiporwrtal Growth-Lofliriic Growth Fii^M idling Size -,:! 1e) Volavka popelavá (Ardea cinerea) - počty obsazených hnízd v Anglii a Walesu za 42 let obvykle kolísají okolo 4 až 4,5 tisíc hnízdních párů. Početnost populace, odkázané na lov rybek v nezamrzajíclch vodách, výrazně klesá po krutých zimách a pak stoupá na původní úroveň. 50001-, 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 /V ,1H § x -5 -i ts> co o /V / / ■o r- £ / I / Grey heron 192š-30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 i i i i i t I_I_I-L What is the carrying capacity of the particular environment for the Grey heron population? lei Volivka popelavi I And (a tmereil - potty obiiienfch haiid v Anglri a Vttlew +2 lei obvvklc kollwjl Okfllo 4 «i *,6 tkic tmrrdfl ich piru. Poceweref populjc*. odtiunc ru kiv rfbsk v nMirorajickh radach. vynm* um» po knitych nm*ch • pat rtoup* nt pvradni uraven. 4 —. 2500 200C 1500 1000 SCO ■ u \ Al ■ 6 j_i_i_i J_L H2fl JO i ji * m « « « « « » S M M m 80 02 6* 66 » Start the presentation to see live content. For screen share software, share the entire screen, Get help Carrying capacity, growth curves of populations • CC - a property of the environment indicating how large a population can ive in this environment in the long term without disturbing it GC type S - logistic growth - population growth and stabilization at the CC - negative feedback between population and environment characteristics • limiting factors: eg. population density, availability of resources, predators • establishing a dynamic balance Ex. population of predators and prey, number of trees in a certain area, etc Exponential vs Logistic Growth vs Fluctuating Population Size 1e) Volavka popelavá (Ardea cinerea) - počty obsazených hnízd v Anglii a Walesu za 42 let obvykle kolísají okolo 4 až 4,5 tisíc hnízdních párů. Početnost populace, odkázané na lov rybek v nezamrzajícfch vodách, výrazně klesá po krutých zimách a pak stoupá na původní úroveň. 0 5 10 15 2D 25 3D 35 40 45 EQ 55 80 95 7D T5 30 YearrtSeneration ,': -r. ".: "i.Jil >.-rt?N\h ■ Logidic Grwdh Fll^llBling slip -j 5000 4C0C -' 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 -5 -i co o - £ vy vn / Grey heron i i i i i i I I_I_I-1-1-1-L 1928 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 Carrying capacity, growth curves of populations GC type J - exponential growth - CC overshoot, followed by a collapse Carrying capacity, growth curves of populations GC type J - exponential growth - CC overshoot, followed by a collapse • in the case of the source of new E resources and materials, the collapse of the population may be followed by the growth again • not common in ecosystems, usually present a limmiting factor Eg: increases in cyanobacterial bloom, lemmings' population... • also applies to the human population, thanks to the increase in NCPs by increasingly advanced technologies dependent on the growing consumption of E, raw materials = offensive adaptation Exponential vs Logistic Growth 1M0 Carrying cpppqit\ 10 12 11 16 1B 2D 23 31 IB 28 3D Yesr/Generation iI.-fA--.nP.Mi.-l ■ ■ i.f- jnlif i -rr:.1r. 1804 1960 1989 1999 Earth population reaches 1 billion 3 billion 7000 5000 6 billion Since 1950, we have consumed more resources than in all of previous history combined! 1000 1000 2020 -B.C. I AO.-»- Human Population Explosion 2-lt) 200 160 120 B0 40 i! ,11111, V. 1 : 1 \J, i i I IJ l i l, Food chains in ecosystems I. Grazing - prey chain • plants - 1st order consumers (herbivores) - 2nd order consumers (carnivores and omnivores). • body size increases and the number of individuals in the population decreases II. Detritic chain • dropping of dead biomass (eg leaves) - decomposition by decomposers (eg. earthworms) up to fungi and bacteria (soil, water) Food chains in ecosystems I. Grazing - prey chain • plants - 1st order consumers (herbivores) - 2nd order consumers (carnivores and omnivores). • body size increases and the number of individuals in the population decreases II. Detritic chain • dropping of dead biomass (eg leaves) - decomposition by decomposers (eg. earthworms) up to fungi and bacteria (soil, water) 9 Kilocalories per square meter per year Secondary Consumers Predators 90 Kilocalories per square meter peryear available in bodies of Secondary Consumers Primary Consumers Herbivores « 900 Kilocalories per square meter peryear available in the bodies ofPrimary Consumers Primary Producers: Trees, shrubs, ferns, grasses, flowers 9000 Kilocalories persquare meter peryear available for Primary Consumers Food pyramide - organism at a higher level of the pyramids feed on the organisms below • is given in abundance to biomass, energy flow • upwards - large energy losses in the order of 1000:100:10:1 Evolution of ecosystems succession - community development by systematic species replacement • studied eg in lava fields (primary x secondary succession) lichens, mosses —> annual plants —> perennials —> shrubs —> trees Colonization strategy • r-strategists - typical of the early stages of succession, fast life strategies - emphasis on the number and mobility of offspring; competitiveness lagged behind Do you know any r-strategists? Plants, animals? Start the presentation to see live content. For screen share software, share the entire screen. Get help at Evolution of ecosystems succession - community development by systematic species replacement • studied eg in lava fields (primary x secondary succession) lichens, mosses —> annual plants —> perennials —> shrubs —> trees Colonization strategy • r-strategists - typical of the early stages of succession, fast life strategies - emphasis on the number and mobility of offspring; competitiveness lagged behind • K-strategists - typical of late stages of ecosystems - emphasis on the quality and competitiveness of offspring, often long-lasting Do you know any K strategists? Plants, animals? Start the presentation to see live content. For screen share software, share the entire screen. Get help at What about people? K or r startegists? Start the presentation to see live content. For screen share software, share the entire screen. Get help at Home I Features | Health | Humans FEATURE 14 July 2010 Die young, live fast: The evolution of an underclass They're often branded as thoughtless and irresponsible, but teenage mothers and dead beat dads may be makingthe best of their bad situations Living in the moment Teenaged mothers and absent fathers may be evolution's answer to a shorter life expectancy # Poorest Richest HEALTHY LIFE EXPECTANCY FOR FEMALES (YEARS) 60.5 MEAN AGE AT FIRST BIRTH CHILDREN AGED 5 WITH NO FATHER FIGURE 22.4% 5 < NewScientist As the environment gets better, individuals start investing more in their family and romantic relationships, and become less impulsive and less aggressive. Ecosystems and well-being ECOSYSTEM SERVICES Provisioning * FOGG frs5h WATFH * WOOD WO FTBER FuEl Supporting ■ $gil. FOflPJtATHN ■ PRNMt FflOOUCTON Regulating CLIMATE FtEGULATlON FLOOTFECUUmON ■ DISEASE REGULATION ■ WATER PufiiFiCAT Ö« Cultural AESTHETIC EPifllTuAL - EOUCAT ÖfiAL RECREATIONAL LIFE OM EARTH - BIODIVERSITY CONSTITUENTS OF WELL-BEING Security ■ PERSONAL SAFETY SECURE RESOURCE ACCESS ufcCUHl l"Y ^DMÜIHASTERS ARROW ^ COLOR BDCiMiawwmK f»clan Basic material lor good life ADtOUAJE L/VELI4ÜÜ0S ■ 5Ur^£IENTr*/TTllTICMjS FOCO • shelter ACCESS TO GOODS Health • FEELHQWELL ACCESS TO CLEAN AIR AND WATER Good social relations SOCIAL. COHCSIC+J • MUTUAL RESPECT * AQuTY TO HEAP OTHERS Freedom ol choice and action OPPORTUNITY TOBE AAETOACHFVE WHAT Ah ihOWKXJAL VALUES CO*e AND RFING .-v. Mw*um Sutra Mfcmuni EcM^TJom AiHsynoH ARROW 5 WIDTH Intensity of lli^kgai 1rtiwwti*ukv*lMn ttnttbt = Wfcjk i i Medium f I Slraoü *nd dumm wftH-bt^itg Ecosystems and well-being , crop infectious production disease mediation regional climate and air quality regulation carbon sequestration water quality regulation forest production preserving habitats and biodiversity water flow regulation natural ecosystem Ecosystems and well-being infectious disease mediation regional climate and air quality regulation carbon sequestration crop production forest production preserving habitats and biodiversity water quality regulation water flow regulation infectious disease mediation regional climate and air quality regulation carbon sequestration crop production water quality regulation forest production preserving habitats and biodiversity water flow regulation natural ecosystem intensive cropland Ecosystems and well-being ■ c crop infectious production disease mediation regiona climate and air quality regulation carbon sequestration water quality regulation forest production preserving habitats and biodiversity water flow regulation infectious disease mediation regional climate and air quality regulation carbon sequestration crop production water quality regulation forest production preserving habitats and biodiversity water flow regulation ■ f crop infectious production disease forest mediation production regional climate and air quality regulation carbon sequestration preserving habitats and biodiversity water quality regulation water flow regulation How much do people pay for these ecosystem services? Start the presentation to see live content. For screen share software, share the entire screen, Get help at Photo Credits Streams, nwei's & lakes: PauL Fu-sco., NRCS Stream buffei's: Lynn Betts, NRCS Ground water. Dwlght Burdette. Wikamedla (ccby 3.0) Wetlands: Ron Nichols. NRCS Natural land cover: Jessica Jahre. EPA contractor Land mangement: Lynn Betts, NRCS Pollution: Erk Vanra, EPA Invasive species: Jeremy McDonald, L.S. Forest Service Hydrologk alteration,: Laurie Bernstein., VS. Forest Service BiodLversIby conservation: EncVance, EVA Public health: Elizabeth Ferrer Dnnklne water: Eric Vance,. EPA Recreation,culture, and aesthetics:|oe Peaco.NPS Food, fuel, and materia Is: Enc Vance. EPA Drivers of change This EnvirvAtLa? cco'whcel was created by Jessica Jahrc, EPA in n i. r;i clot Importance of ecosystems ecosystems productive engines of the Earth - life The Costs of Clean Water Here are some global and local indicators of our dependence on the water filtration and purification services that ecosystems provide. The human and economic costs of trying to replace them can be high. ■ Percentage of the world's population that lacks access to clean drinking water: 28 percent, or as many as 1.7 billion people (UNICEF 2000) ■ Number of people who die each year because of polluted drinking water, poor sanitation, and domestic hygiene: 5 million. Additionally, waterborne diseases such as diarrhea, ascariasis, dracuncuiiasis, hookworm, schistosomiasis, and trachoma cause illness in perhaps half the population of the developing world each year (WHO 1996). ■ Percentage of urban sewage in the developing world that is discharged into rivers, lakes, and coastal waters without any treatment: 90 percent (WRi etal. 1996:21) ■ Amount spent on bottled water worldwide in 1997: $42 billion (Beverage Industry 1999) ■ Amount U.S. consumers spent on home water filtration systems in 1996: $1.4 billion (Trust for Public Land 1997:24) Cost incurred by households in Jakarta that must buy kerosene to boil the city's public water before use: Rp 96 billion or US$52 million a year (1987 prices) (Bhatia and Falkenmark 1993:9) Replacement cost of the water that would he lost if thirteen of Venezuela's National Parks that provide critical protection for urban water supplies were deforested: $103 million to $206 million (net present value) (Reid forthcomings) Typical cost to desalinize seawater: $1.00-$1.50 per cubic meter (UNEP 1999:166) Amount of open space and critical recharge area paved over every day in the United States: 11.7km!(TPL 1997:3) Estimated annual value of water quality improvement provided by wetlands along a 5.5-km stretch of the Alchovy River in Georgia, USA $3 million (Lerner and Poole 1999:41) Cost to construct wetlands to help process and recycle sewage produced by the 15,000 residents of Areata, California: $514,600 for a 40-ha system (Marinelli 1990).The city's alternative was to build a larger wastewater treatment plant at a cost of $25 million (Neander n.d.). Primary Goods and Services Provided by Ecosystems Ecosystem Goods | Services Agroecosystems ■ Food crops ■ Fiber crops ■ Crop genetic resources ■ Maintain limited watershed functions (infiltration, flow control, partial soil protection) ■ Provide habitat for birds, pollinators, soil organisms important to agriculture ■ Build soil organic matter ■ Sequester atmospheric carbon ■ Provide employment Coastal Ecosystems ■ Fish and shellfish ■ Fishmeal (animal feed) ■ Seaweeds (for food and industrial use) ■ Salt ■ Genetic resources ■ Moderate storm impacts (mangroves; barrier islands) ■ Provide wildlife (marine and terrestrial) habitat ■ Maintain biodiversity ■ Dilute and treat wastes ■ Provide harbors and transportation routes ■ Provide human habitat ■ Provide employment ■ Provide for aesthetic enjoyment and recreation Forest Ecosystems ■ Timber ■ Fuelwood ■ Drinking and irrigation water ■ Fodder ■ Nontimber products (vines, bamboos, leaves, etc.) ■ Food (honey, mushrooms, fruit, and other edible plants; game) ■ Remove air pollutants, emit oxygen ■ Cycle nutrients ■ Maintain array of watershed functions (infiltration, purification, flow control, soil stabilization) ■ Maintain biodiversity ■ Sequester atmospheric carbon ■ Moderate weather extremes and impacts ■ Generate soil ■ Provide employment ■ Provide human and wildlife habitat ■ Provide for aesthetic enjoyment and recreation teshwater Systems Grassland Ecosystems ■ Livestock (food, game, hides, fiber) ■ Drinking and irrigation water ■ Genetic resources ■ Buffer water flow (control timing and volume) ■ Dilute and carry away wastes ■ Cycle nutrients ■ Maintain biodiversity ■ Provide aquatic habitat ■ Provide transportation corridor ■ Provide employment rovide for aesthetic enjoyment and recreation ■ Maintain array of watershed functions (infiltration, purification, flow control, soil stabilization) ■ Cycle nutrients ■ Remove air pollutants, emit oxygen ■ Maintain biodiversity ■ Generate soil ■ Sequester atmospheric carbon ■ Provide human and wildlife habitat ■ Provide employment Provide for aesthetic enjoyment and recreation Primary Human-Induced Pressures en Ecosystems Agroecosystems ■ Conversion of farmland to urban and ■ Population growth industrial uses ■ Increasing demand for food and industrial goods ■ Water pollution from nutrient runoff and ■ Urbanization siltation ■ Government policies subsidizing agricultural ■ Water scarcity from irrigation inputs (water, research, transport] and irrigation 119 ■ Degradation of soil from erosion, shifting ■ Poverty and insecure tenure w cultivation, or nutrient depletion ■ Climate change ■ Changing weather patterns Coastal Ecosystems Forest Ecosystems i Overexcitation of fisheries iConversion of wetlands and coastal habitats i Water pollution from agricultural and industrial sources i Fragmentation or destruction of natural tidal barriers and reefs i Invasion of nonnative species i Potential sea level rise Population growth Increasing demand for food and coastal tourism Urbanization and recreational development, which is highest in coastal areas Government fishing subsidies Inadequate information about ecosystem conditions, especially for fisheries Poverty and insecure tenure Uncoordinated coastal land-use policies Climate change ■ Conversion or fragmentation resulting from agricultural or urban uses ■ Deforestation resulting in loss of biodiversity, release of stored carbon, air and water pollution ■ Acid rain from industrial pollution ■ Invasion of nonnative species ■ Overextraction of water for agricultural, urban, and industrial uses Population growth Increasing demand for timber, pulp, and other fiber Government subsidies for timber extraction and logging roads Inadequate valuation of costs of industrial air pollution Poverty and insecure tenure irassian Ecosystems Overextraction of wafer for agricultural, urban, and industrial uses Overexcitation of inland fisheries Building darns for irrigation, hydropower, and flood control Water pollution from agricultural, urban, and industrial uses Invasion of nonnative species ■ Population growth ■ Widespread water scarcity and naturally uneven distribution of water resources ■ Government subsidies of water use ■ Inadequate valuation of costs of water pollution ■ Poverty and insecure tenure ■ Growing demand for hydropower Conversion orfragrnentation owing to agricultural or urban uses Induced grassland fires resulting in loss of biodiversity, release of stored carbon, and air pollution Soil degradation and water pollution from livestock herds Overexcitation of game animals ■ Papulation growth ■ Increasing demand for agricultural products, especially meat ■ Inadequate information about ecosystem conditions ■ Poverty and insecure tenure ■ Accessibility and ease of conversion of grass-