Vincent Van Gogh, Wheatfield with crows, 1890 Environmental aspects of Agriculture Food security X Biodiversity Food security Intensive agriculture + and - X Extensive agriculture + Biodiversity Biodiversity crop l0US production natural ecosystem Biodiversity Food security infectious disease mediation regional climate and air quality regulation carbon sequestration crop production forest production preserving habitats and biodiversity water quality regulation water flow regulation infectious disease mediation regional climate and air quality regulation carbon sequestration crop production water quality regulation forest production preserving habitats and biodiversity water flow regulation natural ecosystem intensive cropland Agriculture x Agro-ecosystem - overview Agriculture (economy view) - the primary sector of the economy - providing food and materials for production Agriculture x Agro-ecosystem - overview Agriculture (economy view) - the primary sector of the economy - providing food and materials for production Aqroecosvstem (ecological view) - a specific type of planetary ecosystems - a functional unity of economically important organisms and environment - narrower view - field; wider view - river basin, landscape, region - originally, the most productive ecosystems What are functions (importance) of a agriculture? Start the presentation to see live content. For screen share software, share the entire screen. Get help at Importance of Agriculture Productive function - foodstuffs, industrial raw materials (textile and the leather industry, fats ...), and energy Importance of Agriculture Productive function - foodstuffs, industrial raw materials (textile and the leather industry, fats ...), and energy Non-productive functions - creation and maintenance of the typical cultural landscape - Genius loci - maintaining functioning agroecosystems with specific biodiversity - self-supply of the region with food, employment - the environment of people and other organisms - conservation of rural settlements, recreation Vincent Van Gogh, Wheatfield with crows, 1890 Václav Špála, Landscape, 1915 Food security - corresponds with population growth, but necessarily? 1798 T. R. Malthus - An Essay on the Principle of Population - warning against food shortages in the future "human population grows exponentially, food production only linear!/ - in the history, frequent famines that limited the growth of population Food security - corresponds with population growth, but necessarily? 1798 T. R. Malthus - An Essay on the Principle of Population - warning against food shortages in the future "human population grows exponentially, food production only linear!/ - in the history, frequent famines that limited the growth of population 1845-1850 - Irish famine - 1,000,000 victims, many others emigrated - the primary source of food for the poor - potatoes - the potato mold destroyed the crop - lack of food + loss of land (they did not pay the rent) - the spread of cholera and typhoid exacerbated the destruction of the population I Population Fall in Ireland 1841 1851 □ Over 30% □ 20 to 30% □ 10 to 20% □ Oto 10% ] Population Rise Lr^X^ V ^"V- y-r> Source: Edwards, RD, I —Williams, TD; "The Great i \n._$s^g *\ Famine: Studies in Irish History ^-TlS45-lS52";Lilhput Press, 1956. ^ Reprinted 1991. Figure 20, p2<50 Produced for I Unlike the rest of this site, skis map is declared to be in the public domain. I Food security - corresponds with population growth, but necessarily? 1798 T. R. Malthus - An Essay on the Principle of Population - warning against food shortages in the future "human population grows exponentially, food production only linear!/ - in the history, frequent famines that limited the growth of population 1845-1850 - Irish famine - 1,000,000 victims, many others emigrated - the primary source of food for the poor - potatoes - the potato mold destroyed the crop - lack of food + loss of land (they did not pay the rent) - the spread of cholera and typhoid exacerbated the destruction of the population BUT - there was enough food in Ireland - corn, wheat, oats! - the were sold to the UK at a much higher price than poor farmers could afford, according to rational calculations I Population Fall in Ireland 1841 1851 □ Over 30% ^rfj H 20 to 30% jM □ 10 to 20% £ / □ oto 10% ^ J ] Population Rise '^'^i^^^^-f^?'^ Lj^Somce:Edwaids,RD, I jf —'^'JriJ>xJs$_J^ Williams, TD; "The Great i \n._$s^g *\ Famine: Studies in Irish History ^-TlS45-lS52";Lilhput Press, 1956. ^ Reprinted 1991. Figure 20, p260 Produced for I Unlike the rest of this site, skis map is declared to be in the public domain. I The Almighty, indeed, sent the potato blight, but the English created the Famine. John Mitchel Lack of food x famine - causes Bengal Famine 1943 1-4,000,000 Victims - Why? What was the cause of the Bengal famine? Start the presentation to see live content. For screen share software, share the entire screen. Lack of food x famine - causes Bengal Famine 1943 1-4,000,000 Victims - Why? - there was a crop failure in Bengal, but this is a periodic phenomenon - however, the war was raging (GB x J) and it was necessary to supply cities (soldiers) first - grain prices have risen significantly - poor people could not afford it Famines - causes Ukrainian famine (1932-1933) 2.7-7 000 000 victims - Why? Chinese famine (1959-1961) 20-40,000,000 Victims - Why? Ethiopian famine (1984) - 1,000,000 Victims - Why? U M HTÍ NA HLAQDMCH Pučet lemřeJých islrednLudliaiJy pru 35 nej větších hladujitíjrů), v in i Hunech Počet obyvatel svňta {uproslími íJi-ík/itiyJ. v miliardách ■ AMka ptifAsj** Jihovýchodní Asie ■ Evropa východní A$\e. 2D m U 14 10 t _ n . ■ _ 4 m 2 H_ B^BV 41 U ibQd 3 1810 e 1h20 193: Í14 343 194 □ 409 195: 579 v i960 i9id 19bd 1BSD 20dd 500 95 19 «4 3 Celosvětový potet úmrtí na loo 000 obyvatel QHfcHUWI Mumw, rMi(Cfl«o«íii Famines - causes Ukrainian famine (1932-1933) 2.7-7 000 000 victims - Why? (Stalin) Chinese famine (1959-1961) 20-40,000,000 Victims - Why? (Mao Ce Tung) Ethiopian famine (1984) - 1,000,000 Victims - Why? (Haile Mariam) U M HTÍ NA HLAQDMCH Pučet lemřeJých íslrednLíidliaiJy pru 35 nejvetSích hladujitum), v in i Hunech Počet obyvatel svňta (uprustted dnkáciy}p v miliardách ■ AMka jižní Asto Jihovýchodní Asie ■ Evropa východní A$\e. 2D m U 14 10 t _ n . ■ _ 4 m 2 u 3 1010 e 1H20 193: Í14 343 1B4D 409 195: 57» v 19BD IDTD 1BB0 19BŮ 2000 500 95 19 «4 J CclosvŮ-tovy potet úinrtJ na loo 000 obyvatel QHfcHUWI Mumw, rMi(Cfl«o«íii What is the most significant (and common) cause of these great famines? Start the presentation to see live content. For screen share software, share the entire screen. Get help at Famines - causes Ukrainian famine (1932-1933) 2.7-7 000 000 victims - Why? (Stalin) Chinese famine (1959-1961) 20-40,000,000 Victims - Why? (Mao Ce Tung) Ethiopian famine (1984) - 1,000,000 Victims - Why? (Haile Mariam) U M HTÍ NA HLAQDMCfl Pučet lemřeJých íslrednLíidliaiJy pru 35 nejvetSích hladomorů}, v in i Hunech Počet obyvatel svňta (uprustted dnkáciy}p v miliardách ■ AMka jižní Asto Jihovýchodní Asie ■ Evropa východní A$\e. 2D m U 14 10 t _ n . ■ _ 4 m 2 u 3 1010 e 1H20 193: Í14 343 1B4D 409 195: 57» v 19BD IDTD 1BB0 19BŮ 2000 500 95 19 «4 J CclosvŮ-tovy potet úitirti na loo 000 obyvatel QHfcHUWI Mumw, rMi(Cfl«o«íii The most of the greatest famines in the 20th century were the result of political decisions in undemocratic dictatorships! Green Revolution - after WW2 population in SE Asia - j mortality = | population - after Bengal famine - introduction of new varieties + industrialization Objective: to significantly increase agricultural production - 60s - the beginning of the Green Revolution in India - introduction of HYV crops - e.g. drought resistant rice IR8 with yield 5 t / ha (x 1.51 / ha earlier), moreover grown for a shorter time —► possible two harvests per season - modern agricultural machinery (plows, tractors, harvesters ...) Green Revolution - after WW2 population in SE Asia - j mortality = | population - after Bengal famine - introduction of new varieties + industrialization Objective: to significantly increase agricultural production - 60s - the beginning of the Green Revolution in India - introduction of HYV crops - e.g. drought resistant rice IR8 with yield 5 t / ha (x 1.51 / ha earlier), moreover grown for a shorter time —► possible two harvests per season - modern agricultural machinery (plows, tractors, harvesters ...) t harvest = | demand for soil fertility and water resources The hands of Resham Singh, a 59-year-old carpenter in Punjab, are gnarled from arthritis. Doctors say it may have been caused by exposu re to water tainted by fertilizers and pesticides. Heavy use cf chemicals in the 1960s to late 1970s brought India out of famine and into its green revolution, but Singh's village, Mari Mustafa, has high cancer rates. Industrial (intensive) agriculture Pros - high production = food security! Bubbles FACTS TEACH ABOUT HOW TO USE Share English Q_ Q_ D 1/1 "O O o 500 INCOME LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 O O LEVEL 4 •o CP 8® O o O o O O 0 per person (GDP/capita, PPPS inflation-adjusted] 1000 2000 4000 8000 Income t 16k 32k 64k Color World Regions Select Search... Afghanistan Albania Algeria Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bangladesh Size Population Zoom Q. Q. Ö ,00i OPTIONS PRESENT EXPAND Daily supply of calories, 1961 to 2013 Caloric supply is measured in kilocalories per person per day. Our World in Data 1,000 kcal 500 kcal Okcal 1961 1970 1980 1990 2000 2013 Source: UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) CC BY Note: Data measures the food available for consumption at the household level but does not account for any food wasted or not eaten at the consumption level. ^ 1961 ^^^^^^0 2013 CHART MAP TABLE SOURCES ± DOWNLOAD < r t L- J Industrial (intensive) agriculture Pros - high production = food security! - less land use! Global consequences of land use pre-settlement frontier subsistence intensifying intensive stage in land use transition Shrinking farmland For the first time, more land is being left to return to nature than is being cleared for agriculture Percentage change in farmland between 2000 and 2015 □ Increase or stable □ -lto-4 -5 to-9 □ -10 to-14 □ -15 to-19 ■ -20 to-30 SOURCE: RAO (2017), Percentage change ^ in farmland between 2000 and 2015 O Increase or stable □ -lto-4 □ -5 to-9 □ -10 to-14 □ -15 to-19 ■ -20 to-30 SOURCE: FAO (2017), Punching above its weight The tiny Netherlands has become an agricultural powerhouse—the second largest global exporter of food by dollar value after the U.S.—with only a fraction of the land available to other countries. How has it achieved this? By using the world's most efficient agricultural technologies. Growing under glass Dutch horticulture relies heavily on greenhouses, allowing farmers to closely control g rowing conditions and use fewer resources like waber and fertilizer. Change from 2003-2014 Vegetable production_A gjj% Energy used* T q% Pesticides T 9% FertJizer y 2Q% "Latest arailabte data i20"2j Irnile Greenhouses in Netherlands 36 square miles Area of Manhattan 23 square miles Doing more with less Utilizing kinovations on a large scale, like hydroponic farming —grcwi ng plants without soil in nutrient-rich solutions—reduces runoff, saving both water and money. Tote I water footprint of tomato production Gallons per pound, 2010 1.1 Netherlands 15.2 U.S. 25.6 Global average JASON TR.EAT, NGM STAFF; KELSEY NOWAKOWSKI. SOURCES: FAOSTAT; ARJEN HOEKSTRA, UNIVERSITY OF TWENTE; STATISTICS NETHERLANDS (CBS) Tomato—() production No. 22 globally 992,080 tons Yield No. 1 globally 144,352 tons per square mile Area harvested for tomatoes No. 95 globally 6.9 square miles - Netherlands Punching above its weight The tiny Netherlands has become an agricultural powerhouse—the second largest global exporter of food by dollar value after the U.S.—with only a fraction of the land available to other countries. How has it achieved this? By using the world's most efficient agricultural technologies. Harvesting impressive yields Overthe past 30 years, the Dutch tomato industry has become-the world leader in yield, producing more tomatoes per square mie than any wtiere else: the Netherlands enjoys high yields in other staple crcps (right) as well. Top 25 tomato producers, 2014 ranked by yield Top 25 producers by yelld, 2014 tons per square mile Netherlands No.1 80,690 Chiliesand green peppers No.1 210,065 Cucumbers No. 2 11,582 Pears No. 5 17,144 No.S 13,036 No. 5 13,037 Carrots Potatoes Onions The U.S. ranks th ird i n bothtornato production and yield. China uses more land tofarm tomatoes than any other country, making it the world leader in production despite average yields per square mile. Nigeria has the third largest areaharvested tortonnatoes, but the lowest yield among the top 25 producers. Chile Portugal Morocco Greece Poland 3.863 ;■ square £ miles Brazil Algeria ■ Tunisia Mexico Uzbekistan Russia Indonesia Cameroon Characteristics of intensive agriculture What is typical for the industrial (intensive) agriculture? Start the presentation to see live content. For screen share software, share the entire screen. Characteristics of intensive agriculture Aqrochemicals - use of mineral fertilizers (N, P, K) - excessive use of synthetic pesticides - production, distribution and application of agrochemicals, storage and liquidation of stocks Characteristics of intensive agriculture Aqrochemicals - use of mineral fertilizers (N, P, K) - excessive use of synthetic pesticides - production, distribution and application of agrochemicals, storage and liquidation of stocks Meet production - livestock breeding (Baraka movie) - breeding, transport, slaughter (unnatural conditions, stress, abuse) - use of industrial feedstuff - controlled reproduction, one-sided breeding Characteristics of intens. agriculture Food storage - reduction of direct collection —► transport distances are increasing —> the need for long durability —> chemical treatment, cooling food for thought Household greenhouse gas emissions from food account for almost twite those produced by driving. Most of this comes from the food production process itself, rather thai food-miles, as is often believed Food production Transport (farm to consumer) Wholesale/Ye tail (refrigeration, editing etc) 4.4 turn's CO Average US household efniisior-iS - ruin driving tonnes tOeq Or4Q5 tonnes o.i tonnes Cl^eq from HFC's and other industrial gases Jhe amount of CO^ that would have to be released into the atmosphere to produce the same worming (over 100 years) os the greenhouse gas in question 60 tonnes CG\eq The average US household's greenhouse gas emissions per year s 2 Characteristics of intens. agriculture Food storage - reduction of direct collection —> transport distances are increasing —> the need for long durability —► chemical treatment, cooling - from the place of production to an American consumer plate ~ 2400 km - transport as a whole ~ 11% of C02 emissions from total food production (USA) food for thought Household greenhouse gas emissions from food account for almost twice those produced by driving. Most of this comes from the food production process itself, rather than food-miles, as is often believed ICE COLD SOLD HERE Wholesale/retail (refrigeration, ighllng etc) 4.4 tonnes co. Average US household emissions from driving C02eq: Jhe amount of C02 that would have la be released into the atmosphere to produce the 58WW worming (am 100 yean) an the greenhouse gas in question 60 tonnes CO eq The average US household's greenhouse gas emissions per year —! = 2 Characteristics of intens. agriculture EROEI - energy return on energy invested - industrialization of agriculture decreases EROEI - increasing amount of auxiliary energy Auxiliary energy (AE) - all E invested in the agri. production except of natural E ( Characteristics of intens. agriculture EROEI - energy return on energy invested - industrialization of agriculture decreases EROEI - increasing amount of auxiliary energy Auxiliary energy (AE) - all E invested in the agri. production except of natural E (sun) AE in crop production - agrochem. 46%, fossil E 22%, machines 13%, seeds 10%, work 9% t share of AE in agrochemicals. given by high E intensity of N fertilizers - 80 GJ /1 (P fertilizers 6 times less, K fertilizers 9 times less) - N fertilizers highest consumption - the most demanding for AE is sugar beet: 40 GJ/ha, alfalfa: 13 GJ/ha - the largest E output - sugar beet: 214 GJ/ha, alfalfa 107 GJ/ha Characteristics of intens. agriculture EROEI - energy return on energy invested - industrialization of agriculture decreases EROEI - increasing amount of auxiliary energy Auxiliary energy (AE) - all E invested in the agri. production except of natural E (sun) AE in crop production - agrochem. 46%, fossil E 22%, machines 13%, seeds 10%, work 9% t share of AE in agrochemicals. given by high E intensity of N fertilizers - 80 GJ /1 (P fertilizers 6 times less, K fertilizers 9 times less) - N fertilizers highest consumption - the most demanding for AE is sugar beet: 40 GJ/ha, alfalfa: 13 GJ/ha - the largest E output - sugar beet: 214 GJ/ha, alfalfa 107 GJ/ha Energetic balance - specific consumption per GJ produced: lucerne 0.12, sugar beet 0.19, potatoes 0.43, meat 0.9 = per 1 GJ DE there are 1,1 GJ livestock products = EROEI Negative aspects of intensive agriculture Social - marginalization of agriculture as a part of economy (belongs to the groups with the lowest life-standard ) - now - circa 4% of the population; circa 3% of GDP - before 1940 - 35% of the population (product, age), the strongest political party in Czechoslovakia Negative aspects of intensive agriculture Social - marginalization of agriculture as a part of economy (belongs to the groups with the lowest life-standard ) - now - circa 4% of the population; circa 3% of GDP - before 1940 - 35% of the population (product, age), the strongest political party in Czechoslovakia The EU Budget For 2018:144.7 billion euros Customs and sugar levies Value added taxes Other Differences due to rounding Source: European Commission Economical - high state subsidy (EU) - concentration of sales into large chains —> dependence of private households on agro-concerns, pressure to increase revenues - exports to world markets are growing - subsidies - self-insufficiency Research and technology Administration Foreign policy Domestic policy Other ©Globus 12608 Negative aspects of intensive agriculture Social - marginalization of agriculture as a part of economy (belongs to the groups with the lowest life-standard ) - now - circa 4% of the population; circa 3% of GDP - before 1940 - 35% of the population (product, age), the strongest political party in Czechoslovakia The EU Budget For 2018: 144.7 billion euros Customs and sugar levies Value added taxes Other Differences due to rounding Source: European Commission Economical - high state subsidy (EU) - concentration of sales into large chains —> dependence of private households on agro-concerns, pressure to increase revenues - exports to world markets are growing - subsidies - self-insufficiency Research and technology Administration Foreign policy Domestic policy Other ©Globus 12608 Ethical - poor handling with animals - intensive use of resources (v, p) at the expense of other ecosystems. Negative aspects of intensive agriculture Environmental and Health - globally, the intensity of non-renewables use increases - soil, water and crop contamination, reduced soil fertility - reducing biodiversity, increasing pest and disease resistance » Pesticide use in OECD countries 12014 C oi" latest avail able) +2002 -25 • * 1 1 • ..iiiii ■ ■ 1 .Il.l.n 15 1 :>ží Sourcůi Data fmm FAOSTAT (2)17) OECD Environment Directorate Negative aspects of intensive agriculture Environmental and Health - globally, the intensity of non-renewables use increases - soil, water and crop contamination, reduced soil fertility - reducing biodiversity, increasing pest and disease resistance - landscape damage, erosion _ How to deal with these negatives insutrial agriculture? Start the presentation to see live content. For screen share software, share the entire screen. Get help at Sustainable agriculture „A type of agricultural production that meets the needs of the present and does not limit the needs of future generations" (OECD) - Protects the land used for agricultural production, water, genetic resources - It does not degrade the environment - A manageable, economically self-sufficient and socially acceptable system in practice Sustainable agriculture „A type of agricultural production that meets the needs of the present and does not limit the needs of future generations" (OECD) - Protects the land used for agricultural production, water, genetic resources - It does not degrade the environment - A manageable, economically self-sufficient and socially acceptable system in practice Necessary aims to reach a sustainable agriculture 1) Higher diversity of flora and fauna on arable land and permanent grassland 2) Increased crop diversity. 3) Creating conditions leading to the protection of nonproductive ecosystems and wild organisms Biodiversity ■ f >■ crop infectious production disease mediation regional climate and air quality regulation carbon sequestration forest production preserving habitats and biodiversity water quality regulation water flow regulation natural ecosystem Food security infectious disease mediation regional climate and air quality regulation carbon sequestration crop production forest production preserving habitats and biodiversity water flow water regulation quality regulation intensive cropland Biodiversity Food security ■ r >■ COP infectious production disease mediation regional climate and air quality regulation carbon sequestration forest production preserving habitats and biodiversity water quality regulation water flow regulation cropland with restored ecosystem services Sustainable agriculture - Creating and maintaining rural communities and traditions. - Economic stability of rural areas. - Protection of existing and planting of new habitats (shrubs, bands of shrubs or grasslands), forest edges, wet habitats, flowering bands. Organic farming (agriculture) - alternative to industrial (intensive, conventional) agriculture - law 242/2000 Col. on Organic farming „A special type of farming that respects the environment and its constituents by restricting or prohibiting the use of substances and practices that burden and pollute the environment or increase the risk of contamination of the food chain, and that pay increased attention to the external manifestations and welfare of farmed animals." (Law 242/2000 Col.) Organic farming (agriculture) - alternative to industrial (intensive, conventional) agriculture - law 242/2000 Col. on Organic farming „A special type of farming that respects the environment and its constituents by restricting or prohibiting the use of substances and practices that burden and pollute the environment or increase the risk of contamination of the food chain, and that pay increased attention to the external manifestations and welfare of farmed animals." (Law 242/2000 Col.) Organic in Europe ................................................................................................EU GROUP ^^^^^^^^^B 15 Retail Market Data compiled by Percentage of agricultural land which is organic Czech Republic Rollover a country to find out about I Czech Republic 11.5% 70'-I FOAM International Federation of Organic Agriculture 489 thousand hectares of organic land in 2016 Organic land area in 1000 hectares Organic land use* 85.5% Grassland 417,987 hectares 13.3% Arable crops 64,995 hectares Permanent crops 5,608 hectares 0% Other 0 hectares 0% 10W 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 11.5% Producers 4,271 EU average 10,540 Processors 616 EU average 2,238 •Nates Sources Organic farming in Czechia Graf I Vývoj celkové výměry půdy a počtu farem v EL a podílu na celkovém ZPF (1990-2017) 5 500 o Jí m Í3 o Q. O O 5 000 4 500 4 000 3 500 3 000 2 500 2 000 I 500 I 000 500 0 □ Výměra pudy již plně v EZ (100 ha) 3 Výměra půdy v přechodném období (100 ha) - Počet farem hospodařících v EZ — Podíl z celkové výměry ZPF (%) Zdroj: MZe a REP (údaje vždy k 31. í Z. daného roku); zpracoval UZEI. Rules of Organic Farming - without the use of agrochemicals, except for some gentle inorganic substances (eg. blue vitriol) in a special circumstances - preservation of greenery (chains, alleys) - measures against erosion, eg postponing plowing after the winter - exclude the cultivation of GM crops Rules of Organic Farming - without the use of agrochemicals, except for some gentle substances (eg. blue vitriol) in a special circumstances - preservation of greenery (chains, alleys) - measures against erosion, eg postponing plowing after the winter - exclude the cultivation of GM crops - space for lying, rest, stable with straw, range including grazing and natural food - the prohibition of caging and housing cattle and pigs on steel grates - ban on the addition of growth promoters, meat-and-bone meal, synthetic substances to feed - hormonal synchronization of rut or embryo transfer With demand for chicken increasing, Dutch firms are developing technology to maximize poultry production while ensuring humane conditions. This high-tech broiler house holds up to 150,000 birds, from hatching to harvesting. Home I Environment I News Organic farming could feed the world 13:46 12 July 2007 by Catherine Brahic A switch to organic farming would not reduce the world's food supply and could also increase food security in developing countries, say the authors of a new study. They claim their findings lay to rest the debate over whether organic farming could sustainably feed the world. Organic farming avoids or heavily restricts the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilisers, as well as livestock feed additives. Numerous studies have compared the yields of organic and conventional methods for individual crops and animal products (see 20-year study backs organic farming). Now, a team of researchers has compiled research from 293 different comparisons into a single study to assess the overall efficiency of the two agricultural systems. Available materials Ivette Perfecto of the University of Michigan in the US and her colleagues found that, in developed countries, organic systems on average produce 92% of the yield produced by conventional agriculture. In developing countries, however, organic systems produce 80% more than conventional farms. fj To se mi libi D Share 3* i q □ b ra ADVERTISEMENT SEARCH THE LATEST CANCER & ONCOLOGY JOBS Latest news i4- 4-1*-.—4- 4-1-..-. r-r-i—4-r-. K > Hippo dung is health food for river animals 18:45 -15 April 2015 Home I Environment | Science in Society | News 20-year study backs organic farming 19:00 30 May 2002 by Fred Pearce > For similar stories, visit the Food and Drink and Endangered Species Topic Guides The world's longest running experiment in comparing organic and conventional farming side-by-side has pronounced chemical-free farming a [J To s& mi libl O Share 20 q □ □ ra ADVERTISEMENT "We have shown that organic farming is efficient, saves energy, maintains biodiversity and keeps soils healthy for future generations," says Paul Mader of the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture in Frick. Switzerland, which carried out the 21 -year study. Although crop yields on organic plots in the experiment were on average 20 per cent lower than those on conventional plots, the ecological and efficiency gains more than made up for it, Mader says. Soils nourished with manure were more fertile and produced more crops for a given input of nitrogen or other fertiliser. "The input of nutrients like nitrogen were as much as 50 per cent lower, so overall the organic system was more efficient," he told New Scientist. Not all crops did equally well. Potato yields on organic plots were only 60 per cent of those on conventional plots. But organic winter wheat achieved 90 per cent, and grasses fed on manure did just as well as those fed on fertiliser. Mader argues that the biggest bonus is the improved quality of the soil under organic cultivation, which should ensure good crops for decades to come. Earthworms and fungi Organic soils had up to three times as many earthworms, twice as many insects and 40 per cent more mycorrhizal fungi colonising plant roots. Soils microbes went into overdrive, transforming organic material into new plant biomass faster than microbes in conventional plots. More predictably perhaps, organic plots contained up to 10 times as many weed species as conventional plots sprayed with herbicides. "Under European conditions, we can clearly grow our food with much less SAHARA FOREST PROJECT 0 Profitable and innovative environmental solutions within the food, water and energy sector Latest news Hippo dung is health food for river animals 18:45 15 April 2015 Rivers filled with hippo faeces may sound disgusting, but the excrement provides nutrition for fish and aquatic insects ] War and religion: the metaphors hampering climate change debate 15:59 15April 2015 Climate change is often painted as a battle to be fought or a creed with scant evidence. Such News HOME NEWS SPORT BUSIXESS ALL SECTIONS = Limitovaná edice k 30.VýrOČI startu Karla Lopraise na Rallye Dakar # News Think organic food is better for you, animals, and the planet? Think again BJ0RJN LOMBORG 12 JUNE 2016. 5:33PM Q 9 © XEWS MOST VIEVTED The organics hype is just that - hype csEDrnwAVNEFjuBSLUAiAMv Wliat we eat is seen as more important than ever. And everywhere we are urged to go organic: we are told it is more nutritious,, it improves animal welfare and helps the environment. In reality, that is mosdy marketing hype. In am?, Stanford University's Centre for Health Policy did the bieee 1 Labour crisis: As many as 150 MPs expected to vote against Jeremy Corbyn as George Osborne rules himself out of Conservative race 28 Jun 2016.5:12am I cannot stress too much that Britain is part of Europe - Login In Scotland? Go to our Scotland sit9 > Sotl Association > Blogs > Telegraph attacks organic...Again Telegraph attacks organic..Again! Print ^ 2 ^»1 Telegraph attacks organic [Ü3 13 June 2016 Bjom Lomborg wrote in the Telegraph over the weekend that what we eat is more important than ever, Great, couldn't agree more - but unfortunately, the agreements stopped there. He then went on to suggest, among other things, that 'going organic would kill more than 13.000 people in the US each year'. Think organic food is better for you, animals, and the planet? Think again. Is this pure fantasy? Of course, his wildly inaccurate criticisms of organic food and farming ignore recent and nmprehensive research including three published in the British Jou Home | News | Earth | Health | Humans INSIGHT 25 May 2016 What does 'natural' mean? Time to ditch a dangerous concept The Green movement has done much good in raising awareness of the dangers of global warming, but it often falls into the trap of thinking that Mother Nature is always best. Its blanket opposition to GM food makes no sense. We have been genetically modifying our crops for millennia; current GM food presents no threat to health and could help solve nutritional deficiencies. It's vital to step back from using antibiotics in farming, but many people would not be alive today if not for modern agriculture. Recent approach - obsolete? A modern approach - better? Separation of an intensive food production from the extensive farming in the landscape? Biodiversity ■ f crop infectious production disease mediation regional climate and air quality regulation carbon sequestration forest production preserving habitats and biodiversity water quality regulation water flow regulation Biodiversity + Food security ■ f crop infectious production disease mediation regional climate and air quality regulation carbon sequestration forest production preserving habitats and biodiversity water quality regulation water flow regulation infectious disease mediation regional climate and air quality regulation carbon sequestration crop production forest production preserving habitats and biodiversity water flow water regulation quality regulation natural ecosystem intensive cropland Biodiversity + Food security + infectious disease mediation regional climate and air quality regulation carbon sequestration crop production forest production preserving habitats and biodiversity water quality regulation water flow regulation natural ecosystem infectious disease mediation regional climate and air quality regulation carbon sequestration crop production forest production preserving habitats and biodiversity water flow water regulation quality regulation intensive cropland Biodiversity Food security ■ t crop infectious production disease mediation regional climate and air quality regulation carbon sequestration forest production preserving habitats and biodiversity water quality regulation water flow regulation cropland with restored ecosystem services