Homework problems #1 1. Helmholtz free energy of liquids can by approximated by F(T,V,N) = −kT ln    h2 2πmkT −3N/2  4 3 π √ 2 V N 1/3 −σ 3   N   , where h, m, k and σ are constants. Determine the equation of state of this gas p = p(T,V), the difference of specific heats cp −cV , and show that both formulae correspond to ideal gas for V/N ≫ σ. 2. Computer problem: The number of microstates of the system of N classical noninteracting particles with energy lower than E in a volume V is given by Ω(E) = 2πmE h2 3 2 N VN N!Γ(3 2N +1) . Let us study two such systems in a thermal interaction with total energy 2E. We shall study fluctuations in these systems, within which one of the system has energy E +∆E and the second one E −∆E. Plot the number of microstates of combined system as a function of ∆E for N = 10, 102, 104. (It is advisable to express the energy in units of ε = h2/(2πm) an number of states in units of γ = VN/(N!Γ(3 2N +1)).) Let us assume that ∆E changes discountinuously by the value of ε/100 and determine an error introduced by assuming that the entropy is calculated only from the states corresponding to the equilibrium. (calculate for N = 10, 102, 104, 105). The solution should be submitted not later than on March 16th. 1