Chapter 7 Plane Electromagnetic Waves and Wave Propagation—SI 10 Causality in the Connection Between D and E; Kramers-Kronig Relations A. Nonlocality in Time Another consequence of the frequency dependence of e(oj) is a temporally nonlocal connection between the displacement D(x, t) and the electric field E(x, t). If the monochromatic components of frequency co are related by D(x, e(co)e-iwt dt' eicot'E(x, t') 2.7t j — (7.106) att j -«> Equations (7.105) and (7.106) give a nonlocal connection between D and E, in which D at time t depends on the electric field at times other than t* If e() then, under suitable restrictions concerning integrability, C(f) = —L= I A(t')B(t - f) dt' V2-7T J-=o Sect. 7.10 Causality in the Connection Between D and E; Kramers-Kronig Relations 331 independent of co for all co, (7.106) yields G(r) a: d(r) and the instantaneous connection is obtained, but if e(co) varies with co, G(t) is nonvanishing for some values of r different from zero. B. Simple Model for G(t), Limitations To illustrate the character of the connection implied by (7.105) and (7.106) we consider a one-resonance version of the index of refraction (7.51): e((o)/e0 - 1 = co2p(co20 - co2 - iyco)^ (7.107) The susceptibility kernel G(r) for this model of e(co) is col f00 e~ioiT G(t) = ~ —7-5-:— dco (7.108) 277 J-oo a>0 — co — lyco The integral can be evaluated by contour integration. The integrand has poles in the lower half-w-plane at 2 ly y coh2 = -— ± vQ, where v\ = co\ - — (7.109) For r < 0 the contour can be closed in the upper half-plane without affecting the value of the integral. Since the integrand is regular inside the closed contour, the integral vanishes. For r > 0, the contour is closed in the lower half-plane and the integral is given by —277? times the residues at the two poles. The kernel (7.108) is therefore G(r) = cole^12 d(r) (7.110) where 6»(r) is the step function [0(t) = 0 for r < 0; 0(t) = 1 for r > 0]. For the dielectric constant (7.51) the kernel G(t) is just a linear superposition of terms like (7.110). The kernel G(r) is oscillatory with the characteristic frequency of the medium and damped in time with the damping constant of the electronic oscillators. The nonlocality in time of the connection between D and E is thus confined to times of the order of y-1. Since y is the width in frequency of spectral lines and these are typically 107-109 s-1, the departure from simultaneity is of the order of 10~7-10~9 s. For frequencies above the microwave region many cycles of the electric field oscillations contribute an average weighed by G(r) to the displacement D at a given instant of time. Equation (7.105) is nonlocal in time, but not in space. This approximation is valid provided the spatial variation of the applied fields has a scale that is large compared with the dimensions involved in the creation of the atomic or molecular polarization. For bound charges the latter scale is of the order of atomic dimensions or less, and so the concept of a dielectric constant that is a function only of co can be expected to hold for frequencies well beyond the visible range. For conductors, however, the presence of free charges with macroscopic mean free paths makes the assumption of a simple e(co) or tr(co) break down at much lower frequencies. For a good conductor like copper we have seen that the damping constant (corresponding to a collision frequency) is of the order of y0 ~ 3 X 1013 s-1 at room temperature. At liquid helium temperatures, the damping constant may be 10~3 times the room temperature value. Taking the Bohr velocity in 332 Chapter 7 Plane Electromagnetic Waves and Wave Propagation—SI hydrogen (c/137) as typical of electron velocities in metals, we find mean free paths of the order L ~ c/(137y0) ~ 10 4 ni at liquid helium temperatures. On the other hand, the conventional skin depth 5 (5.165) can be much smaller, of the order of 10~7 or 10~8 m at microwave frequencies. In such circumstances, Ohm's law must be replaced by a nonlocal expression. The conductivity becomes a tensorial quantity depending on wave number k and frequency co. The associated departures from the standard behavior are known collectively as the anomalous skin effect. They can be utilized to map out the Fermi surfaces in metals.* Similar nonlocal effects occur in superconductors where the electromagnetic properties involve a coherence length of the order of 10~6 m.f With this brief mention of the limitations of (7.105) and the areas where generalizations have been fruitful we return to the discussion of the physical content of (7.105). C. Causality and Analydeity Domain of e(w) The most obvious and fundamental feature of the kernel (7.110) is that it vanishes for t < 0. This means that at time t only values of the electric field prior to that time enter in determining the displacement, in accord with our fundamental ideas of causality in physical phenomena. Equation (7.105) can thus be written D(x, t) = £0|e(x, t) + Jo G(t)E(x, t - r) drj (7.111) This is, in fact, the most general spatially local, linear, and causal relation that can be written between D and E in a uniform isotropic medium. Its validity transcends any specific model of e(oj). From (7.106) the dielectric constant can be expressed in terms of G(t) as f* CO e( °° to assure that e(co)/e0 is also analytic there. This is true for dielectrics, but not for conductors, where G(r) -» o7e0 as °o and e( 0). Apart, then, from a possible pole at co = 0, the dielectric constant e(co)/e0 is analytic in co for Im co > 0 as a direct result of the causal relation (7.111) *A. B. Pippard, in Reports on Progress in Physics 23, 176 (1960), and the article entitled "The Dynamics of Conduction Electrons," by the same author in Low-Temperature Physics, Les Houches Summer School (1961), eds. C. de Witt. B. Dreyfus, and P. G. de Gennes, Gordon and Breach, New York (1962). The latter article has been issued separately by the same publisher. tSee, for example, the article "Superconductivity" by M. Tinkham in Low Temperature Physics, op. cit. Sect. 7.10 Causality in the Connection Between D and E; Kramers-Kronig Relations 333 between D and E. These properties can be verified, of course, for the models discussed in Sections 7.5.A and 7.5.C. The behavior of e(co)/e0 — 1 for large co can be related to the behavior of G(r) at small times. Integration by parts in (7.112) leads to the asymptotic series, iG(0) G'(0) e(co)/e0 - 1 =---— + • • • co co where the argument of G and its derivatives is r = 0+. It is unphysical to have G(0~) = 0, but G(0+) ¥= 0. Thus the first term in the series is absent, and e(co)/e0 - 1 falls off at high frequencies as co'2, just as was found in (7.59) for the oscillator model. The asymptotic series shows, in fact, that the real and imaginary parts of e((o)/e0 - 1 behave for large real co as Re[e()/e0 in the upper half-w-plane permits the use of Cau-chy's theorem to relate the real and imaginary part of e(co)/e0 on the real axis. For any point z inside a closed contour C in the upper half-co-plane, Cauchy's theorem gives If [6(a/)/60 - 1] , e(z)/e0 = 1 + —

2[l — e(co)/e0]} Provided the falloff of Im e(co) at high frequencies is given by (7.114), the first Kramers-Kronig relation yields a sum rule for co2p: 2 r col = — I oj Im e(co)/e0 dco (7.122) 77 J 0 This relation is sometimes known as the sum rule for oscillator strengths. It can be shown to be equivalent to (7.52) for the dielectric constant (7.51), but is obviously more general. The second sum rule concerns the integral over the real part of e(co) and follows from the second relation (7.120). With the assumption that [Re e(co')/e0 - 1] = -co2plco'2 + 0(1/go'4) for all co' > N, it is straightforward to show that for co > N Im e(co)/e0 = — (-— + f [Re e(co')le0 - 1] dco'\ + o(—? ttco I N jo j \c0~ It was shown in Section 7.10.C that, excluding conductors and barring the un-physical happening that G(0+) # 0, Im e(co) behaves at large frequencies as co~3. It therefore follows that the expression in curly brackets must vanish. We are thus led to a second sum rule, 1 CN co2 - I Re e(co)/e0 dco = 1 + ^ (7.123) which, for N ^> °°, states that the average value of Re e(co)/e0 over all frequencies is equal to unity. For conductors, the plasma frequency sum rule (7.122) still holds, but the second sum rule (sometimes called a super convergence relation) has an added term — 77o72e0jV, on the right hand side (see Problem 7.23). These optical sum rules and several others are discussed by Altarelli et al.* 7.11 Arrival of a Signal After Propagation Through a Dispersive Medium Some of the effects of dispersion have been considered in the preceding sections. There remains one important aspect, the actual arrival at a remote point of a *M. Altarelli, D. L. Dexter, H. M. Nussenzveig, and D. Y. Smith, Phys. Rev. B6, 4502 (1972).