Simple quantum models of optical response of condensed matter v. 3 11.4.2021 1 FK020_Electrodynamics of solids Josef Humlíček, The simplest quantum models based on perturbation theory. Probability of transitions to excited states and dissipation of energy. Response functions related to one-electron picture of direct interband transitions of valence electrons in crystals. Examples: optical functions of doped GaAs. 2 Quantum transitions in perturbation theory 3 The light wave is composed by a train of photons, carrying quantized energy. They can be absorbed during the interaction with matter. In the manybody system of condensed matter, elementary excitations in the form of quasiparticles can be identified (electrons, holes, excitons, phonons etc.). The photon and quasiparticle fields influence each other via their interactions (“scattering”, “collisions”). One of the basic processes is the absorption of a photon, with the transfer of its energy to the quasiparticle system. Other processes are possible, such as elastic or inelastic scattering of photons, when a photon survives the collision in a modified form (direction of propagation and/or energy). Important processes involve spontaneous or stimulated emission of photons, carrying energy taken from quasiparticles. In the case of small changes of the studied system, caused by a weak optical field, the prediction of response functions can be based on the standard perturbation theory of quantum mechanics. 4 A convenient quantity to be calculated is the energy taken from a harmonic electromagnetic wave in a unit volume per unit of time, linked to the imaginary part of the dielectric function, 2 2 1 , 2 oQ E  which is proportional to the time average of the power of the wave. Its macroscopic form is usually the (Joule) heat. The procedure involves a calculation of the increase of the mean energy of the condensed system, and use the above equation for the evaluation of the absorptive part of the dielectric function. The real part can be obtained via Kramers-Kronig transform of the imaginary part calculated for all frequencies. Matter will be divided into small areas (of the volume V, with their dimensions much smaller than the wavelength of the optical field). In these areas, the electric field intensity of the wave is independent of the position; we retain solely the harmonic time dependence   i t oE t E e   from the time to=0 of switching the perturbation on. Magnetic component will be neglected. The perturbative part of hamiltonian can be expressed via the operator of dipole moment (charge times its displacement) as      ( ) Re , where / 2 oi t i t i t o o o d n E H t d E e e e n E E           is a unit vector in the direction of force. The force performs work due to the displacement of the charge, equal to the scalar product of the vectors of force and displacement. (4.1) (4.2) (4.3) 5 2 2 0 2 2 2 2 2 1 ( , ) ( ) d ( , ) ( , ) , where sin 2 , ( , ) . 2 f iE E T i t if i f i f o f i i f p T f H t e t i f d n i T F T F T E T x E E F T x T x                        Assume the system in a stationary state i (with the energy Ei) at the initial time to. The probability of a transition to a stationary final state f (with the energy Ef) at the time T (which is the squared modolus of the probability amplitude) is .if   For large T, the probability is negligible except for the fulfillment of the “resonance condition” (4.4) (4.5) (4.6) 6 ( , )d for any 0 ; lim ( , ) ( ) . T F T x x T F T x x        For T → ∞ the function F can be replaced by the Dirac : Owing to the transition i→f , the light field performs work, which (per unit volume and time) reads 2 2 ( , ) ( ) ( ) ( ) .if if o i f i f p T Q f d n i E TV V                  The work vanishes whenever the resonance condition is not fulfilled, and diverges otherwise. This is a consequence of the stationary initial and final states. Quasistationary states have finite lifetimes; for the exponential temporal dependence of the probability Ps of the decay of the state of mean energy Eo during the time t (Pn means the probability preserving the state during the time t), 2 2 ( ) , ( ) 1 , t t n sP t e P t e        the probability density of finding the energy E is 2 2 1 ( ) . ( ) o o E E E E         This is so called Breit-Wigner, or Lorentz, or Cauchy distribution. (4.7) (4.8) (4.9) (4.10) 7 The positive parameter  has the dimension of energy; it is inversely proportional to the lifetime of quasistationary ( <