Oil-oil and oil-source rock correlations in the northern Vienna Basin and adjacent Carpathian Flysch Zone (Czech and Slovak area) J. Franca1, M. Radke2, R. G. Schaefer2, H. S. Poelchau2, J. Čáslavský3 and Z. Boháček1 1C%ech Geological Survey IpGU), Leitnerova 22, 658 69 Brno, C^ech Republic. 2Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH (KFA), ICG-4, D-52425Jülich, Germany. }Dept. of Environmental Studies, Masaryk University, Kotlářská 2, 611 37 Brno, C^ech Republic. ABSTRACT: The geochemistry of oils was studied to characterize their origin and possible relationships to the source rocks in the contact region of the Bohemian Massif, Western Carpathians, and the northern part of the Vienna Basin in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The reservoir depths range from 700 to 6000 m and temperatures from 36 to 150 °C. Their stratigraphic and structural positions comprise the Neogene of the Vienna Basin, underlying Inner Carpathian units, adjacent Carpathian Flysch and foredeep, autochthonous Palaeogene, Palaeozoic, and the crystalline basement of the Bohemian Massif. The genetic potential of the source rocks increases from the Palaeozoic through the autochthonous Palaeogene, and from the Jurassic to the Oligocene Menilite Fm. in the Flysch nappes. The Jurassic and Palaeogene enter the oil window at a depth of at least 3.5 km. Oils were expelled from the source rocks buried deeper than 4—5 km where they have reached maturation levels equivalent to 0.8 to 1.17% vitrinite reflectance. Oil families differ mainly in oleanane content and other indicators of either marine or terrestrial organic facies. Biodegradation of oils occurs in reservoirs at depths down to 1.8 km. The compositions of some of the oils may be explained as a result of evaporative fractionation and gas percolation through the deeper oil accumulations. Mixing of biodegraded oils with ailochthonous gas condensates suggests two principal migration events. KEYWORDS: oil, source rock, correlation, Vienna Basin INTRODUCTION In the Carpathian, Pannonian and Alpine region, several oil families and source rocks have been characterized: (1) (a) Upper Jurassic marls of the Bohemian Massif: main source rock of oils in the Vienna Basin and adjacent Molasse Zone in Lower Austria (Welte et al. 1982-pre-Tertiary source in general; Ladwein 1988; Ladwein et al 1991; Wehner & Kuckelkorn 1995), and possibly some oils in the eastern Czech Republic (Müller & Krejčí 1992; Wehner & Kuckelkorn 1995). (b)The Upper Jurassic of the Helveticum, northern alps: possible source of oils in the Tertiary base and the Cretaceous in the Upper Austrian and German Molasse (Wehner & Kuckelkorn 1995). (2) The Oligocene Menilite shales, main source rock of the oils in the overthrust and foredeep of the Carpathians in Poland (ten Haven et al. 1993; Lafargue et al. 1994). The good oil-source potential of this unit is also characterised bv Šimánek et al. (1981), Veto (1987), Kruge et al. (1991), Koltun (1992) and Köster et al. (1995). Stradgraphic equivalents comprise: (a) autochthonous Eocene to Oligocene Nesvaiilka and Těšany Fms. of the eastern Bohemian Massif (Müller and Krejčí 1992); (b) autochthonous Early Oligocene Fischschiefer. considered to be the main source rock below the overthrust of the Austrian Alps (Zimmer & Wessely 1996), and a possible source of oils in the Tertian' base and the Cretaceous in Upper Austria and the German Molasse (Hufnagel et al. 1979; Ladwein 1988; Wehner & Kuckelkorn 1995); (c) laminated euxinic Tard Clay Fm. of the Lower Oligocene, with good source potential for oil and gas in the North Hungarian Palaeogene basin (Brukner-Wein et al. 1990; Milota etal. 1995). (3) The Upper Triassic Kossen marl: main potential source rock of the oils in the western Pannonian Basin (Brukner-Wein & Veto 1986; Hetenvi 1989; Szalav & Koncz 1991; Clayton & Koncz 1994). (4) The Miocene: source rocks of some oils in the Pannonian Basin in Hungary (Szalav & Koncz 1991; Koncz & Eder 1994; Clayton & Koncz 1994) and possibly in the Styrian (Graz) Basin, Austria (Sachsenhofer 1994). The Miocene was considered to be the main source of oil and gas in the Vienna Basin in earlier studies (Simanek 1977; see Kratochvil & Ladwein 1984), but introduction of advanced geochemical techniques such as pyrolysis and biomarker analysis has shown that in general the Miocene has poor source potential and is often not sufficiendy mature. From Wessely, G. & IJebl, W. (eds), 1996, Oil OJ 120 3. c: 100 0 5 80 (U c 0 0 60 40 20 0 Up. JURASSIC Pristane TOC = 1.31 Nemficky -1, 3510 m, Extract . _ .._.%: S1+S2 = 3.02 mg/g rock HI = 222 mg HC/g TOC; Tmax = 434 °C Pri/Phy = 2.0; CPI(29) = 1.63 Pri/nC17 = 0.86 Phy/nC18 = 0.59 N n-alkanes isoprenoids Hopane r r r r 10 15 20 25 30 Carbon number in n-alkanes 35 40 3 600 - 550 - 500 • „ 450 ■ O 0 400- 01 "S) 350 • g 300 TO EOCENE Karlín - 1, 3899 m, Extract TOC = 1.54%; S1+S2 = 2.13 mg/g rock Pristane HI = 125 mg HC/g TOC; Tmax = 435 °C Pri/Phy = 8.0; CPI(29) = 1.76 Pri/nC17 = 6.95 Phy/nC18 = 1.10 20 25 30 Carbon number in n-alkanes o O 300 • 250 200 - 150 ■ 100 ■ 50 ■ D Pristane OLIGOCENE FLYSCH Sedlec -1, 3116 m, Extract TOC = 2.87 %; S1+S2 = 18.94 mg/g rock HI = 638 mg HC/g TOC; Tmax = 423 °C Pri/Phy = 2.25; CPI(29) = 1.94 Pri/nC17 = 4.61 Phy/nC18 = 1.94 n-alkanes isoprenoids Hopane -f-f 20 25 30 Carbon number in n-alkanes 35 40 f 60 53 s. is Fig. 1. Distribution of n-alkanes, isoprenoids, and a C,0 hopane in extracts of immature to early mature source-rocks. (A) Carboniferous; (B) Upper Jurassic with the dominant range of alkancs around n-C17 typical of algae; (C) autochthonous Palaeogene with bimodal n-alkane distribution typical of mixed marine and terrestrial kemgen; (D) Mcuiliie Formation of the Krosno-Meniliic Hysch of the Carpathians. 346 J. FranS et al. s a. u O Source rocks ▲ Carboniferous D U. Jurassic + NesvadilkaPg ^ MeniliteFm. OIL MATURITY RANGE T 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 225/(225+22/?) C32 Hopanes Fig. 3. Depth plot of source-rock and oil maturity based on the 22S and 22i? isomer ratio of C32 hopanes (m/z = 191). The narrow oil maturity range suggests migration from depths greater than 4 km. All shallower Palaeogene and Jurassic source rocks are distinctly less mature. 650 mg/g TOC). These sediments are enriched in C28 sterane, suggesting a possibly stratified water column. Under the microscope the flattened greenish-yellow planktonic algae are abundant, and the matrix has a yellow-green fluorescence, probably due to amorphous liprinite and alginite ultralaminae. Menilite shales are good to excellent oil source-rocks. They have the highest liptinite contents of all the studied source rocks, and vitrinite is only a minor maceral. These findings support the palaeo-environmental characteristics of the Menilite Fm. given by Roth & Hanzlíková (1982) and Veto (1987), who suggested a narrow isolated sea, about 2000 m deep, with possible upwelling bringing nutrients from the ocean depths and rivers freshening the upper water layer (up to 1000 m), with abundant bioproductivity (e.g. diatoms). Density stratification of the water caused anoxia above and below the sea floor and created excellent conditions for accumulation and preservation of organic matter. Concomitant volcanism supplied silica and contributed to the formation of silicite layers. MATURITY Source rock and oil maturity is estimated from 22S/(22S + 22R) ratios of C32 hopanes and 20S/(20S + 20R) and f3|3/(aa+ (3(3) ratios of C29 steranes, and the Methylphenanthrene Index (MPI1) values. These parameters show good correlation with the Rock-Eval T and measured vitrinite reflectance (R ) of the rock max methylcyclohexane; N, naphthaline; MN, methylnaphthalines; Pr, pristane; Ph, phytane; P, phenanthrene; MP, methylphenanthrenes; Hop, C30 hopane; DSt + St, dia- and regular C27 ,8 29 steranes. > S Tynec-109 Ottnangian 691-907m residual oil altered by biodegradation and/or evaporative fractionation Retention time (min) Fig. 9. Whole-oil GC analysis of an altered oil from the Ottnangian of the Vienna Basin. Light hydrocarbons are eliminated by biodegradation and/or evaporative fractionation due to gas percolation. > evaporative gas-condensate Zdänice - 22 (Crystalline basement) 886-931 m oil of mixed origin altered heavier oil Retention time (min) Fig. 10. Whole-oil GC analysis of an oil from a crystalline basement reservoir in the Bohemian Massif, sealed by the Flysch nappes. This is a mixture of a degraded oil which entered the reservoir at an earlier phase and a gas condensate of a later migration phase. The latter is likely to originate due to evaporative fractionation (stripping) of a 'normal' oil by allochthonous gas, which preferentially extracted light alkanes. s it a. a 4 - 6 - Biodegradation and/or K evaporative fractionation. J * ■f □ 60 - 75 °C Flysch - Vienna B. OIL RESERVOIRS: Crystalline basement a Devonian - Carbonif. + Autocht.Palaeogene ❖ Flysch nappes □ Triassic nappes * Carpath. Foredeep • Miocene Vienna Basin -i—i 1111111-1—i ■ 11 ■ i■ i-1 i 11 nil]-1—r 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 LOG10 (3MCs/n-C6) Fig. 11. Branched-to-normal alkane concentation ratio in the Cf) range (for explanation see appendix) with depth, as a biodegradation and/or evaporadve fractionation parameter, in the northern Vienna Basin and adjacent Carpathian Flysch and Foredeep area. strips the n-alkanes, which accumulate in the newly formed gas-condensate (group B) and leaves behind the residual oil depleted in n-alkanes (group C). Welte et al. (1982) noticed this phenomenon in some of the condensates reservoired in the Calcareous Alpine nappes below the Vienna Basin.' Thompson (1987) re-examined the data of Welte et al. (1982) and compared them with experimental evaporative fractionation of oils, which yielded residual oils depleted in n-alkanes and relatively enriched in aromatic compounds. These observations suggest that hydrocarbon generation and migration took place in at least two phases in the Vienna Basin and the adjacent Alpine-Carpathian region. The gases of the second phase altered many of the previously formed oil accumulations. The allochthonous (i.e. not oil-associated) origin of manv gases in this region is proven by the methane carbon isotopic data (Schoell 1984; Milicka et al. 1994), which support the proposed concept of generation and migration. OIL FAMILIES Evaluation of possible oil—oil and oil-source rock correlations in this paper is based mainly on the proportion of marine to terrestrial sources, and on the occurrence of the angiosperm-biomarker 18(X(H)-oleanane (Ekweozor et al. 1979). The occurrence of the latter may be used as proof of a Late Cretaceous or younger source rock or oil. However, its absence may not be only due to a greater age but also to the absence of land-derived organic material in the sediments (Moldowan et al. 1991; Peters & Moldowan 1993). This is indicated by the absence of oleanane in some of the Neogene shales in the Danube and Mako basins, both partial depressions of the Pannonian Basin svstem (Milicka etal. 1996; Sajgo 1984). Considering several geochemscal parameters, the investigated oils may be classified into several families (Figs 2, 14, 15): Correlations in the Vienna Basin and Flysch Zone 351 1.60 2. £ o 0.80 0.40 - T 0.40 0.80 1.20 1.60 Light HC maturity Rc = f (J„~iso-/cyclo-) C 7 (%) Fig. 12. Correlation of oil maturity parameters based on MPI 1 (Radke 1988) and the Jn value [(2, + 3-MCg)/ sumpMCYC;)] modified from J value of Schaefer (1992), both expressed as calculated equivalent vitrinite reflectance Rc (for details see appendix). Except for a biodegraded oil, both light and medium-heavy molecular ranges of oils are at a similar thermal maturity. Molecular ranges of Jn and MPI are shown in Fig. 8. (1) The first group of oils originates from a more marine source rock, and in the C2y_28.29 steranes ternary diagram these oils can be grouped together with organic extracts of the Upper Jurassic marls. Absence of oleanane also suggests Jurassic (or pre-Upper Cretaceous) age (Čáslavský 1991; Peters 1991, pers. comm.), These oils occur underneath or within the Flysch nappes northwest of the Vienna Basin, and correspond to the main family of Ladwein (1988) and Wehner & Kuckelkorn (1995). It is surprising that one oil from this family (Němčičky-1) has no oleanane, even though it occurs in an Oligocene reservoir very close to the Menilite Shale and during migration it must have passed by the autochthonous Palaeogene formations. This shows that the probability of the oil to pick up biomarkers from adjacent rocks during migration is not very high. (2) Oils of the second family occur in the crystalline reservoirs covered by the Flysch, or within the Flysch, north of the Vienna Basin (Fig. 15). Their sterane distribution is closer to the Palaeogene and Menilite source rocks (Fig. 2), with a mixed contribution from marine and humic organic matter. These oils show a distinctive Tertiary (and/or upper Cretaceous?) oleanane signature (Čáslavský 1991; Peters 1991, pers. comm.) which is also characteristic of both the autochthonous Palaeogene and Menilite (Flysch) source rocks (Figs 14, 15). The latter is considered to be the main source rock in the adjacent region of the Outer Carpathians in Poland (ten Haven et al. 1993; Lafargue etal. 1994) and in the Ukraine (Koltun 1992). This oil family may also have some genetic relationship to the oils possibly sourced from the Early Oligocene Ftschschiefer in Upper Austria and the German Molasse (Hufnagel et al. 1980; Ladwein 1988; Wehner & Kuckelkorn 1995). (3) The third family includes most of the oils in the Neogene reservoirs of the Vienna Basin. They show variable proportions of marine and terrestrial kerogen, and a variable amount of oleanane suggests at least partly Tertiary origin. These findings extend earlier studies (Welte et al. 1982) that concluded that most of the oils in the Vienna Basin belong to a single family originating from a pre-Neogene source (the autochthonous Jurassic of the Bohemian Massif; Ladwein 1.60 — Evaporative condensates mixed with older — —__ A biodegraded oils 1.20—1 ^\ A /. \ y"---V. B /a a\ / • \ ( a 1 m \ /ill 11 fil\ V ) 1 lil 11 Ift1'^ 0.80 — \ J 1 imJ - Residual oils Unaltered oils from evaporative with similar fractionation maturity in both 0.40 — and/or light and heavy biodegradation molecular ranges I 1 l 1 I ' 0.40 0.80 Light HC maturity Rc = 1.20 f (n-heptane/ sum C7 ) (%) 1.60 Fig. 13. Comparison of maturity parameters based on MPI 1 (Radke 1988) and heptane value of C7 range in oils (Thompson 1983; for explanation see in appendix). The heptane value includes n-heptane, and hence is sensitive to biodegradation and evaporative fractionation. The group A represents 'normal' unaltered oils with similar marurity values in both molecular ranges. Group B is considered to include the gas-condensate products of the evaporative fractionation of'normal' oils. Group C comprises biodegraded oils and/or residual oils from evaporatively fractionated 'normal' oils. 352 /. Franca et al. 0.60 MAMINE + + 0.50 — 0.40- - 0.30 — 0.20 — 0.10 — TERRESTRIAL 0.00 T 0.00 0.20 0.40 OIeanane/(Oleanane + Hopane) 0.60 Fig. 14. Oil—source rock correlation based ;on $$(S+R) C,7 28_29 regular steranes and the ratio of 18(X(H) oleanane to Cjq hopane. 1988). As the maturity-sensitive hopanes in these oils almost do not vary with depth and are strikingly different from those in the Miocene sediments, it is unlikely that the oils picked up a significant amount of oleanane during migration from dispersed organic matter of Tertiary age. We suggest that additional source rocks of Palaeogene age, most probably the Menilite Formation in the Flysch nappes and/or palaeo-geographically related to the autochthonous Palaeogene, generated or at least co-sourced some of the Vienna Basin oils during the Early Miocene burial. (4) Oils from the Mesozoic reservoirs (Fig. 8) of the Inner Carpathians (analogue of the Calcareous Alps in Austria) underneath the Neogene (NE part of the Vienna Basin, Fig. 15) form a fourth family. Absence of oleanane and the geological structure suggest the Mesozoic origin. An analogue of the Upper Triassic Kossen Marl described in western Hungary (Brukner-Wein & Veto 1986; Hetenyi 1989; Szalay & Koncz 1991; Clayton & Koncz 1994) is the most probable source rock. The authors wish to thank the following: the Moravian Oil Company, Hodonin, for valuable geological information, data and samples; D. H. Welte, B. Horsfield and R. Littke (KFA Jülich); P. Müller fGÜ) for stimulating discussions; H. WiUsch, W. Laumer, U. Disko, F.-J. Keller, J. Hoeltkemeier and E. Biermanns, ICG-4, KFA Jülich, for analytical assistance; IES Jülich GmbH, for providing the 1-D PDITS1-PC modelling software; and the Czech-German Bilateral Co-operation Treaty in Science and Technology for travel funds in 1992-95. JF greatly appreciates the valuable suggestions of H. W Ladwein, G. Wessely (OMV) and K. E. Peters at an earlier phase of the study. - ^ v..-.- ---- Slovakia Oil Possible families origin Oleanane 3+e Jurassic source No • Palaeogene (Menilite?) Abundant ffl Jurassic and Palaeogene Variable Q Tri assic(?) source No Fig. 15. Oil-source rock correlation in map showing rhe regional occurrence (subcrops) of; (A) Menilite Formation of the Krosno-Menilite Flysch group of nappes; (B) autochthonous Palaeogene; and (C) the autochthonous Jurassic (Mikulov Marl) source rock. The four oil families are based on biomarker similarities. APPENDIX Maturity parameters: H = 100 X n-heptane/sum(cyclohexane through heptane + methylcyclo-hexane) in %; 'heptane value' or 'H paraffinicity' as defined by Thompson (1983) who gave a crossplot of H with vitrinite reflectance. Jn = (2-, + 3-methylhexane)/(l ,cis-3-, + l,trans-3-, + l,trans-2-, + 1,1-dimethylcyclopentane), similar to the Isoheptane Value of Thompson (1983) and modified from J of Schaefer (1992) which includes l,cis-2-instead of 1,1-dimethylcyclopentane. 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