Analytical hydrogeochemistry 1. Water on Earth Spring 2022 Outline • The Hydrologic Cycle • Precipitation • Groundwater – Hydrogeological zonation (vertical) • Groundwater table • Piezometric levels – Groundwater flow • Unsaturated zone • Saturated zone • Darcy‘s Law • Diffusion • Dispersion • Retardation • Sorption and cation exchange THE HYDROLOGIC CYCLE The Hydrologic Cycle • Draw a scheme of the hydrologic cycle – Highlight the main reservoirs – Highlight the main flows – Compare the relativ sizes of individual fluxes The Hydrologic Cycle Main flows and reservoirs: Hydrological cycle • Try to build a hydrological cycle – Main streams and reservoirs Oki and Kanae 2006 Retention times Ocean 39,000 years Groundwater (underground runoff) 9,500 years Atmosphere 10 days Groundwater (river runoff) 270 years Hydrosphere • Water on (and near) the Earth's surface – liquid, gaseous and frozen • Reservoirs: • ocean 97.5% • fresh water 2.5% – 1.85% (74% of fresh water) permanently frozen polar cover – 0.64% (98.5% of residue) groundwater • atmosphere, surface water (streams, lakes) 0.01% The Hydrologic Cycle 1. How does The Hydrologic Cycle influence the chemical properties of Groundwater? – How different would be properties of water in individual reservoirs? The Hydrologic Cycle 1. How does The Hydrologic Cycle influence the chemical properties of Groundwater? – How different would be properties of water in individual reservoirs? 2. What forces cause movement of water in the hydrologic cycle? The Hydrologic Cycle 1. How does The Hydrologic Cycle influence the chemical properties of Groundwater? – How different would be properties of water in individual reservoirs? 2. What forces cause movement of water in the hydrologic cycle? 3. Which water contains the least solubles? Total dissolved solids in different waters Clark 2015 ATMOSPHERIC PRECIPITATION Rain and snow Net precipitation distribution What are the consequences of this distribution? Appelo&Postma2005 Composition of precipitation • The composition of the rain is very variable • Natural and anthropogenic sources • In a clean environment – N2, O2, CO2 + SO3, NOx and Na-Cl • Above the oceans the composition of dilute sea water • Solid aerosols • Washing dust from vegetation Fractionation • It expresses the ratio in the content of elements – Enrichment / depletion (eg. against Na) Appelo & Postma 2005 Composition of precipitation – chlorides Appelo&Postma2005 Composition of precipitation – calcium Appelo&Postma2005 Maps • Compare maps • What differences do you see? • What can be the cause? – You can use online maps. • Can you deduce any laws? Drever 1997 Compare the relative proportions of ions in different rainfall sources What can be the cause of deviations? Can you deduce any rules? Appelo&Postma2005 Appelo&Postma2005 Water analysis • Compare c,d and e,f analyzes – What is the difference? – What can be the cause? – Can you deduce any rules? • Table 2-3 shows the enrichment / depletion of precipitation compared to seawater. – Where are the biggest deviations? – What can be the cause? – Can you deduce any rules? GROUNDWATER Groundwater Aquifer Groundwater • Formed by infiltrated precipitation • Immediate interaction with the environment – Soil water is different from both surface- and ground- water • Surface flow hydrology – basal outflow + other sources • Important medium properties – Porosity – Permeability Drever 1997 • How are the pictures different? • How does the propagation of elements differ? • What can be the cause? 1. Ion adsorption 2. Dispersion 3. Diffusion 4. Different ion sizes 5. Different ion charges 6. Something else Appelo & Postma 2005 Flow in the unsaturated zone • Under normal conditions, the water percollates vertically downward along the maximal gradient of the soil moisture • The rate is derived from a mass balance 𝑣 𝐻2 𝑂 = ൗ𝑃 𝜀 𝐻2 𝑂 v … velocity of water (m/year) P… precipitation surplus (m/year) 𝜀… effective (water filled) porosity (m3/m3) • Water velocity in pores • Piston flow Flow in the unsaturated zone Appelo & Postma 2005 Question 1 A. What is the water velocity if P = 0.3 m/yr and εH2O = 0.1? B. Estimate the age of water at 3 m depth if P = 0.1 mm/yr and εH2O = 0.0022? Appelo&Postma2005 Water table • Above – vadose zone • Under – phreatic zone • Capillary fringe Cross-section of permable rock Drever 1997 Groundwater • In simplest conditions is a subdued version of topography – intersections with surface form springs, wetlands etc. • Water flows towards lower level of water table – Isolants, perched collectors Drever 1997 Hydraulic potential • Water flows from place with higher water table level towards the lower water table level – From place with higher to place with lower hydraulic potential • Energy state of water 𝛷 = 𝑔 ℎ g … gravitational acceleration h … water table level (hydraulic height) Appelo&Postma2005 Pilát 2013 Müllerová 2015 Darcy‘s Law • Formulated in the 19th century • Calculates flow (not flow rate) • Homogenous porous medium (rock) 𝑄 = −𝑘 𝐴 ℎ 𝐴 − ℎ 𝐵 𝐿 = −𝑘 𝐴 𝑑ℎ 𝑑𝑙 • Specific flow 𝑞 = −𝑘 𝑑ℎ 𝑑𝑙 𝑑ℎ 𝑑𝑙 … hydraulic gradient k … coefficient of permeability (hydraulic conductivity) Darcy‘s Law – flow rate • How far the water flows • Only saturated parts of the rock should be considered 𝑣 𝐻2 𝑂 = Τ𝑞 𝜀 𝐻2 𝑂 𝑣 𝐻2 𝑂 = 𝑄 𝐴 𝜀 𝐻2 𝑂 Question 2 • What is the water flow rate through sandstone? 𝜀 𝐻2 𝑂 = 0,3 k = 5,79 × 10−4 m.s−1 Gradient = 0,001 Question 3 • The figure shows an unconfined aquifer. Water takes 1.91 yr to move from well A to well B. The hydraulic conductivity for the aquifer rock is 135 m/d. A. What is the effective porosity of the aquifer? B. 8.42 × 105 m3 of water flows through cross section of the aquifer in 2 weeks. Find the width of the aquifer. Flow in the saturated zone • Homogeneous aquifer with even infiltration – Horizontal isochrons (ie. water at a given depth is the same age) Appelo&Postma2005 Effects of inhomogeneity • Aquifers are usually inhomogeneous – different hydraulic conductivities across the body Appelo&Postma2005 Aquifer chemistry • The well passes through all "layers" of water • Stabilization of chemistry – exponential function • Corresponds to a stirred reactor Aquifer as a stirred reactor • Great simplification – Water mixing only in the well – Different chemistry associated with development along stream-lines in the rock • Suitable for the first estimate of the spread of contaminants – We are not interested in the interaction of water with the environment but in dilution of the input concentration Reaction-transport modeling • Water reacts with the environment as it percolates • Basic description by advection-diffusion equation – Simple one-dimensional form • The sum of changes by diffusion, advection and chemical reactions 𝜕𝐶𝑖 𝜕𝑡 = 𝐷𝑖 𝜕2 𝐶𝑖 𝜕𝑥2 − 𝑣 𝜕𝐶𝑖 𝜕𝑥 ± (reaction members) Diffusion Advection Unit volume The overall change is a matter of mass balance in observed volumeDrever1997 Diffusion • The difference in concentration between 2 points in solution balances naturally over time • Brownian motion • Described by Fick's 1st law (steady state) F … flow (Flux) D… diffusion coefficient c… concentration x… distance 𝐹 = −𝐷 𝛿𝑐 𝛿𝑥 Effects on diffusion • Influence of flow through the porous medium – Diffusion defined on free solution 1. Flow only via pores (porosity effect) 2. Different pore flow rate (pore edges vs. center; tortuosity ϕ) – Φ = dl/dx – The ratio of distance traveled to absolute distance Hydrodynamic dispersion • The mixing process associated with movement through a porous medium • Longitudinal – different water velocity in pores (large, small) • Transverse – given by the available flow paths • Description analogous to diffusion (derivatives of Fick's law); D = dispersion coefficient Appelo&Postma2005 ION EXCHANGE AND ADSORPTION Crystal surfaces • Crystal surfaces contain numerous imperfections and defects. • These places allow growth/dissolution because they have different energy. Silicon surface with visible edges, kinks and other surface defects ByGescott14(talk)(Uploads)-Ownwork,GFDL, Mineral surfaces The energy of all particles (and positions) on the surface is not the same – their stability differs. Schematic representation of the crystal surface at the level of atomic dimensions: a – atom in smooth surface area (most stable position), b – adatom (solo atom on surface – least stable), c – free space on surface, d – corner, e – niche in step, f – corner, g – atom in stairs Ion exchange and sorption • In terms of surface processes in aquifers: • Cation exchange – change of the main cations in solution by contact with the mineral surface • Adsorption – binding of trace metals and organics to mineral surfaces (contaminants) • They are usually summarized under the term sorption Sorption on mineral surfaces • Enormous importance in environmental geology. – Groundwater composition, transport of contaminants, availability of nutrients for plants. • Very fast ion bonding/releasing processes. • Even very soluble substances can be in low concentration, thanks to sorption on surfaces: – The total content is then lower than the estimate based on solubility/precipitation. – Simple surface process – an order of magnitude faster than dissolution. – Reversible process – complicates measurement of rates. • Sorption – Adsorption – binding to the surface. – Absorption – entry into the structure of the absorbent. Appelo&Postma(2005) Phyllosilicates • If all SiO4 tetrahedra share three oxygens with another tetrahedra, a continuous planar structure is formed. – They form sheets (infinite planes). • Anions can enter the „meshes“ in the network. • General formula Si4O10 or Si2O5. – Al replaces up to 50% of Si in tetrahedra, although usually less than 25%. • Different types of phyllosilicates (chlorites, clay minerals) differ in "fillers" between silicate layers. • Silicate layers are much more cohesive than the filler that's why they are fissile (typically mica). Phyllosilicates • Significant absorption capacity (especially cations). • Relatively reactive – significantly affect the properties of water, soil and sediments. • 2 main building elements – Tetrahedral layers – Octahedral layers 2: 1 Phyllosilicates • "Sandwich" tetrahedral layer – octahedral – tetrahedral • Between the "sandwiches" are cations – they fit into the hexagonal "mesh" of the tetrahedral layer • Without an interlayer – held together by van der Waals forces Trioctahedral : 3 Mg2+ in octahedral layer per building unit (talc) Dioctahedral : 2 Al3+ in octahedral layer per building unit (pyrophyllite) TakenfromRyan(2014) 1: 1 Phyllosilicates • One octahedral and tetrahedral plate is repeated • Trioctahedral: 3 Mg2+ in octahedral layer per building unit (serpentines) • Dioctahedral: 2 Al3+ in octahedral layer per building unit (kaolins) Clay minerals • Phyllosilicates with grains below 2 µm • Large surface area by weight – high reactivity • The most common reactive phase in low temperature conditions • They differ from each other by substitutions and thus by the charge on the interlayer – Kaolinite group – no positions in the interlayer (low CEC) – Smectite group – Na and Ca easily washed from the interlayer, replaced by water => swelling (+ high CEC) – Illite Group – tightly bound K in the interlayer (lower CEC) Humic substances • An important component of the soil • Product of vegetation biodegradation • Heterogeneous group, large molecules of COH- (N, S) – Three-dimensional networks of aromatic cycles lined with functional groups – (-COOH) and (-OH) can dissociate and form sorption binding sites • Dark brown color of soil and water • Humic acids soluble in pH > 2 • Humins – refractory component, strongly adsorbs on mineral surfaces Clark 2015 Fe (and Mn) Oxohydroxides • Amorphous, hydrated iron oxide – coatings on grains • Crystalline form – goethite, limonite… • Insoluble in neutral pH and oxidizing conditions • Oxygen has a negative surface charge Colloids • Small (10 µm), non-crystalline particles • Hydroxides of Si, Fe, Mn, Al or organic comp. • High negative surface charge • In water with low ionic strength in suspension • Adsorption of contaminants to the surface – The total content can greatly exceed the solubility (eg Pb2+) – Transport of contaminants Zeolites • Low temperature tectosilicates • Open crystal structure – holds large amounts of water • Substitution of Al3+ for Si4+ is compensated by the incorporation of cations – Surface charges may occur Ions in solution Cation exchange • Adsorption given by the attraction of cations to mineral surfaces. • Driven by several factors: 1. Chemical attraction 2. Electrostatic attraction 3. Physical attraction (van der Waals forces) – All due to the properties of the mineral, sorbed substance and solution. • Large exchange = high exchange capacity • Especially clay minerals, oxohydroxides and organic matter. • At low pH, oxohydroxides also have an anion exchange layer. Factors affecting the attraction of cations from solution to the surface 1. Particle charge – smectite and other clay minerals have a negative charge of interlayer. 2. Particle size – large surface area to the volume of the mineral has a greater binding potential. 3. Additional binding sites – interlayers, channels in zeolites, etc. 4. Bonding sites on surface – various surface shapes (dimples and edges), suitable bonding sites because they usually contain free bonds (the metal in the octahedral position is in contact with less than 6 oxygens). Isoelectric point • In acidic solutions, the surfaces are coated with H+ and attract anions. • In alkaline solutions they attract cations (esp. oxides, hydroxides, silicates). • Isoelectric point (IEP) – the pH value at which the surface charge in solution with only H+ and OH− ions is equal to zero. • In natural waters with more ions: point of zero charge (PZC). • pH < PZC – the surface charge is positive and attracts anions. • pH > PZC – the surface charge is negative and attracts cations. • Clay minerals adsorb cations even at very low pH due to the charge of the interlayer. – In the natural environment (soils, river sediments) the sorption of cations over anions dominates. • PZC of iron oxides and hydroxides is in the range of pH ~ 5-9. surface charge Transient pH pH acidic Alkaline pH Taken from Ryan (2014) Electrical double layer • The exchangeable ions are on the surface of the particle in the electrical double layer: – Complexes in the inner layer – directly on the surface, compact (fixed). – Complexes in the outer layer – farther from the surface, diffuse. – Uneven distribution of cations and anions at the surface. electrical double layer sorption Selectivity coefficient • The activities of cations in solution are easily determined by analysis. • Note that the coefficient is based on activities – it will depend on the ionic strength. Solutions with a high value of ionic strength will show a greater tendency for monovalent ions to bind. • The cation exchange process can be characterized by the equation: • Special type of equilibrium constant (selectivity coefficient): General Example Selectivity coefficient • The activities of cations on the surface of clays are best expressed as a molar fraction of the total surface: • The coefficient is determinable for all cation exchange processes, yet due to complicated circumstances, it is more an empirical value rather than a constant describing a specific environment (reservoir). • It includes surface heterogeneity, ionic strength of the solution and other phenomena affecting the final values. Sorption nature • Each cation has a different tendency to bind to the charged surface • Ability of electrostatic interactions – Surface charge of the cation – Stability of the solvation envelope • Divalent ions and smaller ions bind more • In general: > Cation exchange capacity • Number of absorption positions per dry weight (meq/100 g) • Conventional inert substances (Q, crushed crystalline rocks, sand…) can have a significantly increased sorption capacity by the presence of coatings. • Important in pedology – the nature of clays affects permeability, fertility, etc. • Environmental geology – spread of contaminants, development of geochemical properties of waters. Clark 2015 Cation exchange capacity • Determined experimentally • Indicator of sorption and exchange potential Clark 2015 Cationic imbalance • The evolution of the composition of water by cation exchange is a response to the disturbance of the balance between groundwater and the environment • Anthropogenic disturbances – eg winter treatment of roads – Infiltrating Na-Cl type water replaces Ca2+ with Na+ in clays – Change of water type at the outlet from Ca-HCO 3 to Ca-Cl – Replenishing Ca-HCO3 type water outside the winter season, desorption of Na+ on clays -> changing the output to Na-Cl and gradually again to Ca-HCO3 • Natural disturbances – Flow changes, erosion, sea level movements Clark 2015 Distribution coefficient • Adsorption • Due to lower concentrations of sorbents, we express the distribution coefficient • The amount of sorbed substance proportional to concentration • Depends on concentration, but also on the medium (CEC, organic, mineral composition…) – Empirical determination in the laboratory = non- transferable – Series of measurements manifests itself as a sorption isotherm of the given system Sorption isotherm 𝑆 = 𝐾 𝑑 𝐶𝑒𝑞 The more reactive substance, the steeper the line Slope = distribution coefficient Clark 2015 Nonlinear sorption isotherm • For highly reactive substances and high concentrations, the linear isotherm is inaccurate Clark 2015 Freundlich sorption isotherm 𝑆 = 𝐾 𝑑 𝐶𝑒𝑞 𝑛 • n <1 • Less steep at higher concentrations • Empirical or model of a gradual occupation of adsorption positions on the surface Goldbergetal.(2006) Langmuir sorption isotherm 𝑣𝑎𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒 + 𝐴+ = [𝑜𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑝𝑖𝑒𝑑 𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒] • Process equilibrium constant: 𝐾𝐿𝑎𝑛𝑔 = 𝑆 𝐶𝑒𝑞 × [𝑣𝑎𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑠] • Substitution 𝑆 𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝑣𝑎𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒 + 𝑆 𝑆 = 𝑆 𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝐾𝐿𝑎𝑛𝑔 𝐴+ 1 + 𝐾𝐿𝑎𝑛𝑔 𝐴+ Goldbergetal.(2006) Sorption and retardation • Retardation given by the available surface area of the sorbent • Retardation factor R – Difference between water and contaminant velocity What will be the value of the retardation factor for conservative ions? And for the highly reactive? Clark 2015 Retardation Appelo&Postma2005 • What is the difference? • How does element transport differ? • What is the cause? 1. Ion adsorption 2. Dispersion 3. Diffusion 4. Ion size 5. Ion charge 6. Something else Appelo & Postma 2005 References • APPELO, C. A. J. a Dieke POSTMA. Geochemistry, groundwater and pollution :. 2nd ed. Leiden: A. A. Balkema publishers, c2005. ISBN 0-415-36421-3. • CLARK, I. (2015): Groundwater Geochemistry and Isotopes. BocaRaton, Florida: CRC Press. • DREVER, James I. The geochemistry of natural waters: surface and groundwater environments. 3th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, c1997. ISBN 0-13- 272790-0 • Oki and Kanae 2006: dostupné z http://www.u- • MÜLLEROVÁ, Sabina. Proudění podzemních vod v oblasti vodního zdroje Sajnšand, Mongolsko. 2015. Dostupné také z: • PILÁT, Patrik. Intenzifikace sanačního zásahu v areálu Fosfa Břeclav. 2016. Dostupné také z: • RYAN, Peter Crowley. Environmental and low temperature geochemistry. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley Blackwell, 2014. ISBN 978-1-118-86735-8