English for Life Sciences 2

Week 1 Introduction

This week you will learn about:

  • the JALS02 course
  • other courses and exams in English at the Faculty of Science
  • the poster project
You will get to know each other.
You will think about and discuss your learning goals.
You will discuss global challenges for life sciences as part of your poster project.

Preparation for Week 1

English learning tips & goals
Download the handout, write down your ideas for Task 1, read through the tips in Task 2 and write down your suggestions, and finally come up with some tips for Task 3.
How to make your goals SMART?
Watch this video for tips on how to set your English learning goals.
Achieve your English learning goals
A short blog containing tips to keep you going when you are learning a language.

Classroom activities

Getting to know you...
Ignore this document for now. Thank you!

Poster project

Work in groups. First, look at the five pictures on the Jamboard. What kind of global issues do they represent? Then brainstorm more examples of current problems that today's world is facing and that can be solved with the help of life sciences. Find pictures on the internet that represent your issues and post them on the Jamboard.

Assignment for Week 2
For next week, pick one such topic, find a video or an article about it, study your source, write down relevant ideas and be ready to speak about it for about 1.5-2 minutes.

Assignment for Week 3
Find partners to work with on your poster project and decide on an issue that you'd like to tackle. In Week 3, you will introduce your team and your topic. 
What does this involve?
Each of you will say a few words about one another, describe the issue briefly and explain why you picked it or why it is important to address it. As a team, you will speak for about 3 minutes.