English for Life Sciences 2

Week 4 Speculating: What if insects disappeared?


Grammar for speculating:

B1 e-book: Second conditional
Scroll down for Second conditional rules and exercises.

Word formation:

Class material:

Speculating: A world without insects
Download the handout onto your computer to be able to edit it.
Prompts for speculating
Work in pairs. Each one of you will read one prompt and speculate briefly on the topic.
Assignment for Week 5

Find a topic that can be speculated on. Prepare a 2-minute oral summary for your classmates. Make sure you include at least 5 examples of speculative language. 
Work on your fluency before you come to the lesson next week to promote understanding:

- make sure you know how to pronounce words you struggle with
- say your summary a couple of times out loud
- record yourself: how does it sound? Are there frequent pauses? Are some words unintelligible?
If so, you need to rehearse more to improve pronunciation and fluency.

Extra resource:
