HW for week III.
task 4 c) - translate, Task 4d) - read and answer Qs
HW for week IV.
task 4a) reading about Scalars and Vectors
Writing an academic email
Imagine that you are
an Erasmus student being at a foreign university. Write an email to prof. Smith
apologizing that you could not attend his lecture on Mersenne primes and asking
him for sources about this topic. The email should be of 80 - 100 words long in
an appropriate style. Include the following points:
who you are
you are sorry you could not come to the lecture (explain why)
you are interested in Mersenne primes, could the professor recommend any
Kindly upload your email into the corresponding odevzdávárna by 7 March (Tuesday group) or 8 March (Wednesday groups)
Key for week III.