Saccone-JEcol-2014-0186-DATA Folder containing data set related to the paper "ENVIRONMENTAL PERTURBATION, GRAZING PRESSURE AND SOIL WETNESS JOINTLY DRIVE MOUNTAIN TUNDRA TOWARD DIVERGENT ALTERNATIVE STATES" by Patrick Saccone, Tuija Pyykkonen, Anu Eskelinen and Risto Virtanen and accepted for publication in Journal of Ecology It includes: -the current read-me file for further explanation -Plot composition file that contains the plant relevés the result of the visual estimation of plant species cover and their sum cumulated to the functional type level Column names: Plot (C=control in heath, E=exclosure in snowbed, G=Grazed plot in snowbed) Rep (1 to 10), exclos (Exclosure treatment, yes or no), site(heath=Original vaccinium heath, snowbed= snowbed 150m higher than the heath) SWC (Soil Water Content in % of dry soil mass),intertreat(Treatment names, C=control, E.dry and E.wet=Exclosures in dry and wet snowbed, G.dry and G.wet= Grazed plots in dry and wet snowbed) following column from Ant.alp to Tri.qui=species names (see specific file) and the 5 following columns are the cover of Functional types -Species names file that contains the abbreviated and complete names of the 88 species observed in the plots