THE PRINCIPLES OF NUCLEAR MAGNETISM BY A. ABRAGAM PROFESSET7R ATT COLLEGE DE FRANCE CHEF DE DEPARTEMENT AU COMMISSARIAT Ä ^'ENERGIE ATOMIQXJE OXFORD AT THE CLARENDON PRESS Oxford University Press, Walton Street, Oxford 0x2 6dp OXFORD LONDON GLASGOW NEW YORK TORONTO MELBOURNE WELLINGTON KUALA LUMPUR SINGAPORE JAKARTA HONG KONG TOKYO DELHI BOMBAY CALCUTTA MADRAS KARACHI IBADAN NAIROBI DAR ES SALAAM CAPE TOWN ISBN O 19 851236 8 © Oxford University Press 1961 First published 1961 Reprinted from corrected sheets of the first edition 1962, 1967, 1970, 1973, 1978 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of Oxford University Press Printed in Great Britain at the University Press, Oxford by Vivian Ridler Printer to the University Ch. VJII LIQUIDS AND GASES 283 and it is apparent that {AJA^^ [l^ilVjT]*, which is very small if the correlation time is very short. To conclude, the equation (33) is valid if [l^l2^]* is a very small number. For the validity of the master equation (35) with constant coefficients a further assumption is required: all differences a— /3 or even combined differences (a—a')—(/3—ft') between the energies (on the frequency scale) of the unperturbed Hamiltonian fijf0, unless identically zero, must be large compared with the constant l/T ^ \Jtf[ \2rc which gives the relative rate of change of a*. D. Quantum mechanical formulation of the problem The semi-classical treatment where the coupling with the lattice is represented by random functions suffers from several defects, the main one being that, for the spin system, it always leads to a steady state described by an infinite temperature. It will be shown that a quantum mechanical description of the lattice can be cast in a form very similar to that of the semi-classical description, but will lead for a spin system to a finite temperature equal to that of the lattice. We start with a time-independent Hamiltonian hje = ft(JF0+&'+J?'1), (47) where fbJfQ and are the unperturbed Hamiltonians of the spin system S and the lattice, respectively, with eigenstates |a) and |/), and describes the perturbing coupling between them and contains parameters of both the spin system and the lattice, can be expanded as «^i = Z F®>Ato\ (48) where the F{q) and the A{q) are respectively lattice and spin operators. To pursue the parallel with the previous semi-classical formalism we define = e-i*t = J F^\t)A^\ (49) Q with F®(t) = e^F^e-^1 and jt*(t) = e^je^e-^*1 = 2 F^(t)A^(t) = 2 F^(t)A^eH9)t. The similarity in form with the notation of the previous sections is complete. To understand how the description of the spin-lattice coupling leads to a finite temperature for the spin system, consider for simplicity the 284 THERMAL RELAXATION IN Ch. VIII case where the expansion (48) contains a single term = FA which induces in the spin system S a probability per unit time Wap of passing from a state |/3) to a state |a), which differ in energy by toap = oc—fi. We consider first the more detailed transition |/?,/)-> |a,/') of the combined system spins plus lattice: t Kr# = j (Ml*! I «,/')(«,/' I •#! \P,f)e-i[«-^'-™-Vdt>+c.c, (50) o which can be made very similar in appearance to formula (2) by using t Kr,flf = J WJ I •#!(*) I *,/')(«>/' I #i(t-T) | P,f)e-*°*' dr+c.c. t = \(oc\A\P)\* j (f\F(t)\f')(f'\F(t-T)\f)e-^dT+c.c. (51) o The total probability Wao = J P(fWar°f, where P(/) = oe-*//*r is the f,f probability of finding a lattice at a temperature T, in any initial state |/), is given by 00 W^ = \{oc\A\$)\* \e-***r2P(f)(f\F(t)\f'){f'\F(t-T)\f)dr. (52) The discrete summation over the index /should actually, because of the continuous spectrum of the lattice, be replaced by an appropriate integration J* r)(f)df, where r)(f) is the density of lattice states. We will continue to write symbolically for simplicity. The expression lP(f)(f\F(t)\f')(f'\F(t-r)\f) which from the definition of F(t) is clearly independent of t, can be Wlitten g(r) = tr, {F(t)0>(&)F(t+T)}, (53) where 0i(^r) is the statistical operator gpm = ae-K^r = exp(^) (54) g(r) is the quantum mechanical analogue of the classical correlation function g{r) of a classical random function F(t), defined previously as g(r) = F(t).F(t-\-r), where the bar represented an ensemble average over the probability distribution of the random function. Defining 00 J(co) = j g(T)e-icor ch, (55) Ch. VIII LIQUIDS AND GASES 285 we obtain Wafi = \(/&T). This is seen from the definitions (53) and (55) of J(w): 00 J{w) = a ! 2 \(f\F\f')\H-hnkTe^-f'-^ dr = 2tt«2 \(f\F\f-«>)\2e-hflkT, (57> f J(-co) = 27ra J,\(f\F \f+w)\2e-WkT, or, since the summation over / is actually a continuous integration from —oo to +oo, replacing /+ co by/we get J{-co) = 277« £ \(f—(o | F \f)\*e-W-»)lkT = e^kTJ{oj). (58) We now pass on to the more general problem of deriving a master equation describing the motion of the spin system 8, analogous to the equations (34), (35), or (42) of this chapter. A density matrix p now describes the behaviour of the combined quantum mechanical system: spins-f-lattice. Its transform in the interaction representation obeys the equation = —[Jff(t),P*], (59) where J^*(t) is defined by equation (49'). A forward integration of (59) leads to an equation similar in form to equation (32): 0 + higher-order terms. (60) Since all the observations are performed on the spin system, all the relevant information is contained in the reduced density matrix a* — tr^p*} with matrix elements (a | cr* | a') = ^ (fa \ p* |/a'). We make the f lda- mental assumption that the lattice, because of its very large heat capacity, remains in thermal equilibrium so that p*(t) = &(.&:)a*(t), where 2P(^) is the statistical operator (54). 286 THERMAL RELAXATION IN Ch. VIII In order to obtain an equation for the rate of change of the spin density matrix cr*, we perform on both sides of (60) the operation trace with respect to the lattice parameters /. Assume first that the temperature of the lattice is infinite so that the statistical operator SP{^) is proportional to the unit operator and p*(0) = ao*(0). a = [tr/{exp(_^/^)}]-i becomes in that case l/L, where Lis the number (astronomically large) of degrees of freedom of the lattice. We shall represent by a bar the operation a trf{ }. In that case we get ^ = -t[^J(t),fkT)J{a>), (63) with, as a consequence, a steady state solution of the form cr* = a0 = exp(-^/&T)/tr{exp(-^/&T)}. Ch. VIII LIQUIDS AND GASES 287 For simplicity we shall first demonstrate this on the assumption (actually seldom realized in practice) that the lattice temperature is sufficiently high to allow a linear expansion of exp(—ft&'lkT) into l — ^^jkT) and that the state of the spin system described by the density matrix o*(t) is never very remote from one of equal populations of all spin energy levels. Then P*(t) = o*{t)0>{3?) ^ ajf*(t)-L^, (64) where A is the number of degrees of freedom of the spin system. As a consequence, on the right-hand side of the master equation for cr* there appears an extra term oo s KP 1 kT A (65) or, neglecting small imaginary terms, 00 _ il je*(t-r) ^ l kT A dr. It is easily verified that oo oo | [^*(«-t),^+«^]*]] dn ^ -trii j [3ť*(t),[^*(ť),o*0(^)]]dť\, \ — CO ' where 0>{!F) = ae~^ and j8 = h/kT, (66') can be rewritten as -trii J mtU^Í(ť),v*]]dť .0>(^)- (66') — 00 00 -1 j [Jť*(ť),^{^)]dt\a*Jť*{t) + ^Í{t)(T* j [Jť*(ť),^(^)]dťl — oo — oo (66") Consider the matrix element j [jr*(t'),0>(&)]dr ot'f\ CO ' CO = I eiv+oc-r-cw dt'(cxf I tfx I e-£/'(i-e-A<*'-«)) — CO oo ^ J ei(f+oc-f'-ocr dt'(af I ^ I a7')oe-^'j8(a' —a) - oo oo ~ J (a/|[^*(ř'),«]^)|a'/')áť — 00 00 Ch. VIII LIQUIDS AND GASES 289 oo We can thus replace | [^(f),^{^)\dt' in (66") by means of — 00 00 00 J [^*(t'),pjf0-\^(^)df g±-a f [3f*(t'),ao\0>(^)dt', — 00 — 00 where CTo = 411 -J&>Q ^ e-^»/tr{e_^0}- (66") can thus be rewritten as -tvfU j [jrt(t),[jri(t'),o*]]dt'&(&)+ \ — oo oo + i J" [Jrt{t'),a^c,*3r*(t)0>{&)dt'- — 00 — oo ' In the last two terms we replace Ao* by unity within the approximation |o-*—1/^41 <; 1, whence (66") becomes * — OO ' The definition (62) of the correlation function should be replaced by the following: gQq,(r) = lW(t)Fi-t)(t+T) = trf{eiSfrt F^e-^e^V+^Ft-y'k-^V+^i = tr/{e-Uty}I -/>e-W«-where the dependence on the lattice temperature is apparent. E. Relaxation by dipolar coupling The dipole-dipole interaction between two spins i and s can be written hJ?i = 2 F®a®} (67) a where the F(q) are random functions of the relative positions of two spins and the A^ are operators acting on the spin variables with the convention F® = F^a; a® = A<^. F(1) = sing cos fle-*" p{2) = sin2fle-2^ ^(0) = 1-3 cos2(9 ^ ^•3 ^»3 ^*3 a<® = «{-K^+i(/+5_+/_5+)}J am = «{i2s++i+s2}, (69) A™ = $