1 Protein expression and purification II. Calculation in the molecular biosciences Jozef Hritz, Lubomír Janda, Blanka Pekárová Radka Dopitová Kód předmětu: C8980 1.4. The secondary structure of proteins 2 I. The molecular principles for understanding proteins – Jozef Hritz 1.4. The secondary structure of proteins I. The molecular principles for understanding proteins – Jozef Hritz 1.4. The secondary structure of proteins I. The molecular principles for understanding proteins – Jozef Hritz Energetically unfavorable conformational areas 1.4. The secondary structure of proteins I. The molecular principles for understanding proteins – Jozef Hritz Additional energetically unfavorable conformational areas because of the presence of carbonyl oxygen Glycine – less sterically restricted because of lacking the side-chain 1.4. The secondary structure of proteins I. The molecular principles for understanding proteins – Jozef Hritz Additional energetically unfavorable conformational areas because of the presence of Cβ Alanine Structural preferences of the different amino acids 1.4. The secondary structure of proteins 1.4.3. Other structural features in proteins Met, Glu, Leu,Ala + alpha - helices Pro, Gly, Tyr - alpha helices Val, Ile, Phe + beta sheets Pro, Asp - beta sheets Pro, Gly, Asp + beta turn Met, Val, Ile - beta turn 7 II. The molecular principles for understanding proteins – Jozef Hritz 1.6. The quaternary structure of proteins 8 II. The molecular principles for understanding proteins – Jozef Hritz Exact molecular mass Isoelectric point 1.3.2. Information available from the amino acid sequence of a protein 1.3. The primary structure of proteins http://www.expasy.ch/tools/pi_tool.html 9 II. The molecular principles for understanding proteins – Jozef Hritz Absorption coefficient Hydrofobicity Beer–Lambert law A = e * c * l A is the absorbance at a particular wavelength (without units; merely a ratio): A = log (I0/It) I0 is the intensity of the incident light (light striking the cuvette). It is the intenisty of the transmitted light (the light leaving the cuvette). e is the absorption coefficient (degree of absorption) (M-1 cm-1). l is the path length of the cuvette (cm). c is the concentration of the solution (M). Linear form of Beer-Lambert law is valid only for lower values of A. II. Calculation in the molecular biosciences – Jozef Hritz Measured absorption in cuvette with 1 cm optical path-length is 0.3 at 280 nm. 10 points Question 1: How many mg of protein you have in 5 ML of purified protein if its molar extinction coefficient is 15000 M-1cm-1; molecular weight 20 kDa. Advice – units! Mass concentration equals to the molar concentration multiplied by molecular weight of the protein. 8 points Unit M correspond to the mol.L-1 6 points g.L-1 = mg.ml-1 4 points Please solve a problem. II. Calculation in the molecular biosciences – Jozef Hritz A = εcl c [M] = A/εl = 0.3 / (15000 M-1cm-1 *1 cm) = 0.00002 M = 0.02 mM C [g.L-1] = 0.00002 mol.L-1 * 20000 g.mol-1 = 0.4 g.L-1 = 0.4 mg.ml-1 m [mg] = C*V = 0.4 mg.ml-1 * 5 ml = 2 mg Solution: 12 II. Calculation in the molecular biosciences – Jozef Hritz 1.7. Forces contributing to the structures and interactions of proteins 13 Bond strenght Covalent bond energy kJ/mol 1101001000 Ionic bond Hydrophobic interaction Hydrogen bond Van der Waals interaction C=C 610 C=O 740 C-C 415 C-0 360 O-H 465 S-S 250 10-20 5-15 5-10 0.5-5 II. Calculation in the molecular biosciences – Jozef Hritz 1.7. Forces contributing to the structures and interactions of proteins 1.7.1. Ionic (electrostatic) interactions 1.7.2. Hydrogen bonds 14 Covalent bonds II. Calculation in the molecular biosciences – Jozef Hritz Combination rules for Lennard-Jones potential sij = sii +s jj 2 eij = eiiejj Eij LJ = 4eij sij rij æ è çç ö ø ÷÷ 12 - sij rij æ è çç ö ø ÷÷ 6é ë ê ê ù û ú ú II. Calculation in the molecular biosciences – Jozef Hritz er = 80 e = ? intermed. “vacuum”, ε~1? but absence of intermed. dipoles can only increase interaction… Electrostatic interactions at different media ε0= 8.85*10-12 C*N-1*m-2, q=1.6*10-19 C Eij el = 1 4pe0er qiqj rij II. Calculation in the molecular biosciences – Jozef Hritz Relative permittivity: - vacuum: εr = 1 - water: εr = 80 - protein εr ~ 4 Eij el = 1 4pe0er qiqj rij ;ke = 1 4pe0 Eij el = ke er qiqj rij Constant Value Avogadro's Number NA = 6.022 × 1023 mol-1 Faraday Constant F = 96 485.33 C mol-1 Molar Gas Constant R = 8.314 J mol-1 K-1 Coulomb's Constant ke = 8.987 × 109 N m2 C-2 Speed of Light (Vacuum) c = 299 792 458 m s-1 Boltzmann Constant kb = 1.38 × 10-23 J K-1 Charge on a Proton/Electron e = 1.602 × 10-19 C Standard acceleration of gravity g = 9.8 m s-2 Planck's Constant h = 6.6 × 10-34 m2 kg / s Useful Physical/Chemical Constants II. Calculation in the molecular biosciences – Jozef Hritz 𝐸 𝑝 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 = ෍ 𝑖,𝑗 𝐸𝑖𝑗 𝑒𝑙 + 𝐸𝑖𝑗 𝐿𝐽 Ions are separated by 0.28 nm distance. 20 points Question 2: What is the total potential energy of system consisting of salt ions Na+ and Cl- in kJ/mol?For the electrostatic energy contribution consider the permittivity of water environment Coulombic energy term correspond to the energy per particle, not per mol 16 points N.m = J 12 points Be careful, which energy term is positive and which negative 8 points Please solve a problem. Mw[g/mol] σ[Å] ε[kJ/mol] Na+ 23 2.3 0.5 Cl- 35 4.3 0.5 II. Calculation in the molecular biosciences – Jozef Hritz sij = sii +sjj 2 ;eij = eiiejj 18 points Solution: 19   11 612 1 612 . 8.2 3.3 8.2 3.3 .5.0*44 −− − =−= =               −      =                 −         = molkJmolkJ A A A A molkJ rr E ij ij ij ij ij LJ ij  e II. Calculation in the molecular biosciences – Jozef Hritz 𝐸𝑖𝑗 𝑒𝑙 = 𝑘 𝑒 𝜀 𝑟 𝑞𝑖 𝑞 𝑗 𝑟𝑖𝑗 𝑁𝐴 = 9 ∗ 109 𝑁𝑚2 𝐶−2 80 − 1.6 ∗ 10−19 𝐶 1.6 ∗ 10−19 𝐶 0.28 ∗ 10−9 𝑚 6.022 ∗ 1023 𝑚𝑜𝑙−1 = = −6.2 ∗ 103 𝐽𝑚𝑜𝑙−1 = −6.2𝑘𝐽𝑚𝑜𝑙−1 𝐸 𝑝 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 = 𝐸𝑖𝑗 𝑒𝑙 + 𝐸𝑖𝑗 𝐿𝐽 = −6.2𝑘𝐽𝑚𝑜𝑙−1 + 9.18𝑘𝐽𝑚𝑜𝑙−1 = 3𝑘𝐽𝑚𝑜𝑙−1 According what principle there should be the melting of an ice? II. Calculation in the molecular biosciences – Jozef Hritz The crude meaning of entropy and free energy Where is the higher probability to find one particular molcule of air here in our classroom (pc) or in astronomy observatory at Lomnicky Stit (pL)? pc/pL = [Vcexp(-Ec/kT)] / [VLexp(-EL/kT)] = [exp(-(Ec-T*k*ln(Vc))/kT)] / [exp(-(EL-T*k*ln(VL))/kT)] where S = k*ln(V) is entropy; more general: S = k*[logarithm of the number of accessible states of the particle ] and F = E – T*S is (Helmholtz) free energy (for system at constant volume) pc/pL = exp(-Fc/kT) / exp(-FL/kT) = exp(-(Fc-FL)/kT) II. Calculation in the molecular biosciences – Jozef Hritz Difference between Helmholtz and Gibbs free energy Helmholtz free energy Gibbs free energy V=const P=const F=E-TS G=H-TS=F+PV E enthalpy H=E+PV chemical potential: μ=G/N probability  exp(-F/kT) ➔max F ➔min probability  exp(-G/kT) ➔max G ➔min Typical value of PV for liquids at atmospheric pressure is very small in comparison with the thermal energy of the body. Therefore very often the term “ Let’s estimate the work against the external atmospheric pressure related to the insertion of 1M of water. T=const: II. Calculation in the molecular biosciences – Jozef Hritz Let’s estimate the work against the external atmospheric pressure related to the insertion of 1M of water. 1M of water: 18 g*mol-1, 18cm3*mol-1 at atmospheric pressure pV = 105 Pa * 18 * 10-6 m3*mol-1 = 1.8 J*mol-1 It is negligible value in comparison to the thermal energy. II. Calculation in the molecular biosciences – Jozef Hritz G=H-TS; dG=dH-TdS-SdT At T=const (dT=0) at equilibrium, G=min, dG=0, dH-TdS=0 It implies: T = dH/dS Definition of heat capacity: Cp=(dH/dT)P=const S=-(dG/dT)P=const II. Calculation in the molecular biosciences – Jozef Hritz Free energy – driving force Typical Examples: (1) Conformational changes (2) Affinity of the ligand binding (3) Solubility (4) Lipophilicity (5) Protein in folded vs unfolded state In the computational simulations it is easy to calculate the potential or kinetical energy of the system. However, it is much more challenging to calculate the free energy differences. II. Calculation in the molecular biosciences – Jozef Hritz 26 Cl Cl OH OH DGbind(1) DGbind(2) DG21(bound) DG21(free) 1 2 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) bind bind bindG G G G free G bound DD = D - D = D - D21 21 2 1 Thermodynamic cycle for binding affinities II. Calculation in the molecular biosciences – Jozef Hritz Hydrophobic bond between non-polar particles Hydrophobic free energy increases almost proportionally to the accessible surface area of the non-polar molecules. Its value is ~85-105 J*mol-1*Å-2 II. Calculation in the molecular biosciences – Jozef Hritz ~ -50 Å2 for each polar atom The accessible surface area of amino-acid side-chains and their hydrophobicity Adopted from Schulz G.E., Schirmer R.H. Principles of protein structure. 1979 Hydrophobic effect is the principle component of the protein 3D structure formation/stability. II. Calculation in the molecular biosciences – Jozef Hritz Role of water H-bond energy is ~5kcal*mol-1=21kJ*mol-1 in water H-bond energy is only ~5-6 kJ*mol-1 Large difference in increase of protein stability by forming of intraprotein H-bond in vacuum vs. water!!! Second look on the hydrogen bonding II. Calculation in the molecular biosciences – Jozef Hritz Difference in entropy of water molecule. At the melting temperature 273 K increase in entropy is compensated by decrease in energy II. Calculation in the molecular biosciences – Jozef Hritz Melting heat of ice: 334 J*g-1 ( 80 cal*g-1) 334 J*g-1 * 18 g*mol-1 = 6.012 kJ*mol-1 (1.5 kcal * mol-1) II. Calculation in the molecular biosciences – Jozef Hritz Conclusions II. Calculation in the molecular biosciences – Jozef Hritz • Free energy difference is the most important determinant of behavior in solutions • Free energy has enthalpic and entropic part • The increasing importance of entropic part with the increasing temperature • Probability of certain state is given by Boltzmann formula • Binding affinity depends on both – bound and unbound state in water Email: jozef.hritz@ceitec.muni.cz