2. Historie využívání zdrojů …a intenzity využívání, od náhodných sběrů až k těžebnímu průmyslu v souvislosti s narůstajícími druhy materiálů, poznání a v závislosti na rostoucí komplexitě lidské společnosti Potřeba zdrojů v závislosti na poznání a rozvoji technologií – od kamene k …  1. Initial or First Era - Using things as found or with slight adaptation 8000 BC Hammered copper 6000 BC Silk production  2. Second Era - Changing things with heat or chemicals to improve properties 5000 BC Glass making 3500 BC Bronze Age 1000 BC Iron Age  3. Third or Final Era - Understanding, making new materials https://www.researchgate.net/publication/255203410_Materials_Science_and_Technology_Teachers_Handbook 8000 Hammered copper 7000 Clay pottery 6000 Silk production 5000 Glass making 4000 Smelted copper 4000-3000 Bronze Age 3200 Linen cloth 2500 Wall plaster 2500 Papyrus 1000 Iron Age 300 Glass blowing 20 Brass alloy 105 Paper 600-900 Porcelain 1540 Foundry operation late-1500s Magnetization of iron demonstrated 1729 Electrical conductivity of metals demonstrated 1774 Crude steel 1789 Discovery of titanium 1789 Identification of uranium 1800 Volta’s electric pile (battery) 1824 Portland cement 1839 Vulcanization of rubber 1850 Porcelain insulators 1850s Reinforced concrete 1856 Bessemer steelmaking 1866 Microstructure of steel discovered 1866 Discovery of polymeric compounds 1868 Commercial steel alloy 1870 Celluloid 1871 Periodic table of the elements 1875 Open-hearth steelmaking 1880 Selenium photovoltaic cells 1884 Nitrocellulose (first man-made fiber) 1886 Electrolytic process for aluminum 1889 Nickel-steel alloy 1891 Silicon carbide (first artificial abrasive) 1896 Discovery of radioactivity 1906 Triode vacuum tube 1910 Electric furnace steelmaking 1913 Hydrogenation to liquefy coal 1914 X-ray diffraction introduced 1914 Chromium stainless steels 1923 Tungsten carbide cutting materials 1930 Beginnings of semiconductor theory 1930 Fiberglass 1934 Discovery of amorphous metallic alloys 1937 Nylon 1940s Synthetic polymers 1947 Germanium transistor 1950 Commercial production of titanium 1952 Oxygen furnace for steelmaking 1950s Silicon photovoltaic cells 1950s Transmission electron microscope mid-1950s Silicon transistor 1957 First supercritical U.S. coal plant 1958 Ruby-crystal laser 1959 Integrated circuit 1960 Production of amorphous metal alloy 1960 Artificial diamond production 1960s Microalloyed steels 1960s Scanning electron microscope 1966 Fiber optics late-1970s Discovery of amorphous silicon 1984 Discovery of quasi-periodic crystals 1986 Discovery of high-temperature superconductors 1989 Buckyballs (Buckminsterfullerene) Materials Footnotes Through History 1. Horniny – náhodné ale i cílené sběry The Stone Age marks a period of prehistory in which humans used primitive stone tools. Lasting roughly 2.5 million years, the Stone Age ended around 5,000 years ago when humans in the Near East began working with metal and making tools and weapons from bronze. One of the earliest examples of stone tools found in Ethiopia. Sharpened stones (Oldowan tools): 2.6 million years ago Humans weren’t the first to make or use stone tools. That honor appears to belong to the ancient species that lived on the shores of Lake Turkana, in Kenya, some 3.3 million years ago. First discovered in 2011, these more primitive tools were created some 700,000 years before the earliest members of the Homo genus emerged. Jadeite axes from the Neolithic Period in central Europe. Vzácnější materiál i místo výskytu – rozsáhlejší těžba na místě a obchod https://www.history.com/topics/pre-history/stone-age Oldowan stone chopper from Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania Částečně zaoblený – možná původní valoun Paleolithic Art in the Roucadour cave, Themines, Quercy, Lot, France. The paintings and engravings in the Roucadour cave, France, are attributed to the oldest phase of Paleolithic Art in Quercy, between 28,000 and 24,000 years BP. Nejstarší systematická těžba Based on archaeological records, the world's oldest mine is the Lion Caves located in Swaziland, South Africa. Once tested radiokarbon, the old mine came from 43,000 years ago. One of the interesting things about Lion Caves is that the mine is a pigment mine. Mining of red ocher, pigments by primitive people as body paint for their rituals. The amount of material moved is quite impressive. Approximately 50-100 tons are regularly mined. But the possibility of mining in the Nile River Valley is older. There are four old mining sites reported around the Nile, Qena and Nazlet Safaha that have existed since 50,000 years ago, while Nazlet Khater and Beit Allam, have existed since 60,000 years ago. All the old mining sites are stone quarries . Multiple-block extraction on descending platforms in the New Kingdom to Late Period part of the el-Sawayta limestone quarry near Samalut and Minya. Photo by JAMES HARRELL. 1,2 mil. let stará „továrna“ - Etiopie https://www.nature.com/articles/s41559-022-01970-1 …Simbiro III level C, in the upper Awash valley of Ethiopia, allows us to test this assumption in its assemblage of stone tools made only with obsidian, dated to more than 1.2 million years (Myr) old. Here we first reconstruct the palaeoenvironment, showing that the landscape was seasonally flooded. Following the deposition of an accumulation of obsidian cobbles by a meandering river, hominins began to exploit these in new ways, producing large tools with sharp cutting edges. We show through statistical analysis that this was a focused activity, that very standardized handaxes were produced and that this was a stone-tool workshop…. Bylo nalezeno 575 ručních seker Těžba silicitů, pazourku – „průmysl“ highly organised flint mining is being studied in Belarus. Grime's Graves: A Neolithic Flint Mine, Norfolk, UK Beginning around 5,000 years ago, and continuing for an entire millennium, Stone Age peoples mined ‘floorstone’ flint beneath more than 10 meters of chalk. Spiennes, minière du Camp-à-Cayaux © SPW Neolithic Flint Mines at Spiennes (Mons) Grimes Graves is one of a series of mines dug in prehistoric sussex following a rich seam of flint bearing chalk. Other shafts were dug before at nearby harrow hill and a further 200 shafts were dug at cissbury. …dodnes horniny využíváme a těžíme …a provází nás až do konce života - hrubý kámen - leštěné desky,… - drcené kamenivo - …umění Marble quarry near Orosei. Sardinia. Italy, Foto de Stock, Imagen Derechos Protegidos Pic. C46-1127464 | agefotostock Povrchová těžba v lomu i hlubinná těžba kamene – např. břidlicový důl Staré Oldřůvky (pokrývačské břidlice, Nízký Jeseník Zdroje kamene: Egyptská fajáns a modř (3250 BC…?) A faience vase fabricated in part from natron, dating to the New Kingdom of Egypt (c. 1450–1350 BC) natron (Na2CO3·10H2O) Wadi El Natrun is a depression in northern Egypt that is located 23 m below sea level and 38 m below the Nile River level. The valley contains several alkaline lakes, natron-rich salt deposits, salt marshes and freshwater marshes. dnešní těžba solných jezer Salt Lake Uyuni, Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia Egyptská modř – první systetický pigment, pasta: písek + natron + oxid Cu?(nebo malachit?, zbytky bronzu?) a pak 900°C Egyptian faience ushabti of Lady Sati. New Kingdom, Dynasty XVIII, reign of Amenhotep III, c. 1390–1352 BC. Possibly from Saqqara. Sklo Glass as an independent object (mostly as beads) dates back to about 2500 BC. It originated perhaps in Mesopotamia and was brought later to Egypt. Vessels of glass appeared about 1450 BC, during the reign of Thutmose III, a pharaoh of the 18th dynasty of Egypt. A glass bottle bearing Thutmose’s hieroglyph is in the British Museum in London. From Mesopotamia and Egypt, glassmaking using the basic soda-lime-silica composition traveled to Phoenicia, along the coast of presentday Lebanon. The Romans and Egyptians probably used sand mixed with ground seashells as raw materials for silica and lime and hardwood ash as the source of soda. They also showed astonishing skill in the way they used metallic oxides as colorizers. Very small differences in oxide content can drastically affect the final colour of a glass; yet colours and tints were reproduced time and again with remarkable consistency. Copper was used to make green and ruby-red glass; iron produced black, brown, and green; antimony, yellow; manganese was employed to make purple and amethyst glass. An opaque white glass, made by using tin, was important in glass cameo work, of which the famous Portland vase, made in 1stcentury Rome, is an outstanding example. Two different sources of alkali affected the composition of early glasses. On the Eastern Mediterranean littoral natron (hydrated Na2CO3) was usually the favored alkali, because it was available from northern Egypt. Further east, in Mesopotamia and Persia, the alkali was usually provided by plant ash that contained more K2O (2%–4%) and MgO (2%–6%). These two cobalt-blue glass beads, found in 3,400-year-old graves in Denmark, came from ancient Egypt, probably via extensive European trade routes, according to new research. A. MIKKELSEN, NATIONAL MUSEUM OF DENMARK https://www.sciencenews.org/article/ancient-egyptian-blue-glass- beads-reached-scandinavia Potassium – pot+ash …dates from between late First Century B.C. to early First Century A.D and stands 13in (33.5cm) high, they are formed from two layers of glass – cobalt blue with a layer of white on top – which is cut down after cooling to create the cameo-style decoration The Portland Vase is a Roman cameo glass vase, which dates between 1 A.D. and 25 A.D.. Zdroje křemene Pink quartz vein at Lee Bay © Gary Rogers cc-by-sa/2.0 :: Geograph Britain and Ireland Současná těžba Střeleč, velmi čisté písky, Česká křídová tabule, křída Štěrkopísky: zdroj křemene, živců, různé velikostní frakce Bronz - doba bronzová - zdroje Great Orme on the north Welsh coast was an exception, becoming the first industrially worked copper mine, dominating production from 1500 to 1200 BC. Copper is mined from green malachite and it is estimated that in the Bronze Age over 40,000 tonnes of ore-bearing rock were removed from the site of the underground mine and the opencast surface mine. This could have produced around 1,700 tonnes of copper ore, enough to make 10 million bronze axes. Timberlake offers 2100 BC as a date for the beginning of tin extraction in Cornwall - alluvial tin – casiterite (gold extraction as well!) (Timberlake 2017). malachit Cu2(CO3)(OH)2 azurit Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2 malachit: Copper 57.48 % Cu 71.95 % CuO Hydrogen 0.91 % H 8.15 % H2O Carbon 5.43 % C 19.90 % CO2 Oxygen 36.18 % O ______ ______ 100.00 % 100.00 % = TOTAL OXIDE Kasiterit SnO2 Příklad současné těžby Cu-rud, Montana, USA hlavní ruda: chalkopyrit – CuFeS2 Železo - doba železná A smelting furnace from the Late Iron Age/Middle Ages, Norway Modern archaeological evidence identifies the start of large-scale iron production in around 1200 BC, marking the end of the Bronze Age. Between 1200 BC and 1000 BC diffusion in the understanding of iron metallurgy and the use of iron objects was fast and far-flung. Anthony Snodgrass suggests that a shortage of tin, as a part of the Bronze Age Collapse and trade disruptions in the Mediterranean around 1300 BC, forced metalworkers to seek an alternative to bronze. The spreading of iron technology after 1200 BC Železná houba (současná) ze železářské pece a nálezy hotových výkovků …až ocel 1751 Sheffield, …a další pokroky v metalurgii Akashi Kaikyō Bridge – Kobe, Japan The Akashi Kaikyo Bridge – also known as the Pearl Bridge – is the longest suspension bridge in the world spanning 1991 metres in length. The central span length of the bridge is about twice as long as any other suspension bridge in the world, however, a central girder still had to be erected. The girder dives almost 60m into the ocean and can support a vertical force of 120,000 tonnes. An engineering marvel, the Akashi Kaikyō Bridge can withstand extremely high winds and even earthquakes. Výroba oceli je metalurgický postup získání oceli, technické slitiny železa s nižším obsahem uhlíku, než mají litiny, ze surového železa odstraňováním přebytečného uhlíku a dalších nežádoucích prvků, jako je fosfor a síra, a dodáním žádoucích legujících prvků, např. manganu, silikonu-křemíku a dalších: Cr, Mo, W, Ni, Co. https://worldsteel.org/steel-topics/statistics/world-steel-in-figures-2022/ Zdroje železa Hematit a oxidovaný hematit – Fe2O3 a modern open-pit mine in Australia. Whilst terrestrial iron is naturally abundant, temperatures above 1,250 °C (2,280 °F) are required to smelt it, placing it out of reach of commonly available technology until the end of the second millennium BC. In contrast, the components of bronze -- tin with a melting point of 231.9 °C (449.4 °F) and copper with a relatively moderate melting point of 1,085 °C (1,985 °F) -- were within the capabilities of Neolithic kilns, which date back to 6000 BC and were able to produce temperatures greater than 900 °C (1,650 °F). In addition to specially designed furnaces, ancient iron production required the development of complex procedures for the removal of impurities, the regulation of the admixture of carbon, and the invention of hotworking to achieve a useful balance of hardness and strength in steel. Carajas Iron Ore Mine, Para, Brazil Limonite staining laterite soil: A profile of laterite soil heavily stained by limonite from Parque Nacional la Mensura, Cuba. USGS photo by Paul Golightly. Banded iron formation in Barberton Mountain Land the Barberton Greenstone Belt in Barberton Mountain Land, South Africa. „bog iron“ – FeO(OH) Pottery - keramika ceramic remains in a cave in China's Hunan province that are from 15,400 to 18,300 years old. About 12,000 years old, Site: Lake Anenuma, Honshu, Japan © Copyright Smithsonian Institution Front profile of the statuette. Credit: Petr Novák, Wikipedia, 29,000-year old Venus of Dolní Věstonice, the oldest known ceramic artifact Cermet a jeho struktura moderní keramika A cermet is a composite material composed of ceramic particles including titanium carbide (TiC), titanium nitride (TiN), and titanium carbonitride (TiCN) bonded with metal. The name “cermet” combines the words ceramic (cer) and metal (met). They are most successfully used for finishing and light roughing applications. Zdrojem pro keramiku jsou jílovité horniny (směs jílových minerálů, patří k nim i kaolinit pro porcelán) Porcelán - Porcelain 1200-1400 °C, vzniká mulit (křemičitan – mají SiO4 4-) – spolu se vznikajícím sklem zajišťuje průsvitnost porcelánu, mullite - Al(4+2x)Si(2-2x)O(10-x) where x =0.17 to 0.59 Základem je surovina kaolín, s minerálem kaolinitem (patří do skupiny jílových minerálů) Song dynasty celadon porcelain with a fenghuang spout, 10th century, China 600 CE Chinese introduce porcelain současné předměty Zdroje jílu a kaolínu Ložisko kaolínu (často zvětralé žuly – minerály živce se mění na kaolinit Keramické jíly, Chebská pánev Použití jílů je spojeno se strukturou jílových minerálů, která určuje jejich vlastnosti Kaolinit v elektronovém mikroskopu Cement, beton The origin of hydraulic cements goes back to ancient Greece and Rome. The materials used were lime and a volcanic ash that slowly reacted with it in the presence of water to form a hard mass. This formed the cementing material of the Roman mortars and concretes of more than 2,000 years ago and of subsequent construction work in western Europe. Volcanic ash mined near what is now the city of Pozzuoli, Italy, was particularly rich in essential aluminosilicate minerals, giving rise to the classic pozzolana cement of the Roman era. Portland cement is a successor to a hydraulic lime that was first developed by John Smeaton in 1756 when he was called in to erect the Eddystone Lighthouse off the coast of Plymouth, Devon, England. The invention of portland cement usually is attributed to Joseph Aspdin of Leeds, Yorkshire, England, who in 1824 took out a patent for a material that was produced from a synthetic mixture of limestone and clay. New Ca, Si, Fe, Al silikates sedimenty, vrstevnatý vápenec s břidlicemi, střídání vrstev Římský beton It was previously thought that the key to Roman concrete’s durability was the introduction of pozzolanic ash, a natural siliceous or siliceousaluminous material which reacts with calcium hydroxide in the presence of water at room temperature. …A closer examination of ancient samples shows white mineral features referred to as “lime clasts,” another key component in the concrete mix. …Using high-resolution multiscale imaging and chemical mapping techniques, the researchers have determined that the white inclusions were, indeed, made out of various forms of calcium carbonate… https://www.heritagedaily.com/2023/01/secret-of-roman-concrete-solved/145758 The Pantheon (completed around 126-128 A.D) in Rome features the world's largest unreinforced concrete dome. Průmyslové revoluce  1. industrializace (1784 – tkalcovský stav…..)  2. elektrifikace (1870-80, …montážní linky…))  3. automatizace (1969, …malý počítač…)  4. internet (1987-1994,….) – komunikace, informace… Vzájemné ovlivňování nových znalostí, rozvoje průmyslových oborů, energetiky, technologií a jejich produktů….? I. Průmyslová revoluce - industrializace  Vynálezy: 1698, 1712 - parní stroj, 1824 – cement, beton,…  Výroba strojů  energetické zdroje a zdroje pro výrobu Industry 1.0: Production shifted from homemade to factories. https://iot4beginners.com/how-industry-4-0-is-different-from-industry-5-0/ rudimentary steam engine was the aeolipile mentioned by Vitruvius between 30 and 15 BC West Virginia coal miners …Turbiny se stavějí do velikosti 100.000 i 200.000 koňských sil, tlaky parní přes 100 atm, s parou přehřátou, s kondensací obyčejně pak přímo spojeny jsou se strojem elektrickým vyrábějícím proud elektrický — generátorem — a tvoří s ním dvojici — turbogenerátor… II. velkovýroba, elektrifikace Industry 2.0: Powering of machines shifted from steam and water to electricity The Ford assembly line in 1913 Různé typy kabelů, Vietnam bauxit (Al-laterit) Arid Lands Roxby Downs, Australia Al-laterit: hydrooxidy Fe a minerály např. bohmit, diaspor: Al(OH)3 1886 – elektrolytický proces Al III. automatizace Industry 3.0 Industry 3.0 was a huge upswing where the Industries are administered by the computes, electronic systems, information systems, and automation. This era was known for robotic because human tasks are highly performed by robotics but the involvement of humans was also there in automation. E.g., Use of Programmable Logic Controllers, Robots, ICTs (In-circuit test ) electronics, etc. https://thefactoryscience.com/industry-3-0-vs-industry-4-0/ Tranzistor je třívrstvá polovodičová součástka, kterou tvoří dvojice přechodů PN. Tranzistory jsou základní aktivní součástky, které se používají jako zesilovače, spínače a invertory. Jsou základem všech dnešních integrovaných obvodů, jako např. procesorů, pamětí. Tranzistorový jev (efekt) byl objeven a tranzistor vynalezen 16. prosince 1947 v Bellových laboratořích křemík, Ge, Sb, As, In, Ga, Al, … a jejich zdroje…? Ge, Ga, max. X00 ppm, In prům. X0 ppm ve sfaleritu (ZnS) – zásoby sulfidických rud: hydrotermální polymetalická ložiska IV. Průmysl 4.0 – digitalizace,…? Industry 4.0 is revolutionizing the way companies manufacture, improve and distribute their products. Manufacturers are integrating new technologies, including Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing and analytics, and AI and machine learning into their production facilities and throughout their operations. This digital technologies lead to increased automation, predictive maintenance, self-optimization of process improvements and, above all, a new level of efficiencies and responsiveness to customers not previously possible. Industry 4.0 concepts and technologies can be applied across all types of industrial companies, including discrete and process manufacturing, as well as oil and gas, mining and other industrial segments. Industry 4.0 Industry 4.0 is known as the digitization/digitized era, where the industries are transformed with smart machines/ assets, sensors, and smart data collection processes. The IIoT is leading this whole era with other technologies like Artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing, and CPS ( Cyber-physical system ). It improves automation, connectivity, and achieving higher productivity, quality, and efficiency. With this industry 4.0, the smart factories have the ability to achieve some advancements like predicting failures before it occurs (in case of any machines/assets failures) and accomplish it autonomously and also even take a decision within minutes to hours based on real-time as well as achieve competitive advantage. https://thefactoryscience.com/industry-3-0-vs-industry-4-0/ zdroje REE + … Critical raw materials EU Bayan Obo is the world's largest known REE deposit. Reserves are estimated at more than 40 million tons of REE minerals grading at 3– 5.4% REE (70% of world's known REE reserves), 1 million tons of Nb2O5 and 470 million tons of iron. The deposit also contains an estimated 130 million tons of fluorite…. EK: RMI – Raw Material Initiative 2018