E2020: Soft-skills 2: Information Literacy L.MAYER I. Properties databases 1) Follow the link below, look for Chlorpyrifos, what kind of information can we find on that website? https://www.reaxys.com/#/structure‐editor : 2) With the same link, go to “draw” and draw a Methane molecule (CH[4]) with apparent bonds in 2D and in 3D https://www.reaxys.com/#/structure‐editor : 3) Follow the link below and look for physico-chemical properties information on Fonofos (pesticide) using EpiSuite values, if experimental value exist give experimental, if not, give predicted values http://www.chemspider.com/ Give information for: - Vapor pressure: - log K[OW]: - Solubility in water: - Half life in air: II. Compounds and spectra database 4) Look for Spectra for D-glucose, using only the number of atoms: C[6]H[12]O[6]; Copy/paste the spectra below and indicate the associated InChI of the molecule https://sdbs.db.aist.go.jp/sdbs/cgi-bin/cre_index.cgi III. Biological database 5) Follow the link below, Let’s use BLAST to see if we can identify 20 unknown uncultured bacteriums https://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi Link to get to the data (20 unknown sequences): https://go.usa.gov/xUEX4 (just in case computer is very slow, do not click on it otherwise, link to results: https://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi?CMD=Get&RID=NH1S873K015 ) MOLE-BLAST https://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/moleblast/moleblast.cgi Copy/paste the 3 sequences KU524801.1 AB759680.1 GQ158974.1 Run with 16s database IV. Registration Database: 6) Find authorization status for the following compound at the EU level, using the following link https://go.drugbank.com/ (Drug database) https://ec.europa.eu/food/plants/pesticides/eu-pesticides-database_en (EU pesticide database) https://www.echemportal.org/echemportal/ (EU chemical portal) https://risctox.istas.net/en/ (Toxic substance database) https://echa.europa.eu/home (ECHA website) For these compounds: Dicloxacillin – Epoxiconazole – Decachlorobiphenyl