# Task I: # You will need your isPrime(x) function! i = 1 while i <= 10: if isPrime(i): print(i, " is a prime.") else: print(i, " is not a prime.") i += 1 # for other tasks, you can mark lines with cursor # and then use Edit -> Uncomment # # Task II: # step = 3 # term = 10 # target = 1000 # # j = 0 # sumOfTerms = 0 # while True: # j+=1 # sumOfTerms += term # if sumOfTerms >= target : # break # term += step # # print("You need to sum first ", # j, # " terms of this aritmetic progression to achieve sum ", # sumOfTerms ) # # # Task III: # for i in range(99, 0, -4): # if i // 10 + i % 10 >= 11: # print(i , "'s digit sum is greter then 11")