HIGH MAGNETIC fiELD NSS IN BINARY SYSTEMS Sergei Popov 2201.07507 WHAT DO WE CALL “A MAGNETAR”? Is it just a neutron star with a strong magnetic field? Or it is necessary to have dominance of magnetic energy release in the total energy budget of the source? Or, we are speaking about the same object, but at different stages of evolution? DO WE EXPECT MAGNETARS IN BINARIES? All know Galactic SGRs/AXPs are single sources Field decay might result in absence of older magnetars McGill on-line catalogue lists ~30 magnetars. All of them are isolated objects. However, an existence of a binary companion (except cases of accretion on a compact object) hardly can prevent detection of an SGR flare, and the expected number of NSs in binaries is not as small as ~3%. Observations and theoretical models favour magnetic field decay. Evolution is faster for higher fields due to Hall cascade. Characteristic time scale for decay of magnetars’ field is at least less than ~few thousand years.See, however, 2204.09701 2203.14947 WHO IS KILLING MAGNETARS? To have reasonable number of magnetars in e.g. X-ray binaries we need to terminated field decay while fields are relatively high, as typical ages of binaries are large in comparison with the decay time scale. STOP HALL AND SLOW DOWN OHM! ORIGIN OF MAGNETARS FIELD Generated Fossil Classical dynamo scenario starting from DT in 90s Critisized by Spruit (2008) DYNAMO MECHANISM CONDITIONS Rapid initial rotation is necessary to produce large dipolar fields! P0~ few msec This is difficult to achieve due to slowdown of a stellar core rotation (Heger et al. 2004, Meynet, Maeder 2005). The same problem appear in GRB scenario. In several recent studies fallback is used to spin-up the compact object. Stellar rotation can be enhanced only in binaries. In binaries there are different possibilities to gain additional angular momentum due to mass transfer or tidal interaction. We need to perform population synthesis calculations. A QUESTION: • 5-10 % of NSs are expected to be binary (for moderate and small kicks) • All known magnetars (or candidates) are single objects. • At the moment from the statistical point of view it is not a miracle, however, it’s time to ask this question. Why do all magnetars are isolated? Two possible explanations • Large kick velocities • Particular evolutionary path BINARY EVOLUTION CHANNELS. Among all possible evolutionary paths that result in formation of NSs we select those that lead to angular momentum increase of progenitors. ◼ Coalescence prior to a NS formation. ◼ Roche lobe overflow by a primary without a common envelope. ◼ Roche lobe overflow by a primary with a common envelope. ◼ Roche lobe overflow by a secondary without a common envelope. ◼ Roche lobe overflow by a secondary with a common envelope. This is an optimistic scenario, as it is assumed that angular momentum is not lost in significant amount after it has been gained (astro-ph/0505406) OBSERVATIONAL EVIDENCE 0910.4859 There are several cases where observations favour magnetar birth in binary systems ANOTHER CASE 1405.3109 ORIGIN OF MAGNETARS IN BINARIES The mechanism of the magnetic field generation is still unknown. α-Ω dynamo (Duncan,Thompson) α2 dynamo (Bonanno et al.) or their combination If a dynamo mechanism is operating then it is necessary to have rapid rotation to produce large dipolar field. Three possibilities to spin-up a star during evolution in a binary: 1) Spin-up of a progenitor star in a binary by accretion; 3) Spin-up of a progenitor star via synchronization; 2) Coalescence of binary companions prior to a compact object formation. Popov,Prokhorov2006 We obtained ~10% of magnetars (i.e., NSs from spun-up progenitors), but among these NSs only ~1% are in survived binaries. And, of course, all magnetars formed in NS+NS or NS+WD coalescence are isolated. MAGNETIC FIELD AMPLIFICATION IN BINARIES 1910.14058 magnetic star τ Sco – result of coalescence If all of the magnetic flux is conserved until core collapse of the merger product, a resulting neutron star of 10 km radius would have a surface magnetic field strength of about 1016 G. 9 Msun +8 Msun WHY DO WE NEED MAGNETARS, SOMETIMES? Large luminosity Spin properties If an accretion column is formed than the luminosity can exceed the Eddington (Basko, Sunyaev 1975, 1976). Large magnetic fields can result in: - Long spin periods; - Rapid spin-down; - Rapid spin-up; - Accretor/Propeller transitions even for relatively large accretion rates. Lipunov + FRBs with long periodicity? 2003.03596 ULTRALUMINOUS X-RAY PULSARS ULX scheme Fabrika et al. 2105.10537 Bachettietal.2014 2105.10537 ACCRETING MAGNETARS 1709.10385 Typically magnetic fields of neutron stars in accreting X-ray binaries are estimated with indirect methods. • Spin-up • Spin-down • Equilibrium period • Accretion model • ……. FIELD ESTIMATES BASED ON SPIN PROPERTIES There are many classical and modern approaches to estimate NS’s magnetic field from spin properties. [See, eg. Chashkina&Popov 2012, Klus et al. 2014, Ho et al. 2014, Shi et al. 2015, Igoshev&Popov2018 and references to classical papers by Ghosh&Lamb, Davidson&Ostriker and many others therein.] 1. Equilibrium. A) disc accretion B) wind accretion 2. Spin-up. 3. Spin-down. Many more equations exist to estimate magnetic fields using spin and its derivatives (e.g. Shi et al. 2015). Typically, only dipolar component can be estimated. E.g., 4U 0114+65, 4U 2206+54, SXP 1062, Swift J0451 were proposed as accreting magnetars. SETTLING ACCRETION HELPS AGAINST MAGNETARS Shakuraetal.1302.0500 ~10 Postnov,Shakuraetal.1307.3032 Typically, for wind-accreting systems long spin periods lead to high magnetic field estimates (e.g., Klus et al. 2014): However, for the settling accretion model which is valid for low accretions rates the field estimate is much lower: FIELD DECAY IN HMXBSChashkina,Popov(2012) It is possible to use HMXBs to test models of field decay on time scale >1 Myr (Chashkina, Popov 2012). We use observations of Be/X-ray binaries in SMC to derive magnetic field estimates, and compare them with prediction of the Pons et al. model. SXP 1062 A peculiar source was discovered in SMC. Be/Xray binary, P=1062 sec. A SNR is found. Age ~104 yrs. (1110.6404; 1112.0491) Typically, it can take ~1 Myr for a NS with B~1012 G to start accretion. SXP 1062 A crucial thing for studying magneto-rotational evolution is to have an independent age estimate. In the case of HMXBs an interesting source with known age is SXP1062 (H´enault-Brunet et al. 2012, Haberl et al. 2012). B0= 4 1014, 1014, 7 1013, 4 1013, 1013 G arXiv:1112.2507 We were able to reproduce properties of SXP 1062 assuming a magnetic field decay. I.e., initially the NS was a magnetar but now it has s standard magnetic field. The crucial element of this model is the new accretion model by Shakura et al. (2013). BURSTS FROM LS I +61 303 Torresetal.1109.5008 Another burst was detected by Swift in 2012 (Burrows et al. 2012). Spin period 0.27 s (2203.09423) LS I 62 303 - the only example of a magnetar-like activity in a binary system. Low luminosity (2 1037 erg/s) can point towards relative low field (<1014G) LS 5039 can be another magnetar in a gamma-ray binary if pulsations and the Pdot value are confirmed (Yoneda et al. 2009.02075). No bursts, but system similar to LS I +61 303. HOW TO MAKE AN ACCRETING MAGNETAR? Igoshev,Popov1709.10385 Three conditions are necessary: 1. Hall attractor; 2. Rapid cooling of the crust; 3. Low values of Q. Hall attractor: Gourgouliatos, Cumming 1311.7004 HALL CASCADE AND ATTRACTOR Hall cascade can reach the stage of so-called Hall attractor, where the field decay stalls for some time (Gourgouliatos, Cumming). The system is trying to relax towards a state of isorotation, with the electron fluid having the same angular velocity on a poloidal field line. EVOLUTION OF DIFFERENT COMPONENTS 1311.7004 Hall attractor mainly consists of dipole and octupole INDEPENDENT STUDIES OF THE HALL CASCADE 1501.05149 New calculations support the idea of a kind of stable configuration. See also 1604.01399 CORE AND CRUST FIELD EVOLUTION 1709.09167 Hall attractor is confirmed. Q=10 τHall=104yrs (1015 G/B) τOhm=2 106 yrs/Q PARAMETERS OF ULX M82 X-2 1709.10385 SEARCHING FOR EVIDENCE. I. CYCLOTRON LINES Brightmanetal.1803.02376 ULX in M51 If electrons cyclotron – then B~ 6 1011 G. But the line is too narrow. If proton cyclotron – then B~ 7 1014 G. NGC 300 ULX Electron cyclotron lime: B~1012 G. Waltonetal.1803.07571 SEARCHING FOR EVIDENCE. II. MAGNETAR ACTIVITY Konus-Wind HMHT-insight Integral Agile Fermi Swift Continuous monitoring of high energy flares is going on thanks to many space detectors. THE FIRST EXAMPLE? Doroshenkoetal.2101.10834 SGR 0755−2933 One 30 msec burst detected by Swift in 2016 Coincident with a HMXB. Swift localization HMXB See 2302.00027 about the evolution of this system (UNCERTAIN) CONCLUSIONS Important for: - origin of magnetars; - field evolution; - accretion physics; - FRBs. Perspectives: Detection of activity – ultimate proof for REAL magnetars in binaries. Are there relatively old (few Myrs) NSs with large fields, but no magnetar-like activity? Still, we are not sure if there are magnetars in binary systems. Some evidence exists, but definite proof is lacking. Also, formation mechanism and evolution are uncertain. 2201.07507