Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations Using Finite Element Methods Aurelien Larcher 1 Contents Contents 2 1 Weak formulation of elliptic PDEs 9 1.1 Historical perspective......................... 9 1.2 Weak solution to the Dirichlet problem............... 11 1.2.1 Formal passage from classical solution to weak solution . . 12 1.2.2 Formal passage from weak solution to classical solution . . 13 1.2.3 About the boundary conditions............... 13 1.3 Weak and variational formulations................. 13 1.3.1 Functional setting ...................... 13 1.3.2 Determination of the spaces................. 14 1.4 Abstract problem........................... 15 1.5 Well-posedness............................ 16 1.6 Exercises ............................... 17 2 Ritz and Galerkin for elliptic problems 19 2.1 Approximate problem ........................ 19 2.2 Ritz method for symmetric bilinear forms............. 19 2.2.1 Variational formulation and minimization problem .... 19 2.2.2 Well-posedness........................ 22 2.2.3 Convergence ......................... 23 2.2.4 Method............................ 25 2.3 Galerkin method........................... 25 2.3.1 Formulation.......................... 25 2.3.2 Convergence ......................... 25 2.3.3 Method............................ 26 2.4 Boundary conditions......................... 27 2.5 Exercises ............................... 28 3 Finite Element spaces 29 3.1 A preliminary example in one dimension of space......... 30 3.1.1 Weak formulation ...................... 30 3.1.2 Galerkin method....................... 31 3.1.3 Construction of the discrete space ............. 32 3.1.4 Transport of Finite Element contributions......... 34 3.1.5 Generalization of the methodology............. 35 2 CONTENTS 3 3.2 Admissible mesh........................... 36 3.3 Definition of a Finite Element.................... 36 3.4 Transport of the Finite Element................... 39 3.5 Method................................ 40 3.6 Exercises ............................... 41 Simplicial Lagrange Finite Elements 43 4.1 Definitions............................... 43 4.2 Polynomial interpolation in one dimension............. 44 4.3 Construction of the Finite Element space ............. 45 4.3.1 A nodal element....................... 45 4.3.2 Reference Finite Element .................. 46 4.3.3 Lagrange P& elements.................... 46 4.4 Extension to multiple dimensions.................. 47 4.4.1 Barycentric coordinates................... 47 4.4.2 Affine transformation .................... 49 4.5 Local equation for Lagrange Pi in one dimension......... 51 4.6 Exercises ............................... 53 Error analysis 55 5.1 Preliminary discussion on the Poisson problem .......... 55 5.2 Stability of the Lagrange interpolation operator.......... 57 5.3 A priori error estimate with Lagrange Pi ............. 59 5.4 Superconvergence........................... 61 5.5 Exercises ............................... 64 6 Time-dependent problems 65 6.1 Time marching schemes....................... 65 6.2 A priori stability estimate...................... 67 6.2.1 Heat equation......................... 67 7 Adaptive error control 71 7.1 A posteriori estimates........................ 71 7.2 Residual-based error estimator for Poisson............. 73 7.3 Dual weighted residual estimate................... 74 7.3.1 Adjoint operator....................... 74 7.3.2 Duality-based a posteriori error estimate.......... 74 7.4 Method................................ 75 7.5 Exercises ............................... 76 8 Stabilized methods for advection dominated problems 77 8.1 An advection-diffusion problem in one dimension......... 77 8.2 Coercivity loss ............................ 77 8.3 Stabilization of the Galerkin method................ 77 8.4 Exercises ............................... 77 9 Iterative solvers and Multigrid 79 9.1 Iterative methods........................... 79 4 CONTENTS 9.2 Relaxation methods ......................... 81 9.2.1 Jacobi, methods of simultaneous displacements...... 81 9.2.2 Gauss-Seidel, methods of sucessive displacements..... 81 9.2.3 Relaxation of Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel........... 82 9.2.4 Parallelization of Gauss-Seidel............... 83 9.3 Krylov-subspace methods...................... 83 9.3.1 Principle of descent methods: Steepest Gradient ..... 83 9.3.2 Conjugate Gradient ..................... 84 9.3.3 Preconditioners........................ 86 9.4 Power method............................. 87 9.5 Multigrid methods.......................... 88 10 Mixed problems 89 10.1 The Stokes equations......................... 89 10.1.1 Position of the problem................... 89 10.1.2 Abstract weak formulation ................. 91 10.1.3 Well-posedness in the continuous setting.......... 92 10.2 The discrete Inf-Sup condition.................... 93 10.2.1 Results ............................ 93 10.2.2 Commonly used pairs of approximation spaces ...... 94 10.3 Exercises ............................... 94 A Definitions 95 A.l Mapping................................ 95 A. 2 Spaces................................. 95 B Duality 97 B. l In finite dimension.......................... 97 C Function spaces 99 C. l Banach and Hilbert spaces......... ............. 99 C.2 Spaces of continuous functions.................... 100 C.3 Lebesgue spaces............................ 100 C.4 Hilbert-Sobolev spaces........................ 100 C. 5 Sobolev spaces ........... ................. 100 D Inequalities 101 D. l Useful inequalities in normed vector spaces ............101 E Tensor formulae 103 E. l Operators...............................103 E.l.l Tensor product........................103 E.1.2 Dot product (simple contraction)..............103 E.1.3 Double-dot product (double contraction)..........103 E.1.4 Gradient............................104 E.1.5 Divergence ..........................104 E.l.6 Curl (Rotational).......................104 E.2 Identities ...............................104 CONTENTS 5 E.2.1 First order tensors......................104 E.2.2 Second order tensors.....................105 Bibliography 106 6 CONTENTS Introduction This document is a collection of short lecture notes written for the course "The Finite Element Method" (SF2561), at KTH, Royal Institute of Technology during Fall 2013, then updated for the course "Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations Using Element Methods" (TMA4220) at NTNU, during Fall 2018. It is in not intended as a comprehensive and rigorous introduction to Finite Element Methods but rather an attempt for providing a self-consistent overview in direction to students in Engineering without any prior knowledge of Numerical Analysis. Content The course goes through the basic theory of the Finite Element Method during the first six lectures while the last three lectures are devoted to some applications. 1. Introduction to PDEs, weak solution, variational formulation. 2. Ritz method for the approximation of solutions to elliptic PDEs 3. Galerkin method and well-posedness. 4. Construction of Finite Element approximation spaces. 5. Polynomial approximation and error analysis. 6. Time dependent problems. 7. Mesh generation and adaptive control. 8. Stabilized finite element methods. 9. Mixed problems. The intent is to introduce the practicals aspects of the methods without hiding the mathematical issues but without necessarily exposing the details of the proof. There are indeed two side of the Finite Element Method: the Engineering approach and the Mathematical theory. Although any reasonable implementation of a Finite Element Method is likely to compute an approximate solution, usually the real challenge is to understand the properties of the obtained solution, which can be summarized in four main questions: 1. Well-posedness: Is the solution to the approximate problem unique? 2. Consistency: Is the solution to the approximate problem close to the continuous solution (or at least "sufficiently" in a sense to determine)? 3. Stability: Is the solution to the approximate problem stable with respect to data and "well-behaved"? CONTENTS 7 4. Maximum principle, Physical properties: Does the discrete solution reproduce features of the physical solution, like satisfying physical bounds or energy/entropy inequalities? Ultimately the goal of designing numerical scheme is to combine these properties to ensure the convergence of the method to the unique solution of the continuous problem (if hopefully it exists) defined by the mathematical model. In a way the main message of the course is that studying the mathematical properties of the continuous problem is a direction towards deriving discrete counterparts (usually in terms of inequalities) and ensuring that numerical algorithms possess good properties. Answering these questions requires some knowledge of elements of numerical analysis of PDEs which will be introduced throughout the document in a didactic manner. Nonetheless addressing some technical details is left to more serious and comprehensive works referenced in the bibliography. Literature At KTH the historical textbook used mainly for the exercises is Computational Differential Equations [6] which covers many examples from Engineering but is mainly limited to Galerkin method and in particular continuous Lagrange elements. The two essential books in the list are Theory and Practice of Finite Elements [4] and The Mathematical Theory of Finite Element Methods [2]. The first work provides an extensive coverage of Finite Elements from a theoretical standpoint (including non-conforming Galerkin, Petrov-Galerkin, Discontinuous Galerkin) by expliciting the theoretical foundations and abstract framework in the first Part, then studying applications in the second Part and finally addressing more concrete questions about the implementation of the methods in a third Part. The Appendices are also quite valuable as they provide a toolset of results to be used for the numerical analysis of PDEs. The second work is written in a more theoretical fashion, providing to the Finite Element method in the first six Chapters which is suitable for a student with a good background in Mathematics. Section 2 about Ritz's method is based on the lecture notes [5] and Section 10.1 on the description of the Stokes problem in [7]. Two books listed in the bibliography are not concerned with Numerical Analysis but with the continuous setting. On the one hand, book Functional Analysis, Sobolev Spaces and Partial Differential Equations [3] is an excellent introduction to Functional Analysis, but has a steep learning curve without a solid background in Analysis. On the other hand, Mathematical Tools for the Study of the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations and Related Models [1], while retaining all the difficulties of analysis, offers a really didactic approach of PDEs for fluid problems in a clear and rigorous manner. Chapter 1 Weak formulation of elliptic Partial Differential Equations 1.1 Historical perspective The physics of phenomena encountered in engineering applications is often modelled under the form of a boundary and initial value problems. They consist of relations describing the evolution of physical quantities involving partial derivatives of physical quantities with respect to space and time, such relations are called Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). Problems involving only variations in space on a domain $1 C Md are called Boundary Value Problems (1.1) as they involve the description of the considered physical quantities at the frontier of the physical domain d£l. Find u : Rd ->• Rn such that: Au(x) = fix) , y x g n (1.1) + Boundary conditions on dtt with A a differential operator, i.e. involving partial derivatives of u, like the first derivatives with respect to each axis d dxi for i = 1, • • • , d, or more generally gN daiX! ■ --d^xi ■ --d^xd given the multi-index a = (a±, ■ ■ ■ , ai, ■ ■ ■ , ad), and \a\ the module of the multi-index is the order of the derivative. Equations describing the evolution in time of physical quantities required the definition of an initial condition in time, and are therefore called Initial Value Problems. They consist of the coupling of an Ordinary Differential Equation 9 10 CHAPTER 1. WEAK FORMULATION OF ELLIPTIC PDES (ODE) in time, a Cauchy Problem (1.2), with a boundary value problem in space. Find y : R ->• W1 such that: y'(t) = F(t,y(t)), Vie [0,T) (1.2) + Intial condition at t = 0: y(t = 0) = yo with F:lxlMI". The term Finite Element Method denotes a family of approaches developed to compute an approximate solution to boundary and initial value problems. Example 1.1.1 (Partial Differential Equations). A few usual mathematical models are listed below. • Transfer of heat/mass by conduction/diffusion, "Fourier's Law": — kAT = f with k constant conductivity/diffusivity, and for example T temperature. • Unsteady heat equation: dT with k thermal diffusivity, and T temperature. • Transport of a passive scalar field: £ + />w = / with (3 advective vector field, and for example c a concentration. • Burgers equation in one dimension (Forsyth, 1906, and Burgers, 1948): du du d2u dt dx dx2 with v a viscosity, possibly zero in the inviscid case. • Wave equation in one dimension (D'Alembert, 1747): d2u 2 d2u dt2 dx2 with c a celerity. • Euler equations, inviscid and incompressible case (Euler, 1757): Ou — + (u ■ V)u + Vp = f Vu = 0 with v a viscosity, possibly zero in the inviscid case. 1.2. WEAK SOLUTION TO THE DIRICHLET PROBLEM 11 • Navier-Stokes equations, homogeneous, incompressible and isothermal case (Navier, 1822, then 19th century): f d^ + {u-V)u- V-(r(U,p)) =/ ( Vu = 0 with r(u,p) = u'Vu — pi for a Newtonian fluid. The study of equations involving derivatives of the unknown has led to rethinking the concept of derivation: from the idea of variation, then the study of the Cauchy problem, finally to the generalization of the notion of derivative with the Theory of Distributions. The main motivation is the existence of discontinuous solutions produced by classes of PDEs or irregular data, for which the classical definition of a derivative is not suitable. The concept of weak derivative introduced by L. Schwartz in his Theory of Distributions, was used to seek solutions to Partial Differential Equations like general elliptic and parabolic problems (J.-L. Lions) or Navier-Stokes (J. Leray). The idea is to replace the pointwise approach of the classical (strong) derivative lim f(X + h)~ f(x) h^O h which requires regularity (derivability, continuity) at any point in space and time by the derivation in the distributional sense, i.e. by considering the action of linear forms on smooth functions, such as T-.ip^ [ ftp with if a sufficiently regular function such that the integral is defined. 1.2 Weak solution to the Dirichlet problem Let us consider the Poisson problem posed in a domain $1, an open bounded subset of Md, d > 1 supplemented with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions: -Au(x) = f(x), V x £ $1 (1.3a) u(x) = 0, Vxeffl (1.3b) with / £ C°($l) and the Laplace operator, i=i 1 thus involving second order partial derivatives of the unknown u with respect to the space coordinates. Definition 1.2.1 (Classical solution). A classical solution (or strong solution) of Problem (1.3) is a function u 6 C2($l) satisfying relations (1.3a) and (1.3b). 12 CHAPTER 1. WEAK FORMULATION OF ELLIPTIC PDES Problem (1.3) can be reformulated so as to look for a solution in the distributional sense by testing the equation against smooth functions. Reformulating the problem amounts to relaxing the pointwise regularity (i.e. continuity) required to ensure the existence of the classical derivative to the (weaker) existence of the distributional derivative which regularity is to be interpreted in term in terms of Lebesgue spaces: the obtained problem is a weak formulation and a solution to this problem (i.e. in the distributional sense) is called weak solution. Three properties of the weak formulation should be studied: firstly that a classical solution is a weak solution, secondly that such a weak solution is indeed a classical solution provided that it is regular enough, and thirdly that the well-posedness of this reformulated problem, i.e. existence and uniqueness of the solution, is ensured. 1.2.1 Formal passage from classical solution to weak solution Let u £ C2($l) be a classical solution to (1.3) and let us test Equation (1.3a) against any smooth function tp 6 C2°($l): — / A.u(x)p>(x) dx = f(x)tp(x) dx Jn Jn Since u £ C2($l), Au is well defined. Integrating by parts, the left-hand side reads: — / A.u(x)p>(x) dx = — / Vu(x) ■ ntp(x) ds + / Vm(s) • V^(x) da; Jn Jan Jn For simplicity, we recall the one-dimensional case: -J0 ^xMx)dX = -[^xMx)\0 + l d-X{x)^{x)dX Since if has compact support in $1, it vanishes on the boundary dtt, consequently the boundary integral is zero, thus the distributional formulation reads f Vu(x)-Vtp(x)dx= [ f(x)p>(x)dx , Vy>eCf(n) Jn Jn and we are led to look for a solution u belonging to a function space such that the previous relation makes sense. A weak formulation of Problem (1.3) consists in solving: Find u G H, given / £ V', such that: f (1-5) Vtt • Vt) dx = fv dx , V v G V n Jn in which H and V are a function spaces yet to be defined, both satisfying regularity constraints and for H boundary condition constraints. The choice of the solution space H and the test space V is described Section 1.3. 1.3. WEAK AND VARIATIONAL FORMULATIONS 13 1.2.2 Formal passage from weak solution to classical solution Provided that the weak solution to Problem (1.5) belongs to C2(S1) then the second derivatives exist in the classical sense. Consequently the integration by parts can be performed the other way around and the weak solution is indeed a classical solution. 1.2.3 About the boundary conditions Boundary condition Expression on d£l Property Dirichlet Neumann Vu • n = 0 "essential" boundary condition "natural" boundary condition Essential boundary conditions are embedded in the function space, while natural boundary conditions appear in the weak formulation as linear forms. 1.3 Weak and variational formulations 1.3.1 Functional setting Hilbert-Sobolev spaces Hs (Section C.4) are a natural choice to "measure" functions involved in the weak formulations of PDEs as the existence of the integrals relies on the fact that integrals of powers | • \p of u and weak derivatives Y)au for some 1 < p < +oo exist: Hs(n) = {ue L2(n) : Bau g L2(ft), 1 < a < s} with the Lebesgue space of square integrable functions on $1: L2(fl) = |u : J \u(x)\2 dx < +oo endowed with its natural scalar product (u, v )h2(Q) = / uvdx Since Problem (1.5) involves first order derivatives according to relation, • dx = / fv dx n Jn then we should consider a solution in H1($l). H1^) = {u g L2(tt) : Bu g L2(ft)} with the weak derivative Dm i.e. a function of L2($l) which identifies with the classical derivative (if it exists) "almost everywhere", and endowed with the norm, II II -t ^2 II • llHi(fi) - ( • , • )Hi(fi) 14 CHAPTER 1. WEAK FORMULATION OF ELLIPTIC PDES defined from the scalar product, (u,v)hi/q\= / uvdx+ / Vu-Vt) dx Jn Jn Moreover, the solution should satisfy the boundary condition of the strong form of the PDE problem. According to Section 1.2.3 the homogeneous Dirichlet condition is embedded in the function space of the solution: u vanishing on the boundary d£l yields that we should seek u in Hq($1). 1.3.2 Determination of the spaces We will now establish that any weak solution "lives" in Hq($1) and that the natural space for test functions is the same space. Choice of test space In order to give sense to the solution in a Hilbert-Sobolev space we need to choose the test function tp itself in the same kind of space. Indeed C£°($l) is not equipped with a topology which allows us to work properly. If we chose if g Hq($1) then by definition, we can construct a sequence (p>n)ne^ of functions in C£°($l) converging in Hq($1) to n - ^llHi(n) 0, asn-> +oo For the sake of completeness, we show that we can pass to the limit in the formulation, term by term for any partial derivative: diu diipn ->• / diu diip n Jn as dnpn —Dj if in L2($l). Consequently the weak formulation is satisfied if tp g Hj(n). Choice of solution space The determination of the function space is guided, • firstly, by the regularity of the solution: if u is a classical solution then it belongs to C2($l) which involves that u £ L2($l) and diu £ L2($l), thus u g H1^), • secondly by the boundary conditions: the space should satisfy the Dirichlet boundary condition on d£l. This constraint is satisfied thanks to the following trace theorem for the solution to the Dirichlet problem: since Ker(-j) = Hg($l), we conclude u g Hg(Sl). 1.4. ABSTRACT PROBLEM 15 Lemma 1.3.1 (Trace Theorem). Let Q be a bounded open subset of Rd with piecewise C1 boundary, then there exists a linear application 7 : H1($l) —> L2(cWl) continuous on H1($l) such that ^(u) = 04u£ Ker(7). The regularity of the solution itself depends on the nature of the differential operators involved in the problem (e.g. up to which order should be derivatives controlled?), but also on the data of the problem: regularity of the domain and right-hand side. The weak formulation of Problem (1.3) reads then: Find u g Hg($l), such that: f f 1 (L?) / V«-Vt)dx= / fvdx , VveH^(ft) Jn Jn 1.4 Abstract problem The study of mathematical properties of PDE problems is usually performed on a general formulation called abstract problem which reads in our case: Find u g V, such that: (1.8) a(u, v) = L(v) , V v g V with a( •, •) a continuous bilinear form on V x V and L( •) a continuous linear form on V. Proposition 1.4.1 (Continuity). A bilinear form a( •, •) is continuous onV x W if there exists a positive constant real number M such that a(v,w) < M||t>||y||H|w ,V (v,w) g V x W For example, in the previous section for Problem (1.7), the bilinear form reads a: V x V ->• R (u,v) 1—> / Vm • Vu da; Jn and the linear form, L : V -+ R v 1—y I fvdx Jn The continuity of these two forms comes directly from that they are respectively the inner-product in Hq($1), and the L2 inner-product with / £ L2($l): the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality gives directly a continuous control of the image of the forms by the norms of its arguments. 16 CHAPTER 1. WEAK FORMULATION OF ELLIPTIC PDES Definition 1.4.2 (Topological dual space). The topological dual space V of a normed vector space V is the vector space of continuous linear forms on V equipped with the norm: In the following chapters, we consider the case of elliptic PDEs, like the Poisson problem, for which the bilinear form a( •, •) is coercive. Proposition 1.4.3 (Coercivity). A bilinear form is said coercive in V if there exists a positive constant real number a such that for any v G V This property is also know as V-ellipticity. 1.5 Well-posedness In the usual sense, a problem is well-posed if it admits a unique solution which is bounded in the V-noim by the data: forcing term, boundary conditions, which are independent on the solution and appear at the right-hand side of the equation. In this particular case of the Poisson problem the bilinear form a( •, •) is the natural scalar product in Hq($1), thus it defines a norm in Hq($1) (but only a seminorm in H1($l) due to the lack of definiteness, not a norm !). Theorem 1.5.1 (Riesz-Frechet). Let H be a Hilbert space and H' its topological dual, V <3? G H', there exists a unique representant u G H such that for any v G H, =(u,v)H and furthermore \\u\\h = \\&\\h' This result ensures directly the existence and uniqueness of a weak solution as soon as a( •, •) is a scalar product and L is continuous for || • ||a. If the bilinear form a( •, •) is not symmetric then Theorem 1.5.1 (Riesz-Frechet) does not apply. Theorem 1.5.2 (Lax-Milgram). Let H be a Hilbert space. Provided that a{ ■, •) is a coercive continuous bilinear form on H x H and L{ ■) is a continuous linear form on H, Problem (1.8) admits a unique solution u G H. Now that we have derived a variational problem for which there exists a unique solution with V infinite dimensional (i.e. for any point x G $1), we need to construct an approximate problem which is also well-posed. WfWv = sup xev,x^o \\x\\v a(v, v) > a||u||y 1.6. EXERCISES 17 1.6 Exercises Exercises for this section cover some preliminary notions introduced for the weak formulation of PDEs. Exercise 1.6.1 (Based on Exercise 4 from [8]). Answer the following questions. (a) Discuss whether the set S = {v G C£°((0,1)) : v(^) = l} is a vector space. (b) For V = Hq((0, 1)), show that L(v) = /J xv dx defines a linear functional. Recall the definition of the topological dual V and show that L is continuous for x G V. (c) For V = M discuss whether ( u , v )v = \u\\v\ is an inner-product in V. (d) Does |ii|n1(n) = II^^IIl2^); ^ £ ^2 define a norm in H1($l)? Explain why. (e) Assess whether the function f(x) = x3/4 an element of the following spaces: L2((0,1)), H1((0,1)), H2((0,1)). (f) For v = e~10x and $1 = (0,1), is the relation |ii|n1(n) = llilH2(S7) satisfied? Exercise 1.6.2. Let us consider the following problem posed on the domain $1 = (0,1), with re a real coefficient, and / G L2($l): Find u G Hg(Sl) such that: f du f du dv f f (1-9) / K—vdx+ / —— — dx + / uv dx = j fvdx, v G Hn(Sl) Jn dx Jn dx dx Jn Jn (a) Formulate the strong problem corresponding to weak formulation (1.9). (b) Discuss the existence and uniqueness of the solution to Problem (1.9). Exercise 1.6.3. Let us consider the biharmonic equation posed on the domain $1 = (0,1): A2u(x)=f(x), V x G $1 (1.10a) with / G L2($l), and satisfying the boundary condition on dfl u(x)=u'(x)=0, yxedfl (1.10b) (a) For / = 1 give a solution to Problem (1.10). (b) Derive a weak formulation (WF) of Problem (1.10). (c) Specify the solution space and the test space. (d) Show that there exists a unique solution u to (WF) belonging to the chosen solution space. Exercise 1.6.4. Let us consider the Helmholtz equation posed on the domain $1 = (0,1), given re a real coefficient: - u"(x) + ku(x) = f(x), V x G $1 (1.11a) with / G L2(ft), u(x) = 0, yxedfl (1.11b) 18 CHAPTER 1. WEAK FORMULATION OF ELLIPTIC PDES (a) Derive a weak formulation (WF) of Problem (1.11). (b) Specify the solution and test spaces. (c) What is the nature of the bilinear form for re = 1? (d) Prove that the problem is well-posed for re = 0 and re > 0. (e) Comment on the difficulty posed by the case re < 0. (f) The boundary condition is now given by: Derive a weak formulation for the Problem (4.2a)-(1.12) and show that it admits a unique solution. To prove the coercivity the following relation can be used: u(0) u'(0)=0, u'(l) = -l (1.12) Chapter 2 Ritz and Galerkin methods for elliptic problems In Section 1. we have reformulated the Dirichlet problem to seek weak solutions and we showed its well-posedness. The problem being infinite dimensional, it is not computable. Question: Can we construct an approximation to Problem (1.3) which is also well-posed? 2.1 Approximate problem In the previous section we showed how a classical PDE problem such as Problem (1.3) can be reformulated as a weak problem. The abstract problem for this class of PDE reads then: Find u G V, such that: (2.1) a(u, v) = L(v) , V v G V with a( •, •) a coercive continuous bilinear form onV xV and L( •) a continuous linear form on V. Since in the case of the Poisson problem the bilinear form is continuous, coercive and symmetric, the well-posedness follows directly from Riesz-Frechet representation Theorem. If the bilinear form is still coercive but not symmetric then we will see that the well-posedness is proven by the Lax-Milgram Theorem. But for the moment, let us focus on the symmetric case: we want now to construct an approximate solution un to the Problem (2.1) then prove that the solution to the obtained approximate problem exists and is unique. 2.2 Ritz method for symmetric bilinear forms 2.2.1 Variational formulation and minimization problem The idea behind the Ritz method is to replace the solution space V (which is infinite dimensional) by a finite dimensional subspace Vn C V, dim(V^) = n. 19 20 CHAPTER 2. RITZ AND GALERKIN FOR ELLIPTIC PROBLEMS Problem (2.2) is the approximate weak problem by the Ritz method: Find un G Vn, Vn C V, such that: a{un, vn) = L(vn) , V vn G Vn (2.2) with a( •, •) a coercive symmetric continuous bilinear form on V x V and L{ ■) a continuous linear form on V. Provided that the bilinear form is symmetric, Problem (2.3) is the equivalent approximate variational problem under minimization form: Find un G Vn, Vn C V, such that: J{un) < J(vn) , V vn G Vn with J(vn) = —a(vn,vn) — L(vn (2.3) -a{vn,vn Proposition 2.2.1 (Equivalence of weak and variational formulations). Problem 2.2 and 2.3 are equivalent. Before moving to the well-posedness of the approximate variational problem some definitions are introduced to characterize the solution of minimization problems, then the equivalence of formulations for the Poisson problem with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions in one dimension of space is given as example. Definition 2.2.2 (Directional derivative). Let V be a Hilbert space, for any u £ V the relation: 1 J'(u: w) = lim - (J(u + ew defines J'(-; •) : V x V w. J(u)) (2.4) derivative of the functional J at u in the direction Definition 2.2.3 (Frechet derivative). Let V be a Hilbert space, J is Frechet-derivable at u if: J(u + v) = J(u) + Lu(v) + e(t>)||t>||y with Lu a continuous linear form on V and e{v) —> 0 as v —> 0. (2.5) Proposition 2.2.4 (Optimality conditions). Let V be a Hilbert space and J a twice Frechet-derivable functional, uq G V is solution to inf J(v) vev (2.6) if the following conditions are satisfied: 1. J'{uq) = 0 (Euler condition). 2.2. RITZ METHOD FOR SYMMETRIC BILINEAR FORMS 21 2. ( J"{u)w , w ) > 0 (Legendre condition). Both conditions can be interpreted in terms of the simpler case of real functions: the first one requires that the first derivative cancels so that uq is an extremum, while the second condition is a convexity argument. Moreover, a sufficient condition is given by ( J"{u)w , w ) > 0 for any u in a neighbourhood of uq (strong Legendre condition). The coercivity of the bilinear form a(-, •) is an even stronger condition equivalent to: 3a > 0 such that ( J"{u)w , w ) > a(w,w). Example 2.2.5. Equivalence of weak and variational formulations for the Dirich-let problem posed on $1 = (0,1). Let us derive the expression of J'{u\ w) defined by (2.4) given e > 0 and w g V. First let us verify that if u solves the minimization problem then it solves the corresponding weak problem. J(u + ew) = — J [(u + ew)'~\2 dx — j f(u + ew)dx - I [{u')2 + 2eu'w' + e2{v')2] dx - [ fudx-e [ fwdx 2 Jn Jn Jn fw dx 2jn J{u) + £ u w dx 'n 1 , z -in V)2 dx Writing the derivative gives, 1 lim — (J(u + ew) — J(u)) = lim e^O ey J e^O / u'w' dx — [ fwdx-\— eltulxTi Jn Jn 2 1 lHo so that the Euler condition holds if for any w g V = Hq($1) J'(u; w) = I u'w' dx — / fw dx = 0 Jn Jn In this case the functional J is Frechet-derivable as Lu is linear. Secondly, the other way around considering that the weak formulation holds for the test function ew g V then in the relation J{u + ew) = J{u) + £ u w dx fw dx 1 2 (w')2 dx the second term of the right-hand side cancels, and the third term is non-negative, then J{u + ew) > J{u) so that u is solution to the minimization problem. The same result holds for the continuous problem in V and the approximation in Vn since only requirement is to work in a Hilbert space. Actually the following result for the Dirichlet problem is due to Stampacchia which characterizes the solution to the weak problem in term of minimization. 22 CHAPTER 2. RITZ AND GALERKIN FOR ELLIPTIC PROBLEMS Theorem 2.2.6 (Stampacchia). Let a(-, •) be a bilinear coercive continuous form on H a Hilbert space, and K be a convex closed non-empty subset of H. Given ((/), v — u ) H, H, V v £ K and if a is symmetric then u = argmin { \a( v , v ) - ( 0 , v )H, H veK lz The solution can be seen as satisfying a minimization of energy, also called Dirichlet principle. 2.2.2 Well-posedness Theorem 2.2.7 (Well-posedness). Let V be a Hilbert space and Vn a finite dimensional subspace ofV, dim(V^) = n, Problem (2.2) admits a unique solution un. Proof. Given that the weak formulation differs only by introducing finite dimensional subspaces the proof could conclude directly with the Lax-Milgram Theorem. Instead we show that there exists a unique solution to the equivalent minimization problem (2.3) by explicitly constructing an approximation un £ Vn decomposed uniquely on a basis (tpi, ■ ■ ■ ,ipn) of Vn: n In practice this basis is not any basis but the one constructed to define the approximation space Vn: to one chosen approximation space will correspond one carefully constructed basis. In so doing, the constructive approach paves the way to the Finite Element Method and is thus chosen as a prequel to establishing the Galerkin method. Writing the minimization functional for un reads: J{un) = ^a(un,un) - L(un) j = l i=l j=l ^ n n n i=l j=l j=l ^ n n n i=l j=l j=l Collecting the entries by index i, the functional can be rewritten under algebraic form: It t J(u) = —u Au — u b v ' 2 2.2. RITZ METHOD FOR SYMMETRIC BILINEAR FORMS 23 where u is the vector of algebraic unknowns also called degrees of freedom t U =(«!,..., Un) and A, b are respectively the stiffness matrix and the load vector: Aij = a( u in V as n —> oo? The ingredients are similar to the Lax principle: stability and consistency implies convergence. Lemma 2.2.9 (Estimate in the energy norm). Let V be a Hilbert space and Vn a finite dimensional subspace of V. We denote by u G V, un G Vn respectively the solution to Problem (2.1) and the solution to approximate Problem (2.2). Let us define the energy norm \\ ■ \\a = a( -, ■ )1/27 then the following inequality holds: \\u - Un\\a < \\u - Vn\\a , Vl)„e7„ 24 CHAPTER 2. RITZ AND GALERKIN FOR ELLIPTIC PROBLEMS Proof. Using the coercivity and the continuity of the bilinear form, we have: aIMIy < \\u\\a — M\\u\\y then \\u\\a is norm equivalent to ||ii||y, thus (V, || • ||a) is a Hilbert space. a(u - PVn u, vn) = 0 , V vn G Vn by definition of Pyn as the orthogonal projection of u onto Vn with respect to the scalar product defined by the bilinear form a. \\u - un\\l = a(u -un,u- vn) + a(u - un,vn - un) , V vn G Vn Since the second term of the right-hand side cancels due to the consistency of the approximation, we deduce un = Pyn u, then un minimizes the distance from u to Vn: \\u - un\\l < \\u - vn\\l ,Vu„eK which means that the error estimate is optimal in the energy norm. □ Lemma 2.2.10 (Cea's Lemma). Let V be a Hilbert space and Vn a finite dimensional subspace of V. we denote by u G V, un G Vn respectively the solution to Problem (2.1) and the solution to approximate Problem (2.2) , then the following inequality holds: ii n [Mu II \\u-un\\v<\ — w-^nv , Vi)ne7n V a with M > 0 the continuity constant and a > 0 the coercivity constant. Proof. Using the coercivity and continuity of the bilinear form, we bound the left-hand side of the estimate (2.2.9) from below and its right-hand side from above: a\\u — un\\v < M\\u — vn\\v V vn G Vn Consequently: [M.. \\u-un\\y<\ - m-^nV , Vt)n£l4 V a □ Lemma (2.2.10) gives a control on the discretization error en = u — un which is quasi-optimal in the V-noim (i.e. bound multiplied by a constant). Lemma 2.2.11 (Stability). Any solution un G Vn to Problem (2.2) satisfies: ll ll / ll-^llv \\un\\v < - a 2.3. GALERKIN METHOD 25 Proof. Direct using the coercivity and the dual norm. First, the inequality "Ihnlly < a(un,un) = L(un) holds for some a > 0, and secondly by definition of the dual norm, urn L^ \\-Li\\yi = SUp -—-— vev,v^o \\v\\v so that a||^n||y < \\L\\v □ 2.2.4 Method Algorithm 2.2.12 (Ritz method). The following procedure applies: 1. Chose an approximation space Vn 2. Construct a basis B = (ip±,..., ipn) 3. Assemble stiffness matrix A and load vector b 4- Solve Au = b as a minimization problem 2.3 Galerkin method 2.3.1 Formulation We use a similar approach as for the Ritz method, except that the abstract problem does not require the symmetry of the bilinear form. Therefore we cannot endow V with a norm defined from the scalar product based on a( •, •). Problem (2.9) is the approximate weak problem by the Galerkin method: Find un G Vn, Vn C V, such that: (2 9) a{un,vn) = L(vn) ,yvn£Vn with a( •, •) a coercive continuous bilinear form onV xV and L( •) a continuous linear form on V. 2.3.2 Convergence The following property is merely a consequence of the consistency, as the continuous solution u is solution to the discrete problem (i.e. the bilinear form is the "same"), but it is quite useful to derive error estimates. Consequently, whenever needed we will refer to the following proposition: 26 CHAPTER 2. RITZ AND GALERKIN FOR ELLIPTIC PROBLEMS Proposition 2.3.1 (Galerkin orthogonality). Let u G V, un G Vn respectively the solution to Problem (2.1) and the solution to approximate Problem (2.9), then: a( u - un, vn ) = 0 , V vn G Vn Proof. Direct consequence of the consistency of the method. The approximate problem a( un,vn ) = L(vn) , VvneK (2.10) is obtained by replacing V by a finite dimensional space Vn but the relation a(u,v)= L(v) , Vt) G V (2.11) from the weak formulation is otherwise the same: a(-, •) and L(-) are unchanged. Since Vn C V, it is possible to choose v G Vn in Equation (2.11), then a(un,vn) = a(u,vn) , V vn G Vn (2.12) which gives directly the orthogonality property. □ Lemma 2.3.2 (Consistency). Let V be a Hilbert space and Vn a finite dimensional subspace of V. we denote by u G V, un G Vn respectively the solution to Problem (2.1) and the solution to approximate Problem (2.9), then the following inequality holds: M \\u-un\\v<— u-^nv , VnneK a with M > 0 the continuity constant and a > 0 the coercivity constant. Proof. Using the coercivity: — Unlly — d{u — un, u — un) < a(u — un, u — vn) + a(u — un, vn — u n I < a(u — un, u — vn) < M\\u — un\\y\\u — vn\\y M., \\U — Un\\y < -\\u — Vn\\y a □ The only difference with the symmetric case is that the constant is squared due to the loss of the symmetry. 2.3.3 Method Algorithm 2.3.3 (Galerkin method). The following procedure applies: 1. Chose an approximation space Vn 2. Construct a basis B = (ip±, ..., J(u) and interpret. (h) Let 4>i = sin((2i — l)irx), i £ N. Verify that these function are infinitely differentiable and satisfy (f>i(0) = i(l) = 0. Compute coefficients aij = / dx > k= f{x)4>i(x) dx Jo J o (i) Given a finite dimensional space Vn = span{0j}iNv ) °f Vh, Nyh = dim(V/l), on which the discrete solution is decomposed as Nvh uh = Y^ ui with {uj} a family of Nyh real numbers called global degrees of freedom and {ifj} a family of Nyh elements of Vh called global shape functions. Previously no assumption was made on the finite dimensional space Vn aside from that Vn C V. The change of notation to Vh is to reflect that the discrete space Vh will be characterized more carefully as an approximation space by constructing the shape functions and by defining the degrees of freedom. To construct the Finite Element space Vh, three ingredients are introduced: 29 30 CHAPTER 3. FINITE ELEMENT SPACES 1. An admissible mesh Th generated by a tessellation of domain $1. 2. A reference Finite Element (K, V, X) to construct a basis of Vh and define the meaning of Uj. 3. A mapping that generates a Finite Element (K, V, S) for any cell in the mesh from the reference element (K,V,Ti). As a preliminary step the approximation of the Poisson problem in one dimension by linear Lagrange Finite Elements is described to give an overview of the methodology without hitting the technical difficulties. Concepts and notations for the discretization of the physical domain are then introduced. Provided that all the requirements are identified, a framework for all the Finite Element methods is introduced by stating the definition of a Finite Element. Finally, the generation of the Finite Element space from a reference Finite Element will be described. Some examples of Finite Element spaces are listed at the end of the chapter. 3.1 A preliminary example in one dimension of space For the sake of completeness, steps performed to derive a Galerkin method for the Poisson Problem 1.3 on $1 = (0,1) are sketched below to recapitulate the methodology. 3.1.1 Weak formulation A solution is sought in the distributional sense by testing the equation against smooth functions, u"(x)v(x) dx = / f(x)v(x) dx, Vd £ C~(n) n Jn then reporting derivatives on the test functions using the integration by part u»(IMx)dx = -[«'(xWI)]j+/U'(Iy(x)dx n v-v-' Jn o the weak formulation consists of finding u g V such that u (x)v (x) dx = f(x)v(x) dx , V v g V n Jn given / g L2(S1). The choice of solution space and test space is guided by the equation and the data: in this case V = Hq($1) since v and v' should be controlled in L2($l), and homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions are imposed. 3.1. A PRELIMINARY EXAMPLE IN ONE DIMENSION OF SPACE 31 3.1.2 Galerkin method The approximate problem by a Galerkin method consists of seeking a discrete solution Uh in a finite dimensional space Vh G V, such that Uh (x)v (x) dx = f(x)v(x) dx , V v G Vh n Jn and given a basis {ifj} of Vh any function w G Vh can be written as Nvh Wh with Ny = dim Vh, and moreover Nvh by simple application of the derivation on the linear combination. Bounds of the sum will be omitted to simplify the notation, when there is no possible confusion. Inserting the Galerkin decomposition in the weak formulation and using the commutativity of the derivation with the linear combinations, / (^2uj f'Ax)) (YVi dx = / f(x)(YVi dx Jn j i Jn i and the integration can also commute with the linear combinations, y2YuiVi / v'jWv'ii00) dx = y2Vi / f{x)pi{x)dx 3■ i Jn i Jn so that up to some cosmetic reordering, for any v G V V^V^i / tpi(x)tp'Ax) dxuj = / f{x)(pi(x)dx Jn Jn * 3 the relation to the linear system of algebraic equations becomes evident, t a t , v A u = v b for any v = [vi] G RNvh, with A = ip'Ax)ip'i(x) dx f(x)(fi(x) dx and the discrete solution is represented by the solution vector u = [uj] G Computing contributions Ajj and bj is possible as soon as the basis { b + ax, for some a, b G M. The affine mapping to any subinterval is given by the change of coordinates Tk :xGKH'X = ij + (a^+i — Xi)x G which is consistent with the definition of the global shape functions and reference shape functions, since bx + Bkx, with bx G Md and Bjf G M.dxd. The matrix Bx is the Jacobian of Tk, noted Jtk- In one dimension of space JfK contains only one entry OTk/Ox = (xi+i—Xi) = \K\, and its inverse J^1 is obviously (xi+i — Xj)_1 = 3.1.4 Transport of Finite Element contributions In the case of linear Lagrange elements the transport of Finite Element contributions corresponds to the change of coordinates Tk- The change of variable x = Tk{x) is sketched for the mass matrix and the stiffness matrix, given a cell K = [xi+1 - Xi\. Firstly, let us consider contributions to the mass matrix M, Mij = / ifj(x)ipi(x) dx jk 3.1. A PRELIMINARY EXAMPLE IN ONE DIMENSION OF SPACE 35 which can be rewritten, given that x = Tk{x and dx = — Xi)) dx, Mij = / Vj{TK{x))(fi{TK(x))(xi+1 - Xi) dx Jk Since tfi o Tk = i dxT7^ with dxT7^ = therefore, = J_ j^dxfij(x) j^-dxtfi(x)\K\ dx Kij = -J- I j} C V was introduced, this section describes how to build such space by constructing an abstraction called Finite Element. Definition 3.3.1 (Finite Element - [4] page 19, [2] page 69). A Finite Element consists of a triple (K,V, £), such that • K is a compact, connected subset of Md with non-empty interior and with regular boundary (typically Lipshitz continuous), • V is a finite dimensional vector space of functions p : K —> M, which is the space of shape functions; dim('P) = N-p. • S is a set {o~}j of linear forms, ) which is a basis of C(V,M), the dual of V. 3.3. DEFINITION OF A FINITE ELEMENT 37 Practically, the definition requires first to consider the Finite Element on a cell K which can be an interval (d = 1), a polygon (d = 2) or a polyhedron (d = 3) (Example: triangle, quadrangle, tetrahedron, hexahedron), then an approximation space V (Example: polynomial space) and the local degrees of freedom £ are chosen (Example: value at Np geometrical nodes (Ti({pj) = ipj(^i)). The local shape functions {ifi} are then constructed so as to ensure unisolvence. The dimension of V is usually called dimension of the Finite Element. Proposition 3.3.2 (Determination of the local shape functions). Let {cjIk^at^ be the set of local degrees of freedoms, the local shape functions are defined as {^^kkn-p a basis ofV such that, o-i(ipj) = 5ij , V i,j G {I, N-p] Definition 3.3.3 (Unisolvence). A Finite Element is said unisolvent if for any vector (ai, • • • ,olnv) G there exists a unique representant p G V such that ai(p) =ah Vi G ll,Npj. The unisolvence property of a Finite Element is equivalent to construct £ as dual basis of V, thus any function p G V can be expressed as n p = J2aj(.p) ^3 3 = 1 the unique decomposition on { (p = 0) (3.3b) in which Property (3.3a) ensures that S generates C(V,M) and Property (3.3b) that {ctj} are linearly independent. Usually the unisolvence is part of the definition of a Finite Element since chosing the shape functions such that C°(K) given bytii->uoTk-In that case V = spanj^oT^1} and the degrees of freedom are defined by £ = {a* : ai{v) = ai{$K{v)) = $K{v){£i) =«oT^)}. If & = Tx(&) then the definition is consistent. 3.5 Method Algorithm 3.5.1 (Finite Element Method). Solving a problem by a Finite Element Method is defined by the following procedure: 1. Choose a reference Finite Element (K,V,Ti). 2. Construct an admissible mesh Th such that any cell K G Th is in bijection with the reference cell K. 3. Define a mapping to transport the reference Finite Element defined on K onto any K G Th to generate (K,V, £). 4- Construct a basis for Vh by collecting all the shape functions of Finite Elements {(K,V,T,)}KeTh sharing the same degree of freedom. 3.6. EXERCISES 41 3.6 Exercises Exercise 3.6.1. Let us consider the Poisson problem posed on the domain $1 = (0,1): -u"(x)= f(x), Vxett (3.4a) with / £ L2(S1), and satisfying the boundary condition on cWl u(x)=0, yxedfl (3.4b) The domain is discretized into a family of subintervals [xi, Xi+i], i = 0, • • • ,N, and Problem 3.4 is approximated by a linear Lagrange finite element method. The approximation space is the space of continuous piecewise linear functions Vh = {(fi}o«G0 Witt) ,iIP>3 on the interval k = [0,1]. 4.4 Extension to multiple dimensions 4.4.1 Barycentric coordinates Lagrange polynomials (4.2.1) construct directly one-dimensional shape functions, while in higher dimensions they can be reformulated in terms of barycen- 48 CHAPTER 4. SIMPLICIAL LAGRANGE FINITE ELEMENTS trie coordinates. High-order Lagrange basis can also be expressed as polynomials of barycentric coordinates. Definition 4.4.1 (Barycentric coordinates). Let us consider K a d-simplex with vertices {vj}0 Xi(x) = 1 (v/ - Vi) • Ili with n« the unit outward normal to the facet opposite to v«, and vj a vertex belonging to this facet. The geometric interpretation of barycentric coordinates is given by meas(Ki) Xi(x) \K\ with meas(Ki) the signed measure of Ki{x) the d-simplex constructed with point x and the facet opposite to vj. In particular, points located within Ki have non-negative Xi, and the point xg satisfying equal weight Xi(xg) = (d + 1)_1 is the isobarycentre. In practice this property can be used to check if a point is inside a simplex: if the signed measure of one Xi is negative or if Y2i \Ki(x)\ > 1-^1 then the point is outside of the simplex. Example 4.4.2 (Lagrange Pi ID). In one dimension of space, barycentric coordinates on K = [xq,x\\ are x - x0 xi-x X0{x) = 1 Xi(x) = 1 X\ — Xq Xi — Xq X — X\ X — Xq Xq — X\ X\— Xq which is exactly the same expression as linear shape functions tpo and ip\. Example 4.4.3 (Lagrange Pi 2D). In two dimensions of space, barycentric coordinates on the unit triangle K depicted Figure 4.4.3 are Mx) = l~ (i,o) -(1,1) = 1~x-y Xlix) = -(-1.0) _ A H*) = i (-1,0) -(-1,0) (£,£-!)• (0,-1) (0,-1). (0,-1) which is the linear Lagrange basis on K (since the normal is at the numerator and the denominator, there was no need to normalize the vector). 4.4. EXTENSION TO MULTIPLE DIMENSIONS 49 Figure 4.1: Unit triangle with outward facet normals We can verify easily that shape functions K is defined for a triangle in M2. The shape of the reference triangle K is defined by vectors vi— vo and V2 — vo, and in the same fashion the shape of any triangle K is defined by vectors vi — vq 50 CHAPTER 4. SIMPLICIAL LAGRANGE FINITE ELEMENTS V2 = (0, 1) v0 = (0,0) vi = (1,0) and v2 — vo. The affine mapping is a simple change of coordinates but the detail is given below for the sake of completeness. vi V2 Tx(vi) vo + (vi VO + (V2 VOJ Vo) and any point x of K can be expressed in terms of the relation vo + A(vi - v0) + /x(v2 - v0) x with given A and fi. The reference triangle is defined by the canonical basis of as (vi - v0, v2 - v0J (ex, ey) so that the affine mapping x = Vq + T$kx satisfies Tx(ex) = (vi — vo) and TK{ey) = (v2 — vo). The matrix Bx is then the matrix of the corresponding change of basis composed of column vectors Vj — Vq, thus x vq + Vl,x — Y0,x Y2,x — Y0,x yi,y — Y0,y Y2,y ~ Vq,j, x Definition 4.4.4 (Affine mapping from reference simplex in M.d). The generalization of the affine mapping in M.d from the reference simplex K = {vj}c to K = {vj}0<- 0 a constant real number, — on the other hand, the pointwise interpolation inequality of Theorem (4.2.3) gives a control on the interpolation error eT = u— iik u, i-e. the difference between any function and its interpolate by Lagrange polynomials of order k. For consistency with the notation introduced in Chapter 3 for the Lagrange interpolation operator in the Finite Element setting, X^k will stand for the Lagrange interpolation operator in this section. Question: Can we control the approximation error by bounding the right-hand side of the consistency inequality using interpolation properties? 5.1 Preliminary discussion on the Poisson problem In the previous chapters, the weak problem derived for the Poisson problem with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions and / £ L2($l), Find u £ V = Hq(S1) such that: u - uh\\v < C\\u - vh\\v ,Vvh£Vh Vtt • Vt) dx = / f v dx , Vd 6 7 was approximated by a Galerkin problem, Find Uh g Vh c Hq($1) such that: 55 56 CHAPTER 5. ERROR ANALYSIS by simply looking for a finite dimensional solution. In a first stage, we verified that the weak problem is well-posed for the chosen solution and test spaces, and that the exact solution u and discrete solution Uh satisfy both a relation of the type Mh1^) < cII/IIl2^) with C > 0, which we denoted as a priori estimate. In a second stage, without making any further assumption on the approximation space Vh, a general result was introduced showing that the distance between the exact solution and the approximate solution \\u — Uh\\v is bounded by the distance of u to the best approximation of u in 1^; this is Cea's Lemma. For the sake of completeness, the estimate corresponding to Cea's Lemma is given in the case of the Poisson problem with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions. E = \u - u&{n) = / | V(« - d* = / v,a - „,). V(a - „„) d, Jn Jn For any vh G Vh E= V(u - uh) ■ V(u - vh) dx + / V(u - uh) ■ V(vh - uh) dx Jn Jn and the second term cancels by virtue of consistency (Galerkin orthogonality), so that Cauchy-Schwarz gives E = \u-uh\nHn) < thus \V(u - uh)\2 dx^j ' \V(u - vh)\2 dx^j ' \u ~ uh\ni(n) <\u- vh\ni{n) As introduced, the relation |eft|Hi(íí) <\u- ^Ihi(íí) (5-1) means that the approximation error = u — Uh is controlled as soon as we are able to bound the distance between u and its best representant in Vh- In a third stage, we introduced Finite Element approximation spaces based on Lagrange polynomials, Definition 4.2.1. Their local interpolation operator given here in one dimension, k -j 3=0 with Lagrange nodes satisfies Inequality (4.2.3) controlling the interpola- tion error et = v — v pointwise on K. 5.2. STABILITY OF THE LAGRANGE INTERPOLATION OPERATOR 57 Inequality (5.1) can be written eh\m(n) < \e, (5.2) which means that the approximation error is bounded by the interpolation error. From pointwise polynomial interpolation estimates we need to derive inequalities in Sobolev and Lebesgue norms, so that the right-hand side of Equation (5.2) can be bounded by a function e of the mesh size h-r, such that e(h-]-) —> 0 as hj- —> 0; convergence of the approximation is then ensured. Inequalities of the form for some constant C depending on the domain and the exact solution, are called a priori error estimates. Usually e{hf) ~ 0(hj-), with r > 0 the convergence rate of the method, which represents the expected accuracy. In this case sequences of approximate solution (uh)hT converge to the exact solution u, as fast as the function e allows, when hj- tends to zero. The goal of this section is to derive such error estimates after proving required interpolation inequalities. In particular the space of continuous linear Lagrange elements will be considered, then more general results will be stated without proof. 5.2 Stability of the Lagrange interpolation operator Before moving to interpolation inequalities, the stability of the interpolation operator should be proved: such estimate shows that the interpolate of any function in V is also in V. The expose is restricted to the one-dimensional case and detailed so that anybody without prior experience in estimates should be able to follow the procedure. Interpolation properties need to be reformulated in terms of estimates in L2 norms. First they are expressed elementwise, then on the entire domain by collecting contributions over the mesh. To give a better idea, let us introduce below an ingredient used for subsequent estimates, considering a function v £ H1(7) with / an interval, and two points £, x G /. eh\\ < Ce(hT) vh = {vt a (Ü) n Hä(n) :VK€%,v\K€ F1(K)} (5.3) v'(s) ds v'(s)\ ds 58 CHAPTER 5. ERROR ANALYSIS is bounded. Now let us consider that £ realizes the minimum of \v\ on /, then \v(x)\ <\x- £|1/2MHi(Kvr]) + KOI > £ = argmin \v(s)\ sei using the second triangle inequality. Immediately if \v(£)\ = 0 the estimate gives for any x g / \v(x)\ < |/|1/2|t;|hi(j) (5.5) but otherwise we can bound \v(£)\ using \v(s)\ ds < \x - ^r1/2||w||L2([?,x]) -, so that \v(x)\ <\x- ^|1/2|w|hi(K,x]) + \oo- ^r1/2||«||L2(K,x]) thus for any x g / \v(x)\ < \I\1/2\v\nm) + \ir1/2\Mmi) (5.6) in other words < I^I1/2I«Ihi(/) + lzK1/2II^IIl2(j-) (5-7) Proposition 5.2.1 (H1-stability of the Lagrange Pi interpolation operator). There exists a constant C > 0 such that, \\xhv\\-w-{n) < C |M|Hi(n) (5-8) Proof. Since || • Ij2^ = || • ||£2 + I " Ih1 then the L2 norm of the interpolate and its derivative should be controlled. Since controlling the derivative of a function in L2 gives a control on the function in L2 (Poincare Inequality), it is natural to start looking for an estimate of | - |Hi, then move to || • ||L2. (i) Estimate in | • |hi: Let us consider the restriction of the interpolation operator to any K = [xi,xi+1] g Th r„ = (4")' = h^(v(xi+1) - v(Xi)) k which is constant over K. The elementwise H1 semi-norm of the interpolate can be bounded using Inequality (5.4) \xkv\m(k) = (yjkkk2\v(xi+l) - v(xi)\2 dx^j < hK1/2 \v(xi+1) - v(Xi)\ < hK> \v\ni(K) < \v\w-{K) Summing over K and using the definition of h-r, 5.3. A PRIORI ERROR ESTIMATE WITH LAGRANGE P 59 (ii) Estimate in || • ||L2: In this case we do not need to prove an elementwise estimate first as we already introduced a control of pointwise values in terms of the H1 semi-norm and the L2 norm: it boils down to estimate the maximum attained by the linear interpolate. hz/HIl^) = ( / \zlv\2 dx < ( / \\Xl v||?oo/rA dx 1/2 -h ~u\\L°°(n) dx ) < i^r/2ii«iiL°°(n) the last line is given by the L°° stability of the linear interpolation: the function and its linear interpolate coincide at Lagrange nodes so that \\-^hullL°°(n) < Therefore, using Inequality (5.7) \\Zhv\\L2(n) < M1/2\v\iP-(n) + M~1/2\\v\\L2{n) we can conclude using the Poincare Inequality with constant Cp1 H^lli^) < (N +cp1)klHi(n) □ Inequality (5.8) is also called uniform continuity in zero of the interpolation operator since C should not depend on Th] but possibly depends on $1. 5.3 A priori error estimate with Lagrange Pi Proposition 5.3.1 (Interpolation Inequalities for Lagrange Pi). There exists two positive constants C\ and Cq such that for any v £ H2($l) \v ~ xh v\m(o.) < CiH Mh2(^) (5-9) \\v -Xhv\\-LHVL) < Co^rlwlH2(^) (5-10) with hj- = m&XKeThih-K) Proof. The proof is sketched in one dimension, based on a decomposition of the error per element and on the Mean-Value Theorem (also known as Rolle Theorem). The global interpolation error is then recovered by summing over the cells, given that INIiWn) = / \et(x)\2dx= ^2\\et\\l2(K) KeTh Jk KeTh This makes sense since the polynomial interpolation estimate is defined point-wise, it is then a local property. In the same spirit as the stability of the 60 CHAPTER 5. ERROR ANALYSIS interpolation operator of Proposition 5.2.1 which we proved first elementwise, the estimate is derived in H1 semi-norm then in L2 norm. The main technical ingredient is given by Inequality (5.4) for a given function w g H1^), \w(x) - w(£)\ <\x- C\1/2\w\nm^,x]) (5-11) with £,x g K. If we choose £ such that w(£) cancels and if we integrate the square of the expression over any K g 7~h, then we get a control of w in L2(K), IMb(K) <\x- i\1/2 ( f \w\h([^x]) dx) ^ hK\w\Ki(K) (5.12) (i) Estimate in | • |Hi: The elementwise estimate on any K = is obtained by taking w = (v — X\v)' in Inequality (5.11). Given that x% and Xi+i are Lagrange nodes, (v — X\ vj (xj) = 0 and (v — X\ vj (xj+i) = 0, then by virtue of the Mean-Value Theorem, there exists £ g such that the derivative cancels, (v — X\ v)'(£) = 0. Moreover \(v — X\ «)/|h1(x) = I^'Ih^K) smce (v — X\ v)" = v" — (X^ v)" by linearity and (X^ v)" is identically zero, so we get directly \\{v -Xlv)'\\L2{K) < hK\v'\ni{K) in the same fashion as Inequality (5.12), which can be rewritten under the expected form \v-Zhv\w(K) < hK\v\^(K) (5-13) (ii) Estimate in || • ||l2: The elementwise estimate on any K = is obtained by taking w = (v — X^v) in Inequality (5.11). Given that (v — X^v)(xi) = 0 and (v — Z^u)(xj+i) = 0, a similar argument as for the H1 semi-norm can be used with £ = x\. Inequality (5.12) with w = (v — X\ v) reads \\v-Zhv\\l*(K) < hK\v -Xlv\ni{K) so that using Inequality (5.13) \\v ~ Xh V\\-LHK) < hK\v\^(K) In both cases global estimates are obtained by summing over K g 7~h and factoring hj- = maxxe7^(^x)- D Remark 5.3.2 (Convergence order in H1 norm). Using the definition of the norm \\v -^^Hh1^) = \\v ~xhv\\12(n) + \v ~xhv\n-i(n) we get \\v ~ 4 «ll|i(íí) < CI i.hT\v\^(Q) + ^tMhW \\v-Zhv\\Hi(Q) < Ci hr (1 + h^-)1/2\v\n2{n) Thus we verify that the approximation is first order in H1 norm if Hh2(íí) is bounded. 5.4. SUPERCONVERGENCE 61 A more general result Proposition 5.3.3 can be proved for Lagrange P& Finite Elements, which we verify is equivalent to Proposition 5.3.1 for s = 1, k = 1. Proposition 5.3.3 (Interpolation Inequality for Lagrange P&, [4]). Given 0 < s < k, there exists a positive constant C such that for any v £ Hs+1($l)7 \\V-Zhv\\h*(n) +hr\v -Tlv\ni{n) < Ch^lv^s+i^ One important remark is that the convergence order depends on the regularity of the solution since the order is s + 1 for a solution in Hs+1($l). Unfortunately the Lagrange Pi Finite Element is only H1-conformal, so a priori it cannot represent functions of H2 accurately. Given that the solution space is H1 the interpolation inequality of Proposition 5.3.3 only applies with s = 0 so that the convergence order is only one in L2 norm in the general case, and we have only a weak convergence result in H1. In the next section we show that the convergence rate for the Poisson problem approximated with Lagrange Pi is actually second order in L2 norm and first order in H1 semi-norm: this is one order more than expected from interpolation inequalities. 5.4 Superconvergence The following result shows the the convergence properties of the method is not only limited by interpolation inequalities. Indeed, using a result by Aubin and Nitsche, we show that even if the approximation is not H2-conformal, we can improve the error estimate by one order: the convergence in L2 becomes then second order in hf- The idea behind this result is that if u is the weak solution to the Poisson equation then it is not only in Hq($1) since the differential operator involves second order derivatives: we say that u is regularized due to the ellipticity of the operator. Theorem 5.4.1 (Superconvergence). LetQ be a convex polygonal subset ofM.d, d > 1, f g L2($l)7 u solution to the Dirichlet Problem (1.3) and approximate solution, hj- = maxKeThi^-K): \\u ~ uh\\ni(n) < Ci hr and \\u - uh\\L2^ < C0 h\ Proof. If u g Hq($1) is solution to the Poisson problem, then by elliptic regularity and density of H2(ft) in H1($l)), u £ H2(ft), thus 3 Cu > 0 such that: IMlH2(n) < Cu ||/||L2(n) Thus replacing the H2 semi-norm in the right-hand side of the error estimate, we have \\u ~ ^IIhi(^) < Cu hr ||/||L2(n) (5.14) Let us introduce the following auxiliary problem: — A.(p(x) = eh(x) , x g $1 (5.15a) tp(x) = 0 , x £ dQ (5.15b) 62 CHAPTER 5. ERROR ANALYSIS obtained by a duality argument, formally — ( Au , w ) = ( X7v , X7w ) = —(«, A.w ) by integration by parts; since the adjoint operator of the Laplace operator is the Laplace operator itself, it is said self-adjoint. The motivation of introducing this equation is to control the approximation error in L2: ( eh , eh ) = ( eh , -A0 ) = ( Veh , V0 ) = ( - Aeh , 0 ) for (f) £ Hq($1) called duaZ solution satisfying —A0 = e^. Similarly to the Poisson equation, the weak formulation of Problem 5.15 reads: Find ip G Hg($l), given £ L2(S1), such that: /• r 1 (5-16) / V(^-V0d£c= / e^dx ,V0GH^) in in Since is bounded in L2(S1) then the same regularity result holds for the auxiliary Problem (5.15), BC^ > 0 such that: IMIh2(£}) < \\eh\\i?(o:) so we have from the interpolation inequality for tp ll - VhWwin) < Cv hT IKIIl2^) (5-17) Let us try to bound the L2 norm of the approximation error by noticing that its amounts to take 0 = in (5.16): IKIbm) = / |eft|2dx= / 'Vtp-'Vehdx Jn Jn If we consider the approximate of Problem (5.16) by Galerkin method, with £ Vh its solution, then the Galerkin orthogonality reads: Vtfh ■ Veft dx = 0 n Thus we can subtract and add this latter to the previous expression: IKIbm) = / V(ip-iph)-'Vehdx+ / 'Vtph-'Vehdx Jn Jn o First we use Cauchy-Schwarz and make the H1 norm of the approximation errors appear since we control them by Equation (5.14) and (5.17): lleftllL2(n) < lb - v^IIhh^II^IIh1^) Replacing by the bounds from the interpolation inequalities we get: lleft||L2(n) < Cu hj- ||/||l2(n) which concludes the proof. We have then a second order error estimate in L2. □ 5.4. SUPERCONVERGENCE 63 The conclusion of this result is that the observed convergence order may be different than the order suggested by the interpolation inequality. As seen in this example it may be improved if the differential operator has a regularizing effect, but can also be influenced by other factors like the regularity of the boundary or the discretization of the computational domain. 64 5.5 Exercises CHAPTER 5. ERROR ANALYSIS Chapter 6 Time-dependent problems The objective of this section is to introduce the a priori stability analysis of time-dependent problems on several examples to obtain estimates similar to Lemma 2.2.11. 6.1 Time marching schemes In this section, problems describing the evolution in time of an unknown u will be considered. Since the unknown depends on the space coordinates and on the time, such evolution problem will be posed on a domain which is the open cylinder Q = Q x (0,T). The Initial and Boundary Value problem for a Partial Differential Equation will therefore take a form such as in the case of a Dirichlet problem which is first-order in time, and with A a differential operator in space. The differential operator and the right-hand side may depend on u, in which case the problem becomes non-linear. The equation can be recast under the form of a Cauchy problem so that an evolution problem can be seen as the coupling between a partial differential equation in space, and an ordinary differential equation in time. This suggests that two discretizations may be considered: a Finite Element discretization in space which was discussed for elliptic problems in Chapter 2 and Chapter 3, and a time discretization. Similarly to the one-dimensional spatial case, the time discretization consists of solving the problem on a partition of (0,T). Let us define a family {in}o 0 depending on the Poincare constant, such that ■^IMIl^) + < C(cP)\\f\\l2{n) (6.12) This inequality yields a control of the L2 norm and H1 seminorm of the solution at any time t of the time interval [0,T]. Similarly to Equation (6.8), if we integrate over the time, we get Hi(^) dt - c(cp) / II/IIl2(£}) dt which, by defining, Mli/-(o,r;lp(n)) = IMIlp(ü) dt) (6-13) can be rewritten as \HT)\\h(n) + KWu\\h(o,t^0(n)) ^ c(cp)\\f\\h(o,t;LHn)) + \H°)\\h(n) The solution is said to be bounded in L°°(0, T; L2($l)), i.e. u £ L2($l) for almost every t G [0, T], and is it also bounded in L2(0, T; H1($l)) by the data (provided that / G L2(0,T;L2(ft)) of course). Now, if we turn to the discrete case the estimate is not different aside from the the discrete time derivative. The term for the discrete time derivative in the case of backward Euler reads 1 . (u — u*) u dx ot Jn with St the current time step, u and u* respectively the solution at the current and previous time stepping. 6.2. A PRIORI STABILITY ESTIMATE 69 H2 Take v = —tAu. T — \u 2 12 dx 12 dx — / (ptu — Am) t Au dx Jn / £V(dtu) ■ Vudx + / £|Au|: in Jn t / dt(Vu) • Vudx + f / |Au|: Jn Jn £ d 2 , ,2 ^"^Nh1^) + Nh2(^) ■(T)\lHn)+ f MlHn)At-\ I H|i(n) = ^KO)lHi(fi) 0 «^ 0 v j Using the previous control in H1 allows us to conclude. 0 1 fT, ,, T, o Chapter 7 Adaptive error control In Section 5. we derived a priori error estimates which give a control of the discretization error for any approximate solution. The order of convergence given by the exponent 0(h?f) is an indication on "how close" to the continuous solution any approximate solution is expected to be. Provided that we are able to compute an approximate solution u^, we want now to evaluate the "quality" of this solution in the sense of the residual of the equation: such an estimate is thus called a posteriori as it gives a quality measure of a computed solution. Question: How can we evaluate the quality of an approximate solution computed on a given mesh to improve the accuracy? 7.1 A posteriori estimates In Chapter 5 interpolation inequalities were established, such as \\u-ThU\\u2(n) < C0^|M|H2(n) in order to bound the right-and side of Cea's inequality \\u ~ uh\\m(n) < \\u ~ v\\m(n) for v G Vh- As such this provides directly a control on the H1 norm of the approximation error = u — Uh- the obtained estimation is called a priori error estimate. This type of result is important to indicate the optimal convergence order of sequence of discrete solutions to the exact solution as the mesh size tends to zero (which means that the dimension of the solution space tends to infinity). Since a priori error estimates depend on the exact solution to the problem they does not provide a quality measure of the discrete solution which is computable. Instead we would like to derive an error estimate which would hep us determine if the computed discrete solution is accurate. This type of estimation is called a posteriori error estimate: it consists of computing error indicators depending on the discrete solution and the discretization, providing a quality measure of uh. 71 72 CHAPTER 7. ADAPTIVE ERROR CONTROL As an introduction, let us consider the exact solution u G V and its approximation Uh G Vh and observe that there exists a direct relation between the approximation error = u — Uh G V and the residual of the equation n{uh) e v, ( K{uh) , v ) = L(u) - a(uh, v) for dgFso that by consistency of the Galerkin method ( TZ(uh) , v) = a(u- uh,v) and in the case v G Vh the inner-product cancels. In case a(-, •) is a coercive continuous bilinear form we can write: 1. Coercivity: a\\u - uh\\v < a(u - uh,u - uh) (7.1) a(u - uh,u- uh) = ( TZ{uh) , u-Uh) = SUp -r—r- vev \\v\\v \\K{uh)\\v> < M\\eh\\v (7.4) Using only the coercivity (7.1) and the continuity (7.3) of the bilinear form, it follows from relations (7.2) and (7.4) that estimating lZ{uh) is equivalent to estimating the approximation error in the norm of V. Given that Uh is know the quantity lZ{uh) is computable and can be used to derive a posteriori error estimators. Different strategies can be used for improving the accuracy: • h-adaptivity: cells with largest error indicators are refined, i.e. divided into smaller cells so that the mesh size is decreased: the mesh topology is changed as new cells are inserted. • p-adaptivity: polynomial order is increased on the cell so that the exponent becomes larger in the error estimate. • r-adaptivity: points are moved to get smaller cells where error indicators are large: the mesh topology is left unchanged as the transformation is only geometric. 7.2. RESIDUAL-BASED ERROR ESTIMATOR FOR POISSON 73 7.2 Residual-based error estimator for Poisson Let u and Uh be respectively the solutions to Problem (1.7) and the approximate Problem (4.1) by a Lagrange Pi discretization. Therefore the ideas of the previous section are applied with V = Hq($1) and Vh the space of continuous piecewise linear functions vanishing on dtt. The objective of this section is to exhibit a control of the H1 seminorm of the error \eh\h(n)=J ^eh-^eh dx in in terms of the residual of the equation lZ(uh). By Galerkin orthogonality a(eh,Vh) = 0 for Vh £ Vh, in particular testing against Vh = Ih eh is possible so that \eh\h(n) = J ^eh-V{eh-Theh)dx The immediate motivation for introducing this test function is to be able to use interpolation inequalities. Following the ideas of the previous section, \eh\m(n)= j ^u-V(eh-Theh)dx- j Vuh-V(eh-Theh) dx so that by consistency of the Galerkin method \eh\m(n) = \ f (eh ~ Ih eh) dx - / Vur V(eft -lheh)dx (7.5) Jn Jn with the first term being L{v) and the second term a(v,h,v). Similarly to interpolation inequalities we consider the expression per element K £ 7~h- The second term is integrated the by part, / Vuh- V(eh-Theh)dx = I Vuh ■ n (eh-Th eh) dx- / Auh {eh-Th eh) dx jk JdK jk and combined with the first term to obtain the element residual T^x(uh) = (/ + Auh)\K Summing again over the domain yields \eh\nun) = Y] / KK(uh) V(eft -Xheh) dx + / Vuh ■ n (eh - Th eh) dx KeTh Uk JdK with the first term being a volume integral involving the residual of the equation, and the second term being a surface integral involving jump of the normal gradient of Uh across the cell facets. 74 CHAPTER 7. ADAPTIVE ERROR CONTROL Using first the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality \eh\n^(n) < WR-{uh)\\L2(n)\\eh - lheh\\L2(n) then the interpolation inequality with constant Cj \eh\ni(U) < Cj||7e(u/l)||L2(n)|^e/l|Hi(n) Consequenlty, we conclude \eh\w(n) < CihT\\K(uh)\\L2(n) 7.3 Dual weighted residual estimate 7.3.1 Adjoint operator Definition 7.3.1 (Adjoint operator). Let us define A*, the adjoint operator of A as: (Au,v) = (u, A*v ) Example 7.3.2 (Matrix of jMjv Let A = A be a real square matrix of dimension N x N and x, y g 1^: ( Ax , y ) = ( Ax , y ) = ( x , ATy ) = ( x , A*y ) with ( • , • ) the scalar product of then A* = AT. Example 7.3.3 (Weak derivative). Let A = and u, v g L2($l), with compact support on $1: („4u , v ) = ( D^u , v ) = — ( u , Dxv ) = ( u , A*v ) with ( • , • ) the scalar product of L2($l), then A* = — Dx. Example 7.3.4 (Laplace operator). Let A = — A and u, v g Hq($1): (Au,v) = ( - Au , v ) = ( Vtt, Vu ) = ( u , -Av ) = ( u , A*v ) with ( • , • ) the scalar product of L2($l), then A* = —A. The Laplace operator is said self-adjoint. 7.3.2 Duality-based a posteriori error estimate We define the dual problem as seeking rj satisfying A*rj = eh, which gives a control on the discretization error, using the definition of the adjoint operator A*: Weh\\h(n) = ( eh > eh ) = (eh,A*ri) = ( Aeh , V ) = (Au,rj)-( Auh , r] ) = ( / - Auh , i] ) = ( K{uh) , V ) 7.4. METHOD 75 with TZ(uh) = f — Aufr. Moreover, if the dual problem is stable then there exists a constant S such that the dual solution rj is bounded: II^IIl2^) < <5|le/illL2(n) with the stability factor S satisfying 6 = max ——- ee^(n) \\0\\L2(n) Thus we can obtain a bound of the form: IKIbd}) < s\\n(uh)\\L2^ Combining this estimate with an interpolation inequality in EP, we can bound the discretization error in terms of the residual and the stability factor. For instance, if we control the second derivatives of the dual solution, i.e. a = 2, n n ^ s-i iii 2i-,/ mi MH2(m \\eh\\mn) Consequently, IMIl2(X!) < Ci 0 defining a quality criterion for the computed solution Uh, adapt the mesh such that it satisfies: er = ^ eK < etoZ KeTh Algorithm 7.4.2 (Adaptive mesh strategy). The following procedure applies: • Generate an initial coarse mesh Th°. • Perform adaptive iterations for levels £ = (),■■■ , £max : 1. Solve the primal problem with solution u^0 £ V^. 2. Compute the residual of the equation lZ{u}^). 3. If dual weighted, solve the dual problem with solution rj G W^. 4- Compute error indicators ex, V K G 7jf. 5. If (eT > etol) : —> Generate mesh T^+l by refining cells with largest values of ex-Else : —> Terminate adaptive iterations, £max = I. 76 CHAPTER 7. ADAPTIVE ERROR CONTROL 7.5 Exercises Exercise 7.5.1 (Diffusion-Reaction problem on the unit interval). Consider the following one-dimensional problem: —dx (a(x) dx u(x)} + c(x) u(x) = f(x) , V x £ fl = [0,1] with a > 0, c > 0, and supplemented with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions u(0) = u(l) = 0 1. Write the weak formulation for the given problem and its approximation by piecewise linear Lagrange elements. 2. Write the dual problem for unknown rj. 3. Obtain the following estimate: IKIlL2(n) < \\h2n{uh)\\L2{n)\\h-2(r] - llr])\\L2{n) with the discretization error = u — Uh, the equation residual lZ{uh) = f + dx (adxUh)—cuh and the Lagrange Pi interpolation operator T^. First you should test the dual equation against eh, then write the expression element-wise to be able to define the residual. 4. Conclude that the a posteriori error estimate holds with Cj the interpolation constant and S a stability factor that you will define. Chapter 8 Stabilized methods for advection dominated problems 8.1 An advection diffusion problem in one dimension Let us consider the following one-dimensional advection-diffusion problem: -dx (v(x) dx u(x)) + dx u(x) = f(x) , V x g Q = (0,1) with viscosity v > 0, and supplemented with boundary conditions: u(0) = 1 , u(l) = 0 8.2 Coercivity loss 8.3 Stabilization of the Galerkin method Galerkin (Au, V ) = (/, v ) Galerkin-Least squares (Au, v + SAv ) = (/, v + SAv ) (Au, v ) + ( Au , SAv ) = (/, v)+(f,SAv) Streamline Diffusion (Au, v + SAv ) + ( uhVu , Vv ) = (/, v + SAv ) Entropy viscosity (Au, v ) + ( uhVu , Vv ) = (/, v ) 8.4 Exercises 77 Chapter 9 Iterative solvers and Multigrid 9.1 Iterative methods As seen in the previous lecture, direct methods can theoretically compute exact solutions xMN to linear systems in the form of: Ax = b with matrix with real coefficients A £ Mtv(M) and given data b £ M.N, in a determined finite number of steps. As computing the inverse of the matrix is unrealistic, several methods were introduced based on factorizations of the type A = P Q where P and Q have a structure simplifying the resolution of the system: diagonal, banded, triangular. Methods like LU, Cholevski take advantage of the existence of a decomposition involving triangular matrices while QR for example, involves the con-strucion of an orthogonal basis. All methods prove to be quite expensive, hard to parallelize due to the sequential nature of the algorithm and prone to error propagation. Iterative methods have been developed for: • solving very large linear systems with direct methods is in practice not possible due to the complexity in term of computational operations and data, • taking advantage of sparse system for which the structure of the matrix can result in dramatic speed-up (this is the case for numerical schemes for PDEs), • using the fact that some systems like PDEs discretizations are already formulated in an iterative fashion. In this section, we discuss briefly the computational properties of iterative methods for solving linear systems. Computing the exact solution is not a requirement anymore but instead the algorithm is supposed to converge asymptotically to the exact solution: the algorithm is stopped when the approximate 79 80 CHAPTER 9. ITERATIVE SOLVERS AND MULTIGRID solution is deemed close enough to the exact solution in a sense to be defined. A parameter used as stopping criterion triggers the completion of the algorithm. The general idea of these methods is to introduce a splitting of the form: A = G -H such the solution x satisfies: Gx = b + Hx Similarly to fixed-point methods we can define a sequence of approximate solutions (xk) satisfying relations of the form: Gxk+1 = b + Bxk with G invertible. The matrix viewed as a linear mapping in M.N, the counterpart of such approaches is given by the Brouwer Theorem in finite dimension, where a continuous mapping / : Q —> Q with Q compact of admits a fixed-point x* satisfying f(x*) = x* and is contracting. Methods introduced depend on the iteration defined by the splitting and call for several questions regarding the computational aspects: 1. How can the convergence be ensure? 2. How fast is the convergence? 3. How expensive is each iteration? 4. How does the algorithm behave with respect to numerical error? The question of the convergence is addressed by proving an estimate on error vectors in terms of iteration error ek = xk+1 — xk or global error: ek = xk — x. The convergence rate a means that C > 0, |efc+1| < C|efc|a. For example, substituting xk+1 = G_1fo + G~1H.xk in ek = xk+1 - xk gives a relation between successive iteration errors: ek = G^H ek-1 with M = G_1H the iteration matrix, and recursively ek = (G_1H)fc+1e°. Convergence is then conditioned to the existence of a contraction factor K < 1 such that ||efc||oo < K ||efc_1|| oo ensuring decrease of the error. In terms of the matrix M, this translate for the spectral radius p(M) as p(M) < 1 since in that case lim/^oo Mke° = O^n . The smaller the spectral radius, the faster the convergence. Each method is described briefly and qualitatively with just the necessary ingredients to discuss practical implementations. 9.2. RELAXATION METHODS 81 9.2 Relaxation methods Consider the relations for each row i = 1,..., N: Xi =-*-(bi-^ciijXj^ (9.1) 11 i+3 Let us introduce two methods based on constructing sequences of approximate solutions , k > 1 given an initial guess x° £ ~RN and then associated relaxation methods. 9.2.1 Jacobi, methods of simultaneous displacements Convergence: the global error ek is controlled by |efc|| < Kk lie1!! -lWj 82 CHAPTER 9. ITERATIVE SOLVERS AND MULTIGRID Algorithm: the splitting is A = L - R0 with L = D + Lo lower-triangular matrix and Ro strict upper-triangular matrix, thus xk+l = D-l(fo _ + RQAk) or Lxk+1 = B-\b + Roxk) Recast under the usual form: xk+i =L-±(b + R{jxk) and the iteration matrix is M = L_1Ro. Convergence: the global error ek is controlled by I aij k+l\\ 1_ Ilefc|| < j^k i|el eK+1 < Kj If the Jacobi contraction factor K < 1 then K < 1. Expressing the iteration error gives directly that M = L_1Ro such that p(M) < 1. Implementation: 1. Parallelization component by component is not possible easily since there is serialization for each row i due to the dependency on xk+1, j < i. 2. Memory requirement is only for storing one vector of at each iteration. 9.2.3 Relaxation of Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel Relaxation methods consists of adding a linear combination of the approximate solution at the previous iteration to minimize the spectral radius for convergence, using the relaxation parameter 7 6 (0,1). 1. Jacobi Over-Relaxation (JOR): -1 = (1 _ 7) $ + 7 J_ (hi _ £ aijAk\ (9 5) 1+3 x^ which reads in matricial form xk+1 = M7xfc + 7D-1 b with M7 = (1 - 7)1 + 7D_1H 9.3. KRYLOV-SUBSPACE METHODS 83 2. Successive Over-Relaxation (SOR): -k+1 = (1 - 7) $ + 7— (bi ~ E " E (9-6) xi , l<] l>] which reads in matricial form xk+1 = M,,xk + -fCb withM7 = (1+7D-1L0"1)-1 [(1-7)1+70-%] andC = (^D^Lo-1)-^-1 The relaxation parameter 7 cannot be known a priori and is usually determined by heuristics. 9.2.4 Parallelization of Gauss—Seidel Overcoming the serialization in Gauss-Seidel is possible if the matrix is sparse. Taking advantage of the fact that components does not all possess connectivities with each other: such dependencies can be built from the sparsity pattern then decoupled graphs identified: 1. Component Dependency-Graph: generate a graph to reorder entries such that dependencies are avoided. 2. Red-Black coloring: special case for two-dimensional problems. 9.3 Krylov-subspace methods The idea of these methods is that the solution is decomposed on a sequence of orthogonal subspaces. If A is symmetric definite positive it induces the corresponding scalar product: (x,y)=(Ax,y)=yTAx with ( A- , • ) canonical scalar product in M.N. The vectors (ei,..., e^v) are said induced by A. A-conjugate if ej Ae« = 0 for i 7^ j: they are orthogonal for the scalar-product 9.3.1 Principle of descent methods: Steepest Gradient Minimisation of the residual: x* = argmin^ 3(x) = — ( x , x ) — (b , x) Construct a sequence of solutions to approximate minimization problems, *■ k given x : 3(xk+1) < 3(xk) where xk+1 = xk + ak+iek+1, with a^+i a descent factor and e^+i a direction. For the Steepest Gradient: 84 CHAPTER 9. ITERATIVE SOLVERS AND MULTIGRID 1. take the direction given by — VJ(xfc) = b — Axk which is the residual rk = b — Axk, thus xk+1 = xk + ak+irk- 2. choose the descent factor ak+l minimizing the functional J(xk + ak+irk): ^Ark The speed of convergence is bounded by O (l — C(A)_1) with C(A) the conditioning of A. The gradient direction may not be optimal, Conjugate Gradient methods improve the choice of (e^). 9.3.2 Conjugate Gradient The Conjugate Gradient (CG) is a Krylov-subspace algorithm for symmetric positive definite matrices. Given x°, (xk) is q sequence of solutions to approximate fc-dimensional minimisation problems. For the Conjugate Gradient: 1. take the direction ek+i such that (ei,... ,ek,ek+i) is A-conjugate, thus xk+1 = xk +ak+1ek+1. 2. choose the descent factor ak+l minimizing the functional J(xk + ak+irk), which is defined by ejAej and with ejb ^ 0 (unless the exact solution is reached). The construction of (ei,..., e^+i) is done by orthogonalization of residuals by Gram-Schmidt: e^Ark-i efc+i =rk--Tjr--ek e%Aek so that rk+i = b — Axk+1 = rk — ak+iAek+i After N steps, the A-conjugate basis of M>N is done and the exact solution is reached: n £' For any k, the speed of convergence is bounded by in the norm induced by A, with C(A) the conditioning of A. The Conjugate Gradient can therefore be seen as a direct methods but in practice: 9.3. KRYLOV-SUBSPACE METHODS 85 • the iterative computation of the A-conjugate basis suffers from the same issue of numerical error propagation as the QR factorization leading to a loss of orthogonality, • the convergence is slow, which makes it unrealistic to compute the exact solution for large systems, so it is used as an iterative method. Example algorithm on first steps: 1. Given x° = 0, set tq = b — Ax° and e.\ = tq, 2. Take x\ = ct\e.\, then a\e^Ke.\ = e^fo, thus rTQb 3. Compute the residual: 4. Compute the direction: t\ = b — Ax1 efAr0 e2=ri--Tjr-—ei ef Aei 5. Compute the factor: 6. Update the solution: 7. ... The algorithm iteration reads: 1. Compute the residual: a2 4b eTAe2 x2 = x1 + a2e2 rk = b- Axk 2. Compute the direction: ekArk-l efc+i = rk--^r--ek 3. Compute the factor: ek+ib el+1Aek+1 4. Update the solution: xk+1 = xk + ak+1ek+1 86 CHAPTER 9. ITERATIVE SOLVERS AND MULTIGRID which requires two matrix-vector multiplications per loop, Axk then Aek+i Using rk+\ = rk — ak+iAek+i saves one matrix-vector multiplication. While the residual norm gk = ||-r^||| is big: 1. Compute the projection: Qk-l 2. Compute the direction: efc+i =rk + (3kek w = Aek+1; ak+i = — ek+iw xk+1 = xk + ak+1ek+1 rk+1 =rk - ak+iw 3. Compute the factor: 4. Update the solution: 5. Update the residual: 9.3.3 Preconditioners While seeing the Conjugate Gradient as a pure iterative method relieves from concerns regarding orthogonality loss, the convergence is still slow as soon as the condition number of the matrix is bad. Preconditioning the system consists in finding a non-singular symmetrix matrix C such that A = C_1AC_1 and the conjugate gradient is applied to Ax = b with x = C~1x and b = C_1fo. With: • M = C2 • ek = C-l~ek • xk = C-l~xk • zk = • rk = Cfk = b — Axk and M is a symmetric positive definite matrix called the preconditioner. While the residual norm gk = \\rk\\2 is big: 1. Solve: Mzk = rk 9.4. POWER METHOD 87 2. Compute the projection: a Zkrk Pk — zk-lrk-l 3. Compute the direction: efc+i = Zk + ßkek 4. Compute the factor: 5. Update the solution: 6. Update the residual: X Zkrk ak+l = —- ek+lAek+l xk+1 = xk + ak+1ek+1 rk+1 =rk - ak+iw The linear system Mzk = rk should be easy to solve and can lead to fast convergence, typically 0(()V~N). Since Mzk = b — Axk Then an iterative relation appears: xk+1 = M-^b-Ax,,) therefore iterative methods like Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel and relaxation methods can be used. 9.4 Power method This method is used for finding the dominant eigenvalues of a matrix A 6 Mtv(M) of eigenvectors (yi) with associated eigenvalues (Aj) ordered in decreasing module. The eigenvalues are either real or conjugate complex pairs. Given a random vector x°, construct a sequence of vectors (xk) such that xk+1 = Axk then Vfc > 0 N-l i=0 for some coefficients (fj)- Assume that Ao is a dominant real eigenvalue and £o 7^ 0, then xk = \a{(,ovo+rk) 88 CHAPTER 9. ITERATIVE SOLVERS AND MULTIGRID with the residual defined as N-l and linifc^oo = Okn. To the limit Xk+i ~ Ao£fc ~ Ao^o^O almost parallel to the first eigenvector. • This method is fast to compute the spectral radius for the Jacobi method and relaxation parameters. • The convergence is geometric and the speed depends on the ratio |Ai/Ao|- • If the matrix is symmetric, the convergence speed can be doubled. • If Ao is very large or very small then taking high powers lead to numerical issues, the algorithm requires a normalization. 9.5 Multigrid methods TBD Chapter 10 Mixed problems This section is an opportunity to describe step by step the methodology described throughout the course by studying the Stokes problem and to give an overview of the difficulties arising in mixed problems. Question: In the case of a problem involving a pair of unknown (u,p), is there a criterion to chose the approximation spaces ? 10.1 The Stokes equations 10.1.1 Position of the problem Let us consider the equations governing the velocity u and pressure p of an incompressible creeping flow, subject to the gravity, in a domain $1, open bounded subset of M.d. As the flow is supposed to be sufficiently slow to neglect the ad-vection compared to the diffusion, the momentum balance equation reduces to - V- Ud^l^. Dirichlet boundary conditions are enforced on BCId u = uD (lO.ld) with U£, while Neumann boundary conditions on 8£In a ■ n = ajy (10. le) with o"tv a surface force acting on dClft. 89 90 CHAPTER 10. MIXED PROBLEMS According to the method developed during the course, we would like first of all to derive a weak formulation by testing Equations (10.1a) and (10.1c) against smooth functions, such that we consider V-r-üdi+ / Vp-i>dx= / gg-vdx ,y v E V n Jn Jn and V-üqdx = 0 ,VogM in Integrating by parts to report the derivatives on the tests functions: V-T-i>dx = — / V- (ttv) dx + / r : Vi> dx n Jn Jn which uses the tensor identity, given under repeated indices form: <), (Tij)vi = (), (TßVi) - Tijdj Vi Owing to relation and V'T-üdx = - / T-n-vds+ / r : Vt) dx n Jon Jn Vp-vdx = — / pn-vds+ / pV-vdx n Jan Jn the weak formulation of Problem (10.1) reads: Find (u,p) G W x M such that: t :'Vv dx — / pV-t)dx = gg-vdx+ ajy • n ds ,y v E V n Jn Jn JdnN V-uqdx = 0 ,\/q e M n In the case of a Newtonian fluid the stress tensor reads b( ■, ■) as the continuous bilinear form: b : V x M M and L( •) as the continuous linear form L : V -+ R v l—^ gg-v dx + o"tv • n ds Jn JdnN Choice of the functional spaces: — Regularity: as in Section 1 we chose the test and solution space so that the integrals make sense. Owing to these requirements, W and V should be subspaces of H1($l)d and M should be a subspace of L2($l), — Boundary conditions: the boundary condition on dQjy appears in the weak formulation as a linear form so that the solution will satisfy the constraint an = a^, while the boundary condition is included in the definition of the functional space W: W = {v £ H1($l)d : u =uD ,on <9ftD| By homogenizing the Dirichlet boundary condition, we can lift the solution u so that the problem is rewritten to seek a velocity u in V. The generalized Stokes problem reads then: Find (u,p) G V x M such that: a(u,v)+b(v,p) = L(v) ,VveV (10.2) b(u,q) = (*,p)M,tM ,VgeM with (V,M) a pair of Hilbert spaces to be determined, a( •, •) bilinear form continuous on V x V, L( ■) linear form continuous on V and ^ a given continuity constraint in M'. t : Vi> dx p V- v dx 92 CHAPTER 10. MIXED PROBLEMS 10.1.3 Well-posedness in the continuous setting Let us change the space in which test functions are chosen to the space of divergence-free functions of V to satisfy the continuity constraint: V0 = {v G V : b(v,q) = 0,Vg6 m} The bilinear form b is continuous on Vq x M, i.e. b(y,q) < |M|v0 IMIm, thus Im(6) is closed and V = Vq © Vq- The first relation of the Stokes problem becomes then: a(u,v) +b(v,p) = L(v) ,\/veVo o Therefore, the new abstract problem with solenoidal test functions reads: Find (u,p) G V x M such that: a(u,v) = L{y) ,Vt) £ Vo b(u,q) = (*,p)M,tM , V g G m Theorem 10.1.1 (Well-posedness of constrained problem). Let us define the space V* = {v G V : b(v, q) = (V, p)M>,M , V g G m} supposed non-empty and consider a( •, •) a bilinear form coercive on V. The problem Find (u,p) G V$ x M such that: a(u,v) = L{y) ,V^GVo admits a unique solution. Proof. The given problem satisfies the assumptions of the Lax-Milgram Theorem. □ We denote by C(V x W; M), the space of bilinear form continuous on V x W which is a Banach space for the operator norm a(v,w) a V,W = SUP 7r~n—li—li— vev \\v\\v\\w\w Proposition 10.1.2 (Babuska-Necas-Brezzi condition). The bilinear form a G C{V x W;M) satisfies the (BNB) condition if there exists [3 > 0 such that ■ r a{v,w) ml sup -—-—-—-— > p weW vey \\v\\v\\w\\-w 10.2. THE DISCRETE INF-SUP CONDITION 93 Theorem 10.1.3 (Existence). IfV^ is non-empty, a( •, •) is a bilinear form coercive on V with coercivity constant a, and the bilinear form b( ■, ■) satisfies Proposition (10.1.2), i.e. 3/3 > 0 : inf sup „ bjV,..q\ > /3 then Problem (10.1.3) admits solution pairs (u,p) g v x m such that u is unique, satisfying \\u\\v < —\\L\\v' + — (1 + ||a||v,v) II^IIm' a a and any p g m can be written as p = p + Mq, p g a\\v v \ (1 1 IIpIIm a j \^\\L\\v' + ^2 llallv,v||^||m' Indeed, p playing the role of a potential, it is defined up to a constant. Then we can interpret the space Mq as the space of functions on which gradients are vanishing which is the space of constants on $1, so that we seek p g M, with M = Mq defined as the equivalent class: v p, q g m, p = q<^p = q + c : c g Consequently, Theorem 10.1.4 (De Rham - [4] page 492). The continuous bilinear forms on W1,P(Q) which are zero on ker(V-) are gradients of functions in Lj_Q($l). 10.2 The discrete Inf-Sup condition 10.2.1 Results Let us consider an approximation of Problem 10.2 by a Galerkin method: Find (uh,Ph) £ Vh x such that: a(uh,vh) + b(vh,ph) = L(vh) ,Vvh£Vh b{uh,qh) = (^,Ph)M',M ,v%gmft with (V/^Mh) a pair of approximation spaces to be chosen and the discrete divergence operator B^, b(uh,qh) = ( Bhu , qh ) Theorem 10.2.1 (Well-posedness). // Vh g lm(Bh) then Problem (10.2.1) admits solutions (uh,Ph) £ Vh x such that is unique and the pressure can be written as Ph = Ph + ker(BT^) with ph g ker(BT^)^ unique. 94 CHAPTER 10. MIXED PROBLEMS Theorem 10.2.2 (Convergence - [7] page 21). Let (u,p) £ V x M be the solution of Problem (10.1) and (uh,Ph) £ Vh x the solution of discrete Problem (10.2.1) and we denote by ah the coercivity constant of a( •, •) on Voth and by fih the constant of the discrete Inf-Sup condition. If ^ 6 Im(Bh) then the following two consistency estimates hold: \\u - uh\\vh < Ci inf \\u-Vh\\v+C2 inf \\p - qh\\M \\Ph -Ph\\uh ^ C3 inf \\u-vh\\v+CA inf \\p - qh\\M h vhevh vheMh with constants Ci = (1+Nv!vW1+||6||v,m c*h J \ ßh Co \V,M ah C3 - -7.-Oi Ph n , . \\b\\v,M . \\a\\v,M n Ca = 1 + —--+ —--C2 Ph Ph The previous result shows then that satisfying the discrete Inf-Sup condition is crucial to ensure optimal convergence of the numerical scheme, i.e. the discretization error decreases with the mesh size hf- Indeed, if the parameter /3h is not bounded from below then it is clear that values tending to zero will degrade the consistency estimates. 10.2.2 Commonly used pairs of approximation spaces Velocity space Vh Pressure space Mh Inf-Sup stable Comment ¥i ¥i No Pi P0 No "Locking effect" Pfc+i Pfc Yes k>l, "Taylor-Hood" 10.3 Exercises Appendix A Definitions A.l Mapping Definition A. 1.1 (Mapping). Let E and F be two sets, a mapping /: E F x i—> f{x) is a relation which, to any element x g E, associates an element y = f{x) £ F. Definition A. 1.2 (Linear mapping). Let E and F be two K-vector spaces, the mapping / : E —> F is linear if: 1. Vx,ye£, f(x + y) = f(x)+f(y) 2. V A g K, y g £, /(Ax) = A/(x) A. 2 Spaces Definition A.2.1 (Vector space (on the left)). Let (K, +, x) be a field i.e. defined such that (K, +) is an Abelian additive group and (K \ {Ok}, x) is an Abelian multiplicative group, K = 1 or K = C. (K\{0K}, x) "+" commutative and associative Ok neutral for '+" "+" admits an opposite "x" commutative and associative Ik neutral for 'x" " x" admits an inverse " x" is distributive with respect to "+" (E, +, •) is a vector space on (K, x) if: 1. (E, +) is an additive Abelian group (same properties as (K, +)). 2. The operation • : K x E —> E satisfies: distributive w.r.t u+e" on the left X- (u + v) = X ■ u + X ■ v distributive w.r.t "+k" on the right (X+fi)-u = X- u + fi-u associative w.r.t " x" (A x fi) ■ u = X ■ (// • u) Ik neutral element on the left Ik - u = u 95 96 APPENDIX A. DEFINITIONS In short the vector space structure allows writing any u £ E as linear combinations of elements {i>«} of E called vectors with elements {A«} of K called scalars as coefficients, and both the multiplications for vectors and scalars are distributive with respect to the additions. In this document we only consider real vector spaces, K = M. Definition A.2.2 (Norm). Let E be a K-vector space, the application || • || : E -+ R+ is a norm if the following properties are satisfied: 1. Separation: Vn6E, ( \\x\\e = 0 ) =4> ( x = Oe ) 2. Homogeneity: V A 6 K, V x 6 -E, ||Ax||£; = |A| ||x||£; 3. Subadditivity: Vi,|/6£, ||x + y||£ < ||x||£; + ||y||,e Note A.2.3. The third property is usually called triangle inequality. Definition A.2.4 (Equivalent norms). Let E be a K-vector space, norm || • is said equivalent to || • if there exist C±, C2 > 0 such that: CiIHIe < IMI.e.e < C2 \\u\\e , V u g E Definition A.2.5 (Seminorm). Let E be a K-vector space, the application II-|| : E^R+ is a seminorm if it satisfies properties (A.2.2).2 and (A.2.2).3. Definition A.2.6 (Scalar product). Let E be a R-vector space, the bilinear mapping ( • , • ) : E x E ->• R is a scalar (or inner) product of E if it satisfies the following three properties: 1. Symmetry: Vx,yE.E,(x,y) = (y,x) 2. Positivity: VxG-E, ( x , x )>0 3. Definiteness: ( ( x , x)=0)<^(x = 0) Appendix B Duality B.l In finite dimension Definition B.l.l (Dual space). Let E be a finite dimensional real vector space, its dual E* is the space of linear forms on E, denoted by C(E;R). Definition B.l.2 (Dual basis). Let E be a finite dimensional real vector space, dim(-E) = ./V and B = (ei, • • • , ejv) a basis of E. Let us denote, for any i,j £ e* : E ->• R aj i y Sij the i-ih. coordinate. The dual family of B, B* = (e*, • • • , e^) is a basis of E*. Thus we can write any element u g E as: n i=i Proving that B* is a basis of E* requires that {e{\ generates E* and that its elements are linearly independent. The corollary of the first condition is that dim(B*) = N. 97 Appendix C Function spaces C.l Banach and Hilbert spaces Definition C.l.l (Cauchy criterion). Let (E, \\ ■ \\e) be a normed vector space and (vn)ne-N be a sequence of element of E which satisfies: V e > 0, 3N such that Vp, q > N, \\vp - vq\\E < e then (vn)ne^ is a Cauchy sequence in E. Definition C.l.2 (Banach space). A Banach space (E, \\ ■ \\e) is a normed vector space with is complete with respect to the norm || • i.e. Cauchy sequences converge in E. Definition C.l.3 (Hilbert space). Let E be a K-vector space and ( • , • ) be a sesquilinear form on the left (or bilinear form if K = M), (Xx , y) = A( x , y ) (x , Xy) = X( x , y ) which is also positive definite on E, Vx/0£, ( • , • ) >0 then (E, ( • , • )) is a pre-Hilbertian space. Moreover, if E is complete with respect to the norm defined by ( • , • ), it is a Hilbert space. Definition C.l.4 (Hilbertian norm). ( xi +x2 , y) ( x , yi + y2 ) ( xi , y ) + ( x2 , y ) ( x , yi ) + ( x , y2 ) 1 x + y x-y 99 100 APPENDIX C FUNCTION SPACES Remark C.1.5. This is basically the parallelogram identity stating that the sum of the square of the length diagonals is equal to the sum of the square of the length of all the sides. This equality is useful to check that a norm is generated from a scalar product. For Banach spaces like Lp, this becomes the Clarkson inequality. Theorem C.1.6 (Projection on a convex subset). Let H be a Hilbert space and K c H be a convex closed non-empty subset, V x g H there exists a unique xq g K such that Remark C.3.1. Lebesgue spaces Lp, 1 > p > oo are Banach spaces for the norm \\x - x0||h = inf \\x - y||H yeK with xq the projection of x onto K and we denote it by xq = Pk x C.2 Spaces of continuous functions C£°(S1) = {u g C°°(S1) with compact support in $1} C.3 Lebesgue spaces and L2 is a Hilbert space endowed with the scalar product (C.l) C.4 Hilbert Sobolev spaces Hs(ü) = {ue L2(ü) : Bau g L2(ü), 1 < a < s} C.5 Sobolev spaces Wm'p(ft) = {u g Lp(ft) : T>au g Lp(ft), 1 < a < m} Remark C.5.1. Hs spaces are Ws'2 spaces. Appendix D Inequalities D.l Useful inequalities in normed vector spaces Lemma D.l.l (Cauchy-Schwarz). Let E be a 'K-vector space, any positive sesquilinear form ( • , • ) on E satisfies the inequality: |( u , v )E\ < \\u\\E\\v\\E Remark D.l.2. In particular any scalar product satisfies the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality. For example: (u, v )l2(ü) = J uv dx < |M|l2(ü)IMIl2(ü) Lemma D.l.3 (Young). Let a, b > 0 be two real numbers: l/a\p 1/, \ 0. q p Remark D.1.4. In particular, the following inequality is commonly used for energy estimates: l/a\2 . 1„ ,2 ab^2{-,) +2(^ Lemma D.I.5 (Generalized Holder). Let u £ LP(Q), v g Lq(Q), with 1 < p < 00, then: \\uv\\Lr(n) < \\u\\Lq(n)\\v\\Lq(n) with 1 _ 1 1 r p q Lemma D.I.6 (Minkowski). \\u + v\\LP(n) < \\u\\LP(n) + IMIlp(ü) 101 102 APPENDIX D. INEQUALITIES Remark D.1.7. The previous result is basically the triangle inequality for the Lp- norm. Lemma D.1.8 (Poincare). Let $1 be an open bounded subset, for any 1 < p < oo there exists a constant real number cp > 0 such that v«£ Wq'p($1): Cp|M|lp(£}) < l|Vu||lp(n) Remark D.1.9. As a Corollary usefull for the Poisson problem that we address, we get that ||Vu||l2^) defines an equivalent norm to IMIh1^) on Hg(Sl). Lemma D.1.10 (Clarkson). Let 1 < p < oo, and u, v be two functions of LP(n), then: 1. for p > 2 I U ~^ V l|2 U ~ V i|2 1 /|| i|2 i|2 + —^— t.pCo'i ^ 77 ( u t.pfrn + \\v\ II 2 NLp(^) ^ 11 2 lllp(^) - 2^ llLP(^) II ^ IlLf (17)^ 2. for p < 2 ,,« + ^,,9 nn — un2 /" 1 ii n2 1 ii " \1/(p ^ 2 HLp'(n) ^ H 2 HLp'(n) - \ 2" "LP(n) 2h "lp(n) Remark D.l.ll. These inequalities are basically parallelogram inequalities generalized to Lp spaces. Appendix E Tensor formulae This short chapter is a reminder of tensor notations and identities that are useful for usual partial differential equations. E.l Operators A tensor of order p denotes an element of fl£dix —xdP5 with di dimension on the i-th axis: a zero-order tensor is a scalar, a first-order tensor is a vector, and a second-order tensor is a matrix. The following operators are defined for second order tensors. E.l.l Tensor product (order p + q) (P®Q)ijki = PijQkl ei(g>ei(g>efc(g'ez (E.l) E.l.2 Dot product (simple contraction) (order p + q — 2) (P Q) = Tr(p'p+1)(P(g>Q) (E.2) with Tr^p'p+1^(-) the Trace operator with respect to indices p and p + 1. In index notation, it consists of a summation on indices p and p+1 (contraction), (P-Q) = ^Pij-QJ-fc (E.3) j Since summation occurs on a pair of indices, the order of the resulting tensor is reduced by two. E.l.3 Double-dot product (double contraction) (order p + q — 4) (P : Q) = Tr^'P+^Tr^+^P^Q)) (E.4) 103 104 APPENDIX E. TENSOR FORMULM with two contractions in this case, corresponding in index notation to summations over two pairs of indices, ;I>:Q! ^^IV/Q,, (E.5) i j so that the order of the resulting tensor is reduced by four. If P = Q this corresponds to the Frobenius norm. E.1.4 Gradient The gradient of a scalar field is the first order tensor Vf = [dif]i (E.6) while the gradient of a vector field is the second order tensor Vv = [djvi]ij (E.7) such that the derivative is applied to the last index. E.1.5 Divergence V- (T) = VT : G = Tr(p'p+1)(VT) (E.8) with G the metric tensor, which entries are the scalar product of the chosen basis vectors. If the canonical basis is chosen, it is simply the identity matrix, therefore the divergence is simply the sum of diagonal entries of the gradient. E.1.6 Curl (Rotational) VAT = -VT:H (E.9) with H is the orientation tensor, which entries are the mixed product of the chosen basis vectors. The curl operator is also denoted as Vx. E.2 Identities E.2.1 First order tensors • Gradient of a vector field: V(fv) = fVv+v®Vf (E.10) which corresponds to the expansion of the derivative of a product, as the index notation shows dj (fvi) = fdjVi+Vidjf (E.ll) E.2. IDENTITIES 105 • Divergence of a vector field: V-(fv) = fV-(v)+vVf (E.12) which corresponds to the expansion of the derivative of a product, as the index notation shows di(fvi) = fdivi+vidif (E.13) • Identity of the advection operator: (v ■ V)v = ^V{v -v) + (V Av) Av (E.14) • Identity for the Laplace operator: Av = V(V-i>) — V A (V A i>) (E.15) • Divergence of a vector product: V- (it Ad) = v ■ (V Au) - u ■ (V Av) (E.16) • Curl of of vector product: V A (it A v) = (V- u)it - (V- it)u + (v ■ V)it - (it • V)v (E.17) E.2.2 Second order tensors • Dyadic/scalar mixed product: (u®v) ■ w = (v ■ w)u (E.18) • Gradient of a tensor field: V(T^) = T- V«+«'VTT (E.19) • Divergence of a tensor field: V-(v -T) =v ■ V-(T) +T : Vv (E.20) which corresponds to the expansion of the derivative of a product, as the index notation shows dj (viTij) = vidj Tij + Tijdj vi (E.21) • Divergence of a dyadic product: V- (u®v) = (V- u)it + (i; • V)it (E.22) 106 BIBLIOGRAPHY Bibliography [1] F. Boyer and P. Fabrie. 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