Volker John Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 1. Some Partial Differential Equations From Physics...................................3 2. Finite Difference Methods for Elliptic Equations...................................17 3. Introduction to Sobolev Spaces.....................................................47 4. The Ritz Method and the Galerkin Method........................................67 5. Finite Element Methods...........................................................77 6. Interpolation.......................................................................97 7. Finite Element Methods for Second Order Elliptic Equations......................109 References...........................................................................121 1 Chapter 1 Some Partial Differential Equations From Physics Remark 1.1. Contents. This chapter introduces some partial differential equations (pde's) from physics to show the importance of this kind of equations and to motivate the application of numerical methods for their solution. □ 1.1 The Heat Equation Remark 1.2. Derivation. The derivation follows (Wladimirow, 1972, p. 39). Let x = (x1,x2,x3)T G Q C K3, where Q is a domain, t G M, and consider the following physical quantities • u(t,x) - temperature at time t and at the point x with unit [K], • p(t, x) - density of the considered species with unit [kg/m3], • c(t, x) - specific heat capacity of the species with unit [J/kg k] = [w s/kg k] , • k(t,x) - thermal conductivity of the species with unit [w/m k], • F(t,x) - intensity of heat sources or sinks with unit [w/m3]. Consider the heat equilibrium in an arbitrary volume V C Q and in an arbitrary time interval (t,t + At). First, there are sources or sinks of heat: heat can enter or leave V through the boundary dV, or heat can be produced or absorbed in V. Let n(x) be the unit outer normal at x G dV. Due to Fourier's1 law, one finds that the heat enters through dV into V. One obtains with integration by parts (Gaussian theorem) ■t+At Q i 1 Jean Baptisté Joseph Fourier (1768 - 1830) 3 4 1 Some Partial Differential Equations From Physics In addition, the heat r-t+At r Q2 = / / F{t,x) dx dt, [W s] = [J], Jt Jv is produced in V. Second, a law for the change of the temperature in V has to be derived. Using a Taylor series expansion, on gets that the temperature at x changes in (t, t + At) by u{t + At,x) -u{t,x) = ^(i, x)At + 0((At)2). Now, a linear ansatz is utilized, i.e., u(t + At,x) -u(t,x) = ^-{t,x)At. With this ansatz, one has that for the change of the temperature in V and for arbitrary sufficiently small At, the heat u(t + At, x) — u(t, x) cp—--r-^-- dx dt Jv At r-t+At r+Zit f du J J cp—(t,x) dx dt, [J], is needed. This heat has to be equal to the heat sources, i.e., it holds Q3 = Q2 + Qi, from what follows that cp— - V • {kVu) - F (t, x) dx dt = 0. Since the volume V was chosen to be arbitrary and At was arbitrary as well, the term in the integral has to vanish. One obtains the so-called heat equation cp— - V • (kVu) = F in (0, T) x Q. At this point of modeling one should check if the equation is dimensionally correct. One finds that all terms have the unit [w/m3]. For a homogeneous species, c, p, and k are positive constants. Then, the heat equation simplifies to ^--e2Au = f m(0,T)xO, (1.1) with e2 = k/(cp), [m%] and / = F/(cp), [K/s]. To obtain a well-posed problem, (1.1) has to be equipped with an initial condition u(0,x) and appropriate boundary conditions on (0,T) x dQ. □ 1.1 The Heat Equation 5 Remark 1.3. Boundary conditions. For the theory and the numerical simulation of partial differential equations, the choice of boundary conditions is of utmost importance. For the heat equation (1.1), one can prescribe the following types of boundary conditions: • Dirichlet2 condition: The temperature u(t,x) at a part of the boundary is prescribed u = gi on (0,T) x dQo with dQo C dQ. In the context of the heat equation, the Dirichlet condition is also called essential boundary conditions. • Neumann3 condition: The heat flux is prescribed at a part of the boundary du -k— =g2 on (0,T) x dQN with OOm C dQ. This boundary condition is a so-called natural boundary condition for the heat equation. • Mixed boundary condition, Robin4 boundary condition: At the boundary, there is a heat exchange according to Newton's5 law du k— + h(u - uenv) = 0 on (0,T) x dQm, on with dQm C dQ, the heat exchange coefficient h, [w/m2k2], and the temperature of the environment uenv. □ Remark 1.4- The stationary case. An important special case is that the temperature is constant in time u(t, x) = u{x). Then, one obtains the stationary heat equation -e2Au = f in J?. (1.2) This equation is called Poisson6 equation. Its homogeneous form, i.e., with f{x) = 0, is called Laplace7 equation. Solution of the Laplace equation are called harmonic functions. The Poisson equation is the simplest partial differential equation. The most part of this lecture will consider numerical methods for solving this equation. □ Remark 1.5. Another application of the Poisson equation. The stationary distribution of an electric field with charge distribution f(x) satisfies also the Poisson equation (1.2). □ 2 Johann Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet (1805 —1859) 3 Carl Gottfried Neumann (1832 - 1925) 4 Gustave Robin (1855 - 1897) 5 Isaac Newton (1642 - 1727) 6 Simeon Denis Poisson (1781 - 1840) 7 Pierre Simon Laplace (1749 - 1829) 6 1 Some Partial Differential Equations From Physics Remark 1.6. Non-dimensional equations. The mathematical analysis as well as the application of numerical methods relies on equations for functions without physical units, the so-called non-dimensional equations. Let • L - a characteristic length scale of the problem, [m], • U - a characteristic temperature scale of the problem, [K], • T* - a characteristic time scale of the problem, [s]. If the new coordinates and functions are denoted with a prime, one gets with the transformations from (1.1) the non-dimensional equation 9 ,tt ^9t' 9 ( 9 m ,,9<\9< , . (tT\ T* dti L2 ^d{xrf J \ T* J Usually, one denotes the non-dimensional functions like the dimensional functions, leading to For the analysis, one sets L = 1 m, U = 1 K, and T* = 1 s which yields ^-e2Au = f in (0,T) x Q, (1.3) with a non-dimensional temperature diffusion e2 and a non-dimensional right-hand side f(t, x). The same approach can be applied to the stationary equation (1.2) and one gets -s2Au = / in O, (1.4) with the non-dimensional temperature diffusion e2 and the non-dimensional right-hand side f(x). □ Remark 1.7. A standard approach for solving the instationary equation. The heat equation (1.3) is an initial value problem with respect to time and a boundary value problem with respect to space. Numerical methods for solving initial value problems were topic of Numerical Mathematics 2. A standard approach for solving the instationary problem consists in using a so-called one-step (9-scheme for discretizing the temporal derivative. Consider two consecutive discrete times tn and in+i with r = in+i — tn. Then, 1.1 The Heat Equation 7 Fig. 1.1 Solution of the two-dimensional example of Example 1.8. the application of a one-step ^-scheme yields for the solution at £n+i Un+1 ~ Un - 8e2Aun+1 - (1 - 8)e2Aun = 8fn+1 + (1 - 8)fn, T where the subscript at the functions denotes the time level. This equation is equivalent to un+1 - T6e2Aun+1 =un + r(l - 6)e2Aun + rdfn+1 + r(l - 6>)/„. (1.5) For 8 = 0, one obtains the forward Euler scheme, for 8 = 0.5 the Crank-Nicolson scheme (trapezoidal rule), and for 8 = 1 the backward Euler scheme. Given un, (1.5) is a boundary value problem for un+i. That means, one has to solve in each discrete time a boundary value problem. For this reason, this lecture will concentrate on the numerical solution of boundary value problems. □ Example 1.8. Demonstrations with the code MooNMD JOHN & MATTHIES (2004). • Consider the Poisson equation (1.4) in Q = (0, l)2 with e = 1. The right-hand side and the Dirichlet boundary conditions are chosen such that u(x,y) = sin(7ra;) sin(7rj/) is the prescribed solution, see Figure 1.1 Hence, this solution satisfies homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions. Denote by Uh{x,y) the computed solution, where h indicates the refinement of a mesh in Q. The errors obtained on successively refined meshes with the simplest finite element method are presented in Table 1.1. One can observe in Table 1.1 that \\u — u^W^^^ converges with second order and |V(m — Mfe)II.l2(i?) converges with first order. A main topic of the numerical analysis of discretizations for partial differential equations consists in showing that the computed solution converges to the solution 8 1 Some Partial Differential Equations From Physics Table 1.1 Example 1.8, two-dimensional example. h degrees of freedom II'" - Uh\\L2(Q) \\V(u-uh)\\L2(n) 1/4 25 8.522e-2 8.391e-l 1/8 81 2.256e-2 4.318e-l 1/16 289 5.726e-3 2.175e-l 1/32 1089 1.437e-3 1.089e-l 1/64 4225 3.596e-4 5.451e-2 1/128 16641 8.993e-5 2.726e-2 1/256 66049 2.248e-5 1.363e-2 1/512 263169 5.621e-6 6.815e-3 of an appropriate continuous problem in appropriate norms. In addition, to prove a certain order of convergence (in the asymptotic regime) is of interest. • Consider the Poisson equation (1.4) in Q = (0, l)3 with e = 1 and / = 0. At z = 1 the temperature profile should be u(x,y, 1) = 16x(l—x)y(l—y) and at the opposite wall should be cooled u(x,y,0) = 0. At all other walls, there should be an undisturbed temperature flux §^(x,y, z) = 0. A approximation of the solution computed with a finite element method is presented in Figure 1.2. The analytical solution is not known in this example (or it maybe hard to compute). It is important for applications that one obtains, e.g., good visualizations of the solution or approximate values for quantities of interest. One knows by the general theory that the computed solution converges to the solution of the continuous problem in appropriate norms and one hopes that the computed solution is already sufficiently close. □ Fig. 1.2 Contour lines of the solution of the three-dimensional example of Example 1.8. 1.3 The Navier—Stokes Equations 1.2 The Diffusion Equation 9 Remark 1.9. Derivation. Diffusion is the transport of a species caused by the movement of particles. Instead of Fourier's law, Newton's law for the particle flux through dV per time unit is used dQ = —DVu ■ n ds with • u(t,x) - particle density, concentration with unit [mol/m3], • D(t,x) - diffusion coefficient with unit [m2/s]- The derivation of the diffusion equation proceeds in the same way as for the heat equation. It has the form c— - V • (DVu) +qu = F in (0, T) x Q, (1.6) where • c(t,x) - is the porosity of the species, [•], • q{t,x) - is the absorption coefficient of the species with unit p/s], • F(t,x) - describes sources and sinks, [mol/s m3]. The porosity and the absorption coefficient are positive functions. To obtain a well posed problem, an initial condition and boundary conditions are necessary. If the concentration is constant in time, one obtains - V • {DVu) +qu = F in O. (1.7) Hence, the diffusion equation possesses a similar form as the heat equation. □ 1.3 The Navier—Stokes Equations This section was not presented in the course. It is included in the lecture notes for students who are interested in. Remark 1.10. Generalities. The Navier8-Stokes9 equations are the fundamental equations of fluid dynamics. In this section, a viscous fluid (with internal friction) with constant density (incompressible) will be considered. □ Remark 1.11. Conservation of mass. The first basic principle of the flow of an incompressible fluid is the conservation of mass. Let V be an arbitrary 8 Claude Louis Marie Henri Navier (1785 - 1836) 9 George Gabriel Stokes (1819 - 1903) 10 1 Some Partial Differential Equations From Physics volume. Then, the change of fluid in V satisfies d J pv ■ n ds = J V • {pv) dx, dV V change flux through the boundary of V where • v(t,x) - velocity (vi,V2,vs)T at time t and at point x with unit [m/s], • p - density of the fluid, [ks/m3]. Since V is arbitrary, the terms in the volume integrals have to be the same. One gets the so-called continuity equation ^ + V • {pv) = 0 in (0, T) x Q. Since p is constant, one obtains the first equation of the Navier-Stokes equation, the so-called incompressibility constraint, V -v = 0 in (0,T) x Í2. (1.8) □ Remark 1.12. Conservation of linear momentum. The second equation of the Navier-Stokes equations represents Newton's second law of motion net force = mass x acceleration. It states that the rate of change of the linear momentum must be equal to the net force acting on a collection of fluid particles. The forces acting on an arbitrary volume V are given by Fv = J —Pn ds + J S'n ds + J pg dx, ev ev v outer pressure friction gravitation where • S'{t,x) - stress tensor with unit [N/m2], • P{t,x) - the pressure with unit [N/m2], • g{t,x) - standard gravity (directed), [m/s2]. The pressure possesses a negative sign since it is directed into V, whereas the stress acts outwardly. The integral on dV can be transformed into an integral on V with integration by parts. One obtains the force per unit volume -VP + V • §' + pg. 1.3 The Navier—Stokes Equations 11 On the basis of physical considerations (Landau & Lifschitz, 1966, p. 53) or (John, 2016, Chapter 2), one uses the following ansatz for the stress tensor §' = j](vv + VvT - • + C(V • v)I, where • rj - first order viscosity of the fluid, [ks/m s], • ( - second order viscosity of the fluid, [ks/m s], • I - unit tensor. For Newton's second law of motion one considers the movement of particles with velocity v(t,x(t)). One obtains the following equation \/>.\.p dv(t'xit)) dt force per unit volume mass per unit volume acceleration = p (dtv + (v ■ V)v). The second formula was obtained with the chain rule. The detailed form of the second term is / VidxVi + v2dyv1 + «3dz«i \ (v ■ V)v = vi_dxv2 + v2dyv2 + v3dzv2 \vidxv3 + v2dvv3 + v3dzv3 J If both viscosities are constant, one gets 9v „. VP I/77 A „,„ — - vAv + (v ■ V)v +-= g + - [{ + C V V • v , at p p V3 / where v = r]/p, [m2/s] is the kinematic viscosity. The second term on the right-hand side vanishes because of the incompressibility constraint (1.8). One obtains the dimensional Navier-Stokes equations dv VP — - vAv + (v ■ V)v H--=g, V • v = 0 in (0, T) x Q. Remark 1.13. Non-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations. The final step in the modeling process is the derivation of non-dimensional equations. Let • L - a characteristic length scale of the problem, [m], • U - a characteristic velocity scale of the problem, [m/s], • T* - a characteristic time scale of the problem, [s]. Denoting here the old coordinates with a prime, one obtains with the transformations x' v t' X = —, u = —, t = - V U T* 12 1 Some Partial Differential Equations From Physics the non-dimensional equations -^-dtu--^-Au+(u- V)« + Vp = /, V-w = 0 in(0,T)xJ?, U 1 U Li with the redefined pressure and the new right-hand side P Lg P{t,x) = (t,x), f(t,x) = —(t,x). This equation has two dimensionless characteristic parameters: the Strouhal10 number St and the Reynolds 11 number Re U1 v Setting T* = L/U, one obtains the form of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations which can be found in the literature ^ - Re^Au + (u ■ V)w + Vp = / in (0, T) x Q, V-w = 0 in (0,T) x Q. □ Remark 1.14- About the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. The Navier-Stokes equations are not yet understood completely. For instance, the existence of an appropriately defined classical solution for Q C M3 is not clear. This problem is among the so-called millennium problems of mathematics Fefferman (2000) and its answer is worth one million dollar. Also the numerical methods for solving the Navier-Stokes equations are by far not developed sufficiently well as it is required by many applications, e.g. for turbulent flows in weather prediction. □ Remark 1.15. Slow flows. Am important special case is the case of slow flows which lead to a stationary (independent of time) flow field. In this case, the first term in the in the momentum balance equation vanish. In addition, if the flow is very slow, the nonlinear term can be neglected as well. One gets the so-called Stokes equations -Re'^Au + Vp = / in O, V • u = 0 in O. □ 10 Čeněk Strouhal (1850 - 1923) 11 Osborne Reynolds (1842 - 1912) 1.4 Classification of Second Order Partial Differential Equations 13 1.4 Classification of Second Order Partial Differential Equations Definition 1.16. Quasi-linear and linear second order partial differential equation. Let Q C Kd, d G N. A quasi-linear second order partial differential equation denned on Q has the form d ajk{x)djdkU + F (x,u,diu,... ,ddu) = 0 (1.9) or in nabla notation V • (A(x)Vu) +F(x,u,d!U,..., ddu) = 0. A linear second order partial differential equation has the form d a,jk{x)djdkU + b(x) ■ Vm + c(x)u = F(x). Remark 1.17. The matrix of the second order operator. If u[x) is sufficiently regular, then the application of the Theorem of Schwarz12 yields djdku(x) = dkdju(x). It follows that equation (1.9) contains the coefficient d3dku(x) twice, namely in a3k{x) and a,kj(x). For defmiteness, one requires that a-jk(x) = akj{x). Now, one can write the coefficient of the second order derivative with the symmetric matrix /au{x) ■ ■ ■ aid(a;)\ A(x)= : •.. : \adl(x) ■ ■ ■ add(x)J All eigenvalues of this matrix are real and the classification of quasi-linear second order partial differential equations is based on these eigenvalues. □ Definition 1.18. Classification of quasi-linear second order partial differential equation. On a subset Q C Q let a be the number of positive eigenvalues of A(x), (3 be the number of negative eigenvalues, and 7 be the multiplicity of the eigenvalue zero. The quasi-linear second order partial differential equation (1.9) is said to be of type (a, j3,7) on Q. It is called to be • elliptic on Q if it is of type (d, 0,0) = (0, d, 0), Hermann Amandus Schwarz (1843 — 1921) 14 1 Some Partial Differential Equations From Physics • hyperbolic on Q, if its type is (d — 1,1,0) = (1, d — 1,0), • parabolic on Q, if it is of type (d — 1,0,1) = (0, d — 1,1). In the case of linear partial differential equations, one speaks of a parabolic equation if in addition to the requirement from above it holds that ra,nk(A(x), b(x)) = d in fi. □ Remark 1.19. Other cases. Definition 1.18 does not cover all possible cases. However, the other cases are only of little interest in practice. □ Example 1.20. Types of second order partial differential equations. • For the Poisson equation (1.4) one has a„ = — e2 < 0 and al3 = 0 for i 7^ j. It follows that all eigenvalues of A are negative and the Poisson equation is an elliptic partial differential equation. The same reasoning can be applied to the stationary diffusion equation (1.7). • In the heat equation (1.3) there is besides the spatial derivatives also the temporal derivative. The derivative in time has to be taken into account in the definition of the matrix A. Since this derivative is only of first order, one obtains in A a zero row and a zero column. One has, e.g., a„ = —e2 < 0, i = 2,..., d + 1, an = 0, and al3 = 0 for i 7^ j. It follows that one eigenvalue is zero and the others have the same sign. The vector of the first order term has the form b = (1,0, ...,0)T G Md+1, where the one comes from dtu(t,x). Now, one can see immediately that (A, b) possesses full column rank. Hence, (1.3) is a parabolic partial differential equation. • An example for a hyperbolic partial differential equation is the wave equation dttu -e2Au = f in (0, T) x n. □ 1.5 Literature Remark 1.21. Some books about the topic of this class. Books about finite difference methods are • Samarskij (1984), classic book, the English version is Samarskii (2001) • LeVeque (2007) Much more books can be found about finite element methods • Ciarlet (2002), classic text, • Strang & Fix (2008), classic text, • Braess (2001), very popular book in Germany, English version available, 1.5 Literature 15 • Brenner & Scott (2008), rather abstract treatment, from the point of view of functional analysis, • Ern & Guermond (2004), modern comprehensive book, • Grossmann & Roos (2007) • Solin (2006), written by somebody who worked a lot in the implementation of the methods, • Goering et al. (2010), introductory text, good for beginners, • Deuflhard & Weiser (2012), strong emphasis on adaptive methods • Dziuk (2010). These lists are not complete. These lectures notes are based in some parts on lecture notes from Sergej Rjasanow (Saarbrücken) and Manfred Dobrowolski (Würzburg). □ Chapter 2 Finite Difference Methods for Elliptic Equations Remark 2.1. Model problem. The model problem in this chapter is the Poisson equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions -Au = finfl, u = g on oil, where il C M2. This chapter follows in wide parts Samarskij (1984). □ 2.1 Basics on Finite Differences Remark 2.2. Grid. This section considers the one-dimensional case. Consider the interval [0,1] that is decomposed by an equidistant grid x% = ih, i = 0,. .. ,n, h = 1/n, - nodes, ujh = {xi : i = 0,.. ., n} - grid. □ Definition 2.3. Grid function. A vector uh = (uq, ..., un)T G Mn+1 that assigns every grid point a function value is called grid function. □ Definition 2.4. Finite differences. Let v(x) be a sufficiently smooth function and denote by vt = v(xi), where xt are the nodes of the grid. The following quotients are called 17 2 Finite Difference Methods for Elliptic Equations tangent X^—\ Xi X^\ Fig. 2.1 Illustration of the finite differences. _ Vj+1 - Vj Vx'1 - h forward difference, - backward difference, vs., = 1+1„,—- central difference, 2h vl+1 - 2vl second order difference, see Figure 2.1. Remark 2.5. Some properties of the finite differences. It is [exercise) Vx,i ~i^(.Vx,i ^^c,i)i Vx~x^ (,Vx,i)x,i- Using the Taylor series expansion for v(x) at the node x%, one gets (exer- vx,i = v'{xi) + -hv"{xi) + O (h2) ve,í = v'{xi) - ^hv"{Xi) + O (h2) v i,i =v'(xi) + 0(h2) , v^=v"(x,) + 0(h2). 2.1 Basics on Finite Differences 19 Definition 2.6. Consistent difference operator. Let I be a differential operator. The difference operator : Mn+1 —> Mn+1 is called consistent with L of order k if max \(Lu)(xi) - (Lhuh)i\ = \\Lu - Lhuh\\oo,uh = O (hk) 0 0, i, j G Z. Denote by = {o} inner nodes, five point stencil does not contain any boundary node, = {*} inner nodes that are close to the boundary, five point stencil contains boundary nodes, 7h = {*} boundary nodes, LUh = U to£ inner nodes, U Jh grid, see Figure 2.4. The finite difference approximation of problem (2.1) that will be studied in the following consists in finding a mesh function u{x) such that —Au(x) = 4>(x) x G w^, -A*u(x) = (p(x) x G w*h, (2.6) u(x) = g(x) x G jh, where (x) is a grid function that approximates f(x) and A* is an approximation of the Laplacian for nodes that are close to the boundary, e.g., defined by (2.5). The discrete problem is a large sparse linear system of equations. The most important questions are: • Which properties possesses the solution of (2.6)? • Converges the solution of (2.6) to the solution of the Poisson problem and if yes, with which order? □ 2.3 The Discrete Maximum Principle for a Finite Difference Approximation 23 2.3 The Discrete Maximum Principle for a Finite Difference Approximation Remark 2.12. Contents of this section. Solutions of the Laplace equation, i.e., of (2.1) with f(x) = 0, fulfill so-called maximum principles. This section shows, that the finite difference approximation of an operator, where the five point stencil of the Laplacian is a special case, satisfies a discrete analog of one of the maximum principles. □ Theorem 2.13. Maximum principles for harmonic functions. Let Q C Md be a bounded domain and u G C2(Q)C\C(Q) be harmonic in Q, i.e., u(x) solves the Laplace equation —Au = 0 in Q. • Weak maximum principle. It holds maxti(a;) = max u{x). That means, u{x) takes its maximal value at the boundary. • Strong maximum principle. If Q is connected and if the maximum is taken in Q (note that Q is open), i.e., u(xg) = max^,^ u{x) for a point Xg G Q, then u{x) is constant u(x) = maxti(a;) = u(xq) V x G Q. Proof. See the literature, e.g., (Evans, 2010, p. 27, Theorem 4) or the course on the theory of partial differential equations. ■ Remark 2.14- Interpretation of the maximum principle. • The Laplace equation models the temperature distribution of a heated body without heat sources in Q. Then, the weak maximum principle just states that the temperature in the interior of the body cannot be higher than the highest temperature at the boundary. • There are maximum principles also for more complicated operators than the Laplacian, e.g., see Evans (2010). • Since the solution of the partial differential equation will be only approximated by a discretization like a finite difference method, one has to expect that basic physical properties are satisfied by the numerical solution also only approximately. However, in applications, it is often very important that such properties are satisfied exactly. □ Remark 2.15. The difference equation. In this section, a difference equation of the form a(x)u(x)= ^ b(x,y)u(y) + F(x), x G ujh (J-yh, (2.7) 24 2 Finite Difference Methods for Elliptic Equations Fig. 2.5 Grid that is not allowed in Section 2.3. will be considered. In (2.7), for each node x, the set S(x) is the set of all nodes on which the sum has to be performed, but x G" S(x). That means, a(x) describes the contribution of the finite difference scheme of a node x to itself and b(x,y) describes the contributions from the neighbors. It will be assumed that the grid u>h of inner nodes is connected, i.e., for all xa,xe G u>h exist x\,..., xm G u>h with x\ G S(xa), X2 G S(xi),..., xe G S(xm). E.g., the situation depicted in Figure 2.5 is not allowed. It will be assumed that the coefficients a(x) and b(x, y) satisfy the following conditions: a(x) > 0, b(x,y) > 0, V x G wfe,V y G S(x), a(x) = 1, b(x,y) = 0 V x G "fh (Dirichlet boundary condition). The values of the Dirichlet boundary condition are incorporated in (2.7) in the function F(x). □ Example 2.16. Five point stencil for approximating the Laplacian. Inserting the approximation of the Laplacian with the five point stencil (2.4) for x = (x,y) G in scheme (2.7) gives hlh% —u(x,y) = j^u(x + hx,y) + j^u(x - hx,y) + —^u{x,y + hy) + -r^u{x, y - hy) -4>{x,y). It follows that a(x) 2(h2x + hp hlh?y ' b(x,y) G {hx2,hy2}, S{x) = {(a; - hx,y), {x + hx,y), {x,y - hy), {x,y + hy)}. For inner nodes that are close to the boundary, only the one-dimensional case (2.5) will be considered for simplicity. Let x + hx G "fh, then it follows 2.3 The Discrete Maximum Principle for a Finite Difference Approximation 25 by inserting (2.5) in (2.7) T~ )u(x'y> = —n~=--1--rr+--^(x), (2.8) ft^ \/la; /la; / hxtlx hxhj on 7fc—>F(i) such that a(z) = J- + , 6(x,y) = =±=, and 5(a;) = {(a; - h~,y)}. X \ X XX Q Remark 2.17. Reformulation of the difference scheme. Scheme (2.7) can be reformulated in the form d(x)u(x) = J2 b(x,y)(u(y)-u(x))+F(x) (2.9) withd(x)=a(x)-J2yes(a:)b(x,y)- D Example 2.18. Five point stencil for approximating the Laplacian. Using the five point stencil for approximating the Laplacian, form (2.9) of the scheme is obtained with , N 2{h2x + hl) 2 2 , nxny nx ny for x G u°h. The coefficients a(x) and b(x,y) are the weights of the finite difference stencil for approximating the Laplacian. A minimal condition for consistency is that this approximation vanishes for constant functions since the derivatives of constant functions vanish. It follows that also for the nodes x G ui^, it is a(x) = X^es(a;) b{x,y), compare (2.8). However, as it could be seen in Example 2.16, in this case the contributions from the neighbors on jh are included in the scheme (2.7) in F(x). Hence, one obtains for nodes that are close to the boundary d(x)= J2 b(x,y)- J2 b(x,y)= J2 h^x^- (2-n) yeS(a:) yeS(a:) ,ygfh yeS(a:),ye-fh In the one-dimensional case, one has, by the definition of hx and with h~ = hx > h+, JM 1/1 1 d(x) = hx J hxhx hxhx hxhx -\- hx hx 2 1 > T-,---- = -r~r- > 0. 26 2 Finite Difference Methods for Elliptic Equations Lemma 2.19. Discrete maximum principle (DMP) for inner nodes. Let u{x) const on cu^ and d(x) > 0 for all x € cu^. Then, it follows from Lhu(x) := d(x)u(x) - ^2 b(x>y){u(y) -u(x))< 0 (2.12) (or Lhii(x) > 0, respectively) on cu^ that u{x) does not possess a positive maximum (or negative minimum, respectively) on cu^. Proof The proof is performed by contradiction. Let L^u(x) < 0 for all x 6 oj^ and assume that u{x) has a positive maximum on uj^ at x, i.e., u(x) = max^^ u{x) > 0. For the node x, it holds that Lhu(x) = d(x) u(x) - ^2 H^,y) (u(y)-u(x)) >d(x)u(x)>0. (2.13) >0 >0 y£S(as) >Q ^ ^ definition of S Hence, it follows that L^uix) = 0 and, in particular, that all terms of L^uix) have to vanish. For the first term, it follows that d(x) = 0. For the terms in the sum to vanish, it must hold u(y) = u(x) Vt/G S(x). (2.14) From the assumption u{x) ^ const, it follows that there exists a node x 6 uj^ with u(x) > u{x). Because the grid is connected, there is a path x, x\, . . . ,xm,x such that, using (2.14) for all nodes of this path, x\ 6 S(x), u{x\) = u(x), X2 G S(xi), u(x2) = u(x\) = u(x), x e S(xrn), u(xrn) = u(xrn-i) = . . . = u(x) > u(x). The last inequality is a contradiction to (2.14) for xm. ■ Corollary 2.20. DMP for boundary value problem. Let u(x) > 0 for x € jh and Lhu(x) < 0 (or Lhu(x) > 0, respectively) on u>h- Then, the grid function u{x) is non-positive (or non-negative, respectively) for all x € U 7fe. Proof. Let L^uix) < 0 on oj^ u 7^. Assume that there is a node x 6 oj^ with u{x) > 0. Then, the grid function has either a positive maximum on uj^, which is a contradiction to the DMP for the inner nodes, Lemma 2.19, or u{x) has to be constant, i.e., u{x) = u(x) > 0 for all x 6 uj^. For the second case, consider a boundary-connected inner node x 6 uj^. Using the same calculations as in (2.13) and taking into account that the values of u at the boundary are non-positive, one obtains Lhu(x) = d(x)u(x) - b(x,y) (u(y) - u(x)) b(y,y){u{y)-u{x))>o, which is a contradiction to the assumption on Lyt. ■ Corollary 2.21. Unique solution of the discrete Laplace equation with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions. The discrete Laplace 2.3 The Discrete Maximum Principle for a Finite Difference Approximation 27 equation Lhu(x) = 0 for x G Lüh U jh possesses only the trivial solution u(x) = 0. Proof. The statement of the corollary follows by applying Corollary 2.20 and its analog for the non-positivity of the grid function if u{x) < 0 for x 6 7^ and Lhu{x) < 0 on uj^. Corollary 2.22. Comparison lemma. Let Lhu(x) = f[x) for x G lüh; u(x) = g(x) for x G jh, Lhu(x) = f(x) for x G Lüh; u(x) = g(x) for x G jh, with \f(x)\ < f(x) and \g(x)\ < g(x). Then, it is \u(x)\ < u(x) for all x G u>h U jh- The function u[x) is called majorizing function. Proof. Exercise. ■ Remark 2.23. Remainder of this section. The remaining corollaries presented in this section will be applied in the stability proof in Section 2.4. In this proof, the homogeneous problem (right-hand side vanishes) and the problem with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions will be analyzed separately. □ Corollary 2.24. Homogeneous problem. For the solution of the problem Lhu(x) =0, X G Lüh, u(x) = g(x), x G 7fe, with d(x) = 0 for all x G it holds that Wu\\l™(üjhu-,h) ^ Il9ll(°°(7fc) • Proof. Consider the problem Lhü{x) = 0, x 6 Lüh, ü(x) = g(x) = const = ||ff||,oo(7fc) , x E ~fh- It will be shown that u(x) = |(/||^oo= const by inserting this function in the problem.1 For inner nodes that are not close to the boundary, it holds that Lhü(x)= d(x) u(x) - b(x,y) («(3/) - «0=)) = 0. , yeS(ai) "---' =0, (2.10) " K ' =0 With the same arguments as in Example 2.18, one can derive the representation (2.11) for inner nodes that are close to the boundary. Inserting (2.11) in (2.12) and using in addition ü{x) = u{y) yields 1 The corresponding continuous problem is —Au = 0 in Q, u = const = |«?11^00(^.^) on It is clear that u = ||g||£oo(7/j is the solution of this problem. It is shown that the discrete analog holds, too. 28 2 Finite Difference Methods for Elliptic Equations Lhu(x) = d(x)u(x) - ^ Kx,y) (u(y) -u(x)) = ^ b(x,y)u(x) = ^ b(x,y)ü(y). y(ES(x),y(E-Yh This expression is exactly the contribution of the nodes on 7^ that is included in F(x) in scheme (2.7), see also Example 2.16. That means, the finite difference equation is also satisfied by the nodes that are close to the boundary. Now, the application of Corollary 2.22 gives Tt(x) > |'ti(a;)| for all x £ uj^ u 7^, such that IMIi~(^u7fc) <ü(x) = NI,=o(7fc), which is the statement of the corollary. ■ Corollary 2.25. Problem with homogeneous boundary condition. For the solution of the problem Lhu{x) = f(x), x G uh, u(x) = 0, x £ jh, with d(x) > 0 for all x € cu^, it is IMIi°°(cfcU7fc) ^ \\D 1f\\l<*>(uh) with D = diag(d(x)) for x € u>h-Proof Consider the grid function J(x) = \f(x)\ > f(x)Vxeuh. From the discrete maximum principle, it follows that the solution of the problem Lhü(x) = f(x), x e ujh, ü(x) = 0, x e lh, is non-negative, i.e., it holds u(x) > 0 for x £ uj^ u7/J,. Define the node x by the condition «(<=)= INIi-(lJfcu7fc)- In x, it is Lhü(x) = d(x)ü(x) - b(^, y) (ü(y) -ü(x)) = \f(x)\, from what follows that . 1/(^)1 . 1/(^)1 u(x) < — < max —-—— = max d(x) x^ojh d(x) x^ojh = ||D-if|i d(x) " J»l^(^h) Since u{x) < u{x) for all x 6 uj^ u 7^ because of Corollary 2.22, the statement of the corollary is proved. ■ Corollary 2.26. Problem with homogeneous boundary condition and inhomogeneous right-hand side close to the boundary. Consider 2.4 Stability and Convergence of the FD Approximation of the Poisson Problem 29 Lhu(x) = f(x), x G uih, u(x) = 0, x € jh, with f(x) = 0 for all leuj. With respect to the finite difference scheme, it will be assumed that d(x) = 0 for all x G cu^, and d(x) > 0 for all x G cu^. Then, the following estimate is valid with D+ = diag(0,d(x)^1). The zero entries appear for x G lu^ and the entries d(x)^1 for lEuJ. Proof Let fix) = \f(x)\, x 6 oj^, and g(x) = 0,x 6 7^. The solution u{x) is non-negative, u{x) > 0 for all x 6 uj^ u 7^, see the DMP for the boundary value problem, Corollary 2.25. Define x by ü(x)= |N|,oo(lJfcU7fc). One can choose x 6 uj^, because if x 6 uj^, then it holds that d(x)ü(x) - b(ß,y) (ü(y) - u(x)) = fix) = 0, ^ yeS(W)^-^'---' i.e., Tt(x) = u(y) for all y £ S^Ic). Let £ 6 a;^ and x,x\, . . . ,xm,x be a connection with Xi ^ o;^, 'i = 1, . .. , m. For xm, it holds analogously that ü{xrn) = ||^||;oo(^hU7h) = ü(y) V y e S{xrn). Hence, it follow in particular that u(x) = H^ll^oo^^y^^^ such that one can choose x = x. It follows that d{x) ü{x) - ^ b(x, y) (ü(y) - ü(x)) = J(x). ^(*)^^-Z-' Since all terms in the sum over y 6 uj^ are non-negative, it follows, using also Corollary 2.22, that _ _ fix) fix) IMI;co, ,, 1 < ||«||,00, ,, 1 < :L^-L < max < D+f I , . . 2.4 Stability and Convergence of the Finite Difference Approximation of the Poisson Problem with Dirichlet Boundary Conditions Remark 2.27. Decomposition of the solution. A short form to write (2.6) is Lhu(x) = f(x), x G uih, u(x) = g(x), x G jh. The solution of (2.6) can be decomposed into 30 2 Finite Difference Methods for Elliptic Equations u(x) = Ui(x) + u2(x), with LfrUi{x) = f(x), x G LUh, Ui(x) = 0, xE)), (homogeneous boundary cond.), LhU2(x) = 0, x G a;^, U2(x) = g(a;), x e 71 (homogeneous right-hand side). □ Stability with Respect to the Boundary Condition Remark 2.28. Stability with respect to the boundary condition. From Corollary 2.24, it follows that ll«2||,»(ll,h)<||9||,»(7h). (2.15) □ Stability with Respect to the Right-Hand Side Remark 2.29. Decomposition of the right-hand side. The right-hand side will be decomposed into f(x) = r(x) + r(x) with fW = { f0{Xh I I f*(x) = f{x) - f°(x). Since the considered finite difference scheme is linear, also the function ui(x) can be decomposed into U\ (x) = u\ (x) + u\ (x) with Lhu°{x) = f°(x), x G uh, u\(x) = 0, x G jh, Lhu[(x) = f*{x), x G uih, u[(x) = 0, x G 7^. □ Remark 2.30. Estimate for the inner nodes. Let S((0, 0),R) be a circle with center (0,0) and radius R, which is chosen such that R > \\x\\2 for all x G Q. Consider the function u(x) = a [R2 - x2 - y2) with a > 0, 2.4 Stability and Convergence of the FD Approximation of the Poisson Problem 31 that takes only non-negative values for (x,y) G Q. Applying the definition of the five point stencil, it follows that Au(x) = -aA(x2 +y2 - R2) (x + hx)2 - 2x2 + (x - hx)2 (y + hy)2 - 2y2 + (y - hy)2 hi h2 and -4a =: -f{x), x G ui°h, 1 ((x + K)2-x2 x2-(x-h-)2 A*u(x) = —a hx l ({y + Kf-y2 y2 - {y-Kf hV -f(x), x G ui*h. Hence, u(x) is the solution of the problem Lhü{x)=J{x), x€ujh, Ti(x) = a [R2 — x2 — y2) > 0, x G jh- It is u(x) > 0 for all x G "fh- Choosing a = j \\f°\\i(uh)i one obtains 7(*) = 4a=|iril^fc)>|r0z)|, X€u°h, J(x)>0=\r(x)\, XGLÜ*h. Now, Corollary 2.22 (Comparison Lemma) can be applied, which leads to R2 hW^M ^ ll"lli»(Uh) < aR = — ll/°lli»(Uh) ' (2.16) One gets the last lower or equal estimate because (0,0) does not need to belong to Q or uih- □ Remark 2.31. Estimate for the nodes that are close to the boundary. Corollary 2.26 can be applied to estimate u*(x). For x G ui%, it is d(x) = 0, see Example 2.18. For x G ui£, one has d(x) = a (a;) - ^ b(x, y) > j-, h? with h = ma,x{hx, hy}, since all terms in the sum are of the form 32 2 Finite Difference Methods for Elliptic Equations 1111 hxhx hxhx foy^y ^y^y see Example 2.18. One obtains Kii«»(Uh) \\x\\2 for all x € Q and h = max{hx, hy}, i.e., the solution u{x) can be bounded in the norm \\'\\i^^hUlh^ by the data of the problem. Proof. The statement of the lemma is obtained by combining the estimates (2.15), (2.16), and (2.17). ■ Convergence Theorem 2.33. Convergence. Let u(x) be the solution of the Poisson equation (2.1) and Uh{x) be the finite difference approximation given by the solution of (2.6). Then, it is \\u-uh\\^(u]hUlh)(x), x e w*, ip(x) = 0(1), e(x) =0, x e lh: where ip(x) is the consistency error, see Section 2.2. Applying the stability estimate (2.18) to this problem, one obtains immediately 2.5 An Efficient Solver for the Dirichlet Problem in the Rectangle 33 1--- hx 0 1 n, Fig. 2.6 Grid for the Dirichlet problem in the rectangular domain. 2.5 An Efficient Solver for the Dirichlet Problem in the Rectangle Remark 2.34- Contents of this section. This section considers the Poisson equation (2.1) in the special case Q = (0,lx) x (0,lv). In this case, a modification of the difference stencil in a neighborhood of the boundary of the domain is not needed. The convergence of the finite difference approximation was already established in Theorem 2.33. Applying this approximation results in a large linear system of equations Au = / which has to be solved. This section discusses some properties of the matrix A and it presents an approach for solving this system in the case of a rectangular domain in an almost optimal way. A number of result obtained here will be need also in Section 2.6. □ Remark 2.35. The considered problem and its approximation. The considered continuous problem consists in solving -Au = fmO = (0,lx)x (0,y, u = g on dO, and the corresponding discrete problem in solving —Au(x) = (f>(x), x G uih, u(x) = g(x), x G 7fe, where the discrete Laplacian is of the form (for simplicity of notation, the subscript h is omitted) Au = ~ 2UJ + ^ + ^+1 ~ ^ + ^ =: Axu + Ayu, (2.19) with hx = lx/nx,hy = ly/ny, i = 0,... ,nx, j = 0,...,%, see Figure 2.6. □ Remark 2.36. The linear system of equations. The difference scheme (2.19) is equivalent to a linear system of equations Au = /. For assembling the matrix and the right-hand side of the system, usually a lexicographical enumeration of the nodes of the grid is used. The nodes are 34 2 Finite Difference Methods for Elliptic Equations called enumerated lexicographically if the node (ii,ji) has a smaller number than the node {12,32)1 if f°r the corresponding coordinates, it is Vi < s/2 or (j/j = j/2) a (zi < x2). Using this lexicographical enumeration of the nodes, one obtains for the inner nodes a system of the form A = BlockTriDiag(C, B, C) G K("x-i)K-i)x(nI-i)(n!)-i)) B = ™i««(-4'4 + 4'"4)eR(B""1)X(B""1)' C = Diag (y-J^) e K^"1^^-1), ' (f>(x), lEw ,/ n , g{x±hx,y) £, close to lower or upper boundary, ,. . g[x,y±hy) h/2, then the number of unknowns is increased by around the factor 4 in two dimensions and also the number of iterations increases by a factor of around 4. Altogether, for one refinement step, the total costs increase by a factor of around 16. • (preconditioned) conjugate gradient (PCG) method. The number of iterations is proportional to y^K^A), see the corresponding theorem from the class Numerical Mathematics II. Hence, the total costs increase by a factor of around 8 if the grid is refined once. • multigrid methods. For multigrid methods, the number of iterations on each grid is bounded by a constant that is independent of the grid. Hence, the total costs are proportional to the number of unknowns and these methods are optimal. However, the implementation of multigrid methods is involved. Remark 2.37. An eigenvalue problem. The derivation of an alternative direct solver is based on the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the discrete Laplacian. It is possible to computed these quantities only in special situations, e.g., if the Poisson problem with Dirichlet boundary conditions is considered, the domain is rectangular, and the Laplacian is approximated with the five point stencil. Consider the following eigenvalue problem Denote the node x = (xl, yj) by x%] and grid functions in a similar way. The solution of this problem is sought in product form (separation of variables) □ Av(x) = \v(x), x G ujh, v{x) = 0, x £ 7fe. V, (fc) _ with Afc = AJ^ + X^K Both sides of this equation have to be constant since one of them depends only on i, i.e., on x, and the other one only on j, i.e., on y. The splitting of Afc can be chosen such that the constant is zero. Then, one gets Axv^x + Af^* = 0, Ayvf*hy + \^vf*hy = 0. The solution of these eigenvalue problems is known (exercise) (k*),x /~2~ . ( kxiri\ (x) 4 . 2(kxir V lx V nx J' k* h2x \2nx v = ±sin2 ( V[ (2.21) with i = 0,.. .,nx, j = 0,. .. ,ny and kx = 1,. .., nx — 1, ky = 1,.. .,ny — 1. Using a Taylor series expansion, one obtains now the asymptotic behavior of the eigenvalues as given in (2.20). Note that because of the splitting of the eigenvalues into the directional contributions, the number of individual terms for computing the eigenvalues is only proportional to [nx + ny). □ Remark 2.38. On the eigenvectors, weighted Euclidean inner product. Since the matrix corresponding to A is symmetric, the eigenvectors are orthogonal with respect to the Euclidean vector product. They become orthonormal with >' ly \ lly J ny It follows that the solution of the full eigenvalue problem is 2.5 An Efficient Solver for the Dirichlet Problem in the Rectangle 37 respect to the weighted Euclidean vector product {u,v) = hxhy ^2 u(x)v(x) = hxhy'^2'^2uijVij, (2.22) x£ujhU~/h i=0 j=0 with h - — h - ^- Tix fly i.e., then it is This property can be checked by using the relation E. 2 /iir\ n SmUJ = 2' n>1- i=0 v ' The norm induced by the weighted Euclidean vector product is given by (\ 1/2 M'.. VW ) . (2.23) The weights are such that this norm can be bounded for constants independently of the mesh, i.e., 1/2 ||l||h = {hxhy(nx + 1)(% + I))'7' = (ljynx + lny + 1) < 2 (lxly)1/2 . (2.24) □ Remark 2.39. Solver based on the eigenvalues and eigenvectors. One uses the ansatz ^(aO = X>«(fc)(aO (2-25) fc with the Fourier coefficients fk = = ^EE/.sin sin (**SL) , fc = (kx,ky), \l"Trill 11 11 ~' x y i=o j=o with /jj = f(xij). The solution u(a;) of (2.19) is sought as a linear combination of the eigenfunctions u{x) = ^2 UkV(fe). fc fc Since the eigenfunctions form a basis of the space of the grid functions, a comparison of the coefficients with the right-hand side (2.25) gives or, for each component, using (2.21), = _ E h(k) = _ 2^ £ sin (^) sin (^) , i = 0,.. . ,nx, j = 0,. .. ,nv. It is possible to implement this approach with the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) with O (nxny\og2nx +nxny\og2ny) = 0(N\og2N) , N = (nx — l)(nv - 1), operations. Hence, this method is almost, up to a logarithmic factor, optimal. □ 2.6 A Higher Order Discretizations Remark 2.4-0. Contents. The five point stencil is a second order discretization of the Laplacian. In this section, a discretization of higher order will be studied. In these studies, only the case of a rectangular domain Q = (0, lx) x (0, ly) and Dirichlet boundary conditions will be considered. □ Remark 2.4-1- Derivation of a fourth order approximation. Let u{x) be the solution of the Poisson equation (2.1) and assume that u(x) is sufficiently smooth. It is d2u Luix) = Auix) = Lxu(x) + Lyu(x), Lau := —-. dx2a Let the five point stencil be represented by the following operator Au = Axu + Ayu. Applying a Taylor series expansion, one finds that 2.6 A Higher Order Discretizations 39 (hj) Fig. 2.7 The nine point stencil. Au-Au^^Llu + ^Llu + O^). (2.26) From the equation — Lu = /, it follows with differentiation that Lxu = —Lxf — LxLyu, Lyu = —Lyf — LyLxu. Inserting these expressions in (2.26) gives An - An = ~^Lxf - ^Lyf - ^-^LxLyU + O (h4) . (2.27) The operator LxLy = dx%dyi can be approximated as follows LxLyU ^ AxAyU 'Ojixyy The difference operator in this approximation requires nine points, see Figure 2.7, AxAyu = —jj^ (ui+1j+1 - 2uij+1 + - 2ui+1j + Auij Therefore it is called nine point stencil. One checks, as usual by using a Taylor series expansion, that this approximation is of second order LxLyu — AxAyu = O (h2) ■ Inserting this expansion in (2.27) and using the partial differential equation shows that the difference equation h^ÄxAy)u= f+hlLxf + % 12 v \ 12 12 40 2 Finite Difference Methods for Elliptic Equations is a fourth order approximation of the differential equation (2.1). In addition, one can replace the derivatives of f(x) also by finite differences Lxf = Axf + 0 (h2x) , Lyf =Ayf + 0 (hi) . Finally, one obtains a finite difference equation —A'u = with A' = Ax+Ay + ^-^AxAy, ^ = f + !^Axf + ^Ayf. Remark 2.4-2. On the convergence of the fourth order approximation. The finite difference problem with the higher order approximation property can be written with the help of the second order differences. Since the convergence proof is based on the five point stencil, the following lemma considers this stencil. It will be proved that one can estimate the values of the grid function by the second order differences. This result will be used in the convergence proof for the fourth order approximation. □ Lemma 2.43. Stability estimate. Let <^h = {(ihx,jhy) : i = 1,. ..,nx- l,j = 1,. .. ,ny - 1}, and let y be a grid function on cu^ U jh with y(x) = 0 for x € j^. Then, the following estimate holds \\y\\i^h^h)x \ 2 fcy7T2 f sin tfty ll \ 4>x ) l\ \ 4>y )2>4(f + |)>,4^+^ In performing this estimate, it was used that the function sin ()/ is monotonically decreasing on (0,7r/2), see Figure 2.8, and that sin (b sin("7r/2) 2 , , (ft 7T/2 7T The estimate will be continued by constructing a function that majorizes (k2 + fc2) 2 and that can be easily integrated. Let G = {(x,y) : x > 0, y > 0, x2 + y2 > 1} be the first quadrant of the complex plane without the part that belongs to the unit circle, see Figure 2.9. The function {k2 + k2^ has its smallest value in the square [kx — 1, kx] X [ky — 1, ky] in the point (kx, ky). Using the lower estimate of one obtains 42 2 Finite Difference Methods for Elliptic Equations A — 16 fe,fe^(i,i) k fe,fe^(i,i) E ^ ^ ^ E (^+fer2 fe,fe^(l,l) smallest value in square v = 1 L j2 / / (fc? + feS)"2 16 fc.fc^tl,!)7"--17^-1 ;4 _ rfc^ rfcy 16 E / / (*2 + ^: 16 k,k*(i,i)Jk*-lJk«-1 I4 f 2 — J (x2 + y2) cfcccfa/ rd. p r 16 h Jo 2^ 2 dxdy polar coord. I I I p — 11 — dd>dp = p4 16 2 \ 2 p=1 J 64 For performing this computation, one has to exclude p —> 0. 4 . 2 ( n \ 7T - 4 ~ hi sin - + \2nxJ 2ny _ 7T2 f 2lx \ 2 . 2 V2Z:J -f '3k.)2 ~ z2 8 7T2 8 ^r2 + T2"^2 - 16 ¥' \(-[ t\ = —7- sin 1 - I -f- -rr sm 1 - 1 = -r- sin 1 - I H--7r sin^ ft y 7T ^ (2.30) For this estimate, the following relations and the monotonicity of sin(:e)/a;, see Figure 2.S, were used la haT\ 7r / sin (x), x G uih, u(x) = g(x), x G 7fe, with A' = Ax + Ay + ^^AxAy, ^ = f + ^LAxf+'^Ayf, converges of fourth order. Proof. Analogously as in the proof of Theorem 2.33, one finds that the following equation holds for the error e = u(xi,yj) — Uij: -A'e{x) = ip(x), ip = O (h4) ,x e ojh, e(x) = 0, x e lh- Let Q}-L be the vector space of grid functions, which are non-zero only in the interior, i.e., at the nodes from uj^, and which vanish on 7^. Let Aay = —Aay, y 6 Qh, a G {x,y}. The operators Aa : Qh Qh are linear and they have the following properties: • They are symmetric and positive definite, i.e., Aa = j4* > 0, where .A* is the adjoint (transposed) of Aa, and (Aau,v) = (u,Aav), Vw,uG Qh- • They are elliptic, i.e., (Aau,u) > \^*\u, u), \/u 6 J?^, with 4 ■ 2 (Kha\ 8 At = —- sin - > h% \ 2,la j 1%, see (2.30). • They are bounded, i.e., it holds (Aau:u) < X^_1(u,u) with ^-1 = ST-'(£) * £ ^ (^.«) (»D and ||j4q;||2 < since the spectral norm of a symmetric positive definite matrix equals the largest eigenvalue. • They are commutative, i.e., AxAy = AyAx. • It holds AxAy = (AxAy)*. The error equation on uj^ is given by h? Axe + Aye — (kx + k,y)AxAye = A'e = tp with ka = -y^-. (2.32) 44 2 Finite Difference Methods for Elliptic Equations Using the boundedness of the operators, one finds with (2.31) for all v 6 that (ltXAXAyV + KyAXAyV,v) = ((K-XAX)AyV,v) + ((KyAy)AXV,v) 12 feg Now, it follows for all v 6 i?^ that (yl'v, = ((Ax + Ay) v, v) — (itxAxAyv + kyAxAyv, v) 2 > ^ ((^ + Ay)v,v) > 0. The matrices on both sides of this inequality are symmetric and because the matrix on the lower estimate is positive definite, also the matrix at the upper estimate is positive definite. The matrices commute since the order of applying the finite differences in x and y direction does not matter. Using these properties, one gets (exercise) '■(Ax + Ay)e <\\A'e\\h = U\\h, (2.33) where the last equality follows from (2.32). The application of Lemma 2.43 to the error, (2.33), (2.32), and (2.24) yields Hell,« I2 31 < -=\\(^+Ay)e\\h < 4 -\J Ix^y 4-^/ Ix^y 2 \J Ix^y ' = (hxhy(nx + l)(ny + l))1/2 ||^||IOO({JhU7h) xiy W\\h al2 ( nx + 1 ny + 1 4 \ nx ny 1/2 IIV-II I°°(ufcU7fc) Remark 2.4-5. On the discrete maximum principle. Reformulation of the finite difference scheme —A'u = in the form studied for the discrete maximum principle gives for the node a(x)u(x) = ^2 b(xyy)u(y) + {x), 2 a(x) b(x,y) b(x,y) b(x,y) hi + hi 12 +hy> hihy- 3 [hi + hy)> u' 1 1 /, 2 , 2\ 2 1 I 5 1 \ . , . K + /l»)l2l2 =fi 12 -12 ' l±1'3, h% 12 1/1 5 hlhl 6 \h2x hy 6 hi hi 1 ( 1 1 \2\hl h\ (left, right node) i,j±l, (bottom, top node) i ± 1, j ± 1, (other neighbors) 2.7 Summary 45 Hence, the assumptions for the discrete maximum principle, see Remark 2.15, are satisfied only if 1 hx r- V5 «y Consequently, the ratio of the grid widths has to be bounded and it has to be of order one. In this case, one speaks of an isotropic grid. □ 2.7 Summary Remark 2.4-6. Summary. • Finite difference methods are the simplest approach for discretizing partial differential equations. The derivatives are just approximated by difference quotients. • They are very popular in the engineering community. • One large drawback are the difficulties in approximating domains that are not of tensor-product type. However, in the engineering communities, a number of strategies have been developed to deal with this issue in practice. • Another drawback arises from the point of view of numerical analysis. The numerical analysis of finite difference methods is mainly based on Taylor series expansions. For this tool to be applicable, one has to assume a high regularity of the solution. These assumptions are generally not realistic. • In Numerical Mathematics, one considers often other schemes then finite difference methods. However, there are problems, where finite difference methods can compete with other discretizations. □ Chapter 3 Introduction to Sobolev Spaces Remark 3.1. Contents. Sobolev spaces are the basis of the theory of weak or variational forms of partial differential equations. A very popular approach for discretizing partial differential equations, the finite element method, is based on variational forms. In this chapter, a short introduction into Sobolev spaces will be given. Recommended literature are the books Adams (1975); Adams & Fournier (2003), and Evans (2010). □ 3.1 Elementary Inequalities Lemma 3.2. Inequality for strictly monotonically increasing function. Let f : M+ U {0} —> K be a continuous and strictly monotonically increasing function with f(0) = 0 and f(x) —> oo for x —> oo. Then, for all a,teI+U {0}, it is ab< [ f(x) dx+ [ f-\y) dy, Jo Jo where f~1{y) is the inverse of f(x). Proof. Since f(x) is strictly monotonically increasing, the inverse function exists. The proof is based on a geometric argument, see Figure 3.1. Consider the interval (0, a) on the x-axis and the interval (0, b) on the y-axis. Then, the area of the corresponding rectangle is given by ab, f^ f(x) dx is the area below the curve, and Jq f~1(y) dy is the area between the positive y-axis and the curve. From Figure 3.1, the inequality follows immediately. The equal sign holds only iff f(a) = b. M Remark 3.3. Young's1 inequality. Young's inequality ab < |a2 + yb2 V a, b £ R+ U {0},£ £ R+, (3.1) 1 William Henry Young (1863 - 1942) 47 48 3 Introduction to Sobolev Spaces follows from Lemma 3.2 with f(x) = ex, f^1{y) = £~1y- It is also possible to derive this inequality from the binomial theorem. For proving the generalized Young inequality ab<^-ap + -^bq, Va,6eK+U{0},£GK+, (3.2) withp_1+g_1 = l,p,q € (1, oo), one chooses f(x) = xv~x, f^1{y) = y1/(p~1'1 and applies Lemma 3.2 with intervals where the upper bounds are given by ea and e~1b. □ Remark 3.4- Cauchy-Schwarz inequality. • The Cauchy2-Schwarz3 inequality (for vectors, for sums) |fej/)| < Uhkh V^EeR"' (3-3) where (•, •) is the Euclidean product and ||-||2 the Euclidean norm, is well known. • One can prove this inequality with the help of Young's inequality. First, it is clear that the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality is correct if one of the vectors is the zero vector. Now, let x,y with ||a;||2 = \\y\\2 = 1- One obtains with the triangle inequality and Young's inequality (3.1) | (£>2/) | = n 1 n 1 n 2 ^ 1 " 2 Hence, the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality is correct for x, y. Last, one considers arbitrary vectors x 0, y 0. Now, one can utilize the homogeneity of the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality. From the validity of the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality for x and y, one obtains by a scaling argument 2 Augustin Louis Cauchy (1789 - 1857) 3 Hermann Amandus Schwarz (1843 — 1921) 3.1 Elementary Inequalities 49 Kllill^Vi' II1II2^1 £ y Both vectors x,y have the Euclidean norm 1, hence n-ii Vii Ife^l^1 \&y)\ -' "-112 • The generalized Cauchy-Schwarz inequality or Holder's4 inequality V=i / \i=i J with p^1 + q^1 = q € (l,oo), can be proved in the same way with the help of the generalized Young inequality. □ Definition 3.5. Lebesgue spaces. The space of functions that are Lebesgue5 integrable on Q to the power of p € [1, oo) is denoted by which is equipped with the norm i/p ll/lli>(fi)= (J \f(x)\'dx For p = oo, this space is given by = {/ : |/(a;)| < oo almost everywhere in Q} with the norm =ess supxea\f(x)\. □ Lemma 3.6. Holder's inequality. Let p^1 + = l,p,q € [l,oo]. If u G LP(Q) and v € Lq(Q), then it is uv € L1(f2) and it holds that IIHIli(r) < \\u\\Lp(n) IMIw(r) ■ (3-4) If P = 9 = 2, then this inequality is also known as Cauchy-Schwarz inequality 4 Otto Holder (1859 - 1937) 5 Henri Lebesgue (1875 - 1941) 50 3 Introduction to Sobolev Spaces IIHIli(r) < MIl^q) ■ (3-5) Proof, i) p,q 6 (1, oo). First, one has to show that -ut;(a3) can be estimated from above by an integrable function. Setting in the generalized Young inequality (3.2) e = 1, a = |u(a3)|, and b = -u(£c) gives \u(x)v(x)\ < - \u(x)\p + - \v(x)\q . (3.6) v q Since the right-hand side of this inequality is integrable, by assumption, it follows that uv 6 L1(i7). Integrating (3.6), Holder's inequality is proved for the case = IMIw(fi) = 1 / \u(x)v(x) dx < — I \u(x)\p dx H--/ -u(ic) |g dx = 1. Jq pJq qJo The general inequality follows, for the case that both functions do not vanish almost everywhere, with the same homogeneity argument as used for proving the Cauchy—Schwarz inequality of sums. In the case that one of the functions vanishes almost everywhere, (3.4) is trivially satisfied. ii) p = 1, q = oo. It is j \u(x)v(x)\ dx < j |u(a;)|ess suPa!efi\v(x) dx = |M|Li(fi) IMILco(fi) . 3.2 Weak Derivative and Distributions Remark 3.7. Contents. This section introduces a generalization of the derivative which is needed for the definition of weak or variational problems. For an introduction to the topic of this section, e.g., see Haroske & Triebel (2008) Let Q C Rd be a domain with boundary _T = dO, d G N, Q 7^ 0. A domain is always an open set. □ Definition 3.8. The space C^°(J?). The space of infinitely often differen-tiable real functions with compact (closed and bounded) support in Q is denoted by C0°°(i7) C*0°°(J?) = {v : v £ C°°(0), supp(v) C O}, where supp(ij) = {x G Q : v(x) 7^ 0}. In particular, functions from Cq°(J?) vanish in a neighborhood of the boundary. □ Definition 3.9. Convergence in Cg°(J?). The sequence {(f>n(x)}^=1, (f>n G Cg°(J?) for all n, is said to convergence to the zero functions if and only if a) 3K C Q,K compact with supp(„) C K for all n, 3.2 Weak Derivative and Distributions 51 b) Da(f>n(x) —> 0 for n —> oo on K for all multi-indices a = (a.\,.. ., ad), |a| = Qi + ... + ad. It is lim 4>n = 4> lim (4>n - 4>) = 0. □ Definition 3.10. Weak derivative. Let f,F G L\oc(Q). A function m belongs to L\oc(Q) if for each compact subset Q' C Q, it holds / |u(a;)| dx < oo. If for all functions g G C^°(J?), it holds that f F(x)g(x) dx = (-l)^ [ f(x)Dag(x) dx, then F(x) is called weak derivative of f(x) with respect to the multi-index a. □ Remark 3.11. On the weak derivative. • The notion 'weak' is used in mathematics if something holds for all appropriate test elements (test functions). • One uses the same notations for the derivative as in the classical case : F(x)=Daf(x). • If f{x) is classically differentiate on Q, then the classical derivative is also the weak derivative. • The assumptions on f(x) and F(x) are such that the integrals in the definition of the weak derivative are well defined. In particular, since the test functions vanish in a neighborhood of the boundary, the behavior of f(x) and F(x) if x approaches the boundary is not of importance. • The main aspect of the weak derivative is due to the fact that the (Lebesgue) integral is not influenced from the values of the functions on a set of (Lebesgue) measure zero. Hence, the weak derivative is defined only up to a set of measure zero. It follows that f(x) might be not classically differentiate on a set of measure zero, e.g., in a point, but it can still be weakly differentiate. • The weak derivative is uniquely determined, in the sense described above. □ Example 3.12. Weak derivative. The weak derivative of the function f(x) = \x\ is C -1 x < 0, f'(x) = \ 0 x = 0, 1 x > 0. 52 3 Introduction to Sobolev Spaces In x = 0, one can use also any other real number. The proof of this statement follows directly from the definition and it is left as an exercise. □ Definition 3.13. Distribution. A continuous linear functional defined on Cg°(J?) is called distribution. The set of all distributions is denoted by (C0°°(rt))'. Let u G Co°(n) and if> G (C^°(J?)) , then the following notations are used for the application of the distribution to the function ip(u) = (ip,u) G R. Remark 3.14- On distributions. Distributions are a generalization of functions. They assign each function from C^°(0) a real number. □ Example 3.15. Regular distribution. Let u G L\oc(Q). Then, a distribution is defined by [ u(x)4>(x) dx = {i>,4>) V G C"0°°(J?). Jn This distribution will be identified with u G L\oc(Q). Distributions with such an integral representation are called regular, otherwise they are called singular. □ Example 3.16. Dirac distribution. Let £ G Q be fixed, then defines a singular distribution, the so-called Dirac6 distribution or 5-distribu-tion. It is denoted by 5^ = S(x — £). □ Definition 3.17. Derivatives of distributions. Let if ^,«) = (-l)H^)JDtt«) V^eCHfl), a = (qi, ... ,ad), QLj > 0, j = 1,... ,d, \a\ = qi + ... + ad. □ Remark 3.18. On derivatives of distributions. • Each distribution has derivatives in the sense of distributions of arbitrary order. • If the derivative in the sense of distributions Dau(x) with u G L\oc(Q) is a regular distribution, then also the weak derivative of u{x) exists and both derivatives are identified. □ 6 Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac (1902 - 1984) 3.3 Lebesgue Spaces and Sobolev Spaces 53 3.3 Lebesgue Spaces and Sobolev Spaces Remark 3.19. On the spaces LP{Q). These spaces were introduced in Definition 3.5. • The elements of LP(Q) are, strictly speaking, equivalence classes of functions that are different only on a set of Lebesgue measure zero. • The spaces LP(Q) are Banach7 spaces (complete normed spaces). A space X is complete, if each so-called Cauchy sequence {un}^=0 G X, i.e., for all e > 0 there is an index no(e) such that for all i,j > rao(e) IK -uj\\x <£' converges and the limit is an element of X. • The space L2(Q) becomes a Hilbert8 spaces with the inner product (f,g)= f f(x)g(x)dx, ||/|U2 = (/,/)1/2, f,g€L2{Q). J n • The dual space of a space X is the space of all bounded linear functionals defined on X. Let Q be a domain with sufficiently smooth boundary _T and consider the Lebesgue space LP(Q), p G [1, oo], then (Lp(Q))' = Lq(Q) with p,ge(l,oo), 1 + 1 = 1, p q {lW)'= l°°(n), {l°°{n))'? l\n), where the prime symbolizes the dual space. The spaces L1(i7), L°°(Q) are not reflexive, i.e., the dual space of the dual space is not the original space again. □ Definition 3.20. Sobolev9 spaces. Let k G N U {0} and p G [l,oo], then the Sobolev space Wk'p{Q) is defined by Wk'p{Q) := {u G Lp(fi) : Dau G Lp(n) V a with \a\ < k}. This space is equipped with the norm \\u\\w".p(n) := Wdau\\lp(n)- (3-7) \a\, defined in U'= {(yi,. ■ ■ ,yd-i) ■ -a-i < Vi < au i = 1,... ,d - 1} , such that \4>{y')\ < y for eveir v' = (yi, - •• ,yd-i) e u', ODU = {y = {y',yn)€V : yn < 4>{y')} , rnU = {y = (y',yn)€V : yn = cb(y')}. □ Remark 3.25. Lipschitz boundary. • In a neighborhood of y, Q is below the graph of und the boundary _T is the graph of . • The domain Q is not on both sides of the boundary at any point of r. • The outer normal vector is defined almost everywhere at the boundary and it is almost everywhere continuous. □ Example 3.26. On Lipschitz domains. • Domains with Lipschitz boundary are, for example, balls or polygonal domains in two dimensions where the domain is always on one side of the boundary. 11 Rudolf Otto Sigismund Lipschitz (1832 - 1903) 56 3 Introduction to Sobolev Spaces Fig. 3.2 Polyhedral domain in three dimensions that is not Lipschitz continuous (at the corner where the arrow points to). • A domain that is not a Lipschitz domain is a circle with a slit At the slit, the domain is on both sides of the boundary. • In three dimension, a polyhedral domain is not not necessarily a Lipschitz domain. For instance, if the domain is build of two bricks that are laying on each other like in Figure 3.2, then the boundary is not Lipschitz continuous where the edge of one brick meets the edge of the other brick. Theorem 3.27. Trace theorem. Let Q C Md, d > 2, with a Lipschitz boundary. Then, there is exactly one linear and continuous operator 7 : WAl'p(i7) Lp(r), p G [1, 00), that gives for functions u G C{Q) l~l WAl'p(i7) the classical boundary values i.e., ju(x) = u(x)\xer- Proof. The proof can be found in the literature, e.g., in Adams (1975); Adams & Fournier Remark 3.28. On the trace. • The operator 7 is called trace or trace operator. • By definition of the trace, one gets for u G C(Q) the classical boundary values. By the density of C°°{0) C C(JTj in W1'p{0) for domains with smooth boundary that for all u G W1'P(Q) there is a sequence {un}^=1 G C°°(Q) with un —v u in W1'P(Q). Then, the trace of u is defined to be ju = limn^00(7M„). • Since a linear and continuous operator is bounded, there is a constant C > 0 with 0 = {(x,y) : x2 +y2 0,y = 0}. □ ju{x) = u(x), x€T, Vue C{f2) n W1'p{ú), (2003). \ju\\ Lr(r) 0 with s = fc + a, fc G N U {0}, a G (0,1). The space Hs(0) contains all functions u for which the following norm is finite: L. N. Slobodeckij 58 3 Introduction to Sobolev Spaces with 0, v)Hs(n) = (u, v)Hk + (u, v)k+a, \u\2k+a = (u, u)k+a and (u,v)k+a = ^ (Dau(x) - Dau(y)) (Dav(x) - Dav(y)) II \\d+2a \\X-V\\2 dxdy, s < 0. ifs(J?) = [if^J?)]' with Hos{H) = C^°(«)"'"H °• K+ U {0} is a seminorm, 2) boundedness: 3Cl > 0 with 0 < < Cl \\v\\wk,p(n), V v g Wk'p{Q), 3) fi is a norm on the polynomials of degree k — 1, i.e., if for v g Pk-i = |S|o;| it holds that fi(v) = 0, i = 1,. .., I, then it is v = 0. Then, the norm \\'\\wk i.e., in the spaces Wq'p{0) the standard seminorm is equivalent to the standard norm. In particular, it is for u G Hq(Q) (k = l,p = 2) Ci \\u\\m(a) < IIVmIIl2(r) < C"2 \\u\\HHa). It follows that there is a constant C > 0 such that \H\mn) 0. One considers the space V0 = {v€ WAl'p(i7) : v\n = 0} C WAl'p(i7) if A C A, v0 = w01,p(fl) if A =r, with p£ [1, oo). □ Lemma 3.39. Friedrichs13 inequality, Poincare14 inequality, Poincare— Friedrichs inequality. Let p G [l,oo) and measVd-i (Ai) > 0. Then, it is for all u G Vo /" |u(a;)|p da; < CP [ \\Vu(x)f2 dx, (3.10) where \\-\\2 is the Euclidean vector norm. Proof. The inequality will be proved with the theorem on equivalent norms, Theorem 3.35. Let : W1'"^) -> m+ u {0} with h(u) = ^ |«(S)|" ds) This functional has the following properties: 1) fl(u) is a seminorm. 2) It is bounded, since 0 < fi(u) = i^j \u(s)\p ds^j /P < i^j \u(s)\p ds^j = \\u\\LP(r) = \hu\\LP(r) < ^ IMIw1^^) ■ The last estimate follows from the continuity of the trace operator. 3) Let v £ Pq, i.e., v is a constant. Then, one obtains from 0 = h(v) = \v(s)\v ds^j = \v\ (measg^x (A))1/" , that \v\ = 0. Hence, all assumptions of Theorem 3.35 are satisfied. That means, there are two constants C*i and c2 with 13 Kurt Otto Friedrichs (1901 - 1982) 14 Henri Poincare (1854 - 1912) 3.8 The Gaussian Theorem 61 Cl(yj \u(s)\p ds + j^\\Vu(x)\\p dx^j < M\wi,p(Q) < C2 \\u\\'w^p(Q) 1 ]lW1>P(f2) for all u 6 W1,P{Q). In particular, it follows that f \u(x)\p dx + f \\Vu(x)\\p dx 2, be a bounded domain with Lipschitz boundary r. Then, the following identity holds for all u G W1'1(Q) I diu{x) dx = u(s)rii(s) ds, (3-11) Jn J r where n is the unit outer normal vector on T. Proof. It is referred to the literature. ■ Corollary 3.43. Vector field. Let the conditions of Theorem 3.42 on the domain Q be satisfied and let u G (WAl'I(i7)) be a vector field. Then, it is V • u(x) dx = / u(s) ■ n(s) ds. n Jr 62 3 Introduction to Sobolev Spaces Proof. The statement follows by adding (3.11) from i = 1 to i = d. ■ Corollary 3.44. Integration by parts. Let the conditions of Theorem 3.42 on the domain Q be satisfied. Consider u G WAl'p(i7) and v G WAl'9(i7) with p € (1, oo) and ^ + ^ = 1. Then, it is / dlu(x)v(x) dx = / m(s)i)(s)tIi(s) ds — I u(x)dlv(x) dx. Jn Jr Jn Proof, exercise. ■ Corollary 3.45. First Green15's formula. Let the conditions of Theorem 3.42 on the domain Q be satisfied, then it is Vu(x) ■ X7v(x) dx = f ^—(s)v(s) ds — f Au(x)v(x) dx n Jr an Jn for all u G H2(Q) and v G if1 (J?). Proof. From the definition of the Sobolev spaces, it follows that the integrals are well denned. Now, the proof follows the proof of Corollary 3.44, where one has to sum over the components and one has to take di'v instead of v. ■ Remark 3.46. On the first Green's formula. The first Green's formula is the formula of integrating by parts once. The boundary integral can be equiva-lently written in the form J Vu(s) ■ n(s)v(s) ds. The formula of integrating by parts twice is called second Green's formula. □ Corollary 3.47. Second Green's formula. Let the conditions of Theorem 3.42 on the domain Q be satisfied, then one has / (Au(x)v(x) — Av(x)u(x)) dx = / (—(s)v(s)--(s)u(s) I ds Jn Jr \dn On J for all u,v G H2(0). 3.9 Sobolev Imbedding Theorems Remark 3.48. Motivation. This section studies the question which (Sobolev) spaces are subspaces of other Sobolev spaces. With this property, called 15 Georg Green (1793 - 1841) 3.9 Sobolev Imbedding Theorems 63 imbedding, it is possible to estimate the norm of a function in the subspace by the norm in the larger space, compare (3.12). □ Lemma 3.49. Imbedding of Sobolev spaces with same integration power p and different orders of the derivative. Let Q c Md be a domain, p g [l,oo], and k 0, and p,q g [1, oo] with q > p. Then, it is Wk'q(Q) c Wk'p{Q). Proof, exercise. ■ Remark 3.51. Imbedding of Sobolev spaces with the same order of the derivative k and the same integration power p in imbedded domains. Let Q c Md be a domain with sufficiently smooth boundary E, k > 0, and p g [1, oo]. Then, there is a map E : Wk'p{Q) ->• Wk'p(Rd), the so-called (simple) extension, with • Ev\n = v, • l-E^llw^^) - C IMIw"=.p(r)' with C > 0 independent of v, e.g., see (Adams, 1975, Chapter IV) for details. Likewise, the natural restriction e : Wk'p{Rd) ->• Wk'p(Q) can be defined and it is \\ev\\wk,T{n) < \\v\\wk 0, and p g [1, oo) with k > d for p = 1, k > d/p for p > 1. Then, there is a constant C such that for all u g Wk'p{Q), it follows that u g Cb(^), where Cb(^) = {v £ C{Q) : v is bounded}, and it is Wu\\cB(n) = IMIl~(r) < C IMIw^fi) • (3-12) Proof. See literature, e.g., Adams (1975); Adams & Fournier (2003). ■ Remark 3.53. On the Sobolev inequality. • The Sobolev inequality states that each function with sufficiently many weak derivatives (the number depends on the dimension of Q and the integration power) can be considered as a continuous and bounded function in Q, i.e., there is such a representative in the equivalence class where this function belongs to. One says that Wk'p(Q) is imbedded in Cb{&)- 64 3 Introduction to Sobolev Spaces Fig. 3.3 The function f(x) of Example 3.55 for d = 2. • It is C(Q) c Cb(O) c C(O). Consider Q = (0,1) and f\(x) = 1/rr and ^(z) = sin(l/a;). Then, /j G C(i?), /i £ CB(Í2) and h e Cb(í2), /2 Č C(77). • Of course, it is possible to apply this theorem to weak derivatives of functions. Then, one obtains imbeddings like Wk'p{Q) CSB(Q) for (k-s)p > d,p > 1. A comprehensive overview on imbeddings can be found in Adams (1975); Adams & Fournier (2003). □ Example 3.54- H1(f2) in one dimension. Let d = 1 and Í2 be a bounded interval. Then, each function from if1 (J?) (fc = l,p = 2) is continuous and bounded in Í2. □ Example 3.55. H1(f2) in higher dimensions. The functions from if1(i?) are in general not continuous for d > 2. This property will be shown with the following example. Let Í2 = {x G |a;||2 < 1/2} and f(x) = In |ln |a;||21, see Figure 3.3. For ||a;||2 < 1 /2, it is |ln ||a;||2| = — In ||a;||2 and one gets for x 7^ 0 dp í \ 1 1 -Ei -Ei In llxll Ila;ll2lnlla;ll2 For p < d, one obtains dx. p 1 \\xh la; L In <1 1^112 111 11^112 The estimate of the second factor can be obtained, e.g., with a discussion of the curve. Using now spherical coordinates, p ■ sphere, yields and Sd 1 is the unit 3.9 Sobolev Imbedding Theorems domain without Lipschitz boundary in (0,0) 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Fig. 3.4 Domain of Example 3.56. \dif{x)\pdx< dx n \\x\\d2\\a\\x\\2\d 1/2 pd-! ,(sd 1/2 S*-1 Jo pd\\np\ dP _ _____iod-i dpdcu p\\np\a ;(Sd dt < oo, because of d > 2. It follows that dif G LP(Q) with p < d. Analogously, one proves that / G Lp(Q) with p < d. Altogether, one has / G W1'p(Q) with p < d. However, it is / G" L°°(Q) and consequently / G" C_a(i7). This example shows that the condition k > d/p for p > 1 is sharp. In particular, it was proved for p = 2 that from / G if1 (J?) in general it does not follow that / G C(Q). □ Example 3.56. The assumption of a Lipschitz boundary. Also the assumption that Q is a Lipschitz domain is of importance. Consider Q = {(x,y) el2 : 0 < x < 1, \y\ < xr, r > 1}, see Figure 3.4 for r = 2. The boundary is not Lipschitz in (0,0). For u(x, y) = x~E/p with 0 < £ < r, it is dxu = x-EJp-x (-^ = C(e,p)x-£/p-\ dyu = 0. Using the same notation for the constant, which might take different values at different occasions, it follows that 66 3 Introduction to Sobolev Spaces = C{s,p) [ x-£-p+r dx. Jo This value is finite for — e — p + r > — lor for p < 1 + r — e, respectively. If one chooses r > e > 0, then it is u G W1'P(Q). But for e > 0, the function u(x) is not bounded in Q, i.e., u G" L°°(Q) and consequently u G" C_a(i7). The unbounded values of the function are compensated in the integration by the fact that the neighborhood of the singular point (0,0) possesses a small measure. □ Chapter 4 The Ritz Method and the Galerkin Method Remark 4-1- Contents. This chapter studies variational or weak formulations of boundary value problems of partial differential equations in Hilbert spaces. The existence and uniqueness of an appropriately defined weak solution will be discussed. The approximation of this solution with the help of finite-dimensional spaces is called Ritz method or Galerkin method. Some basic properties of this method will be proved. In this chapter, a Hilbert space V will be considered with inner product a(-,-) : V x V —> R and norm \\v\\v = a(?j, tj)1-72. □ 4.1 The Theorems of Riesz and Lax—Milgram Theorem 4.2. Representation theorem of Riesz1. Let f G V' be a continuous and linear functional, then there is a uniquely determined u G V with a{u,v) = f{v) VtjGF. (4.1) In addition, u is the unique solution of the variational problem F(v) = ^a(v,v) - f(v) min V v G V. (4.2) Proof. First, the existence of a solution u of the variational problem will be proved. Since / is continuous, it holds \f(v)\\\\v\\2v-C\\v\\v>-l-C2, 1 Frigyes Riesz (1880 - 1956) 67 68 4 The Ritz Method and the Galerkin Method where in the last estimate the necessary criterion for a local minimum of the expression of the first estimate, | - c = o ^ IMIv = C, is used. Hence, the function F(-) is bounded from below and k = inf F(v) exists. Let {^fcjfc^n be a sequence with F(vk) k for k oo. A straightforward calculation (parallelogram identity in Hilbert spaces) gives hk -vi\\v + K +vi\\v = 2Kllv + 2|h||v ■ Using the linearity of /(■) and k < F(v) for all v 6 V, one obtains \\vk ~ vi\\y = 2 K \\2V + 2 \\vtWl - 4 (J -*±^L fv - 4f(vk) - 4f(Vl) +8/(^±^) = 4F(vk) + 4F(Vl) - 8F < 4F(vk) + 4F(vi) -8k^0 for k,l oo. Hence, {v/cjfc^n is a Cauchy sequence. Because V is a complete space, there exists a limit u of this sequence with u £ V. Because F(-) is continuous, it is F(u) = k and u is a solution of the variational problem. In the next step, it will be shown that each solution of the variational problem (4.2) is also a solution of (4.1). It is for arbitrary v £ V &(s) = F{u + sv) = — a{u + sv, u + sv) — f(u + sv) 1 e2 = — a('ii, u) + £a('ii, t?) + —a(v, v) — f(u) — sf(v). If u is a minimum of the variational problem, then the function M. be a bilinear form on the Banach space V. Then, it is bounded if \b{u,v)\ 0, (4.3) 4.1 The Theorems of Riesz and Lax—Milgram 69 where the constant M is independent of u and v. The bilinear form is coercive or ^-elliptic if b(u,u) > m \\u\\v VueF,m > 0, (4.4) where the constant m is independent of u. □ Remark 4-4- Application to an inner product. Let V be a Hilbert space. Then, the inner product a(-, •) is a bounded and coercive bilinear form, since by the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality \a(u,v)\ < \\u\\v \\v\\v V u,v G V, and obviously a(u,u) = Hence, the constants can be chosen to be M = 1 and m = 1. Next, the representation theorem of Riesz will be generalized to the case of coercive and bounded bilinear forms. □ Theorem 4.5. Theorem of Lax2-Milgram3. Let &(•, •) : V x V —> R be a bounded and coercive bilinear form on the Hilbert space V. Then, for each bounded linear functional f G V there is exactly one u G V with b{u,v)=f{v) VtjGF. (4.5) Proof. One defines operators T,T' : V -> V by a(Tu, v) = b(u, v) V v e V, a(T'u, v) = b(v, u) V v e V. (4.6) These operators are linear, e.g., using that b{-, ■) is a bilinear form, one gets a {T{a\ui + ct2U2), v) = aib(ui ,v) + ct2b{u2, v) = a {a\Tu\ + ct2Tu2, v) V v 6 V. Because this relation holds for all v G V, it is T{a\u\ + ct2U2) = a\Tu\ + ct2Tu2. Since b(u, ■) and b(-,u) are continuous linear functionals on V, it follows from Theorem 4.2 that the elements Tu and T'u exist and they are denned uniquely. Because the operators satisfy the relation a(Tu, v) = b(u, v) = a(T'v, u) = a(u, T'v), (4.7) T' is called adjoint operator of T. Setting v = Tu in (4.6) and using the boundedness of 6(-, ■) yields \\Tu\\y = a(Tu,Tu) = b(u,Tu) < M \\u\\v \\Tu\\v => ||T«||V < M ||«||v for all u 6 V. Hence, T is bounded. Since T is linear, it follows that T is continuous. Using the same argument, one shows that T' is also bounded and continuous. Define the bilinear form d(u, v) := a(TT'u, v) = a(T'u, T'v) V u, v e V, (4.8) where (4.7) was used. Hence, this bilinear form is symmetric. Using the coercivity of 6(-, ■), the Cauchy—Schwarz inequality, the definition of and (4.8) gives 2 Peter Lax, born 1926 3 Arthur Norton Milgram (1912 - 1961) 70 4 The Ritz Method and the Galerkin Method ™2 \Mv ^ b(v,vf = a(T'v,vf < \\v\\v \\T'v\\^ = \\v\\y a(T'v,T'v) = \\v\\v d(v, v). Applying now the boundedness of a(-, ■) and of T' yields m2 \\v\\y < d(v,v) = a(T'v,T'v) = \\T'v\\v < M \\v\\y . (4.9) Hence, d(-, ■) is also coercive and, since it is symmetric, it defines an inner product on V. From (4.9), one has that the norm induced by d^c^v)1/*2 is equivalent to the norm From Theorem 4.2, it follows that there is a exactly one w 6 V with d(w,v) = f(v) ViEV. Now, inserting u = T'w in 6(-, ■) gives with (4.6) b(T'w, v) = a(TT'w, v) = d(w, v) = f(v) V v e V, hence u = T'w is a solution of (4.5). The uniqueness of the solution is proved analogously as in the symmetric case. ■ 4.2 Weak Formulation of Boundary Value Problems Remark 4-6. Model problem. Consider the Poisson equation with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions ^ = nin^crd' ii = 0 on oil. v ' Definition 4.7. Weak formulation of (4.10). Let / G L2(Q). A weak formulation of (4.10) consists in finding u G V = ifg(i?) such that a{u,v) = {f,v) VtieF (4.11) with a(u, v) = (Vu, Vv) = / Vu(x)-Vv(x) J n Vu(x) ■ Vv(x) dx in and (•, •) is the inner product in L2(i7). Remark 4-8. On the weak formulation. • The weak formulation is also called variational formulation. • As usual in mathematics, 'weak' means that something holds for all appropriately chosen test functions. • Formally, one obtains the weak formulation by multiplying the strong form of the equation (4.10) with the test function, by integrating the equation on O, and applying integration by parts. Because of the Dirichlet boundary condition, one can use as test space ifg(J?) and therefore the integral on the boundary vanishes. Weak Formulation of Boundary Value Problems 71 The ansatz space for the solution and the test space are defined such that the arising integrals are well defined. The weak formulation reduces the necessary regularity assumptions for the solution by the integration and the transfer of derivatives to the test function. Whereas the solution of (4.10) has to be in C2(Q) l~l C(Q), the solution of (4.11) has to be only in if1 (J?). The latter assumption is much more realistic for problems coming from applications. The regularity assumption on the right-hand side can be relaxed to / € if_1(J?). Then, the right-hand side of the weak formulation has the form /W = /f-i(fi),«01(«)' where the symbol {•, •,)H-1(n),H1(n) denotes the dual pairing of the spaces Hr](Q) and H'1^). □ 72 4 The Ritz Method and the Galerkin Method Theorem 4.9. Existence and uniqueness of the weak solution. Let f G L2(Q). There is exactly one solution of (4.11). Proof. Because of the Poincare inequality (3.10), there is a constant C with It follows for v e Hl(n) C H1^) that M\HHa) = (lMl'2(fi) + llvHl'2(fi))1/2 < (c \\VvfLHn) + \\VvfLHn)y/2 < C\\Vv\\L2(Q) min for all v e 2 JQ (Q). Example 4-10. A more general elliptic problem. Consider the problem -V • (A(x)Vu) + c(x)u = / in Q C Rd, . , m = 0on<9J?, ( ' with A(x) G Rdxd for each point x G Q. It will be assumed that the coefficients a,ij(x) and c(x) > 0 are bounded, / G L2(Q), and that the matrix (tensor) A(x) is for all x G Q uniformly elliptic, i.e., there are positive constants m and M independent of x such that m\\y\\22 K is a bounded linear functional. As already proved in Theorem 4.2, there is a unique solution u G V of this variational problem which is also the unique solution of the equation a{u,v) = f{v) VueK (4.14) For approximating the solution of (4.13) or (4.14) with a numerical method, it will be assumed that V has a countable orthonormal basis (Schauder basis). Then, there are finite-dimensional subspaces V"i, V2,... C V with dimVfc = k, which have the following property: for each u € V and each £ > 0 there is a K G N and a G 14 with \\u-uk\\vK. (4.15) Note that it is not required that there holds an inclusion of the form Vfc C V/b+i. The Ritz approximation of (4.13) and (4.14) is defined by: Find G Vfc with a(uk,vk) = f{vk) ViJfcGVfc. (4.16) 74 4 The Ritz Method and the Galerkin Method □ Lemma 4.12. Existence and uniqueness of a solution of (4.16). There exists exactly one solution of (4.16). Proof. Finite-dimensional subspaces of Hilbert spaces are Hilbert spaces as well. For this reason, one can apply the representation theorem of Riesz, Theorem 4.2, to (4.16) which gives the statement of the lemma. In addition, the solution of (4.16) solves a minimization problem on Vk ■ H Lemma 4.13. Best approximation property. The solution of (4.16) is the best approximation of u in Vk, i.e., it is \\u-uk\\v= inf \\u-vk\\v. (4-17) Proof. Since Vk C V, one can use the test functions from Vk in the weak equation (4.14). Then, the difference of (4.14) and (4.16) gives the orthogonality, the so-called Galerkin orthogonality, a(u-uk,vk)=0 VvkeVk- (4.18) Hence, the error u — Uk is orthogonal to the space Vk'- u — Uk -L Vk - That means, Uk is the orthogonal projection of u onto Vk with respect of the inner product of V. Let now Wk 6 Vk be an arbitrary element, then it follows with the Galerkin orthogonality (4.18) and the Cauchy—Schwarz inequality that II" - "fcllv = a(u — uk,u — uk) = a(u — uk,u - (uk - wk)) = a(u - uk,u - vk) < II'" - "fcllv II'" _ "fcllv ■ Since wk 6 Vk was arbitrary, also Vk 6 Vk is arbitrary. If \\u — Uk\\v > 0, division by I" ~ "fcllv giyes the statement of the lemma, since the error cannot be smaller than the best approximation error. If \\u — Uk\\v = 0, the statement of the lemma is trivially true. ■ Theorem 4.14. Convergence of the Ritz approximation. The Ritz approximation converges lim \\u — Uk\\v =0. k—>oo Proof. The best approximation property (4.17) and property (4.15) give ll«-«fcllv= inf II'" ~ "fcllv ^ £ for each e > 0 and k > K{e). Hence, the convergence is proved. ■ Remark 4-15. Formulation of the Ritz method as linear system of equations. One can use an arbitrary basis {4>i}k=i of Vk for the computation of Uk-First of all, the equation for the Ritz approximation (4.16) is satisfied for all vk G V/c if and only if it is satisfied for each basis function (j>l. This statement follows from the linearity of both sides of the equation with respect to the test function and from the fact that each function Vk G Vk can be represented 4.3 The Ritz Method and the Galerkin Method 75 as linear combination of the basis functions. Let vk = '*l2l=lOLi4>i, then from (4.16), it follows that fc fc a(uk,Vk) = ^2 ata{uk, 4>t) = ^ a>if(i) = f(vk). fc=i fc=i This equation is satisfied if a(uk,(j>i) = f{(j>i), i = l,...,fc. On the other hand, if (4.16) holds then it holds in particular for each basis function (j>l. Now, one uses as ansatz for the solution also a linear combination of the basis functions fc Uk = ^h^j with unknown coefficients u] € K. Using as test functions the basis functions yields fc fc ^"(^fc^.) = s^Ja{4>],4>t)u3 = /(&)> « = l, • • • ,k. This equation is equivalent to the linear system of equations Au = /, where A = K)^=1 = a(<^J,^)lfcjJ=1 is called stiffness matrix. Note that the order of the indices is different for the entries of the matrix and the arguments of the inner product. The right-hand side is a vector of length fc with the entries f% = f(i), i = 1,..., fc. Using the one-to-one mapping between the coefficient vector (v1,... ,vk)T and the element vk = X«=i one can show that the matrix A is symmetric and positive definite (exercise) A = AT <^=> a(v, w) = a(w, v) V v, w € Vk, xTAx>0ioix^0-^^a(v,v)>0 Vti6l4,!)/0. □ Remark 4-16. The case of a bounded and coercive bilinear form. If &(•,•) is bounded and coercive, but not symmetric, it is possible to approximate the solution of (4.5) with the same idea as for the Ritz method. In this case, it is called Galerkin method. The discrete problem consists in finding € Vfc such that b{uk, vk) = f{vk) Vwfce yfc. (4.19) □ Lemma 4.17. Existence and uniqueness of a solution of (4.19). There is exactly one solution of (4.19). 76 4 The Ritz Method and the Galerkin Method Proof. The statement of the lemma follows directly from the Theorem of Lax—Milgram, Theorem 4.5. B Remark 4-18. On the discrete solution. The discrete solution is not the orthogonal projection into Vk in the case of a bounded and coercive bilinear form, which is not the inner product of V. □ Lemma 4.19. Lemma of Cea4, error estimate. Let b : V x V —> M be a bounded and coercive bilinear form on the Hilbert space V and let f € V be a bounded linear functional. Let u be the solution of (4.5) and Uk be the solution of (4.19), then the following error estimate holds M \\u-uk\\v<— inf \\u-vk\\v, (4.20) m vkevk where the constants M and m are given in (4.3) and (4.4). Proof. Considering the difference of the continuous equation (4.5) and the discrete equation (4.19), one obtains the error equation b(u - uk,vk) = 0 Vi>fceVfc, i.e., Galerkin orthogonality holds. With (4.4), the Galerkin orthogonality, and (4.3), it follows that , 1 1 \\u ~ uk II v — —b(u — uk:u — uk) = —b(u — uk :u — vk) m m M < - \W - Uk\\y \\U - Vk\\y , VvkeVk, m from what the statement of the lemma follows immediately. ■ Remark 4-20. On the best approximation error. It follows from estimate (4.20) that the error is bounded by a multiple of the best approximation error, where the factor depends on properties of the bilinear form &(•, •). Thus, concerning error estimates for concrete finite-dimensional spaces, the study of the best approximation error will be of importance. □ Remark 4-21. The corresponding linear system of equations. The corresponding linear system of equations is derived analogously to the symmetric case. The system matrix is still positive definite but not symmetric. □ Remark 4-22. Choice of the basis. The most important issue of the Ritz and Galerkin method is the choice of the spaces 14, or more concretely, the choice of an appropriate basis {4>t}f=1 that spans the space Vk- From the point of view of numerics, there are the requirements that: • it should be possible to compute the entries a%] of the stiffness matrix efficiently, • and that the matrix A should be sparse. □ 4 Jean Cea, born 1932 Chapter 5 Finite Element Methods 5.1 Finite Element Spaces Remark 5.1. Mesh cells, faces, edges, vertices. A mesh cell if is a compact polyhedron in Kd, d G {2, 3}, whose interior is not empty. The boundary dK of K consists of m-dimensional linear manifolds (points, pieces of straight lines, pieces of planes), 0 < m < d— 1, which are called m-faces. The 0-faces are the vertices of the mesh cell, the 1-faces are the edges, and the (d—l)-faces are just called faces. □ Remark 5.2. Finite-dimensional spaces defined on K. Let SEN. Finite element methods use finite-dimensional spaces P(K) C CB(K) that are defined on K. In general, P(K) consists of polynomials. The dimension of P(K) will be denoted by dimP(K) = NK. □ Example 5.3. The space P(K) = Pi (if).The space consisting of linear polynomials on a mesh cell K is denoted by P1(K): There are d + 1 unknown coefficients a%, i = 0,..., d, such that dim Pi (K) = Remark 5.4- Linear functionals defined on P(K), nodal functionals. For the definition of finite elements, linear functional that are defined on P(K) are of importance. These functionals are called nodal functionals. Consider linear and continuous functionals k,i, ■ ■ ■ ,@k,Nk '■ C"(K) —> M which are linearly independent. There are different types of functionals that can be utilized in finite element methods: • point values: k,i, ■ ■ ■ ,&k,nk• The space P(K) is called unisolvent with respect to the functionals k,i, ■ ■ ■ ,®k,nk if there is for each a € ~M.Nk , a = (a1,... ,aNK)T, exactly one p G P(K) with $Kti{p)=ai, \k,í}íÍ^i exists with k,í £ P{K) and ®K,i(K,i) = i,j = l,...,NK. Consequently, the set {(pK^}1^ forms a basis of P(K). This basis is called local basis. □ Remark 5.7. Transform of an arbitrary basis to the local basis. If an arbitrary basis {ft}^ of P{K) is known, then the local basis can be computed by solving a linear system of equations. To this end, represent the local basis in terms of the known basis nk 4>k,j = ^2 CjkPk, cjk EK, j = 1,..., NK, fc=i with unknown coefficients Cjk- Applying the definition of the local basis leads to the linear system of equations nk &k,i{4>k,j) = ^CjfcOifc = Sij, i,j = l,...,NK, aik = $k,i{pk)-fc=l Because of the unisolvence, the matrix A = (alJ) is non-singular and the coefficients Cjk are determined uniquely. □ 1 René Descartes (1596 - 1650) 5.1 Finite Element Spaces 79 Example 5.8. Local basis for the space of linear functions on the reference triangle. Consider the reference triangle K with the vertices (0,0), (1,0), and (0,1). A linear space on K is spanned by the functions l,x,y. Let the functionals be defined by the values of the functions in the vertices of the reference triangle. Then, the given basis is not a local basis because the function 1 does not vanish at the vertices. Consider first the vertex (0,0). A linear basis function ax + by + c that has the value 1 in (0,0) and that vanishes in the other vertices has to satisfy the following set of equations The solution is a = —1,6 = —l,c = 1. The two other basis functions of the local basis are x and y, such that the local basis has the form {1 — x — y, x, y}. □ Remark 5.9. Triangulation, grid, mesh, grid cell. For the definition of global finite element spaces, a decomposition of the domain Q into polyhedra K is needed. This decomposition is called triangulation Th and the polyhedra K are called mesh cells. The union of the polyhedra is called grid or mesh. A triangulation is called admissible, see the definition in (Ciarlet, 1978, p. 38, p. 51), if: • It holds Q = \JKe-rhK. • Each mesh cell K G Th is closed and the interior K is non-empty. • For distinct mesh cells K\ and K2 there holds K\ l~l K2 = 0- • For each K G Th, the boundary dK is Lipschitz continuous. • The intersection of two mesh cells is either empty or a common m-face, m G {0,... ,d - 1}. be continuous linear functionals of the same types as given in Remark 5.4, where for each K, v\K G P(K) has to be understood in the sense that the polynomial in K is extended continuously to the boundary of K. The restriction of the functionals to CS(K) defines a set of local functionals &k,i-i ■ ■ ■ 1 &k,nk j where it is assumed that the local functionals are unisol-vent on P(K). The union of all mesh cells Kj, for which there is a p G P(Kj) with $i(p) 7^ 0, will be denoted by ul. □ Example 5.11. On subdomains cul. Consider the two-dimensional case and let $l be defined as nodal value of a function in x G K. If x G K, then oj, = K. In the case that a; is on a face of K but not in a vertex, then oj, is the union □ Remark 5.10. Global and local functionals. Let j}f=i of S is defined by the condition 4>j & S, i}|^=1 implies the continuity of the finite element functions depends on the functionals that define the finite element space. □ Definition 5.15. Parametric finite elements. Let if be a reference mesh cell with the local space P(K), the local functionals K}. A finite element space is called a parametric finite element space if: • The images {K} of {FK} form the set of mesh cells. • The local spaces are given by P(K) = \p : p = p0FK\p€P(K)y (5.1) • The local functionals are defined by &k,Mx)) = ^ (*(*)) = ^ . I5-2) where x = (xi,...,id)T are the coordinates of the reference mesh cell and it holds x = Fk(x), v = v o Fx- □ Remark 5.16. Motivations for using parametric finite elements. Definition 5.12 of finite elements spaces is very general. For instance, different types of mesh cells are allowed. However, as well the finite element theory as the implementation of finite element methods become much simpler if only parametric finite elements are considered. □ 82 5 Finite Element Methods 5.2 Finite Elements on Simplices Definition 5.17. d-simplex. A d-simplex K C Md is the convex hull of (d + 1) points ai, ■ , CLd+l G which form the vertices of K. Remark 5.18. On d-simplices. It will be always assumed that the simplex is not degenerated, i.e., its d-dimensional measure is positive. This property is equivalent to the non-singularity of the matrix (exercise) A- ( an ai2 ■ -i\ «21 «22 • • a,2,d-\ -l adi ad2 • ■ a,d,d-\ -l \ 1 1 . . 1 where a* = (au,a2l,. j = l, ,d + l. For d = 2, the simplices are the triangles and for d = 3 they are the tetrahedra. □ Definition 5.19. Barycentric coordinates. Since K is the convex hull of the points {fflij-fij1, the parametrization of K with a convex combination of the vertices reads as follows K - C d+1 d+1 ^ : x = ^2 Xidi, 0 < Aj < 1, ^ Aj = 1 I . I i=i i=i J The coefficients Ai,..., Xd+i are called barycentric coordinates of x G K. □ Remark 5.20. On barycentric coordinates. • From the definition, it follows that the barycentric coordinates are the solution of the linear system of equations d+1 d+1 ^2 ajiK = Xj, 1 < j < d, ^ Aj = 1. i=i i=i Since the system matrix is non-singular, see Remark 5.18, the barycentric coordinates are determined uniquely. • The barycentric coordinates of the vertex aI5 i = 1,..., d + 1, of the simplex are X% = 1 and X3• = 0 if i j. Since Xl(aJ) = 8%], the barycentric coordinate X% can be identified with the linear function that has the value 1 in the vertex at and that vanishes in all other vertices a3 with j i. • The barycenter of the simplex is given by j d+1 d+1 j 5.2 Finite Elements on Simplices 83 Fig. 5.3 The unit simplices in two and three dimensions. Hence, its barycentric coordinates are \ = + 1), i = 1,..., d + 1. □ Remark 5.21. Simplicial reference mesh cells. A commonly used reference mesh cell for triangles and tetrahedra is the unit simplex K = J* G Rd : < 1, £j > 0, i = 1,... ,d| , see Figure 5.3. The class {Fk} of admissible mappings are the bijective affine mappings FKx = BKx + b, BK€ Rdxd, det (BK) / 0, f> € Rd. (5.3) The images of these mappings generate the set of the non-degenerated simplices {K} C Rd. □ Definition 5.22. Affine family of simplicial finite elements. Given a simplicial reference mesh cell K, affine mappings {Fk}, and an unisolvent set of functionals on K. Using (5.1) and (5.2), one obtains a local finite element space on each non-degenerated simplex. The set of these local spaces is called affine family of simplicial finite elements. □ Definition 5.23. Polynomial space Pk. Let x = [x\,... ,x^)T, k G NU {0}, and a = (ai,.. ., cij = 4AlAJ, i,j = l,...,d+l, i lJ are called in two dimensions edge bubble functions. □ Example 5.28. P3 : conforming piecewise cubic finite element. This finite element space consists of continuous piecewise cubic functions. It is a subspace of C(Q). The functionals in a mesh cell K are defined to be the values in 86 5 Finite Element Methods the vertices ((d + 1) values), two values on each edge (dividing the edge in three parts of equal length) (2^i=1i = d(d + 1) values), and the values in the barycenter of the 2-faces of K, see Figure 5.7. Each 2-face of K is defined by three vertices. If one considers for each vertex all possible pairs with other vertices, then each 2-face is counted three times. Hence, there are (d + l)(d — l)d/6 2-faces. The dimension of PsiK) is given by dimP3 (A) = (<*+!)+ d(d + 1) + (___W±_1 = (*+l)(* + 2)(<* + 3) 6 6 For the functional v(a,i), i = 1,..., d + 1, (vertex), v(auj), i, j = 1,... ,d+ l,i 7^ j, (point on edge), v(aijk), i = l,...,d+l,iuj(A) = ^XiXjtfXi - 1), ijfc(A) = 27AiAjAfc In two dimensions, the function ijfc(A) is called cell bubble function. □ Example 5.29. Cubic Hermite3 element. The finite element space is a sub-space of C(Q), its dimension is (d + l)(d + 2)(d + 3)/6 and the functional are the values of the function in the vertices of the mesh cell ((d +1) values), the value of the barycenter at the 2-faces of K ((d+ l)(d — l)d/6 values), and the partial derivatives at the vertices (d(d+ 1) values), see Figure 5.8. The 3 Charles Hermite (1822 - 1901) 5.2 Finite Elements on Simplices 87 Fig. 5.8 The cubic Hermite element. dimension is the same as for the P3 element. Hence, the local polynomials can be defined to be cubic. This finite element does not define an affine family in the strict sense, because partial derivatives on the reference cell are mapped to directional derivatives on the physical cell. Concretely, the functionals for the partial derivatives ij(A) = AjAj(2Aj - \j - 1), <^ijfc(A) = 27AjAjAfc. The proof of the unisolvence can be found in the literature. Here, the continuity of the functions will be shown only for d = 2. Let K\, K2 be two mesh cells with the common edge E and the unit tangential vector t. Let V\,V2 be the end points of E. The restrictions v\k1,v\k2 to E satisfy four conditions v\Kl(Vi)=v\K2(Vl), dtv\Kl(Vi) = dtv\K2(Vi), t = l,2. Since both restrictions are cubic polynomials and four conditions have to be satisfied, their values coincide on E. ®ijk{v) = 88 5 Finite Element Methods The cubic Hermite finite element possesses an advantage in comparison with the P3 finite element. For d = 2, it holds for a regular triangulation Th that where #(•) denotes the number of triangles, nodes, and edges, respectively. Hence, the dimension of P3 is approximately #{V) + 2#(P) + #(if) ~ 7#(V), whereas the dimension of the cubic Hermite element is approximately 3#(y)+#(if) ~ 5#(F). This difference comes from the fact that both spaces are different proper subspaces of the space of all continuous piecewise cubic functions. The elements of both spaces are continuous functions, but for the functions of the cubic Hermite finite element, in addition, the first derivatives are continuous at the nodes. That means, these two spaces are different finite element spaces whose degree of the local polynomial space is the same (cubic). One can see at this example the importance of the functionals for the definition of the global finite element space. □ Example 5.30. Pfc : non-conforming linear finite element, Crouzeix-Raviart finite element, Crouzeix & Raviart (1973). This finite element consists of piecewise linear but discontinuous functions. The functionals are given by the values of the functions in the barycenters of the faces such that dimP"c(K) = (d + 1). It follows from the definition of the finite element space, Definition 5.12, that the functions from Pfc are continuous in the barycenter of the faces P"c = {v G L2(Q) : v\k £ Pi (if), v(x) is continuous at the barycenter Equivalently, the functionals can be defined to be the integral mean values on the faces and then the global space is defined to be where £(K) is the set of all (d — l)-dimensional faces of K. For the description of this finite element, one defines the functionals by $i(v) = «(aj_i]i+i) for d = 2, t(v) = ^(al_2,I-i,I+i) for d = 3, where the points are the barycenters of the faces with the vertices that correspond to the indices, see Figure 5.9. This system is unisolvent with the local basis #(k) «2#(n #(p)«2#(n of all faces}. (5.4) (5.5) i(\) = 1 — d\i, i = 1,..., d + 1. 5.3 Finite Elements on Parallelepipeds and Quadrilaterals 89 □ 5.3 Finite Elements on Parallelepipeds and Quadrilaterals Remark 5.31. Reference mesh cells, reference map to parallelepipeds. One can find in the literature two reference cells: the unit cube [0,l]d and the large unit cube [—1, l]d. It does not matter which reference cell is chosen. Here, the large unit cube will be used: K = [—1, l]d. The class of admissible reference maps {Fk\ to parallelepipeds consists of bijective affine mappings of the form FKx = BKx + b, BK G Rdxd, b G Rd. If Bx is a diagonal matrix, then K is mapped to d-rectangles. The class of mesh cells that is obtained in this way is not sufficient to triangulate general domains. If one wants to use more general mesh cells than parallelepipeds, then the class of admissible reference maps has to be enlarged, see Remark 5.40. □ Definition 5.32. Polynomial space Qk. Let x = (x\,... ,Xd)T and denote by a = (qi, ..., ay)T a multi-index. Then, the polynomial space Qk is given by Qk = span < Y[ XT = xa '■ 0 < Qj < k for i = 1,..., d > . □ Example 5.33. Qi vs. P1. The space Q1 consists of all polynomials that are d-linear. Let d = 2, then it is Qi = span{l,a;, y, xy}, whereas 90 5 Finite Element Methods 01 o2 Fig. 5.10 The finite element Qi(K). Pi = span{l, x, y}. □ Remark 5.34- Finite elements on d-rectangles. For simplicity of presentation, the examples below consider d-rectangles. In this case, the finite elements are just tensor products of one-dimensional finite elements. In particular, the basis functions can be written as products of one-dimensional basis functions. □ Example 5.35. Qo : piecewise constant finite element. Similarly to the Pg space, the space Qo consists of piecewise constant, discontinuous functions. The functional is the value of the function in the barycenter of the mesh cell K and it holds dimQ0(K) = 1. □ Example 5.36. Qi : conforming piecewise d-linear finite element. This finite element space is a subspace of C(Q). The functional are the values of the function in the vertices of the mesh cell, see Figure 5.10. Hence, it is dimQi(ir) =2d. The one-dimensional local basis functions, which will be used for the tensor product, are given by i{x) 1 (1 02 (£) 1 (1 With these functions, e.g., the basis functions in two dimensions are computed by 1. □ 5.3 Finite Elements on Parallelepipeds and Quadrilaterals 91 Fig. 5.11 The finite element Q2(K). Fig. 5.12 The finite element Q3(K). Example 5.37. Q2 •' conforming piecewise d-quadratic finite element. It holds that Q2 C C(Q). The functionals in one dimension are the values of the function at both ends of the interval and in the center of the interval, see Figure 5.11. In d dimensions, they are the corresponding values of the tensor product of the intervals. It follows that dimQ2(if) = 3d. The one-dimensional basis function on the reference interval are defined by <£i(£) =-£), 4>2(x) = (1 - x)(\ +£), 4>3(x) = ^(1 + x)x. The basis function Yli=i 2{xi) is called cell bubble function. □ Example 5.38. Q3 : conforming piecewise d-cubic finite element. This finite element space is a subspace oiC(O). The functionals on the reference interval are given by the values at the end of the interval and the values at the points x = —1/3, x = 1/3. In multiple dimensions, it is the corresponding tensor product, see Figure 5.12. The dimension of the local space is dim Q3(K) = 4d. The one-dimensional basis functions in the reference interval are given by 92 5 Finite Element Methods Fig. 5.13 The finite element Q;ot(_ff). Mx) = ~{ßx + l)(3z - l)(x - 1), fa{x) = ^-(x + l)(3z - l)(x - 1), 16 16 16 16 Example 5.39. Q\ot : rotated non-conforming element of lowest order, Ran-nacher-Turek element, Rannacher & Turek (1992): This finite element space is a generalization of the Pfc finite element to quadrilateral and hexahedral mesh cells. It consists of discontinuous functions that are continuous at the barycenter of the faces. The dimension of the local finite element space is dim Q\ot (K) = 2d. The space on the reference mesh cell is defined by Qiot (k) = {P ■ V e span{l,£,y,£2 - y2}} for d = 2, Q\ot (k) = {p : p G span{l,£ ,y, z,x2 - y2,y2 - z2}} for d = 3. Note that the transformed space Q\ot(K) = {P = poFK\p€ Q\ot(K)} contains polynomials of the form ax2 — by2, where a,b depend on Fk-For d = 2, the local basis on the reference cell is given by 4>i(x,y) = -'^(x2 -y2) + Mx,y) = ^(x2 - y2) + if + i, K G QU i = 1, 2, \Fk\x) j \a21 + a22x + a23y + a24xy j be a bilinear mapping from K on the class of admissible quadrilaterals. A quadrilateral K is called admissible if • the length of all edges of K is larger than zero, • the interior angles of K are smaller than ir, i.e., K is convex. This class contains, e.g., trapezoids and rhombi. □ Remark 5-41- Parametric finite element functions. The functions of the local space P[K) on the mesh cell K are defined by p = p o F^1. These functions are in general rational functions. However, using d-linear mappings, then the restriction of Fk on an edge of K is an affine map. For instance, in the case of the Qi finite element, the functions on K are linear functions on each edge of K. It follows that the functions of the corresponding finite element space are continuous, compare Example 5.26. □ 5.4 Transform of Integrals Remark 5.42. Motivation. The transformation of integrals from the reference mesh cell to mesh cells of the grid and vice versa is used as well for the analysis as for the implementation of finite element methods. This section provides an overview of the most important formulae for transformations. Let K c Rd be the reference mesh cell, K be an arbitrary mesh cell, and FK : K —> K with x = FK(x) be the reference map. It is assumed that the 94 5 Finite Element Methods reference map is a continuous differentiable one-to-one map. The inverse map is denoted by F^1 : K —> K. For the integral transforms, the derivatives (Jacobians) of FK and F^1 are needed dx' dx' DFK(x)ij =DFK1{x)l3 = i,j = l,...,d. Remark 5.4-3. Integral with a function without derivatives. This integral transforms with the standard rule of integral transforms / v(x) dx = / v{x)\detDFK{x)\ dx, (5.7) J k J k where v(x) = v(FK(x)). □ Remark 5.44- Transform of derivatives. Using the chain rule, one obtains = V&v(x)-[{DF^1(FK(x)))T)i = ([[DFK1(FK(x)))T>)i • V*v(x), (5.8) dv dv , .dx, „ . . ^-(-) = E^-(-)^ = v^)-((^(a;)f = Vv(x)-{{DFK(FK1(x)))T)i. (5.9) The index i denotes the i-th row of a matrix. Derivatives on the reference mesh cell are marked with a symbol on the operator. □ Remark 5.45. Integrals with a gradients. Using the rule for transforming integrals and (5.8) gives / b(x) ■ Vv(x) dx J k = Jb{FK{x))- [(DFKr)T (FK(x))} V&v{x)\detDFK{x)\ dx. (5.10) Similarly, one obtains 5.4 Transform of Integrals 95 Vv(x) • Vw(x) dx = J [{DFKr)T (FK(x))] V&v(x) ■ [{DFKr)T (FK(x))] V&w(x) x \det DFK(x)\ dx. (5.11) □ Example 5.4-6. Affine transform. The most important class of reference maps are affine transforms (5.3), where the invertible matrix Bk and the vector b are constants. It follows that x = BKX (x-b)= BKxx - BKxb. In this case, there are DFK = BK, DFKX = B'1, det DFK = det (BK). One obtains for the integral transforms from (5.7), (5.10), and (5.11) / v{x) dx = \det{BK)\ / v{x) dx, (5.12) J k J k l b(x) ■ Vv{x) dx = \det{BK)\ / b(FK(x)) ■ BKTVAv(x) dx, (5.13) J k J k Vv{x) ■ Vw{x) dx = |det (BK)\ I BKTV&v(x) ■ BKTV&w(x) dx. k a k k (5.14) Setting v(x) = 1 in (5.12) yields \det(BK)\ = \^\. (5.15) \K\ Chapter 6 Interpolation Remark 6.1. Motivation. Variational forms of partial differential equations use functions in Sobolev spaces. The solution of these equations shall be approximated with the Ritz method in finite-dimensional spaces, the finite element spaces. The best possible approximation of an arbitrary function from the Sobolev space by a finite element function is a factor in the upper bound for the finite element error, e.g., see the Lemma of Cea, estimate (4.20). This section studies the approximation quality of finite element spaces. Estimates are proved for interpolants of functions. Interpolation estimates are of course upper bounds of the best approximation error and they can serve as factors in finite element error estimates. □ 6.1 Interpolation in Sobolev Spaces by Polynomials Lemma 6.2. Unique determination of a polynomial with integral conditions. Let Q be a bounded domain in Md with Lipschitz boundary. Let m € NU{0} be given and let for all derivatives with multi-index a, \a\ < m, a value aa € K be prescribed. Then, there is a uniquely determined polynomial p € Pm{Q) such that dap(x) dx = aa, \a\ < m. (6-1) Proof. Let p 6 Prn{Q) be an arbitrary polynomial. It has the form v(&) = ^2 bßxß- \ß\ 0 comes from the differentiation rule for polynomials, which is a contradiction to the vanishing of the integral for dpq(x). ■ Remark 6.3. To Lemma 6.2. Lemma 6.2 states that a polynomial is uniquely determined if a condition on the integral on Q is prescribed for each derivative. □ Lemma 6.4. Poincare-type inequality. Denote by Dkv(x), k G NU {0}, the total derivative of order k of a function v(x), e.g., for k = 1 the gradient ofv(x). Let Q be convex and be included into a ball of radius R. Let I G NU{0} with k < I and let p G K with p G [1, oo). Assume that v G Wl'p(Q) satisfies I dav(x) dx = 0 for all \a\ < I — 1, Jn in then it holds the estimate \\Dk4L,{n) 1/2 then one changes the roles of x and y, applies the theorem of Fubini to change the sequence of integration, and uses the same arguments. ■ 100 6 Interpolation Remark 6.5. On Lemma 6.4- Lemma 6.4 proves an inequality of Poincaré-type. It says that it is possible to estimate the Lp(f2) norm of a lower derivative of a function v(x) by the same norm of a higher derivative if the integral mean values of some lower derivatives vanish. An important application of Lemma 6.4 is in the proof of the Bramble1-Hilbert2 lemma. The Bramble-Hilbert lemma considers a continuous linear functional that is defined on a Sobolev space and that vanishes for all polynomials of degree less than or equal to m. It states that the value of the functional can be estimated by the Lebesgue norm of the (m + l)th total derivative of the functions from this Sobolev space. □ Theorem 6.6. Bramble-Hilbert lemma. Let m G N U {0}, p G [l,oo], and F : Wrn+1'P(Q) —> K be a continuous linear functional, and let the conditions of Lemma 6.2 and Lemma 6.4 be satisfied. Let F(p) = 0 VpGPm(i2), then there is a constant C{Q), which is independent of v and F, such that \F[v)\ < C{Q)\\Dm+1v\\LT(n) V v G Wm+1-P(i7). Proof. Let v e Wm+1'p(f2). It follows from Lemma 6.2 that there is a polynomial from Pm(Q) with da(v + p)(x) dx = 0 for \a\ < m. J q Lemma 6.4 gives, with Z = m + 1 and considering each term in IHIj^m+i.p^j individually, the estimate \\v + v\\wm+i,HQ) < C(Q) \\Dm+Hv + P)\\LP(Q) = C(Q) \\Dm+1v\\LHn) . From the vanishing of F for p £ Pm(J?) and the continuity of _F, it follows that \F(v)\ = \F(v + p)\ M continuous linear functionals. It will be assumed that the space P(K) is unisolvent with respect to these functionals. Then, there is a local basis 4>i, ■ ■ ■ ,4>n £ P{K). Consider v G CS(K), then the interpolant Ip/b G P(K) is defined by n Iki>{&) = ^^)k{x). The operator Ig, is a continuous and linear operator from CS(K) to P(K). From the linearity, it follows that I^ is the identity on P(K) Ikp = P VpGP(ii). □ Example 6.9. Interpolation operators. • Let if C Md be an arbitrary reference cell, P(K) = Po(-řf), and é(v) = j-í-r /" v(x) dx. \k\ Jk The functional is bounded, and hence continuous, on C°(K) since i- i i r \&\ \${v)\< -J—i / \v{x)\ dx < \—pmax|í)(á)| = ||i)||Co/^-N. 1 1 \k\ Jk \k\ ňek For the constant function 1 G P0(K), it is $(1) = 1^0. Hence, {} = {1} is the local basis and the space is unisolvent with respect to (x) = -j—r / v(x) dx \k\ Jk is an integral mean value operator, i.e., each continuous function on K will be approximated by a constant function whose value equals the integral mean value, see Figure 6.1 • It is possible to define d > (m — s)p and š > s, where s appears in the definition of the interpolation operator. Then there is a constant C that is independent of v(x) such that ll*-^*L™+1.P(K)^c'll£,m+li)lli>(K) VfiGWm+^(if). (6.4) Proof. Since K is bounded, one has the Sobolev imbedding, Theorem 3.52, Wm+1'P(K) = jy(™+i-s)+s,P(_K-) _> Cg(K). Because K is convex, the imbedding CS(K) CS(K) is compact, see (Adams, 1975, Theorem 1.31), such that the interpolation operator is well defined in WrnJrl'p(K). From the identity of the interpolation operator in Pm(^)j the triangle inequality, the bound-edness of the interpolation operator (it is a linear and continuous operator mapping CS(K) -> P(K) C Wm+1'P(K)), and the Sobolev imbedding, one obtains for q e Pm(K) II5-/k5IIm/-+i.p(k) = \\'d + 9 - Ik('s + 9)\\wm+i.P(ii) < \\'" + S\\wm+i,T{k) + \\lkt" + ")\\w™+i.v(k) < 11« + <í\\Wm+l,p(k) + c II5 + 9llc"(k) < C\\v + q\\wm+1,Pik). Now, q(x) is chosen such that da(v + q) dx = 0 V \a\ < m L IK holds. Hence, the assumptions of Lemma 6.4 are satisfied. It follows that 6.1 Interpolation in Sobolev Spaces by Polynomials 103 \\v + q\\wm+,,r{k) < C \\D™ + Hv + q)\\LHk) = C ||Dm + 1«||„(it) ■ Definition 6.11. Quasi-uniform and regular family of triangulations, (Brenner & Scott, 2008, Def. 4.4.13). Let {Th} with 0 < h < 1, be a family of triangulations such that max fix < h diam(J?), KeTh where hx is the diameter of K = Fk(K), i.e., the largest distance of two points that are contained in K. The family is called to be quasi-uniform, if there exists a C > 0 such that min pk > Ch diam(J?) (6.5) KeTh for all h G (0,1], where px is the diameter of the largest ball contained in K. The family is called to be regular, if there is exists a C > 0 such that for all K G Th and for all h G (0,1] pK > ChK. Remark 6.12. Assumptions on the reference mapping and the triangulation. For deriving the interpolation error estimate for arbitrary mesh cells K, and finally for the finite element space, one has to study the properties of the mapping from K to K and of the inverse mapping. Here, only the case of an affine family of finite elements whose mesh cells are generated by affine mappings FK x = BK x + b, will be considered, see (5.3), where Bk is a non-singular d x d matrix and b is a d vector. For the global estimate, a quasi-uniform family of triangulations will be considered. □ Lemma 6.13. Estimates of matrix norms. For each matrix norm \\-\\, one has the estimates \\BK\\ 0. Hence, xq + y £ K for all ||y||2 = r- It follows that the images xq = Bkxq -\-b, x = Bk(xq + y) + b = xq + BKy are contained in K. Hence, one obtains for all y 104 6 Interpolation \\BKy\\2 = \\x ~ xo\\2 < hK- Now, it holds for the spectral norm that ||BK||2 = sup ||BKz||2 = - sup ||BKz||2 < —. Isll2 — 1 Ilsll2 — ' A bound of this form, with a possible different constant, holds also for all other matrix norms since all matrix norms are equivalent, see Remark 3.34. The estimate for JB^1] proceeds in the same way with interchanging the roles of K and K. M Theorem 6.14. Local interpolation estimate. Let an affine family of finite elements be given by its reference cell K, the functionals {^i}, and a space of polynomials P(K). Let all assumptions of Theorem 6.10 be satisfied. Then, for all v € Wm+1'P(K), p € [l,oo), there is a constant C, which is independent of v, such that \\D\v-IKv)\\LT(K)j) = 5ih i.e., the local basis on K is given by (pK,j = 4>j ° F^-1. Using (6.11) and (6.10), one gets 6.1 Interpolation in Sobolev Spaces by Polynomials 105 N N I N \ IfrV = ^2$i(v)(j>i = ^2i(vo F'1) (f>K>i oFK = i J oFK i = l i = l %-v-' \i = l / —v = IKv oFK. Consequently, I^-v is transformed correctly. in). One obtains with the chain rule dv(x) dv(x) ^(-l) dv(x) dv(x) ^ dxi 4 dx-; -i"1 ' 4 dx-; J% j=i J j=i J It follows with (6.8) that (with each derivative one obtains an additional factor of or B^1, respectively) ||D^(:z)||2 < ChKk \\D%v(A)\\2 , ||D|«(£)||2 < ChkK \\Dkv(x)\\2. One gets with (6.9) / \\Dkv(x)\\P2 dx < ChKkp \detBK\ f \\D%.v{x)\\P dx 0p llnm+1,illp s ^nK v\\LP(K) ■ Taking the p-th root proves the statement of the theorem. ■ Remark 6.15. On estimate (6.7). • Note that the power of does not depend on p and d. • Consider a quasi-uniform triangulation and define h = max \ Hk\- KeTh Then, one obtains by summing over all mesh cells an interpolation estimate for the global finite element space 106 6 Interpolation / \1/p \\Dk(v-Ihv)\\LP(ü)= ( £ \\Dk(v-IKv)\\PLP{K) \KeTh , < ( £ Ch^-k)*\\D™+^LT(K) i/p \KeTh 0, then one sets P(K) = {dcvh : vh e P(K), \a\ = k} , which is also a space consisting of polynomials. The application of (6.18) to P(K) gives llD'«1L,(*) = E \\Dl-k(d^h)\\Lq(k) 2 or / > 2 since in these cases finite element functions generally do not possess the regularity for the global norm to be well defined. It is also important for / > 1 and non-conforming finite element functions. □ Chapter 7 Finite Element Methods for Second Order Elliptic Equations 7.1 General Convergence Theorems Remark 7.1. Motivation. In Section 5.1, non-conforming finite element methods have been introduced, i.e., methods where the finite element space Vh is not a subspace of V, which is the space in the definition of the continuous variational problem. The property Vh (£ V is given for the Crouzeix-Raviart and the Rannacher-Turek element. Another case of non-conformity is given if the domain does not possess a polyhedral boundary and one has to apply some approximation of the boundary. For non-conforming methods, the finite element approach is not longer a Ritz method. Hence, the convergence proof from Theorem 4.14 cannot be applied in this case. In addition, in practice, one is interested also in the order of convergence in other norms than I'H^ or one has to take into account that the values of the bilinear or linear form need to be approximated numerically. The abstract convergence theorem, which will be proved in this section, allows the numerical analysis of complex finite element methods. □ Remark 7.2. Notations, Assumptions. Let {h > 0} be a set of mesh widths and let Sh,Vh normed spaces of functions which are defined on domains {Qh C Rd}. It will be assumed that the space Sh has a finite dimension and that Sh and Vh possess a common norm ||-||fe. In the application of the abstract theory, Sh will be a finite element space and Vh is defined such that the restriction and/or extension of the solution of the continuous problem to Qh is contained in Vh. The index h indicates that Vh might depend on h but not that Vh is finite-dimensional. Strictly speaking, the modified solution of the continuous problem does not solve the given problem any longer. Hence, it is consequent that the continuous problem does not appear explicitly in the abstract theory. Given the bilinear forms 109 110 7 Finite Element Methods for Second Order Elliptic Equations ah : Sh xSh ^ R, ah : {Sh + Vh) x (Sh + Vh) R. Let the bilinear form ah be regular in the sense that there is a constant m > 0, which is independent of h, such that for each vh g Sh there is a wh g 5* with 11 wh 11, =1 such that ii Wh m\\vh\\h3,4>i), where {(f>t} is a basis of Sh, is uniformly non-singular, i.e., its regularity is independent of h. For the second bilinear form, only its boundedness will be assumed ~ah(u,v) R be given. Then, the following discrete problems will be considered: Find uh g Sh with ah(uh,vh) = fh{vh) \/vheSh. (7.3) Because the stiffness matrix is assumed to be non-singular, there is a unique solution of (7.3). □ Theorem 7.3. Abstract finite element error estimate. Let the conditions (7.1) and (7.2) be satisfied and let uh be the solution of (7.3). Then, the following error estimate holds for each u g Vh \\~ fell ^n -t J||- fell ^ \ah(vh,wh)-ah(vh,wh)\ \\u — u , d, (7.8) It will be assumed that there are two positive real numbers m, M such that m\\£\\l<£,TA(x)£ 0, then the L2(J?) term in the first factor of the right-hand side of (7.13) can be bounded using the estimate from Lemma 6.4 for k = 0 and 1 = 1 and the choice of a 116 7 Finite Element Methods for Second Order Elliptic Equations || (iw) -ex -a\\Hlriti) < (|| (AVu) ■ ex -a\\LHki) + || V ((AVu) ■ ex - a)\\L,(ki)) 2, if for all / g Hrn~2(Q) the solutions of Lu = / in Q, u = 0 on dQ, are in the space Hm(Q) and the following estimate holds 118 7 Finite Element Methods for Second Order Elliptic Equations IMIff-(R) < c + c\\u\\H^n) • (7-16) □ Remark 7.15. On the m-regularity. • The definition is formulated in a way that it can be applied also if the solution of the problem is not unique. • For the Laplacian, the term I^H^-i,-^ can be estimated by l/H^^-) such that with (7.16) one obtains (exercise) IMIff2(R) ^ C ll/lli2(fi) • • Many regularity results can be found in the literature. Loosely speaking, they say that regularity is given if the data of the problem (coefficients of the operator, boundary of the domain) are sufficiently regular. For instance, an elliptic operator in divergence form (A = V • (AV)) is 2-regular if the coefficients are from W1'P(Q), p > 1, and if dQ is a C2 boundary. Another important result is the 2-regularity of the Laplacian on a convex domain. A comprehensive overview on regularity results can be found in Grisvard (1985). □ Remark 7.16. Variational form and finite element formulation of the model problem. The variational form of (7.15) is: Find u G Hq(Q) with (V«,V«) = (/,«) Vu effort). The Pi finite element space, with zero boundary conditions, will be used for the discretization. Then, the finite element problem reads as follows: Find uh G Pi such that (W\ Vvh) = (f,vh) V/ePi. (7.17) □ Theorem 7.17. Finite element error estimates. Letu(x) be the solution of (7.15), let (7.15) be 2-regular, and let uh(x) be the solution of (7.17). Then, the following error estimates hold P{u-uh)\\L2(n)