Adobe Systems 6. 4. 2023 1 (Re)thinking the Precarity of Swedish Migrants: Governing through Decelerations and Timescapes Lilja; Henriksson; Baaz Geografie času Veronika Kotýnková Adobe Systems 2 Co článek zkoumá? Jaké otázky si klade? Adobe Systems 3 Co článek zkoumá? Jaké otázky si klade? -What constructions of time are used in the governing of precarious migrants? -How do these migrants understand their own and society's time? -à Governing migrants through time -How is time used as a mode of governing in refugee and migration issue? - strategy for governing - creating specific positions and subjectivities -How does time come into play in the social, political and cultural lives of migrants? -How is time represented and replicated in the social science? Adobe Systems 4 Do jaké disciplíny byste text zařadili? ̶ Adobe Systems 5 Do jaké disciplíny byste text zařadili? ̶Migration and refugee studies – sociologie, interdisciplinarita Adobe Systems Zápatí prezentace 6 Co je hlavním sdělením/argumentem článku? ̶ Adobe Systems 7 Jak argumentuje? Na co poukazuje? ̶Čas slouží jako nástroj k diferenciaci/třídění migrantů na nově příchozí a ty, co tam žijí již delší dobu – to ovlivňuje dále jejich podmínky participování (nejen) na pracovním trhu a celkového života ̶Konkrétní koncepce času a zacházení s ním slouží jako nástroj prekarizace migrujících ̶„In this article, we claim that deceleration, acceleration and new temporalities are to be seen as instruments of governing that interact with modes of subjectivation (p.148).“ ̶Immigrants and refugees emoby the temporal norms of governing institution Adobe Systems 8 Jakými koncepty argument podpoří? K čemu slouží? ̶ Adobe Systems 9 Jakými koncepty argument podpoří? K čemu slouží? ̶Governmental precarization ̶Deceleration ̶Acceleration ̶Figuration ̶Timescape ̶ Adobe Systems 10 What does the temporality do? What types of temporalities can be indentified in the study? ̶ Adobe Systems 11 What does the temporality do? ̶Divides migrants into categories based on the lengths of their stay à consequently creates possibilities for further participation in society ̶Types of time – institutional time vs. lived time ̶Time has become a field of struggle between governing and governed (via acceleration and deceleration) à waiting subjects ̶Migrants discipline themselves and adapt to the temporalities of the institutions Adobe Systems 12 What does the temporality do? ̶Precarization is associated with deceleration ̶Gendered temporalities – different cultural norms and temporalities ̶Settlement programme governs new migrants in a temporal sense. ̶BUT! „Different figurations and temporal understandings should not be „essentialized“, but the temporalities of migrants are changing with the displacement and exil process (p.157)“. ̶ Adobe Systems 13 Vůči čemu se vymezuje? ̶ Adobe Systems 14 Otázky? ̶ Adobe Systems 15 Otázky? ̶Jak se čas propojuje s místem? Adobe Systems 16 Otázky? ̶V jakém jiném kontextu jste se setkali s konceptem time-space compression (a akcelerace)? Adobe Systems 17 Feedback k seminářům – prosím o vyplnění ̶ ̶ Adobe Systems 18 Příští seminář: 13. 4. 2023 ̶Text: ̶A tale of two cities: The comparative chrono-urbanism of Brno and Bratislava public transport systems – Osman, Ira, Trojan