Environmental anthropology

April 23rd

Differences in environmental experiences

Recommended reading:

Ampumuza and Driessen. 2021. Gorilla habituation and the role of animal agency in conservation and tourism development at Bwindi, South Western Uganda. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 4(4): 1601-1621.

Brown, Kate. 2019. Learning to Read the Great Chernobyl Acceleration. Current Anthropology 60(20): 198-208.

Further readings will be indicated during the lecture

Additional activity:

Share an image you have captured which shows what the environment means to you at least two days before the meeting. Send via email (ksambucci5@rvc.ac.uk) or WhatsApp (+447871491756) to Kelly who will create a picture collage which will be shared at our next meeting. Get creative, we welcome abstract images and particularly encourage you to reflect on the environment where you live. 

Step for the final works:

Share your ideas and  experiences about people-environment relations in the forum in the virtual syllabus and try to search for possible connections with your colleagues. If you will find common interests you can decide to create a collective final work.