Current discussions in Social Anthropology

Introduction to the course

The course is a Blended Erasmus, composed of two complementary parts. The first part will take place in online meetings with the introduction of different topics in socio-cultural anthropology. The second part will take place in-presence in Brno and will enable the participants to effectively engage with ethnographic short research.

The core topic of the blended is "people and environments", and these relations will be discussed from different and complementary perspectives in order to promote a wide debate.

During the in-presence part of the course, the participants will develop a short fieldwork focusing on some aspects of these relations, which will be decided collectively, and they will be asked to work in small groups composed of people from different countries.

At the end of the experience of the fieldwork, the participants will be asked to produce a collective work for presenting the results. These works can be realised mobilising the format the participants will identify as the most appropriate (text, video, audio, drawings, etc.).