Multiple regression and general linear models ANOVA and regression ●Closely related to each other –same least square principle ●ANOVA with a predictor of n levels is analogous to a multiple linear regression with n-1 predictors –a priori defined contrasts Models with multiple predictors ●Two-way (Multiple-way) ANOVA –response ~ factor.1 + factor.2 + ... ●Multiple regression –response ~ predictor.1 + predictor.2 + ... ●Additive effects vs. interaction –additivity – response on factor.1 (predictor.1) does not depend on the value of factor.2 (predictor.2) –additivity can be statistically tested and rejected in favor of interaction Interaction ●Significant interaction indicates a relationship between the effects of the predictors –y = a + bx1 + cx2 + dx1x2 + ε ●Test of interaction H0: d = 0 –d > 0: positive interaction, higher values of response compared to additivity –d < 0 : negative interaction, lower values of response compared to additivity ●dfint = dfx1*dfx2 ●Interaction plot –Plotting of interaction –Under H0, the lines connecting factor levels would be parallel ●Interaction does not mean interdependence of predictors! • General linear models ●Allow an analysis of the dependence of a single response variable on multiple predictors of whatever nature (continuous or categorical) ●This is possible because of the equivalence of ANOVA and regression ●Include e.g. Analysis of covariance (linear model with a single continuous and multiple categorical predictors) ●In R: function lm • Model selection in LMs ●Not all candidate predictors are significant but only the significant ones should be included in the model ●Statistical theory provides little help for predictor selection but we can compare models differing in their predictor structure ●Stepwise selection ●Forward stepwise: most significant predictors are added; suitable for observatory data ●Backward stepwise: non-significant predictors are removed; suitable for experimental data (e.g. with interactions) ●Both directions: the iterative approach used in modern software ● ● Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) ●Quantifies the information accounted for by a predictor –allows comparisons between predictors with different numbers of df model –lower AIC suggests a better fit, absolute values of AIC are not informative ●AIC = 2k – 2log(L) , (log = natural logarithm), k is number of model parameters (i.e. df model in lm) –in linear models AIC = 2k – 2 log (n/RSS) + C, where RSS is residual sum of squares, C is constant (can be ignored) ●Combination with an F-test of significance ●Order importance of predictors based on AIC ●Exclude those that are not significant in F-test ●Pragmatic approach not supported by statistical theory