MBL Protocol 2023 Barbora Hrnčířová SDS – PAGE protocol Mini-PROTEAN Cells (BioRad) 30% Acrylamide/Bis Solution 37.5:1 (BioRad - #1610158) Quick Coomassie stain (Serva - 35081.01) TEMED Preparation of chemicals: 0,5M Tris-HCl pH6,8 – 6,057g Tris base/100ml miliQ H[2]O (pH adjusted with 5M HCl) 1,5M Tris-HCl pH8,8 – 18,171g Tris base/100ml miliQ H[2]O (pH adjusted with 5M HCl) 10% SDS – 10g/100ml miliQ H[2]O 10% APS (as peroxoaminosulphate) – 0,1g/1ml miliQ H[2]O 1 month max! fridge Isobutanol, water saturated – 20 ml + 20 ml + shake (IsobutOH in upper phase) Preparation of solutions: 5x Running buffer 1g SDS 3g Tris base 14,4g Glycine up to 200ml miliQ H[2]O 5x Sample loading buffer 1,2 ml milliQ H[2]O 0,5 ml of 0,5M Tris-HCl ph6,8 0,8 ml glycerol 0,8 ml 10% SDS 0,2 ml β-mercaptoEtOH pinch of Bromphenol blue Preparation of gels * if you plan to make more gels in a short time period, you can prepare a larger amount of the solutions (without APS and TEMED) and keep them in the fridge (max 1,5 months). Resolving gel stock (12%; 5 ml/gel) Component 1 gel 2 gels 4 gels 30% A/B 2 ml 4 ml 8 ml 1.5M Tris-HCl pH 8.8 1.25 ml 2.5 ml 5 ml 10% SDS 50 μl 100 μl 200 μl miliQ H2O 1.68 ml 3.35 ml 6.72 ml Stacking gel (4%; 2.5 ml/gel) Component 1 gel 2 gels 4 gels 30% A/B 0.33 ml 0.66 ml 1.32 ml 0.5M Tris-HCl pH 6.8 0.63 ml 1.26 ml 2.52 ml 10% SDS 25 μl 50 μl 100 μl miliQ H2O 1.5 ml 3 ml 6 ml Pouring the gel: · Set up the gel tray(s) · Pour 5ml of Resolving gel stock (per gel) into the 12% AB 15ml falcon tube · Add 50 µl of 10% APS and 8 µl of TEMED quickly and mix well · Immediately fill the gel tray up to 1 cm under the teeth (chambers) · Carefully overlay the gel with 300 µl isobutanol using a syringe · Let gel polymerize for 1 hour · Absorb isobutanol using absorbent paper, rinse with dH[2]O, and dry with absorbent paper again · Pour 2,5ml of Stacking gel stock (per gel) into the 4% AB 15ml falcon tube · Add 25 µl of 10% APS and 4 µl of TEMED quickly and mix well · Immediately fill the gel tray and insert the teeth (chambers) · Let gel polymerize for 30 min · Remove the teeth, transfer the gel into the running apparatus, and fill with 1x Running buffer Prepping the samples and running the gel: * Measure protein concentration in samples. In the case of cell lysates/CFEs, each sample of 20 μl should contain 8 μg of protein; for purified proteins, 4 μg is enough. * Mix your sample in Eppendorf tube with 5x Sample loading buffer (final conc. 1x) - usually, a sample is mixed with water to give 20 ul, and then 5 ul of loading buffer is added (12.5 ul is eventually loaded in a single well of the gel) * Boil samples at 95°C for 5 min and centrifuge them briefly * Load samples and 5 µl of protein marker (keep on ice!) * Run the gel at 125 V, constant V until the loading dye (dark blue) reaches the end of the gel (ca 80 min) Staining the gel: * Disassemble the running apparatus, lift the small glass piece, and cut off the separating gel * Carefully push the gel into a small container with dH[2]O * Wash 10 min * Discard dH[2]O, add around 40 ml Quick Coomassie stain, and stain for 1 hour + * Discard the stain (into a 50ml falcon tube for reuse) * Rinse the gel with dH[2]O a few times * Leave to de-stain in dH[2]O ON