Protocol #07 LABORATORY OF MOLECULAR PATHOLOGY qPCR library quantification Using KAPA Library Quant Kit Prep: □ 01 Thaw the KAPA SYBR FAST qPCR Master Mix. Keep it on ice. Make sure the primers were added, or add the primers to the master mix yourself. □ 02 Thaw Dilution Buffer and dilute it 10x with water to get a working solution. □ 03 Thaw the six qPCR standards, keep them on ice. □ 04 Dillute your samples 3 OOOx, 9 OOOx and 27 OOOx with the prepared lx dilution buffer. Do not use water for diluting samples. Do not pipette less than 2 \xlfor accuracy. □ 05 Calculate how much you need and then prepare the master mix for the qPCR. Don't forget the six DNA standards and a negative control: Master mix lx X KAPA SYBR MM 2x 9,0 uL DEPC-H20 3,0 uL Diluted DNA sample 3,0 uL - □ 06 Pipette 12 u.L of the master mix in each of the wells in the white strips or white plates for the Roche LightCycler. □ 07 Add 3 u.L of the diluted samples or the standards or water. Pipette the standards from the lowest dilution to the highest (From 6 to 1). □ 08 Seal the plate or the strips. Quick vortex and quick spin. □ 09 Run the qPCR programme, don't forget to set the data acquisition during the annealing step: Amplification programme Temperature Time Initial denaturation 95 °C 5 min Denaturation 95 °C 30 s A ft' - Annealing + Extension 60 °C 4l)x 45 s Melting curve 65-95 °C