C8953 NMR structural analysis - seminar 1D 13C-NMR Jan Novotny 176003@mail.muni.cz February 28, 2024 How many 13 C signal would you expect in the NMR spectrum? Ru N N N N Cl Cl Cl S CH3 CH3 O N+ - N H 1D 13 C-NMR 1, bottom without CPD 1D 13 C-NMR 2 ▶ ZOOM of coupled region of most deshielded signals ▶ coupled spectrum ▶ spectrum with decoupling 1D 13 C-NMR 3, b - zoom of right region, a - full decoupled spectrum 1D 13 C-NMR 4, consider equilibrium minor-major form Which form dominates and why?