Chimera X Open the file with the structure open PDB ID open 5O1Z (Nrd1, RNA) open Desktop/Name.pdb(mrc,cxs,etc.) File -> Open A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated Movements (using mouse) Left-click-holding - rotate the structure about the vertical and horizontal axis Right-click-hold - move the centre of the protein about the screen Sequence viewer · Tools -> Sequence -> Show sequence viewer · Log window -> Click on the link in the Chain information table · Molecule Display (Analysis section) -> Sequence A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated Model panel Textové pole: color Textové pole: Model ID Textové pole: select A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated Structure depiction · Actions - > Atoms/Cartoon/Surface…hide/show · show atoms/cartoon/surface hide atoms/cartoon/surface Select · Ctrl/(Ctrl+Shift) + LeftMouse · Select -> Chains, Chemistry,… · Sequence viewer · sel Nomenclature #1 => model ID sel #1 (model/structure 1) /A => chain sel #1/A (model/structure 1, chain A) :400 => residue number sel #1/A:464 (one residue nr. 464) - show atoms sel #1/A:373-414 (residues from 373 to 414) sel #1/A: 373-414 &:arg (residues from 373 to 414 that are arginines) - show atoms sel #1/A:378, sel #1/A:342, sel #1/A:376 (residue 378, 342, 376) - show atoms :arg => all arginines in the selection @ => atom specifier (e.g. @ca). sel #1/A@ca or sel #1/A:400-450@ca Color · Actions -> Color · Textové pole: from N-term to C-term color [what] [color] color #1/A red Zoom · zoom 1.5 · mouse -> spinning the middle wheel Hbond · Tools -> Structure analysis-> H-Bonds · hbonds hbonds or hbond #1/B or hbond ligand · hide hbonds Contacts · Tools -> Structure analysis-> Contacts · contacts contacts #1/A@C* restrict #1/B@C* distance 3.8 reveal true name vdW Distance/angles · Tools -> Structure analysis-> Distance ctrl+shift and pick the two/three atoms of interest (Model panel -> distances + distances labels – editing) Surface · Actions -> Surfaces-> hide/show · Tools -> Depiction -> Surface Color ….by electrostatics -> Key. (remove from model panel) NMR vs Crystallography NMR -> bundle of structures (open 2li8) Tools -> Structure analysis -> Matchmaker Crystalography -> delete solvent Hide/delete · Actions -> Atoms/Bonds -> Delete · del del #1/A:400-450 · Actions -> Atoms/Bonds, Surface,… ->Show/Hide · hide [what] Save File -> Save (cxs, pdb,…) Tutorials