import sys import cv2 import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from numpy import cos, sin, pi from scipy.fft import fft2, fftshift from scipy.special import jn blurDimension = 3 # px def blurImg(im): blur = cv2.blur(im, (blurDimension, blurDimension)) # blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(im, (blurDimension, blurDimension), 0) return blur def gamma(x): val = 1.055*fractionalPowerBase(x, (1/2.4)) - 0.055 return val def fractionalPowerBase(x, power): return np.sign(x)*(np.abs(x))**power def getPointAtLineAngle(x0, y0, angle, length): x = round(x0 + length*cos(angle*pi/180.0)); y = round(y0 + length*sin(angle*pi/180.0)); return x, y def makeApertureEmpty(imageSizePx, diameterAperture): im = np.zeros(imageSizePx, np.float64) centerX = int(imageSizePx[0]/2) centerY = int(imageSizePx[1]/2) im =, (centerX, centerY), int(diameterAperture/2), 255, -1) im = blurImg(im) return im def makeApertureWithCircle(imageSizePx, diameterAperture, diamCenter): im = np.zeros(imageSizePx, np.float64) centerX = int(imageSizePx[0]/2) centerY = int(imageSizePx[1]/2) im =, (centerX, centerY), int(diameterAperture/2), 255, -1) im =, (centerX, centerY), int(diamCenter/2), 0, -1) im = blurImg(im) return im def makeAperture3Vanes(imageSizePx, diameterAperture, diamCenter, thickness): im = np.zeros(imageSizePx, np.float64) centerX = int(imageSizePx[0]/2) centerY = int(imageSizePx[1]/2) im =, (centerX, centerY), int(diameterAperture/2), 255, -1) im =, (centerX, centerY), int(diamCenter/2), 0, -1) im = cv2.line(im, (centerX, centerY), getPointAtLineAngle(centerX, centerY, 30, diameterAperture/2), 0, int(thickness)) im = cv2.line(im, (centerX, centerY), getPointAtLineAngle(centerX, centerY, 150, diameterAperture/2), 0, int(thickness)) im = blurImg(im) im = cv2.line(im, (centerX, centerY), getPointAtLineAngle(centerX, centerY, -90, diameterAperture/2), 0, int(thickness)) return im def makeAperture3VanesArched(imageSizePx, diameterAperture, diamCenter, thickness): im = np.zeros(imageSizePx, np.float64) centerX = int(imageSizePx[0]/2) centerY = int(imageSizePx[1]/2) im =, (centerX, centerY), int(diameterAperture/2), 255, -1) im =, (centerX, centerY), int(diamCenter/2), 0, -1) r = int((diameterAperture/4) + thickness/4) im = cv2.ellipse(im, (centerX, int(centerY - r)), (r, r), 0, 90, 270, 0, thickness) im = cv2.ellipse(im, (getPointAtLineAngle(centerX, centerY, 30, r)), (r, r), 0, 210, 390, 0, thickness) im = cv2.ellipse(im, (getPointAtLineAngle(centerX, centerY, 150, r)), (r, r), 0, -30, 150, 0, thickness) im = blurImg(im) return im def makeAperture4Vanes(imageSizePx, diameterAperture, diamCenter, thickness): im = np.zeros(imageSizePx, np.float64) centerX = int(imageSizePx[0]/2) centerY = int(imageSizePx[1]/2) im =, (centerX, centerY), int(diameterAperture/2), 255, -1) im =, (centerX, centerY), int(diamCenter/2), 0, -1) im = blurImg(im) im = cv2.line(im, (centerX, 0), (centerX, imageSizePx[1]), 0, int(thickness)) im = cv2.line(im, (0, centerY), (imageSizePx[0], centerY), 0, int(thickness)) return im def makeAperture4VanesInv(imageSizePx, diameterAperture, diamCenter, thickness): im = np.zeros(imageSizePx, np.float64) centerX = int(imageSizePx[0]/2) centerY = int(imageSizePx[1]/2) #im =, (centerX, centerY), int(diameterAperture/2), 255, -1) #im =, (centerX, centerY), int(diamCenter/2), 0, -1) im = blurImg(im) #im = cv2.line(im, (centerX, 0), (centerX, imageSizePx[1]), 255, int(thickness)) im = cv2.line(im, (0, centerY), (imageSizePx[0], centerY), 255, int(thickness)) return im def radToArcMin(rad): return rad*180/np.pi*3600 def getPhi(lam, D, i): return lam/D*i def normalize(im): maxIntensity = np.max(im) return im/maxIntensity def showAperture(D_img, im): e = int(D_img/2) plt.imshow(im, cmap='gray', extent=[-e, e, -e, e]) plt.xlabel(r'$L_x$ [m]') plt.ylabel(r'$L_y$ [m]') plt.xlim(-2,2) plt.ylim(-2,2) def Bessel(i, D_img, D): x = np.pi*D*i/D_img jinc = lambda x: jn(1, x) / x # Sombrero function airy = (2 * jinc(x))**2 # plt.plot(x,airy) # plt.xlabel('$x$') # plt.ylabel('$I(x)/I_0$') # return airy def plotMiddleCut(im, lam, D_img, D): yMiddleCut = im[int(len(im)/2)] yMiddleCut = np.clip(gamma(yMiddleCut*150), 0, 1) x = np.arange(-len(im)/2, len(im)/2) bessel = Bessel(x, D_img, D) x = radToArcMin(getPhi(lam, D_img, x)) plt.figure(figsize =(10,5)) #plt.plot(x, bessel, "m", label = "Analytické riešenie") plt.plot(x, yMiddleCut, "b", label = "Numerické riešenie") plt.xlabel(r'$\varphi_x$ [″]') plt.ylabel(r'$\frac{I(\varphi)}{I_0}$') plt.xlim(-1.6,1.6) #plt.legend() def main(): np.set_printoptions(threshold=sys.maxsize) # print numpy whole arrays ### set params: diameterAperture = 180 #aperture in pixels diamCenter = 144 #central obstruction in pixels thickness = 4 #vane thickness in pixels, should be even number for arched vanes Dpx = 5000 lam = 500e-9 # lambda D = 2.4 # aperture [m] Hubble D_img = Dpx * D / diameterAperture # [m] D_secondary_Hubble = 30.5 # cm TODO + vanes thickness ############### imageSizePx = (Dpx, Dpx) # must be much bigger than aperture to avoid artifacts print("ourAiry2 ", radToArcMin(getPhi(lam, D_img, 33))) airy = radToArcMin(1.22*lam/D) print("Airy radius: ", airy) ### Make aperture, very small in an ocean of black #im = makeApertureEmpty(imageSizePx, diameterAperture) #showAperture(D_img, im) im = makeApertureWithCircle(imageSizePx, diameterAperture, diamCenter) showAperture(D_img, im) #im = makeAperture3Vanes(imageSizePx, diameterAperture, diamCenter, thickness) #showAperture(D_img, im) #im = makeAperture3VanesArched(imageSizePx, diameterAperture, diamCenter, thickness) #showAperture(D_img, im) #im = makeAperture4Vanes(imageSizePx, diameterAperture, diamCenter, thickness) #showAperture(D_img, im) #im = makeAperture4VanesInv(imageSizePx, diameterAperture, diamCenter, thickness) #showAperture(D_img, im) ### comment "exit" to call Jean-Baptiste Joseph Fourier # exit() ft = fftshift(fft2(im)) real = (np.abs(ft)) I = np.square(real) I = normalize(I) # print(I) plotMiddleCut(I, lam, D_img, D) e = radToArcMin(getPhi(lam, D_img, int(Dpx/2))) # plt.imshow(np.clip(gamma(I*100), 0, 1), extent=[-e, e, -e, e], cmap='gray') # black&white plt.imshow(np.clip(gamma(I*150), 0, 1), extent=[-e, e, -e, e], cmap='gray_r') # black&white inverted plt.xlabel(r'$\varphi_x$ [″]') plt.ylabel(r'$\varphi_y$ [″]') plt.xlim(-2.3,2.3) plt.ylim(-2.3,2.3) if __name__ == '__main__': main()