6-site Hubbard model Large Fock space: dim 212 Use conservation of Sz : (s1, s2) sectors of dim binom_6_s_1_bino.pdf Image We study all sectors with N=6 simultaneously (6,0), (5, 1), (4,2), (3,3), (2,4), (1,5), (0,6) Thermal equilibrium Image Thermal averages (finite temperature): system reservoir energy and/or particles Coupling is very weak ! Image Thermal averages (finite temperature): system reservoir energy and/or particles Coupling is very weak ! Thermal equilibrium Image ensemble averaging: p4 p3 p2 p1 ... t1 t3 t2 t4 p1 p3 p2 p4 Measurement involves different (weakly coupled) parts of the system, e.g., total moment is a sum of local moments Measurement involves averaging over (long) time (=duration of measurement) Ergodic hypothesis Averaging over various realizations of the system Thermal equilibrium Image ensemble averaging: t1 t3 t2 t4 p1 p3 p2 p4 Measurement involves averaging over (long) time (=duration of measurement) Ergodic hypothesis Averaging over various realizations of the system system reservoir Coupling is very weak ! The slow dynamics due to system-reservoir interaction is replaced by ensemble averaging (the fast dynamics of the system itself is retained) Thermal equilibrium Image ensemble averaging: p1 p3 p2 p4 Averaging over various realizations of the system How do we get the probabilities? Statistical considerations => in thermal equilibrium: Z(T)=_sum_l_exp(.pdf langle_langle_O_.pdf avg. at temperature T sum over eigenstates l Boltzmann weight/factor Partition function Thermal equilibrium Image ensemble averaging: p1 p3 p2 p4 Averaging over various realizations of the system How do we get the probabilities? Statistical considerations => in thermal equilibrium: Thermal equilibrium langle_langle_O_.pdf rho=_frac_1_Z_ex.pdf Z=_operatorname_.pdf beta=_frac_1_k_B.pdf density matrix (statistical operator) Hamiltonian (operator) (number) inverse temperature Image ensemble averaging: p1 p3 p2 p4 Averaging over various realizations of the system Thermal equilibrium rho=_frac_1_Z_ex.pdf langle_langle_O_.pdf langle_psi_g|e^i.pdf G_AB_(t)=.pdf =&_frac_1_Z_oper.pdf Ground state: Finite temperature: Thermodynamic observables Image Thermodynamic observables: U=_langle_langle.pdf F=-T_ln_Z(T).pdf F=U-TS.pdf c=_frac_partial_.pdf internal energy free energy entropy S specific heat (heat capacity) Screenshot 2020-11-06 at 10.35.16.png T U F E Energy spectrum (N=6) U=1.23 Image Thermodynamic observables: U=_langle_langle.pdf F=-T_ln_Z(T).pdf F=U-TS.pdf c=_frac_partial_.pdf internal energy free energy entropy S specific heat (heat capacity) Screenshot 2020-11-06 at 10.37.19.png T c Screenshot 2020-11-06 at 10.38.39.png T S E Energy spectrum (N=6) U=1.23 Thermodynamic observables Correlation functions Image Expectation values/correlation functions: langle_S_iz_S_jz.pdf Screenshot 2020-11-05 at 12.46.07.png 12 13 14 U Screenshot 2020-11-05 at 16.31.50.png U=1.23 T=0 T Linear response Image Why correlation functions? •Contributions to interaction energy of the system •Response to small perturbations langle_n_i_uparr.pdf external uniform field delta_langle_lan.pdf langle_langle_S_.pdf S_z(l)=_langle_l.pdf frac_partial_Z(h.pdf frac_partial_lan.pdf Image Why correlation functions? •Contributions to interaction energy of the system •Response to small perturbations langle_n_i_uparr.pdf external uniform field delta_langle_lan.pdf T frac_partial_lan.pdf frac_partial_lan.pdf Linear response Image Does it work? Let's calculate a response to finite h. delta_langle_lan.pdf T h Sz h Sz Linear response Linear response Image Why correlation functions? •Contributions to interaction energy of the system •Response to small perturbations external uniform field delta_langle_lan.pdf langle_langle_S_.pdf S_z(l)=_langle_l.pdf frac_partial_Z(h.pdf frac_partial_lan.pdf chi_text_loc_(_o.pdf General case (e.g. local susceptibility): Uniform susceptibility is a special case because S_z_,H_=0.pdf Kubo formula Linear response (perturbative) regime H=H_0+V(t).pdf U(t)=e^-i(H_0+V_.pdf External time-dependent field (el.-mag. field, photon) Evolution operator Initial state (ground state) H0 and V do not commute and thus is it not possible to split the exponential even if V did not depend on time! color_red_e^(H_0.pdf U(t)=e^-iH_0_tau.pdf Standard trick: discretise the time into small steps and use the fact that , i.e., we can split the exponential on each time (the error can be made arbitrarily small): e^i(H_0+V)_tau_=.pdf Next we expand the exponentials containing the external field: Kubo formula Linear response (perturbative) regime H=H_0+V(t).pdf U(t)=e^-i(H_0+V_.pdf External time-dependent field (el.-mag. field, photon) Evolution operator Initial state (ground state) H0 and V do not commute and thus is it not possible to split the exponential even if V did not depend on time! color_red_e^(H_0.pdf U(t)=e^-iH_0_tau.pdf Standard trick: discretise the time into small steps and use the fact that , i.e., we can split the exponential on each time (the error can be made arbitrarily small): e^i(H_0+V)_tau_=.pdf Next we expand the exponentials containing the external field: + + + + + + + + …. …. …. …. Now we arrange the terms in powers of V: Kubo formula Linear response (perturbative) regime H=H_0+V(t).pdf U(t)=e^-i(H_0+V_.pdf External time-dependent field (el.-mag. field, photon) Evolution operator Initial state (ground state) H0 and V do not commute and thus is it not possible to split the exponential even if V did not depend on time! color_red_e^(H_0.pdf U(t)=e^-iH_0_tau.pdf Standard trick: discretise the time into small steps and use the fact that , i.e., we can split the exponential on each time (the error can be made arbitrarily small): e^i(H_0+V)_tau_=.pdf Next we expand the exponentials containing the external field: tilde_V_(t)_equi.pdf U(t)=&e^-iH_0N_t.pdf U(t)=&e^-iH_0N_t.pdf Kubo formula Linear response (perturbative) regime H=H_0+V(t).pdf U(t)=e^-i(H_0+V_.pdf External time-dependent field (el.-mag. field, photon) Evolution operator Initial state (ground state) H0 and V do not commute and thus is it not possible to split the exponential even if V did not depend on time! color_red_e^(H_0.pdf U(t)=e^-iH_0_tau.pdf Standard trick: discretise the time into small steps and use the fact that , i.e., we can split the exponential on each time (the error can be made arbitrarily small): e^i(H_0+V)_tau_=.pdf Next we expand the exponentials containing the external field: tilde_V_(t)_equi.pdf T is so called time ordering symbol (sometimes called an time-ordering operator). Note that it is not an operator! The meaning of T is the expansion on the line above. You cannot interpret this expression as “evaluate the integral in the bracket -> exponentiate the result -> apply T on the result”! tilde_V_(t)_equi.pdf U(t)=&e^-iH_0N_t.pdf Kubo formula Linear response (perturbative) regime H=H_0+V(t).pdf U(t)=e^-i(H_0+V_.pdf External time-dependent field (el.-mag. field, photon) Evolution operator Initial state (ground state) H0 and V do not commute and thus is it not possible to split the exponential even if V did not depend on time! color_red_e^(H_0.pdf U(t)=e^-iH_0_tau.pdf Standard trick: discretise the time into small steps and use the fact that , i.e., we can split the exponential on each time (the error can be made arbitrarily small): e^i(H_0+V)_tau_=.pdf Next we expand the exponentials containing the external field: tilde_V_(t)_equi.pdf tilde_V_(t)_equi.pdf int_dt'_dt''.pdf =_frac_1_2_int_d.pdf neq_frac_1_2_int.pdf Kubo formula Linear response (perturbative) regime Now we can evaluate the expectation value of operator A in the system evolving with time We keep only terms linear in V. In compact form. Note that operators are in so called interaction representation with respect to H0 (This is indicated by <>0) The formula can be used in thermal equilibrium, in which case <>0 refers to thermal average - trace with . langle_A(t)_rang.pdf We have shifted origin of time integral to infinity, assuming that the perturbation is adiabatically (slowly) turned on (this excludes the transient states that takes place after sudden turning of finite external field) langle_n(t)|A|n(.pdf Kubo formula langle_A(t)_rang.pdf V(t)=B_phi(t).pdf A typical external field has the form of a (classical) function (electric field, Zeeman field, vector potential, …) coupled to a typically (semilocal) operator (charge-, spin-, current-density): In the linear response regime the amplitude of the response is linearly proportional to the amplitude of the external field. We want to investigate the trivial temporal (or frequency) relationship. Note, that the expectation value of the commutator depends only on the difference t-t’, because H0 does not depend on time. Linear response (perturbative) regime