Plasma Physics 2 9. Thermonuclear fusion A close-up of a spiral Description automatically generated with low confidence A blue text on a white background Description automatically generated with medium confidence Vylepsit … 1 Lecture series contents 1.Townsend breakdown theory, Paschen‘s law 2.Glow discharge 3.Electric arc at low and high pressures 4.Magnetized low-pressure plasmas and their role in material deposition methods. 5.Brief introduction to high-frequency discharges 6.Streamer breakdown theory, corona discharge, spark discharge 7.Barrier discharges 8.Leader discharge mechanism, ionization and discharges in planetary atmospherres 9.Discharges in liquids, complex and quantum plasmas 10.Thermonuclear fusion, Lawson criterion, magnetic confinement systems, plasma heating and intertial confinement fusion. Pozor je to pro verejnost … jednoduseji, schemata nazorna, ne moc analyz, jen par rovnic 1 Evolution of world‘s primary energy •meziroční nárůst spotřeby energie v roce 2019: +7.67E18 J (celkem 2019: 583.9 EJ – exa Joul) •meziroční nárůst energie z obnovitelných zdrojů 2019: +3.15 EJ (celkem 2019: 28.98 EJ) A picture containing text, screenshot, font, web page Description automatically generated A picture containing text, screenshot, line, plot Description automatically generated Pozor je to pro verejnost … jednoduseji, schemata nazorna, ne moc analyz, jen par rovnic 2 Energy consumption by humanity (converted to energy) •The total consumption from primary energy sources for the year 2019 is 583.9 EJ (exa = 1E18). • •If we convert this to power for the year and with over 40% efficiency of converting thermal energy to electricity, we get 7.4 TW (1E12), which is an annual increase of 0.1 TW. • •For comparison, the power from the Sun hitting Earth is about 40,000 TW, and Earth’s thermal radiation is about 32 TW. • •The Temelín power plant has a capacity of 1 GW, meaning that the global energy consumption in 2019 increased by the equivalent of 100 Temelín nuclear power plants. • •… This is a staggering increase in energy consumption! And of course, thermonuclear fusion is one of the possible solutions, but why? • • • • • • • • • • • • • •The difference between the mass of an atom and the sum of the masses of its nucleons is the source of atomic energy (binding energy), as given by Einstein's equation E = mc2. • •Deuterium from 1 liter of seawater (0.15 per mille) is energetically equivalent to 300 liters of gasoline A picture containing hydrogen bomb, text, weapon, cloud Description automatically generated A picture containing hydrogen bomb, cloud, smoke, black and white Description automatically generated A picture containing text, diagram, line, plot Description automatically generated olovo A = 82 Pozor je to pro verejnost … jednoduseji, schemata nazorna, ne moc analyz, jen par rovnic MAIN FUSION PATHWAYS, LAWSON CRITERION, TRIPLE PRODUCT • 3 Main fusion pathways A picture containing text, screenshot, font, line Description automatically generated Pozor je to pro verejnost … jednoduseji, schemata nazorna, ne moc analyz, jen par rovnic 5 Rate constants of fusion reactions A picture containing text, line, diagram, parallel Description automatically generated A picture containing text, font, handwriting, diagram Description automatically generated A picture containing text, screenshot, font, line Description automatically generated •Computed optimal values A picture containing text, font, number, screenshot Description automatically generated Pozor je to pro verejnost … jednoduseji, schemata nazorna, ne moc analyz, jen par rovnic 7 Fuel considerations A black text on a white background Description automatically generated with low confidence A picture containing text, screenshot, font, number Description automatically generated Pozor je to pro verejnost … jednoduseji, schemata nazorna, ne moc analyz, jen par rovnic 3 Main fusion pathways Necessary physical conditions for the synthesis/fusion of light nuclei: 1.Nuclei repel each other, therefore approximately 100 keV is needed for heavy hydrogen isotopes to come within 1 fm 2. 2.To achieve these energies/particle speeds, accelerators are very inefficient. 3. 3.Therefore, it is necessary to heat the matter and use particles from the tail of the Maxwellian distribution function for speeds (10 keV = 108 K) – hence thermonuclear fusion 4. 4.Plasma (ionization) is primarily not needed. The fact that the matter at such temperatures will be in plasma state follows from the Saha equation 5. 5.Controllability of the reaction: a)Is it possible to isolate hot plasma? – by gravity (the Sun), inertially (explosions), electrostatically, and by magnetic fields; b)How to heat the plasma to such a temperature? c)How to design a reactor so that its energy balance is positive? • Pozor je to pro verejnost … jednoduseji, schemata nazorna, ne moc analyz, jen par rovnic 4 Lawson criterion This is a necessary condition for the occurrence of self-sustaining fusion in a thermonuclear reactor, derived by John D. Lawson in 1955. It is based on the following reasoning: the power input from nuclear synthesis must be greater than the loss power, which the plasma loses through various paths (radiation, conduction, etc.). Therefore: When considering this equation, it is useful to introduce the concept of confinement time. This time is necessary for the escape of the entire thermal energy W from the plasma, and therefore: Naturally, to obtain quantitative value of the confinement time, we need to know the system as such and be able to quantify Ploss based on its geometry, volume, etc… A picture containing font, typography, white, calligraphy Description automatically generated A picture containing font, white, number, text Description automatically generated Pozor je to pro verejnost … jednoduseji, schemata nazorna, ne moc analyz, jen par rovnic 4 Lawson criterion – derivation outline • • Assuming thermal quasineutral plasma the total energy is: Next, we utilize the condition for positive energy balance of the fusion reaction • • • • • • • • • • • Finally, we arrive at the Lawson criterion Which for the D-T system gives: A picture containing text, font, line, white Description automatically generated A picture containing font, line, text, number Description automatically generated kinetic energy of charged particles number of reactions per unit time (reaction frequency) A picture containing text, font, handwriting, white Description automatically generated A black text on a white background Description automatically generated with low confidence Pozor je to pro verejnost … jednoduseji, schemata nazorna, ne moc analyz, jen par rovnic 5 Triple product Pozor je to pro verejnost … jednoduseji, schemata nazorna, ne moc analyz, jen par rovnic 5 Lawson parameter Pozor je to pro verejnost … jednoduseji, schemata nazorna, ne moc analyz, jen par rovnic 13 Fusion devices built to date Pozor je to pro verejnost … jednoduseji, schemata nazorna, ne moc analyz, jen par rovnic FUSION SETUPS • 11 Fusion setups Pozor je to pro verejnost … jednoduseji, schemata nazorna, ne moc analyz, jen par rovnic FUSION SETUPS – PINCHES • 11 Fusion in pinch systems undefined undefined In z-pinch and theta-pinch systems (see arc lecture), plasma density can be high enough to observe measurable fusion in H2 plasmas. As you can imagine, Q factor here is nearly zero, good for research purposes only. Pozor je to pro verejnost … jednoduseji, schemata nazorna, ne moc analyz, jen par rovnic FUSION SETUPS – MAGNETIC CONFINEMENT FUSION (MCF) • 9 Drifts in B fields Summary of charged particle drifts you should already know •grad B drift, caused by a change in the density of magnetic field lines, the force is directly proportional to grad B •drift caused by a general force and gravitational drift, perpendicular to the gravitational and magnetic field •drift caused by the curvature of the B field lines, centrifugal force •polarization drift, caused by a slow change in the electric field over time, induced force •ExB drift Pozor je to pro verejnost … jednoduseji, schemata nazorna, ne moc analyz, jen par rovnic 11 Drifts in B fields •Curvature drift is a consequence of centrifugal force due to varying B field strength • • • • • •Practically, when you curve magnetic field (e.g. from a solenoid), the magnitude goes down as well, so there is gradB field. • • • • • •As a consequence, in toroidal B fields, particles always escape via the torus OD because there is always a gradient B there. A picture containing font, diagram, white, line Description automatically generated A picture containing font, text, number, line Description automatically generated A picture containing sketch, drawing, line, diagram Description automatically generated A picture containing font, white, line, text Description automatically generated Pozor je to pro verejnost … jednoduseji, schemata nazorna, ne moc analyz, jen par rovnic 6 Isolation through B field •The condition for the balance between the kinetic pressure of the plasma and the magnetic pressure Pm​ of the external confinement field, the volumetric density of electromagnetic energy: • • • • •However, magnetic confinement systems have a limited mechanical strength at ca p=10 Mpa • •For a temperature T=200 MK gives a fuel concentration at the level of 10 Pa, or a density of 2.1021 m−3 • • •According to the Lawson's criterion, this gives a confinement time of 0.1 s for D-T or 10 s for D-D. • • •At the same time, this also means that a magnetic thermonuclear reactor must be constructed as a vacuum vessel, which implicitly ensures resistance to accidents that would disrupt the vacuum and thus automatically stop the reaction. A picture containing font, number, line, text Description automatically generated A picture containing font, number, text, screenshot Description automatically generated A picture containing font, text, number, line Description automatically generated Pozor je to pro verejnost … jednoduseji, schemata nazorna, ne moc analyz, jen par rovnic 6 Isolation through B field The energy production scheme could then look as follows: 1.A fusion reactor mixes D (deuterium) and T (tritium) isotopes at the center of the reactor and the heat from the released neutrons is captured by a mantle of molten Li (lithium). 2. 2. 2.This heat then generates steam in a heat exchanger, which will drive a turbine that delivers electrical energy to the grid. 3. 3.Meanwhile, lithium reacts with slow neutrons to produce T (tritium), which can be used as new fuel. 4. 4.The charged alpha particles (He) can be used for direct electricity production through so-called magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) generators. A picture containing diagram, text, screenshot, plan Description automatically generated A picture containing font, graphics, logo, symbol Description automatically generated A picture containing font, text, symbol, graphics Description automatically generated Pozor je to pro verejnost … jednoduseji, schemata nazorna, ne moc analyz, jen par rovnic 6 Magnetic confinement fusion - Tokamak undefined Pozor je to pro verejnost … jednoduseji, schemata nazorna, ne moc analyz, jen par rovnic 6 Magnetic confinement fusion - Tokamak undefined undefined Pozor je to pro verejnost … jednoduseji, schemata nazorna, ne moc analyz, jen par rovnic 6 Magnetic confinement fusion - Stellarator undefined Highly tailored B field reduces gradB drift lossess Pozor je to pro verejnost … jednoduseji, schemata nazorna, ne moc analyz, jen par rovnic 6 Magnetic confinement fusion - Stellarator Wendelstein-7X in Greifswald is a very succesful testbed for high power levels (even though steady-state demonstrations done with He, no fuel) undefined Pozor je to pro verejnost … jednoduseji, schemata nazorna, ne moc analyz, jen par rovnic FUSION SETUPS – INERTIAL CONFINEMENT FUSION (ICF) • 6 Inertial confinement fusion undefined Pozor je to pro verejnost … jednoduseji, schemata nazorna, ne moc analyz, jen par rovnic 6 Inertial confinement fusion – direct vs indirect drive Scientists create effective 'spark plug' for direct-drive inertial confinement fusion experiments Pozor je to pro verejnost … jednoduseji, schemata nazorna, ne moc analyz, jen par rovnic FUSION SETUPS – INERTIAL ELECTROSTATIC CONFINEMENT (IEC) • 6 Inertial electrostatic confinement undefined undefined Pozor je to pro verejnost … jednoduseji, schemata nazorna, ne moc analyz, jen par rovnic TAKE AWAYS • Take aways •Main fusion reactions, optimum in the cross section. • •Lawson criterion and parameter, triple product. • •Different fusion setups with emphasis on MCF as the most widespread concept.