Condensed Matter II Problem set #7 Spring 2023 1 Donor states in Si The conduction band of Silicium exhibits six equivalent minima in the direction ∆ in the first Brillouin zone. The electronic state vectors in such directions are designated by the following symbols: • |x⟩ for the minimum in direction [100] • |y⟩ for the minimum in direction [010] • |z⟩ for the minimum in direction [001] • |¯x⟩ for the minimum in direction [¯100] • |¯y⟩ for the minimum in direction [0¯10] • |¯z⟩ for the minimum in direction [00¯1] Figure 1: Regular tetrahedron with vertices Si atoms on the a, b, c, d sites. In the middle of the tetrahedron is a donor atom. A donor atom is located at the center of a regular tetrahedron as indicated in Fig 1. As a reminder, the symmetry of the tetrahedraon is Td, of order 24, with elements: 1 • E (identity) • 8 rotations C3 about the diagonals of a cube. • 3 rotations C2 about axes x, y, z. • 6 improper rotations S4 about axis x, y, z (rotations of angle π/2 followed by a reflection in a plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation). • 6 reflections σd in planes containing one edge and the center of the tetrahedron. 1.1 Questions (i) Apply a symmetry operation of each class of the Td group to the six dimensional vector         |x⟩ |y⟩ |z⟩ |¯x⟩ |¯y⟩ |¯z⟩         (ii) Use the previous result to establish the character table of the six-dimensional representation R6 of the group Td. (iii) Using the previously established (Cf Problem Set #3) character table of the Td group, decompose R6 into its irreducible components. (iv) Verify that the following vector states are bases of the corresponding irreducible representations: • A1 : |x⟩ + |y⟩ + |z⟩ + |¯x⟩ + |¯y⟩ + |¯z⟩ √ 6 • E : |x⟩ − |y⟩ + |¯x⟩ − |¯y⟩ 2 , |x⟩ + |y⟩ − 2 |z⟩ + |¯x⟩ + |¯y⟩ − 2 |¯z⟩ √ 12 • T2 : |x⟩ − |¯x⟩ √ 2 , |y⟩ − |¯y⟩ √ 2 , |z⟩ − |¯z⟩ √ 2 2