Appendix;! Pronunciation of letters of the alphabet English alphabet a /«/ g m /cm/ t /ti:/ b /bi:/ h /eitj/ n /en/ u /ju:/ c /si:/ i /«/ o /*>/ V /vi:/ d mi j /d3«/ P /Pi:/ w /'dAblju:/ c M t /k«/ q /kju:/ X /eks/ f /ef/ 1 /el/ r /off y /wai/ s /«/ z /zed/ AmE/zi:/ Greek alphabet Letters Name Pron. Capital Small A a alpha /'alfa/ B P* beta /'birta/ r Y gamma /'gema/ A 5 delta /'delta/ E e epsilon /'epsdan/ Z c zeta /'zirta/ H eta /'i:t»/ e e theta /'Giita/ i i iota /ai'auta/ K K kappa Asps/ A k lambda /'laemda/ M mu /mju:/ Letters Name Pron. Capital Small N V nu /nju:/ 3 4 xi /ksai/ O o omicron /'aumikran/ n 71 Pi /pai/ p P rho /rau/ i sigma /"sigma/ T 1 tau /tau/ Y V upsilon /'jupsilan/ * <ť phi /fai/ X X chi /kai/ 4* psi /psai/ £1 (0 omega /'aumiga/ Appendix II Pronunciation of some common mathematical expressions Individual mathematicians often have their own way of pronouncing mathematical expressions and in many cases there is no generally accepted 'correct* pronunciation. Distinctions made in writing are often not made explicit in speech; thus the sounds fx /'ef eks/ may be interpreted as any of: fx, fl(x), f^, FX, FX. The difference is usually made clear by the context; it is only when confusion may occur, or where he wishes to emphasise the point, that the mathematician will use the longer forms: f multiplied by x, the function of x, f subscript x, line FX, vector FX. Similarly, a mathematician is unlikely to make any distinction in speech {except sometimes a difference in intonation or length of pauses) between pairs such as the following: ■x+^y+z) and (x + y) + z ^/ax + b and ^/(ax+b) a"-l and a"-1 The most common pronunciations are given in the list below. In general, the shortest versions are preferred (unless greater precision is necessary). x + 1 x-1 x±l xy (x-y)(x+y) x y x = 5 x = y x > y x ž y x Z the set of integers, {0, ±1. ±2, ±3.......} Z + the set of positive integers, {1, 2. 3.......} Q the set of rational numbers Q + the set of positive rational numbers, {arjxeO, x>0} St the set of real numbers the set of positive real numbers, {x|ar€.», *>0} CJ the set of complex numbers, {a + in j o, b € $t] x a complex number z * the complex conjugate of z \z\ the modulus of z arg z the argument of z Re ^ the real part of z Im z the imaginary part of z [xi.xz.....} the set with dements xj, X2,..... n{A) the mmiber of elements in the finite set A j.... ox {2:: the- set of all ar such that € is on element of £ is not an element of 0 the empty (null) set U the universal set U onion O intersection ......' A' the complement of (he set A an , a to the power of ^, nth root of a (if 0 > 0 then #a 5s 0) a5, v/a a to the power square root of a (if a > 0 then y/a #s 0) |:r| the modulus or absolute value of x, that is f 3; for a: 0 xE$l \ — x for !S < 0 x € # » identity or is equivalent to sor= is approximately equal to > is greater than > or ^ is greater than or equal to < < or < it [a.b] r SU "DO Tl (?) is less than is less than or equal to is not greater (han is not less than the closed interval a ^ b the open interval a < x < b the nth term of a sequence or series the common difference of an arithmetic sequence the common ratio of a geometric sequence the sum of die first n terms of a sequence, «1 +-U2 +.....4- u« the sum to infinity of a sequence, ttl +V2 +..... Uj +•.....+ Vn fit B /(*) lira /(x) *—*a. cis2 /"<*) d"y /<">(*) b In x rt(n-r)l f is a function under which each element of set ^4 has im image in set D j is a function under which x is mapped to y the image of x tinder the fiinctioa / the inverse function of the function / the composite function of / and g the limit of f(x) as x tends to n tie derivative of y with respect to x the derivative of /(x) with respect to x the second derivative of y with respect to x the second derivative of /{x) with respect to the nth derivative of y with respect to x the nth deriviative of /(*) with respect to x the indefinite integral of y with respect to x the definite integral of y with respect to x between the limits x = o and x = 6 exponential function of x logarithm to the base a of x the natural logarithm of 1, log,, x * continued next page Set operators e in, membership a € {a, b, c} u union {o, 6, c} U {a, d} — {a, b, c, d} ... over an index set \JieNsi = s0us1us2u--- n intersection {a, b, c} n {a, d} = {a} ... over an index set \ difference {a, b, c} \ {a, d} = {b, c} D strict superset ZDN D superset c strict subset NcZ c subset NCN 2A power set of A if A = {a, b, c}, then 2A = {0, {a}, {b}, {c}, {a, b}, {a, c}( {b, c}, A} String, grammar, and formal language notation A empty string (at times, e is used instead of A) Aa = a * Kleene star, zero or more occurrences a* = {e, a, aa, aaa,..,} + one or more occurrences a+ - {a, aa, aaa,...} 1 1 string length |abc| = 3, \an\ = n, \e\ = 0 A goes to x (grammar production) A x A derives x A x A derives x in some number of steps A =^> x A derives x according to G A x A derives x according to G in some number of steps (qt aa) h (p, a) (q, aa) yields (p, a) in one step * (q, aa) h (p, a) (q, aa) yields (p, a) in some number of steps (q,aa) h (p,a) M (q, aa) yields (p, a) in one step according to M * (q,aa) h (p,a) m {q, aa) yields (p, a) in some number of steps according to M M \ uj the Turing machine M halts on string w M /* w the Turing machine does not M halt on string w And remember... 0! = 1_ Vn € Z, Vm eN,m>0=>n=(n div m)m + (n mod m) LJTßXsource available at A partial list of mathematical symbols and how to read them Greek alphabet A a alpha B ß beta r 7 gamma A 6 delta E «, e epsilon Z C zeta H eta e 0, i? theta I L iota K K kappa A X lambda M M mu N v nu xi 0 0 omicron n Pi P P, Q rho S v, í sigma T T tau T V upsilon (j),

0 3 exists, there is, existential quantifier 3n £ N, n > 7 3! there is exactly one 3!n e N, n < 1 A and (3 > 2) A (2 > 1) ... over an index set /\ieNBi = BQAB1 ABjA- V or (2 > 3) V (2 > 1) ... over an index set \fi€NBi = B0V Bi Vß2V--- implication, if-then Va,í>eE, (a = b) =*» (a > b) biimplication, if-and-only-if Va, b G K, (a = b) <í=> (b = a) —1 negation, not -i(2 > 3) alternative notations for negation (2 > 3), 2 jť 3 Arithmetic operators II absolute value |-7| = |7| = 7 i: summation n product factorial 7! = l- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7 = 5040 ( m j 7i choose m, combinatorial number / íl\_ 7i! V m y (n-m)!m! mod modulo, remainder 7 mod 3 = 1, -8 mod 5 = 2 div integer quotient 7 div 3 = 2, -8 div 5 = -2