4/3/2024 3. General recommendation Typical MT structure and template MUNI S C I Preliminary schedule 21. 2. Introductory information and formalities. General recommendations 28. 2. No lecture, Individual work - Mind map preparation 6. 3. 1st PPT presentation (mind maps), Notes on literature review 13. 3. No lecture, Individual work on literature review 20.3. Library visit, intro to academic skills. 27. 3. Presentation of Dept. of Geography students 3. 4. Typical structure of master thesis, thesis template 10. 4. 2nd PPT presentation on literature review (state of the art) 17. 4. No lecture, Individual work on data collection 24. 4. 3rd PPT presentation on data collection, available data sources • Confirmation of Master thesis (MT) assignment • Close cooperation with the MT supervisor is expected during the whole semester • Regular feedback to supervisor, timely solution of all possible problems ■ Three short (10 minutes each) presentations on the MT progress Next semesters Diploma seminar II. -focused on advanced academic skills and scientific presentation Diploma seminar III. - regular review of MT progress N U 1:1 1 SCI 3.1 Typical master thesis structure The work must formally contain the following requirements - see Dean's Action 3/2019 (Kasparovsky2021): Title page Bibliographic identification Abstract Official „Diploma thesis assignment" (2 pages) without signatures Acknowledgments and Author's statement Content Introduction Own text of the work Conclusion List of used literature (internal division into Books and magazines. Maps and atlases. Electronic media and web pages) List of abbreviations (optional) List of images (optional) List of tables (optional) List of attachments (if the thesis contains them) Attachments (if the thesis contains them) II U l-J 1 SCI 3.2 Front side of binding The thesis is submitted as printed and bound in hardcover in one copy voluntarily (after the defense it will be stored in the Central Library). The work must be bound in hard boards or in other non-detachable binding with printing so that it is not possible to mix upthe individual sheets. 2) The plates state: "Masaryk University", "Faculty of Science,, "Diploma thesis" full name of the author without titles "Brno", the year the work was submitted MUNI S C I 3.3 Title page MASARYK UHIUERSITY 1. This is the first page (ie 1 or i) with no visible FACULTY OF SCIENCE numbering. Numbering is not indicated on the following mandatory parts either (but they are included in the numbering). The first visibly numbered page is only in the text section of the thesis. 2. This page states: "Masaryk University,, "Faculty of Science", thesis name "Diploma thesis,, full name of the author without titles supervisor's name including titles ..Department of geography" "Brno" and the year the work was submitted. MUNI S C I 3.4 Bibliografie Entry Bibliografie Entry Author: ■ lence Masaryk University Department of Geography Title of Thesis: Title ofThesis Degree Programme: Degree Programme Supervisor: .--.." .= ... :'.udi::z Academic Year: Year/year Number of Pages: xx Keywords: Keyword. Keyword. Keyword. Keyword, Key Kev.vord. Ke ord. Kevv.ord Degree Programme: master's full-t mesingle-subject Programme: Geography of Global Environmental Change (KaSparovsk? 2021, cl. 4 MUNI S C I 1 4/3/2024 3.5 Abstract An abstract is a short, precise, concrete and concise description of the content of an article/document. It should be comprehensible to the reader even without studying the entire document. It must have a minimum of 100, a maximum of 2000 characters without spaces (Kasparovsky 2021, art. 6 and 7). Possible structure of the abstract (Mesko 2006, p. 71) • at the beginning of 1-2 sentences - a summary of the main idea of the thesis, the subject, the content of the presented research/monitoring, the main reason for its publication • a brief formulation of the main objectives, a general description of the files, the methods used, specific results, their statistical significance • a concentrated discussion of one or two significant insights/findings, main conclusions, possible application of the results in practice MUNI S C I 3.6 Acknowledgment and author's statement Acknowledgment - optional Author's statement - mandatory as follows: I declare that I developed my diploma thesis independently under the guidance of............................and using information sources , which are cited in the paper. When using the Al tools, add a statement: I declare that I have used Al tools in accordance with the principles of academic integrity and that I refer to the use of these tools in my work in an appropriate way. MUNI SCI 3.7 Table of contents First visibly numbered page The content of the work should be clear and appropriately structured tabt.t: or contents -INTRODUCTION.... j-VllCKOFLASllt'SIN THt iNVlKONMfcNT. 22 Micro plastic Pollution.................................. 1 .- Ti,::^."..:i oi Mk-iji-I.is.ks hi Soils 1 '} 1 Miration \\ iil^ii Soil.. 3 STUDY AREA......................... 3.1 Location............................. ) 7. Clinule............................... 5 .- I <:pc ia ."iphy........................ II U l-J 1 SCI 3.8 Introduction • In the introduction, the theme of the thesis is placed in a broader context. • The reader is introduced to the issue to the extent necessary for understanding the following text. • A connection to the current state of knowledge is provided, and the solved question is specified in more detail. In the introduction You should: • point out the topicality of the topic • formulate the goal of the work • get to know the subject of the work in general • define core and peripheral issues • outline working hypotheses, research questions • to state the methods and procedures used in the work • justify the breakdown of work and outline its overall structure MUNI SCI 3.9 Main body of the thesis Literature review: theoretical basis of the work, a brief and concise evaluation of the current state of knowledge on the topic of the work and the necessary references to the literature; it is not necessary to go into too broad contexts, priority is given to key parts. Methods of analysis and used data sources: what was the subject of the research, howthe research was conducted and on which filethe presented results were obtained. This part usually contains the characteristics of the studied area (if the nature of the work requires it), the data used (including the data collection methodology), a description of the statistical methods and the software used. Main results, their discussion and confrontation with the so far published results of other authors, interpretation of the results and their informative value, comparison with the results of other authors, or reflections and suggestions for further study MUNI S C I 3.10 Conclusions The conclusion contains a summary and generalization of the results of individual chapters. It briefly and succinctly presents the own result of the work and formulates the conclusions reached by the author on the basis of his own study and research. The conclusion should also mention the problems still open and, if possible, also indicate their solutions or suggestions for further research. MUNI S C I 2 4/3/2024 4. Further notes on literature review Please remember - Task 2 Prepare the first version of the literature review (LR) • Read carefully notes from this presentation • Look through recommended sources (internet, library, etc.) • Design the type and structure of your literature review • Write at least one paragraph for each section Prepare short presentation (10 minutes] Deadline: April 10, Possible content of the presentation: Remind the title of Your thesis and the main aim • What LR structure did you choose? • What are the main sources of information? • Approximately how many articles have you gone through? Present one paragraph as an example MUNI S C I 4.1 Further notes on literature review In literature review you check what others already have published to answer your question or how others dealt with issues similar to yours. COMPARING THE EVOLUTION OF NORTH AND SOUTH -HOLOCENE ABIOTIC PALAEOLIMNOLOGY OF HIGH ARCTIC AND MARITIME ANTARCTICA TABLE OF CONTEXT 5> 4.2 Notes on literature review (LR) * Please remember, as good and effective as your reading is, so will your introductory chapters * The review is also the state of Your knowledge about the topic * Think carefully about the structure of this section (see my pervious presentation) * The description of the individual parts (e.g. the environmental problems you will solve) cannot be based on one single paper. * Individual parts of the LR should mention the most relevant sources, e.g. Climate change -> IPCC reports II U l-J 1 S C I 4.3 Notes on literature review In the literature review you should address the following: * What has been previously done and what is the current statues of the topic? * Findings and follow up recommendations of previous studies? * What is the aim of your research? Do you intend to support, refute, clarify and add to the body of knowledge? * Does the literature support your research? ■ Keep in mind that your literature review is thematically (chronologically, spatially) organized, as well as properly referenced. ■ Your work should be well organized, easy to follow up and the statements provided should be supported by previous research and actual facts. ■ Focus on related studies to the topic and avoid irrelevant data and vague sources. N U 1:1 1 SCI 4.4 Further notes on LR Literature review aims to show what is already known about a topic and what other researchers have done and discovered. It is important that you learn how to evaluate what you need in the literature review and interpret it. This comes as a result of experience, which enhances your reading and writing ability. The body of literature should be comprehensive, focused, organized clearly and relevant to the topic. Provide enough but not exhaustive details, since your reader is a professional and familiar with the topic You need to show how your work relates to what has been done by other researchers. The reader should see and feel confident that you are well oriented to the topic. The theoretical basis of the topic should also appear in the background and set the beginning for your work. MUNI S C I 3