Consumption and Environment Davina Vačkářová Global Change Research Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences Charles University, Environment Centre Outline • Consumption, trade and global supply chains • Consumption, economic growth, environment and human well-being • Environmental footprints of consumption, incl. food • Role of businesses Introductions Warm up questions: • What is consumption? • What we consume? Consumption • Consumption ranks with population and technology as a major driver of environmental change and yet researchers and policymakers have paid it scant attention (Princen 1999) • Consumption is defined as the use of goods and services by a household. It is a component in the calculation of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Macroeconomists typically use consumption as a proxy of the overall economy. • Since 90s, there has been big progress in addressing consumption as one of the key drivers of global environmental change (SDG 12) • Sustainable consumption, Responsible consumption • Overconsumption, Consumerism International trade • The traditional view of international trade is that each country produces goods and offers services that are exported as final products to consumers abroad. However, in today’s global economy, this type of trade only represents around 30% of all trade in goods and services. • In reality, about 70% of international trade today involves global value chains (GVCs), as services, raw materials, parts, and components cross borders – often numerous times. Once incorporated into final products they are shipped to consumers all over the world. (OECD) Global supply chains • A supply chain is made up of all the stages involved in the production and sale of a specific product. • The term “global supply chains” refers to the cross-border organization of the activities required to produce goods or services and bring them to consumers through inputs and various phases of development, production and delivery. Trade and environment • The expansion of global trade and the increasing integration of global value chains raise questions about how trade and the environment interact with each other. What are the effects of trade on the environment? And inversely, how can a changing natural environment (e.g. climate change impact) modify trade patterns? • Economic growth resulting from trade expansion can have an obvious direct impact on the environment by increasing pollution or degrading natural resources. • However, increased trade can in turn, by supporting economic growth, development, and social welfare, contribute to a greater capacity to manage the environment more effectively. Economic growth, green growth and degrowth Ecological modernisation paradigm: • Economic growth is believed to support environmental protection, produce innovations and „green“ jobs, investments required to spure technology change positive to environment • Decoupling refers to an economy that would be able to grow without corresponding increases in environmental pressure (GDP compared to environmental indices) • Cost of growth: calculating economic cost and „externalities“ (Dasgupta review, Stern review,…) Alternative models • Inclusive sustainable wellbeing – good quality of life (Millennium Assessment, IPBES) • Alternative measures of sustainable well-being („Beyond GDP“, „Genuine Progress Indicator,…), rooted in ecological and feminist economics • Doughnut economics – planetary and social boundaries • Life satisfaction – subjective well-being („Happy Planet Index“) • Degrowth UNEP (2011) Decoupling natural resource use and environmental impacts from economic growth Bending the curve of global biodiversity loss Leclère, D., Obersteiner, M., Barrett, M. et al. Bending the curve of terrestrial biodiversity needs an integrated strategy. Nature 585, 551–556 (2020). Andrew T. Jebb et al., Nature Human Behaviour 2, 2018. Daniel O´Neill et al., A good life for all within planetary boundaries. Nature Sustainability 1, 2018, pp. 88–95 Andrew L. Fanning et al., The social shortfall and ecological overshoot of nations. Nature Sustainability 5, 2022, pp. 26-36 How to measure impact of consumption: environmental footprints The effect that a person, company, activity, etc. has on the environment, for example the amount of natural resources that they use and the amount of harmful gases that they produce • Environmental footprints are quantitative measures showing the appropriation of natural resources by humans (Hoekstra, 2008). Footprints are divided into environmental, economic, and social footprints, and combined environmental, social, and/or economic footprints. • Product environmental footprint, a multi-criteria measure of the environmental performance of a product or service throughout its life cycle. Environmental footprints of households Environmental impact of household consumption in terms of the material, water, and land-use requirements, as well as greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, associated with the production and use of products and services consumed by these households. Consumption contributing to more than 60% of global GHG emissions and between 50% and 80% of total land, material, and water use. Mobility, shelter, and food are the most important consumption categories across the environmental footprints. Globally, food accounts for 48% and 70% of household impacts on land and water resources, respectively, with consumption of meat, dairy, and processed food rising fast with income. Diana Ivanova, Konstantin Stadler, Kjartan Steen-Olsen, Richard Wood, et al. 2015. Environmental Impact Assessment of Household Consumption. Journal of Industrial Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/jiec.12371 Material footprints How many and which natural resources are needed to sustain modern economies? High-income countries (United States, Japan, the European Union) are net importers of a relatively evenly distributed mix across the main four material types because they import mainly composite manufactured goods. By contrast, net exporters are often developing or emerging economies specializing in primary materials extraction. Brazil features large biomass embodied in its soybean and meat exports. Australia and Chile are significant exporters of metal ores and their derivatives. Russia, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia, Australia, South Africa and Indonesia export primary fossil fuels. Lenzen, M., et al. Implementing the material footprint to measure progress towards Sustainable Development Goals 8 and 12. Nat Sustain 5, 157–166 (2022). The global bottom 50% emit on average 1.4 tCO2e per year and contribute to 11.5% of the total. The top 10% emit 28.7 t (48% of the total). Chancel, L. Global carbon inequality over 1990–2019. Nat Sustain 5, 931–938 (2022). Inequalities in carbon/GHG footprints Biodiversity footprints Biodiversity footprints link species threats, taken from the IUCN Red List, to production activities and then onward to the final consumers whos demand induces that production. It provides one method for attributing species threats to companies and consumers. Role of diets in environmental footprints Searchinger, T.D., Wirsenius, S., et al. Assessing the efficiency of changes in land use for mitigating climate change. Nature 564, 249–253 (2018). Global displacement of net primary production footprint– teleconnections in global system induced by international trade Weinzettel J, Vačkářová D, Medková H, Journal of Industrial Ecology, 2019 Embodied potential NPP is displaced and disconnects production from consumption. EU, USA, Japan and wealthy regions drive displacement through consumption by international trade Ecological debt Ecological debt is a concept first elaborated among environmental justice organizations in Latin America and used mainly for political purposes with the aim of mobilizing public opinion to recognize the exploitation of the South by the North, and to support financial debt relief. More recently it was it further elaborated by academics and official bodies (Warlenius 2016) Ecological debt as ecological overshoot: demands made on a natural ecosystems exceed its regenerative capacity. Earth Overshoot Day, also known as Ecological Debt Day, marks the date on which humanity’s demand for resources in any given year surpasses the Earth’s capacity to regenerate those resources that year. Ecologically unequal exchange • Asymmetric net transfers of resources (including labor) from peripheral to core areas of the global economic system (Hornborg 1998, 2019) • Exporting products from poor regions and countries, at prices which do not take into account the local externalities caused by these exports or the exhaustion of natural resources, in exchange for goods and services from richer regions (Martínez-Alier 2002) • In the broader context of natural resources being extracted from resourcerich but cash-poor countries to satisfy consumer demand in wealthy countries, it is called ecologically unequal Exchange. In the context of CO2intensive production moving offshore, this phenomenon is called carbon leakage. (Moran et al. 2013) Role of businesses • EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) • Published in December 2022, the directive applies to some 50,000 businesses that are listed in the EU or have significant operations there, regardless of where they’re based. And it requires them to report more about their sustainability performance than any other piece of regulation to date, beginning with the 2024 fiscal year in some cases. • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a management concept in which companies integrate social and environmental concerns into their business strategy • ESG is a sustainability assessment using Environmental, Social, and Governance metrics to evaluate how sustainable and resilient a company is to make it accountable for its sustainability claims. Double materiality Discussion questions • Brainstorming on what we consume and global supply chains • Can you think about the global telleconnections between the origin of products and consumed goods and services? • Do you know what is your ecological footprint? • What is the role of consumption vs. other factors and drivers influencing global change? • What are possible solutions to reduce the consumption-based environmental footprint? Take-home messages • Defining consumption and consumption categories is not trivial and is subject to economic models and statistical classifications and accounts, including hybrid environmental-economic accounting. • Consumption is a major driver of global environmental change, contributing by 50 – 80 % to environmental impacts. • There is an increasing attention to consumption as a driver of global environmental change, including footprint studies. It is addressed in SDGs 12 and 8. • Consumption is a major contributor to economic growth. The role of economic growth is ambiguous, as evidence shows. Decoupling environmental impacts and human well-being from economic growth is however required for sustainability transitions. • The sustainability can be defined as a good life within planetary boundaries. However, there are several challenges to implementing safe and just pathways, reflecting ethical, economic and political aspects, including postcolonialism. Understanding coupling of consumption and global environmental change is important to uncover limits of current sustainability paradigms.