Questions for Jordan (1988) (1) What are the reasons given to suggest that restoration has a vital role to play in conservation planning? Given what we have already read, how much do you agree? Can you think of any arguments opposing restoration? (2) Do you agree with the economic incentives (eg. utilitarian arguments) given to support restoration? Questions for Zedler (1988) (3) What have been the major impacts of coastal restoration plans in Southern California on conservation? (4) What have been the major limitations to the way that restoration projects have been implemented? Questions for Bradshaw (1990) (5) How does reclamation, replacement and rehabilitation differ from restoration? (6) What are the major rate-limiting factors in community recovery? What are the major ways these issues can be addressed? (7) How can restoration help us better understand how community assembly occurs? Questions for Diamond (1990) (8) What are the main goals of restoration? Which ones can, and cannot, be achieved? Why? (9) What definition of ‘natural’ should restoration projects use? Why? (10) What is the minimum amount of information that is needed to conduct a successful restoration? Which of these are possible to know and which are not? Questions for Ruldolph & Hunter (1964) (11) Describe a ‘Greentree Swamp.’ Why were they promoted? (12) What conservation benefits were green tree swamps claimed to provide? What data was gathered to support these claims? Questions for Christman (1984) (13) What is the impact of Greentree Swamps on non-game birds? Forest plant species? Total biodiversity? (14) What role should Greentree Swamps play in conservation strategy? What approaches could wildlife biologists have initially taken to make them a better conservation investment? Questions for Alverson et al. (1988) (15) What management practices have wildlife biologists taken to recover deer populations? (16) What has been the impact of these practices on total biodiversity? (17) What can be done to lower deer populations within protected natural areas?