For Bierregaard et al. (1992): (1) Do you agree that the McArthur & Wilson model simply predicts richness from area? (2) What is the impact of fragment size and separating distance on the biota? How do these occur? (3) What environmental changes occur on edges and how to the alter the biota? (4) What limitations exist in the study design? Do you feel comfortable applying these findings to the design of a nature reserve system? Why or why not? For Robinson et al. (1995): (5) What is nest parasitism? How is its rate change with the amount of forest in the landscape? (6) What is nest predation? How is its rate change with the amount of forest in the landscape? (7) Can you think of any potential confounders that limit our ability to fragmentation as the cause of these responses? For Carquist (1974) (8) In an evolutionary context, why might loss of dispersal ability be advantageous for island species? (9) Give an example of this pattern from tropical, temperate, and sub-antarctic islands. For Nekola (1999) (10) Even though they both support isolated populations of northern species, describe why Iowa algific talus slopes and fens represent a natural experiment regarding habitat origin. (11) What factors impact species richness of these two habitats. How do they differ? (12) How does floristic uniqueness vary across distance in these two habitats? (13) How does seed dispersal strategies for the vascular plants of these habitats differ? Why?