For Diamond (1975): (1) Overview Diamond’s basic argument. What are his stated (and unstated) assumptions? How important would violating them be in to his overall argument? (2) How convincing do you find the use of ‘land bridge’ islands to prove that ‘relaxation’ of richness occurs following fragmentation? Give your reasons!. (3) Given the prior readings, critique his reserve design criteria. Do you agree with his recommendations? Why or why not? For Simberloff & Gotelli (1983): (4) What pattern does the Theory of Island Biogeography attempt to explain? Is it the same as the Species Area Relationship? Why must one control for the SAD when investigating the utility of various reserve designs? (5) How did Simberloff & Gotelli try to control for SAD before investigating the impact of prairie remnant size on the number of encountered species? Overview their basic approach? (6) How useful are a network of small reserves for protecting grassland plant biodiversity? What ecological reasons likely underlie this pattern? (7) Compare and contrast the arguments made and analyses presented to support these two papers. Which do you find more convincing and why? What would you suggest as the best approach? For Noss (1987) (8) What are the principle arguments in favor of investment of conservation resources in the creation of corridors? (9) Do you agree that “habitat fragmentation is the most serious threat to biological diversity and is the cause of the present extinction crisis”? For Simberloff et al. (1992) (10) How strong is the biological evidence that supports the concept that habitat isolation and fragmentation is a principle driver of biodiversity loss? Do you find the analyses presented here, or those by Noss (1987) and Diamond (1975) more compelling? Give you reasons why. (11) What are the principle arguments against investment of conservation resources in the creation of corridors? (12) How often do species actually use corridors to enable movement? How convincing are the analyses which are used to support the various positions in the debate? For Harrison (1991) (13) How wide of a corridor is actually needed to promote large mammal movement between reserves? What does this suggest about the utility of most corridor plans? (14) Compare and contrast the arguments made and analyses presented on both sides of the corridor debate. Which do you find more convincing and why? What would you suggest as the best approach?